325 Duel 2
"Wait," a murloc rushed forward, standing in front of Zhang Cheng and Lai.Mingming's eyes clearly expressed anger, but before the anger became dangerous, the murloc shouted. "We admit defeat."

A savage is not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean he likes it.In fact, not to mention barbarians, even irrational beasts are naturally afraid of injury and death.

"No!" Lai Zhi angrily pushed his companion away.Raised the fork and rushed forward.Zhang Changchang swung his sword, and the swords crossed.His war fork was cut into two pieces like foam plastic.The long sword hovered in front of Lai Zhi's eyes, but did not fall.He rushed towards the blade violently, but someone grabbed his body.Although he is Lai Yi, the person who comes to get in the way is also Lai Yi.Before he could break free, more murlocs rushed up, hugged him, and dragged him away from the long sword.

"Wait, I know, you won..." Lai heard someone shouting.But more arms and bodies pressed up, making him unable to move.It took a while before the forces restricting his freedom receded.And Laizhi lay on the ground on his back, panting heavily.

The figure of Zhu Xia who claimed to be Zhang Cheng appeared in front of him.The others had retreated, and now he faced the Zhu Xia warrior alone.Unexpectedly, this guy is both an alchemist and a samurai.This situation... was completely beyond his imagination.

"Admit defeat?" the other party asked.

"You won!" Lai Zhi finally widened his eyes, and then lowered them. "I lost, and I'm at your disposal."

That hidden will seemed to be waiting for this answer.

In the next moment, a strange will was imprinted on Zhang Cheng's mind.He instinctively understood that these murlocs were all his servants.From now on, they can't resist his orders.Unless he voluntarily releases, he is their master.This is actually a shackle of the soul.Of course, even the shackles of the mind are not omnipotent.While gaining this power, he also instinctively understood that if the murlocs left him for a long enough time, maybe two or three days, their spiritual shackles would temporarily expire.Of course, you couldn't ask for more.This hidden will has done well enough.

Now, there are a lot of aliens on board, a lot of dejected Lai Yi.


With the wind and the water flowing smoothly, the speed of the ship is actually amazing.

According to the Dongyi businessman who came to Yingqiu before, it took more than ten days to start from Yingqiu and return to the city.If it is a team that is not familiar with the road and the speed is not fast, it may take more than 20 days.But in fact, it's not that slow by boat.In the morning, the boat could see Guicheng from a distance.In fact, as long as this kind of inland flat-bottomed boat does not go out to the far sea, there is no problem in walking in the near sea.

Guicheng... The city at this location was originally called Maiqiuyi, and it was a human city.It used to belong to Dongyi (it is not clear which one of the nine Yi), but it was beaten down by humans during the ancient Duke Zhou's Eastern Expedition.It is different from Camp Hill, it is only an outpost.It's a pity that although Duke Zhou defeated Dongyi and seized a large area of ​​land, Laiyi, who was ranked among the nine barbarians, had nothing to do with the war.Although Maiqiuyi is a good place, it couldn't stand being too close to the sea. It was repeatedly attacked by Laiyi and had to be abandoned in the end.

Now it seems that the city is located at the mouth of Daxi.Through the description of a group of people in Laizhi, Zhang Cheng already knows why Laiyi can live in a land city - because they dug a series of artificial rivers and channels, turning the entire Guicheng into a literal water city .

This is easy to understand for people on earth, because there is such a water city Venice on earth.Although Zhang Cheng has never been there, he has seen many pictures and videos.Guicheng was built according to this idea. This kind of layout can accommodate Lai Yi to live on the one hand, and accept other land races on the other hand.

However, Zhang Cheng had learned from Lao Liu that Lai Yi actually had no need for land at all.They can even live very well alone in the sea.Human beings build cities because of their own needs, and cities can protect residents from foreign enemies.And Lai Yi has no enemies that can be called "foreign enemies" at all.What's the matter, sea water is more reliable than city walls.So the key to this matter is not why they can build a city, but why they need to build a city.Could it be that he really felt that the pace of progress of the times was unstoppable, so he pushed the boat out of the barbaric era and entered civilization?

