Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 72 - Going to the Underworld

Chapter 72 - Going to the Underworld
"It's that simple?" Li Zhen couldn't believe it. "In addition, do you remember so many things and forget them as soon as you go out, or enter that state like a blind singer?"

"God hidden!" Qianye Xun hurriedly added, she was also very curious.

Yin Luo nodded triumphantly, "No, don't worry, the blind singer's consciousness of the dark land is lost, because the energy of this part of memory has naturally fallen into the realm."

Then he looked at Qianye Xun and squeezed his eyes, "You just made an energy transition, didn't you? In addition, the consciousness of the chaotic state will not be affected by this place, perfect your research, the fifth state!"

When Qianye Xun heard it, his face turned green, "It's too much, I have studied it for many years, and you are so relaxed. It's so unfair!"

"Which one is fair in this world?" Yin Luo was about to speak out, when he suddenly thought of something, and said in a low-key manner, "This world may be really fair, think about it, before Li Zhen came, I was almost lingering in this broken land, desperate Waiting to die, don’t you think I should be compensated for this? Tianjian is very pitiful!”

Seeing that Li Zhen felt like vomiting, Yin Luo quickly turned serious, "Both of you, let's go!"

"Wait!" Li Xuan suddenly said to Qianye Xun, "Bai Su may be in danger, I need to find her, can you help me?"

"Sorry, that's all I know." Qianye Xun whispered.

Li Yu was a little disappointed, and finally nodded to Yin Luo. Yin Luo raised his hands vigorously, and then the three of them slid a strange arc in the dark place, and quickly disappeared.

Without the light of the Yinghuo Pearl, the land of darkness once again fell into eternal darkness.

It's just that no one noticed that a black figure in the great light array slowly stood up, and after a long time, slowly climbed up the obelisk.Fingertips stroked those words word by word.

The three of Li Heng appeared on the top of a mountain in an instant, and there was a path leading to the foot of the mountain, but the path was immersed in clouds and mist at the moment.The clouds and mist are very tiny, like miniature landscapes.

The three of them were taken aback, where is this?In theory, it shouldn't be sent randomly.

"Is it Fusang?" Feeling a bit like dry mountains and rivers, Li Heng's first reaction was to ask Qianye Xun, but the latter shook his head resolutely.

"Don't worry, I'll search." Yin Luo quickly flipped through the vast amount of knowledge he had just obtained in the Dark Land in his mind, and soon, he had the answer, "Yunmengze!"

Oh, fortunately, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.Then Qianye Xun was the first to speak, "I'm going back, Miss Bai Su should be safe, I will also go to check, I will let you know as soon as I have any news."

Li Zhen nodded, and it was not easy to force her to do anything, but just asked, "How can I contact you?"

Qianye Xun smiled, "Do you know what the biggest gain of my trip is?"

Yin Luo just wanted to express his humility, because the moment he crossed the dark land, he directly immersed the knowledge that Qianye Xun wanted to know into her consciousness.These operations have been easy for him.

"It's a state of chaos! You would never have imagined what I can do with a state of chaos." Qianye Xun, who had acted as soon as we met, looked like a young girl at the moment, "No-distance communication!"

Yin Luo and Li Zhen were stunned at the same time. Seeing this scene, Qianye Xun showed a look of contempt, "You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, just wait and see!"

Yin Luo and Li regret said in unison, "Believe it! We believe it!"

Qianye Xun showed a suspicious expression, "Really?"

Both of them nodded emphatically, this girl is a genius master.Especially when she didn't know about multi-children at all.

Qianye Xun was a little flattered, but he didn't know if it was a good thing to say, but he still took out a piece of talisman paper and gave it to Li Zhen, and then said: "There is a little part of my soul on it, don't worry, just a little bit , if I succeed, it means that if I move my mind thousands of miles away, you will know."

"In case of failure, I will find a messenger to contact you." Qianye Xun added without confidence.

Li Zhen accepted the rune paper, then watched Qianye Xun leave without looking back with Yin Luo, at the end of her sight, she waved her hand.

Only then did Yin Luo speak, "If you want to find someone, you can find me!"

Li Zhen was stunned for a moment, but thought for a moment, and then overjoyed.

"A person looking for death! Su Zhe!"

"How about it? It might be too late to go with me to the Mingzu, after all it's only been three days." Yin Luo smiled wickedly.

"You don't want to pull me back to embolden you." Li Heng teased.

"Just you?!" Yin Luo showed great disdain, "Are you going or not?!"

"Go! Although it's much earlier than I thought." Li Zhen made up his mind.

"Good boy, you won't be disappointed!" After saying this, Yin Luo took out an astrolabe and started counting.

Li Regret frowned, and he realized that the last time he dealt with Yin Ze and Yin Ling, he had never asked where the underworld was.

"Yuanguang enters three, Jingxing retreats two, Shougong one." Yin Luo muttered to himself while thinking.

Li Zhen was dumbfounded, wondering if he met a fake Mingzi?I can't even find the entrance to my house.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's the first time you come out, it's inevitable that the road is a little unfamiliar." Yin Luo sneered.

Li Yu curled his lips and couldn't help reminding, "Your astrolabe is not only related to space, it is also related to time. You should align the time to this moment!"

Yin Luo was stunned for a moment, then almost hugged Li Heng and took a bite, quickly adjusted the pointer in his hand, and soon the final direction of the astrolabe was determined.

"Another starry sky?" Li Zhen was thoughtful, although he was already mentally prepared.

Yin Luo smiled, "This is a bit complicated to say, you can think of it as a parallel time and space in your realm, or parallel, or superimposed time and space."

Li Zhen recalled the scene when he first met with Qian Zhaoxin's team, and he understood this attitude of existence.

Seeing Li Regret wasn't that shocking, but Yin Luo was a little shocked in his heart, and couldn't help but take another high look.

"Let's go!", Yin Luo raised his wrist again, with a burst of momentum, urging the two to shoot towards that specific starry sky point.

"Here we are!" Yin Luo had just finished speaking, when suddenly four men in black appeared around the two of them and got stuck.

"Oh, I'm afraid you're always in trouble." Li regret glanced at Yin Luo.

Yin Luo snorted coldly, "Senior Xuanming, what is the meaning of this?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time! Kill!" One of them didn't talk nonsense, and ordered sharply and decisively.

Yin Luo,? ? ? ?

Li regret,? ? ? ?I'm afraid it's really a fake Mingzi.

(End of this chapter)

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