Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 93 - Longevity

Chapter 93 - Longevity
Pingsha Island is an isolated island in the sea, quite far from the town.

Li Zhen asked a few fishermen at the seaside, only to know that the locals generally don't go here.Because there are always some whirlpools appearing suddenly and without warning, even on calm days.

Over the years, fishermen have disappeared in this place one after another. As time goes by, everyone keeps them at a respectful distance.

Of course, the high risk of the sea often means high returns. The whirlpool can often bring out many deep-sea fish species. If you are lucky enough to catch a few, you will have a good life for a year.

Therefore, a bold guy like the swarthy man would come here to fight the autumn wind from time to time.

The boatman hired by Li Yu for a lot of money was reluctant to approach the island when he approached the island.Li Heng didn't embarrass him, nor did he use his flying skills.Instead, I asked for a small sampan from the boat, rowed over by myself, and made an appointment to pick it up at this time the next day.

He just said that he wanted to relax by himself, and the boatman obviously didn't believe it, but he wouldn't make trouble with Yinzi either.

Li Zhen jumped on Pingsha Island, and soon knew why it was called this name.It is different from the general islands with jagged rocks and chaotic walls.The island is small, but flat, with a natural layer of finely divided white sand.

Li Zhen looked down at the white sand, except for some small bird footprints, no human footprints could be seen.Presumably, the fisherman who appeared here by chance was also quick and quick, and had no habit of going to the island to spend the night.

Li Chen circled the island for a week, walking very slowly and carefully, and found nothing special.I also patrolled the surrounding sea area, but there was no special trace.

Li Heng even got close to the place where the fisherman's pointing vortex appeared, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Maybe that's it for today.Li Zhen found a position and lay down flat.The salty wind in the air gently brushed over his face, making him a little lazy.

Finally, I can have time to think about this woman in white who wins the snow.

As soon as he lay down, Li Heng sat up suddenly.

wrong!The swarthy man witnessed the incident after!But Bai Su had already arrived.

If she had known about the arrival of the screw boat, then she must have known the message left by the screw boat earlier!

She is waiting for a screw boat!

His Majesty the First Emperor?His age is far behind the Oracle Bone Age.

So?Do these screw boats appear in reincarnation?

Last time, Emperor Shi Huang wanted to prove longevity.

Who is it this time?

Your Majesty?Oh, maybe yes.The Holy Majesty has also entered old age.Since being separated from Wang Yinyang, she has assumed the responsibility of this huge empire alone.

When she was young, she used to practice in the Wuji Temple, and she was expected to continue to gain longevity as a practitioner.

Everything changed because of an assassination.

In the place where the empire worships the heavens in all directions near Beimo, the Holy Master on the chariot threw himself sideways in front of the king, and a spear from the top practitioner of the Beimo royal court cut through the army formation and pierced her directly. Wang's right chest was pushed upwards, and it penetrated deeply into Wang's left heart.

The vitality of the two saints was seriously injured.

The Holy One broke the road to eternal life.

And her king died not long after.

In her rage, she issued the Yanhuang Order, which was second only to the Apocalypse Order, and the Northern Desert was annihilated and all its land was collected.The soldiers of the empire drank Masangchuan Lake for the first time.

She is doing something for her?

She played a double reed with her ?
Then which one should I act in?

Li Zhen touched the mutton fat jade tablet on his chest and fell into deep thought again.

The sky gradually darkened, and the bright and clean Milky Way appeared in midair, covering the boundless sea.

Li Yu just sat and looked at the sea in a daze, without moving a bit, and has been sorting out Bai Su's past with his consciousness to see if there is any strange part.

But it didn't, from almost getting married with fingertips, to childhood sweetheart, to youthful time, to gradually mature.

Everyone thought they were a couple made in heaven, a golden boy and a jade girl.

He is not married, she is not married.

However, this is what they want, not necessarily what I want.

Bai Su's past is so clear, like a clear spring.Even though Li Hun joined the army, since he is in Gyeonggi, there are many opportunities to meet each other.

It's so normal, isn't this also abnormal?
Suddenly, Li regret felt that the island trembled suddenly, although it was extremely slight, it did exist.Li Heng finally stood up and looked under the starry night, but there was no movement on the sea.

Although this is nothing compared to the Dark Land.Li Heng thought about it, maybe it was Hai Zhen's twists and turns.

Just when Li Heng withdrew his gaze and was about to turn back, a huge bubble appeared on the surface of the water, and disappeared with a crisp bang.

Li Zhen was stunned for a moment, he thought of a legend recorded in an ancient book:
The giant in the southeast, Ju Aoyan, carries Mount Penglai on its back and travels thousands of miles around.

Could it be that Pingsha Island is just a little back of Juao?But the formation of such a vortex makes sense.

Li Regret thought for a moment and made up his mind.Running the cycle method of the Nanhai Venerable, like a peanut in the air, it dives towards the deep sea.

A little light, it is that fluorescent bead.

Li Zhen suddenly felt very bad, as if he had become a little bit of fish food, just a little bit.

In the family's book library, Li Zhen once dug out a picture book of this dynasty, and the paintings were all scenes of huge giants and people together.

This man is Wu Daozi, the royal painter of the empire, who was once bestowed the title of "Painting Saint" by a sage.

There is also an unconfirmed news that he once painted a "87 Immortal Scroll", which is so vivid that it can communicate with the gods, and the owner can ask anyone in the painting to make a shot for him.

This Li Regret naturally didn't believe it, otherwise the most prosperous flower in Chang'an that he gifted would not have died because of illness.

However, because his painting style is very elegant and immortal, the contrast of this huge giant is very beautiful.

Li Zhen once marveled at the painter's huge imagination, but now recalling it for no reason, he is full of inexplicable fear.

This huge sense of fear seized the whole body in an instant, making Li Zhen make a decision in an instant.He immediately stopped diving and put away the Luminous Bead.

Li Zhen let himself stay motionless in the deep sea, relying on his spiritual sense to slowly stroke around in the dark.

Only at this moment will Li Heng realize and regret that his low level of martial arts and such a limited range of perception cannot be solved by foreign objects and agile skills.

(End of this chapter)

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