Star Curtain Millennium

Chapter 99 - The Way

Bai Su's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't look directly at Shi Huang, but looked at the screw boat where he was, frowned and fell into deep thought.

Seeming to know what she was thinking, His Majesty also showed a hint of embarrassment.

Apart from the so-called safe house which is out of reach, the screw boat presented by Qingchi, the empress of the first emperor, seemed to be the only tool to hide the way of heaven.

It is true that one should not be too greedy, one already possesses the way of the emperor, the way of martial arts, and the way of longevity, one cannot have both.

Perhaps at the same time, he also thought of a certain possibility, and Shi Huang showed a displeased expression.Bai Qi also frowned slightly, raising his hand slightly so that he could draw his sword faster.

The three swords still don't know where they are hidden.

Bai Su suddenly looked at Shi Huang, and raised his voice, "His Majesty Shi Huang, I will make a deal with you on behalf of the dynasty."

"A deal?! A widow's ship? Don't even think about it!" Shihuang flicked his sleeves, his face turned dark, obviously displeased.

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, I still have some doubts and would like to ask Your Majesty to clarify." Bai Su lightly stroked the Holy Majesty's back, indicating that she would control the rhythm, and the Holy Majesty nodded slightly.

"Oh, as long as you don't think about the widow's boat, you can listen to it."

"Your Majesty the First Emperor, the little girl was obsessed with studying various ancient documents, historical sites, legends and myths. Coupled with the support of the Holy Majesty, there are resources of the empire to guarantee the research of the little girl."

"The law of His Majesty's appearance in this realm has finally been confirmed today. The little girl is naturally delighted, but it is not surprising that she finally realized it."

"It's understandable to use screw boats to cover the way of heaven."

"However, what the little girl hasn't figured out yet is, why does His Majesty come here repeatedly for a period of one Jiazi?"

"The Dao of Heaven is used to cover it up, but it cannot prolong your lifespan or achieve longevity. You did not achieve longevity as a monk in martial arts, so Your Majesty must have other ways."

Bai Su gave a rare shallow smile, without waiting for an answer, he suddenly said something towards the pillar in the distance.

"It's been so long, why don't you show up? Why don't you come and explain for His Majesty the First Emperor?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Bai Su's gaze.

A man showed his body and face embarrassingly, and came out from behind the pillar.

First he saluted the sage, then respectfully saluted the First Emperor, and finally stared at Bai Su with a big white eye, his lips moved slightly and complained.

Bai Su couldn't understand better, "Just wait, I'll settle the score with you later!"

It was Li Regret.

Li Yu went and came back again, and Bai Su was the one who was worried after all, but he didn't expect to get together.

Li Zhen said neither humble nor overbearing, "I really didn't expect that there are so many stories in it, it is simply unimaginable, and some people have elaborately demonstrated it." Li Zhen paused angrily, "As a possible participant in the incident, my opinion is --"

Li Yu made a fool of himself, but saw the sage's questioning eyes, so he could only continue to say angrily, "My idea is this. First of all, it is necessary to rule out that His Majesty the First Emperor is taking the monk's way of martial arts while covering up the way of heaven, because just now I Already asked for the Three Swords, um, my lord has checked, His Majesty the First Emperor is still a relatively rudimentary martial artist."

"Actually, the two of you may not know that I had an encounter with His Majesty Shihuang and Lord Bai Qi on the shore earlier, and I already had an answer at that time."

Li Chen looked calm and relaxed, not without a complacent expression.

The sage was angry and funny, looking at the Li family dude who grew up under his nose when he was a child, he couldn't help but reach out and naturally wanted to give him a chestnut on his forehead.

Li Zhen shrank his head, and quickly continued, "I boldly guess that His Majesty the First Emperor not only created the great cause of unifying the world, but also created a path of literature and Taoism."

"Wen Dao?!" Bai Su and His Majesty were taken aback at the same time, while Shi Huang's expression became strange.

"Everything in this world is symmetrical, and yin and yang are the most famous example. I have said on other occasions that life and death, day and night, roundness and incompleteness are all relative. Since there is a monk's martial arts, there must be a literati's literature." road."

"I guess, assuming that His Majesty the First Emperor has obtained some kind of method, he can extract these powerful words from the classics of famous scholars through the ages. The soul of the viewer."

"Assuming that this kind of soul power can be transferred to the viewer. The so-called preaching, imparting karma, and solving doubts should be the process of the wisdom transfer of the soul power of the wise."

"And this kind of soul power should be able to be transformed into life force, and the viewer can use this to complete the transformation of knowledge into life energy."

"So, it is said in the history books that Your Majesty burned books and censored Confucian scholars, eradicated differences, and unified thinking. I feel that there may be something else hidden."

"Oh, let's talk about it." His Majesty Shi Huang couldn't see any joy or anger, but after looking at each other with Bai Qi, he signaled Li Zhen with interest to continue.

"Based on the establishment of the previous assumption, I have another assumption. The ancient books rich in these soul powers must be as old as possible. It can be understood that the more the Warring States period is when a hundred schools of thought contend, the stronger the soul power of all schools of thought , the higher the conversion value."

"So, Your Majesty the First Emperor, you didn't want to destroy these books, but you thought those Confucian scholars were ineffective in their work and didn't collect the classics that His Majesty wanted. I don't know if I'm guessing right?"

"If you think so well, just say a little more." Bai Su couldn't help teasing when he saw his increasingly complacent expression, his eyes shining brightly. "Why Yijiazi?"

"Two possibilities, this cycle of transformation and replenishment; or, the return cycle from the space safe house to this realm."

Bai Su smiled, and took a step towards Li Xian. "When you say that, I am really enlightened. Your Majesty the First Emperor, the little girl dares to make a guess."

Emperor Shi Huang was in good spirits today, he was not sullen or angry, and he could give little hints.

"Little girl is puzzled by His Majesty's choice of this underground Aocheng, but combined with Li Regret's thoughts, I feel that your goal is clear."

"Oh?!" Shi Huangdi finally changed his color slightly, revealing an obviously angry expression.

"The seventh batch of Fusang envoys to the Tang Dynasty, they brought back that batch of Xu Fu's books, didn't they?!"

"Zhuzi Xu Fu!" The First Emperor was furious, and a burst of dragon energy burst out.Although everyone was not physically injured, they were all shocked.

After all, there is one emperor through the ages!Longwei is eternal.

However, the first emperor quickly suppressed his emotions, and gradually said in a calm tone, "I sent Xu Fu to the east, but I didn't expect that this person had been brewing for a long time for selfishness. Let go."

"Of course, at that moment, neither Xu Fu nor the widow had expected the usefulness of ancient books today. He just wanted to go to that country to be the emperor of the country and take as much as he could."

"Ancient books sent to the Tang Dynasty", the sage fell into deep thought. It was originally just that the Fusang monk saw Bai Su's enthusiasm for collecting ancient characters, and happily mentioned the batch of Xu Fu documents found in a certain place in Fusang, with the intention of currying favor with the suzerain.

However, everyone is aware of the same question: If His Majesty the First Emperor is going to intercept and send Tang envoys to seize the book here, then who in the court is reporting the letter to the First Emperor?

Who can know about the first emperor?

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