Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 54 - Ignorant Old Man

Chapter 54 - Ignorant Old Man
Li Zhen was really speechless to Yin Luo, so he had to concentrate again, and began to release his consciousness to feel the surroundings and beyond, to see if he could feel the buildings in the cemetery.

"What are you doing?" Yin Luo asked strangely.

Li Yu gave Yin Luo a blank look in the dark, and continued without answering.

"What are you staring at? Your method is useless. I have tried countless times. This is a dark place, and the search for spiritual sense is like a stone sinking into the sea." Yin Luo began to chatter.

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it, hey, how do you know I'm staring?!" Li Zhen was startled suddenly. "Can you see me?"

"Can't you see me?" Yin Luo was even stranger than Li Regret.

But both of them suddenly understood that Yin Luo, who was in the underworld, must naturally adapt to the darkness.

Yin Luo couldn't help but groan, and took out a bead from his bosom, and instantly the surrounding area became brighter. "Yingzhuzhu, I'll send you off!"

"Damn it!" Li Heng was heartbroken for a while, why did he go so early.

The light of the beads is still very limited, but Li Heng can finally see Yin Luo's appearance clearly, which is similar to his voice, with a little evil smell, curved mouth corners, and slender eyebrows.

"What should we do now?" Li Heng frowned, the distance was still pitch black, endless darkness.

"What level are you now, according to your opinion." Yin Luo looked at Li Heng, uncertain, and seemed a little hesitant.

"Knowing fate. Lower state", Li Zhen was very embarrassed, "But I don't cultivate the state, and I can explode occasionally."

Li Regret was very guilty, he quickly explained to himself, and asked Yin Luo, "What about you?"

He remembered that Yin Ling and the others said that in this plane, their realm was suppressed.

According to Yin Luo's age, Li Zhen estimated that he was at most on the same level as himself.

After all, Li Regret was able to clean up Yinze and Yinling with ease, but he still couldn't help asking, "Why do you care about this?"

Yin Luo's face suddenly turned bright, "How did you break in when you were so weak?"

Just as Li Heng was about to refute, Yin Luo continued, "Try hitting me hard?"

Although Li Zhen didn't understand, he still struck out with a relatively strong palm, and Yin Luo took the palm, but didn't respond, thinking thoughtfully.

"Do you have the strongest magic weapon? Hit me hard!" Yin Luo suddenly became interested.

Li Yu was confused by him, is there something wrong with this guy? !
"Chop hack! You're welcome, you're welcome!" Yin Luo looked very excited!
Li Zhen was a little emotional at this time, he looked down on people too much.

Li Zhen took out the Ye Yu Knife in an instant, thought for a while, then put it away suddenly, and pulled out Wuhen directly.

Dark without a trace.

Slash Yinluo with a straight knife.

Yin Luo didn't panic, and found out an equally dark pen from nowhere, "Time Pen! I'll poke it!"

Using the pen as a sword, he bumped headfirst into Li Heng's Wuhen.

I saw a circle of light rushing in all directions like waves.

Yin Luowen didn't move at all, but Li Zhen flew upside down hundreds of feet away.

Li Yu hurriedly took a photo of Wuhen with the Yingzhuo Pearl, but fortunately he was not injured, but the hand holding the knife trembled slightly.

Yin Luo, so strong!
Li Zhen was about to drag the knife and go up again.

"Don't move, just stay there and observe!" Yin Luo's voice came from afar.

Of course, hundreds of feet is not too far away, but Yin Luo's voice seemed to be so angry that Li Zhen had to stop after walking a few steps.

His eyes followed the circle of twilight.

Suddenly, Yin Luo's weak voice appeared again, "Did you see it? That direction!"

Li Yu finally noticed a direction. In that direction, there was a gap in the circle of light, which was broken.

"That's the cemetery!" Yin Luo shouted excitedly.

Not long after, the circle of light dissipated.

But Yin Luo and Li Heng determined the specific direction from two angles, so they walked towards the cemetery together.

Although there was a slight deviation in the middle, they did the same thing twice, and the two finally arrived at the edge of the cemetery without any mistakes.

The luminous range of the Yingzhuo Pearl is only enough to illuminate a part of the cemetery, but the towering obelisk is undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

Li Yu hurried forward, and just as he was about to reach out his fingers to touch the engraved characters, Yin Luo yelled, "Don't touch it! Just look at it!"

Only then did Li Zhen start to look carefully at Zhang Yuan. Unfortunately, he didn't know him.
Not Khotanese, Borneo, Tocharian, Kalu, Sogdian. Not any known Western Regions script.

It is a bit similar to oracle bone inscriptions, they are all engraved inscriptions, but apart from some hieroglyphs, most of the oracle bone inscriptions can be found in the current spread and inheritance.

But I don't understand the one on the obelisk.
When Li Zhen was about to analyze it carefully, he suddenly found an old man sitting under the obelisk.

Li Zhen was taken aback, completely unaware of how it appeared.Yin Luo was obviously also taken aback.He had come to visit before, but there was no such person before.

Li Zhen gave a salute boldly, and then said, "Senior! I'm Li Heng, my friend Yin Luo, the two of us strayed into this place and disturbed senior."

The person who came did not speak, and looked at Li Regret for a long time before turning his gaze to Yin Luo.

Yin Luo didn't dare to be careless, "Dare to ask senior's name, we have no malicious intentions, just curiosity."

"No name!" The old man said lightly.

Unnamed, Li Hun immediately felt admiration, but anyone with such a name is usually a top expert.

"The Wu family?" Yin Luo pondered for a while, "Senior, is the Huasheng family?"

Li Zhen was taken aback, what the hell is this Yin Luo doing?But suddenly remembered, Mingzi Yinluo likes to collect!

"The old man is ignorant!" The old man rolled his eyes, and Li Zhen and Yin Luo realized that he was actually a blind man, and they couldn't help looking at each other in embarrassment.

"Senior Wuming, may I ask what is your relationship with this cemetery? What period is this cemetery left?" Li Heng asked cautiously.

The old man didn't speak, as if he was remembering something.

"Are you always from the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors?" Li Xian asked heuristically.

"Three emperors and five emperors? Someone once asked me that." The old man was lost in memory again, and he said it after a while.

"Who? Has anyone else been here?!" Li Zhen and Yin Luo were overjoyed instantly. This is good news, which means there is still a way to leave!
"Blind Singer! He said his name is Blind Singer." The old man answered without hesitation this time.

Fusang blind singer.

Li Zhen was taken aback, thinking of the obelisk in Qian Zhaoxin's hand, as expected.

"Do you want this? This is a small replica of the big monument, which has sealed a trace of the divine power of the monument." A small obelisk appeared in the hands of the Wuming old man, which was exactly the same as the one in Qian Zhaoxin's hands! "It can break many alien spaces! It only costs one hundred thousand gold. If you can't buy it, you will lose money and you can't be fooled!"

Li Zhen couldn't believe it, and exchanged a glance with Yin Luo. "Senior, can this thing really be bought and sold?!"

"Of course, everything here can be bought and sold, including the entire cemetery, as long as you have money!"

Li Zhen's eyelids twitched vigorously, and the jade plaque on his chest seemed to be shining, money, the most important thing for me is money!

However, he still did not lose his mind and asked, "Where did senior come from?"

"Sogdian, I am Sogdian."

Li Yu let out a long sigh of relief, the Sogdians who sell the world and sell the land, finally did not exceed their own cognition.However, at the next sentence, he almost passed out again.

"According to your world." The white eyes of the ignorant old man suddenly showed a ray of divine light, and people also glowed with more vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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