It's a pity that although the group of Laizhi can tell the two tourists the general situation of Guicheng, they can't explain why a group of Laiyi are so crazy that they want to build a city.The only news that can be provided is only one: Mr. Donghai should be behind this.

Donghai Jun... Although the name immediately reminds people of "Donghai Sea God", in fact he is not a sea god, but a great spirit.The sea god who currently holds the priesthood of "East China Sea" is called Yuguo.This deity has never called himself "East Sea King", but is generally called the East Sea Sea God, or simply the East Sea God.

The world is also divided into four seas.Zhang Cheng now knows that there was only one Seagod at first, and he was the eldest son of Haotian, the Seagod whose name was lost.But this sea god is too powerful.After he was killed by gods and void creatures, even Haotian couldn't give birth to a second child with the same authority and power.Now the original Seagod's authority has been fragmented, and each part is occupied by many gods.For example, the sea area is currently divided into four sea gods, east, west, north, and west.Somewhat surprisingly, it is none other than Zhu Rong, the god of fire that Zhang Cheng is already very familiar with, who currently holds the priesthood of "South China Sea".

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhang Cheng at the moment.His goal is very simple, first come to Guicheng to have a look, do some business, and inquire about the news about Dawu.Then stop by and visit Mr. Donghai.According to Xiao Xiong, Huang Xiong and Mr. Donghai are old acquaintances.Both of them are ancient great spirits who have never been able to become gods.If Lord Donghai can be persuaded to help participate in the battle of gods, then Xiaoxiong has reached an agreement and will get the help of Lord Taiyin Xing.In this way, all the preparations for seizing the godhood are completed.

As for how to convince Mr. Donghai (even Zhang Cheng understands that this is not easy), Xiao Xiong seems to have a little bit of confidence, at least he is more or less confident in his words.

Before coming, both Zhang Cheng and Jiang Kao were ignorant of the situation in Guicheng (although I heard some from Dongyi merchants, but I can't believe it all).What they know is that Lai Yi built a city here, allowing foreigners to come here to trade, buy, sell and live.At present, there are a large number of Dongyi specialties for sale in Guicheng.As for the rest of the city, both of them are ignorant and don't know much.

But now the problem is solved.Because the group of Laiyi in Laizhi actually came from the tribe near Guicheng.

There are three tribes near Guicheng, gray algae, blue algae and red algae (of course they can also be called Fangguo).These three tribes formed the periphery of Guicheng.Therefore, Guicheng was not built out of thin air. It was originally a densely populated Laiyi area (by Laiyi's standards).These three tribes live here.The total population reaches more than [-] people.It is precisely because of this large population that Laiyi was able to build a city on land.

Currently, there is no lord in Guicheng.Or it can be said that the position of the city lord of Guicheng is currently vacant.The city is managed by a relatively complex organization.This institution can be simply understood as a "parliament", consisting of a group of murloc nobles, leaders, witches, etc.This kind of governing body is a very common thing on Earth, but in this world, this is still an unprecedented creation.By the way, the leaders of the three tribes are all in the parliament and have a certain right to speak.

Most of the population of Guicheng is Laiyi, but in the past few years since the city was established, residents of other races have settled here.Most of these migrants are Huaiyi and Fengyi.As for the merchants, there are more. Basically, the entire Dongyi is very curious about returning to the city, and people from all races come here.

But Zhu Xia... Although the distance between Yingqiu and Guicheng is not too far, there is no business trip from Zhu Xia.

It was the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Even though the sun was shining brightly, the chill from the sea breeze was still strong.It cannot be said that the temperature is particularly low, but it should be described as extremely high humidity, resulting in a "damp and cold" effect.The chill is desperately drilling into the seams of your clothes.

The ship was heading straight towards Guicheng.According to the plan, they will anchor at a place as close as possible to the return city.Then enter Guicheng on foot.At this time, the wind was unfavorable, and the sails on the ship had already been unloaded early.But the speed of the ship is still amazingly fast.

"Hey, slow down a little bit!" Jiang Hei stood on the deck and shouted down condescendingly. "We'll be there soon."

"I know, I know!" Lai Yi in the water replied slightly dissatisfied. "You land people are such trouble!"

