Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 6 - Muzhi Township

Chapter 6 - Muzhi Township
Under the Kunlun Mountains, Muzhi Town

Li Regret did not leave the vicinity of Kunlun quickly, but temporarily settled down in a small town at the foot of the mountain.He walked slowly around the town that day.He didn't attract many people's attention. On the one hand, this small town is also a place to stay on the western front of the Western Regions.There are many businessmen coming and going, many of whom are hired armed guards; on the other hand, the peaks of Kunlun Mountain also recruit some low-level disciples all the year round, and their families usually bid farewell to each other in this small town.

Li Zhen walked to a pharmacy seemingly casually, raised his legs and walked in.Above the snow line of Kunlun Mountain, there are many rare and rare medicinal herbs. Since this town is on the commercial road, the medicinal material business is naturally booming.Even the Kunlun School has disciples who have been delivering medicinal materials in a steady stream all year round, which is actually a rich industry.If it weren't for the imperial court's restriction order, the Kunlun faction might have opened the shop directly.Of course, it is not without workarounds. Some shop owners became Kunlun's outer court disciples and became Kunlun's agents in a disguised form.But this shop should not be, because the shop owner and shop assistants are all barbarians.Of course, this is not surprising.On the ancient roads of the Western Regions, after the businessmen who have been traveling all the year round have made enough initial capital, they often settle down in small towns in the Western Regions to set up shop and do business.

There were not many people in the pharmacy, so Li Heng bought a few medicines at random, gallnuts, nutmeg, pomegranate peel and the like.A knowledgeable doctor will know at a glance that it is likely to treat stomach problems. It is normal for even extreme force people to have some acclimatization.Li Yu walked back to an inn slowly, and slowly spread out the wrapping paper of Chinese medicine in the room. On the middle layer of hemp paper, there were a few crooked calligraphy like a young child's handwriting.Li Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

"One man's way of life"

These four immature handwriting seemed to be moving like a swimming snake at this moment, and suddenly penetrated into Li Heng's heart, and he, who was so calm, trembled slightly.

These four words mean that Li Regret has been given the ability to mobilize all resources of Yushitai, as well as local military, political and economic resources, with the approval of the sage, and there is no need to report for instructions.Sufficient funds to kill independently, and the time limit is until an order from Yushitai.

Li Regret frowned slightly, was he just looking for Miss Bai's family?Is this battle too big? !While pondering, Li Regret did not relax his vigilance.At this moment, soft footsteps came from the door and stopped at the door of the room.Li Zhen stretched out his hand and moved towards Tang Dao.The door slowly opened.A stunning orchid appeared at the door, with clear eyes and a delicate voice, "My lord, let the girl serve you tonight."

Li Heng's complexion suddenly became ugly, because Hu Ji closed the door with her backhand indiscriminately, the silk robe slipped off while walking, and a white and attractive carcass appeared in front of Li Zhen in an instant.Li Zhen reached forward with the scabbard, and pressed it straight between Orchid's milky white peaks. The tip of the sheath slowly slid up, and slowly lifted a string of exquisite necklaces from Orchid's neck. out of the head.At the hem of the necklace is a beautiful mutton fat jade plaque.

Li Zhen grabbed the jade card and caught a glimpse of the simple word "Holy" on the jade card.

"Su Rui, get the hell out of there and get some hot water!" Li Zhen suddenly felt that he could do whatever he wanted.

Just as Su Rui was about to step forward noncommittally, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly rolled on the floor, and when he stood up softly, he was fully clothed, and he picked up the tray on the table as a gesture of service.Li Zhen also put away the jade plaque very quickly, his face turned serious, and he looked towards the door of the hut.There was a knock on the door, and a young voice said, "Master Li, Master Li?" "Come in." Li Zhen and Su Rui looked at each other.

A young man in Tsing Yi opened the door and walked in. It was the disciple who carried the sword on the top of Kunlun Mountain.When he saw Su Rui dressed in a thin shirt, he was stunned for a moment, his face blushed slightly, and he said with a sneer. "I'm disturbing my lord."

Su Rui put down the plate knowingly, muttered something in Persian, and went out resentfully. At the end, he deliberately cast a glance at the young man, with an undisguised expression of bad things and good things. The young man didn't dare to look at each other, and lowered his head .It wasn't until the door was closed that Su Rui's thud came downstairs, and he respectfully said, "Last year and today, in this door, people's faces are as red as peach blossoms."

Li Regret frowned, he was not surprised that the young man recited Cui Hu's poem for no reason, which meant that he should be a member of the Cui Group of Longyou Road in Northwest China, and one of the eyeliners placed in the Kunshan School.The Cui group and the Meng group to which Su Rui belongs are not connected to each other, so it is normal for him not to know Su Rui.Li Zhen was a little annoyed that it was true that Li Zhen had been lingering in this small town for a few days, although he did not deliberately hide his whereabouts.But as a disciple of such an obvious sect, appearing in this room is obviously too eye-catching compared to Su Rui.

The young man was obviously aware of Li Regret's unhappiness, and after a little thought, he explained: "During the dragon rain, the adults left in a hurry that day, and the villain didn't have time to report to Li Shuai. Originally, I came to Muzhi today to use the information transmission channel. , unexpectedly saw the figure of an adult." After speaking, he took out a thin piece of paper from his chest clothes. "I have something important to report."

Li Yu took the paper and didn't open it, so he changed hands and burned it with a scythe.Looking at the ashes on his fingertips, he said lightly, "Say!"

"I am the deacon of the Xingyu Pavilion Military Department in Kunlun. I am responsible for sorting out the martial arts classics over the years, cataloging and compiling, filling in gaps and repairing, copying and backing up, etc." , "Half a year ago, Shanzhu suddenly became very interested in Gao Gushi."

"Oh?" Li Regret replied lightly, remembering the oracle bones that were piled up on the table.

"It's not the ancient history like the Four Books and Five Classics, but the history that is not recorded in the official history." Long Yu felt that he didn't explain clearly, and went further, "Ancient cave paintings, stone man tattoos on the grassland, and myths passed down by tribes...of course With the oracle bones from Anyang, we have tracked down almost all the inheritance information carriers we can find."

"What exactly is Ye Hongyu looking for?" Li Heng suddenly had a guess in his mind.

"It should be the time axis of the big event." The young man's expression was slightly disturbed. "And the power of great destruction."

The four fuzzy words "The Red Tide Falls" appeared in Li Heng's mind, which represented Chang'an's uncertain guess, as if they were gradually blurring and transforming into another color, purple, black...

"What are you going to do next?" After seeing Long Yu who had left and retreated, Su Rui walked in like a ghost.This time she was much quieter, looking at Li Regret with beautiful eyes.Li Zhen stared at the tea tray on the table, caressing the Xueding teacup with his fingers inadvertently, raised the cup again, looked at the bottom of the cup, a word "Ying" was engraved on it, Li Zhen looked at it for a moment.Slowly spit out two words: "to the south".

"However, is the water hot?" Li Heng then smiled slyly.

"Young Master's hometown is three hundred miles east of here, why don't you go and visit?" Su Rui regained his flattery.

"Don't, I'm afraid of my sister." Li Heng suddenly felt dizzy. "Urge marriage every year."

"My lord, I don't mind following along." Su Rui couldn't help but catch Li Zhen's attention with his chest.

"Bah..." Li Heng spat, and couldn't help but say, "Can you put that hairpin somewhere first?"

"By the way, even though you have that card, save some money, don't look at me, Mr. Cen said." After hearing this, Li Heng's face turned ugly again.

next day
Su Rui inadvertently turned over on the soft bed, opened his eyes slightly, lightly tapped on the stamen of the Persian carpet, and slid towards the window like a cat. A black horse in the distance was just about to disappear. In the field of vision, the uncertain figure seemed to have raised his left hand and waved it back.Su Rui's beautiful eyes showed a little hatred, and then he crumpled himself into a ball and threw him into a comfortable bed. The black silk sand curtain fell in time, and the warm light of the morning seemed to reflect a pool of spring water.But she obviously ignored a confidential letter on the table on purpose, which will be delivered to Yushitai later and will eventually appear before the case of Prime Minister Bai:
"Miss Bai Su has clues about the matter. After menstruation, I will go south, and I will also close the red tide."

(End of this chapter)

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