Seeing this group of Laiyi, you can understand why the speed of the boat is so fast.Because at this time, a cable was connected to the front of the ship, and the cable was cleverly installed on the bodies of the two killer whales.The two killer whales were struggling to swim, while the murlocs urged them on.Under the tug of the killer whale, the edge of the boat kept splashing.This speed has surpassed all sailing ships in this world.

The boat proceeded smoothly along the coast and stopped at the predetermined place.According to a group of people from Laizhi, there are already various facilities in Guicheng.The construction level of the murlocs may not be very good, and you can't expect many hotel facilities, but at least every outsider can get a lodging for only a certain amount of money.

According to the plan, Zhang Cheng, Jiang Kao and others will stay here for at least one night.The boat stops here temporarily.Ships do not need special strength to protect, because the vicinity is safe.Lai made it clear that according to the regulations issued by Guicheng, Laiyi are not allowed to attack innocent people within 21 miles.All three tribes have emphasized discipline internally.Speaking of which, the Laiyi in the coastal area are actually not bad, because they communicate with other Dongyi races from time to time, so the level of civilization is relatively high.Those who prey on terrestrial creatures regardless of Sanqi[-] are actually mostly distant sea tribes.Because of their own economic and cultural backwardness, Laiyi did not have much habit of looting property—they focused on cannibalism, not property.For Lai Yi, especially for the barbaric tribes in the far sea, things like money and property are actually "something that looks a little fun". They may be brought out of curiosity, but it doesn't matter if they are lost. .So there will be no thieves to do things like rob ships.

In fact, for Lai Yi, only those magic items are what they value.It's a pity that murlocs, the magic items of most terrestrial races, cannot use them because of their body shape.Because of this objective reality, even though the murloc's technical level in other aspects is lackluster, they have made quite a lot of achievements in the manufacture of magic items.The magic bracelet on Lai Zhi's body was made by Lai Yi himself.By the way, this thing is too big, if Zhang Cheng wants to wear it, it is not called a bracelet, but a collar.

It didn't take too much time for Zhang Cheng and his party to appear at the gate of Guicheng.

Although I have fully understood it before on the way here, words and reality are two different things.At least when you look at this city, your first reaction is not "here is strong" or "here is majestic", but "chic".Yes, this city, even by the standards of earthlings, is very unique.

The entire city of Gui is located by the sea, but it is still a few kilometers away from the sea.The Lai Yi dug a wide river channel, which caused the sea water to flow back to Guicheng.Of course, it is a river to humans, but to murlocs, it is equal to a spacious road.The entire main part of the city literally floats on the water.The city has clearly undergone extensive civil engineering.As far as the eye could see, some of the higher places were turned into islands, built as houses for the land races.The lower terrain was further dug deep, turning into an underwater neighborhood where murlocs could come and go at will.

Under the blue and transparent water, murlocs were coming in and out.On the surface of the water, there are small boats that shuttle back and forth.Coupled with the neat houses above the ground, and a market formed by a large piece of flat land...the water and the water seem to be a world of two reflections.But above and below water is not a complete reflection relationship.A step by the water can connect up and down.From time to time, murlocs can be seen carrying various items up and down the steps, going back and forth underwater and on land.Land races are a little more troublesome, they have difficulty going underwater, so they usually have to be helped by murlocs.At a glance, there is an indescribable and novel meaning.Extremely chic.

Guicheng has fortifications, which are a mixture of walls and rivers.If someone attacks here, they will encounter the obstruction of the city wall in some places, and the obstruction of the river in other places.But for now, no race will attack the city.Therefore, the city's fortifications are basically empty, and there are no troops patrolling.

At the highest point of Guicheng, a towering temple or shrine can be seen.A waterfall fell out of thin air on the top of the temple, surrounded by mist, so spectacular that it looked like a fairyland.

Zhang Cheng has seen this city in the game.However, the way of expression in the game is limited, and it cannot really show the details of this alien city-state.Players don't have any special feelings, at most they think it's quite interesting.After all, there are as many games with cool computer screens as there are, and this kind of scene is just a child's play.But in reality, when you see such a city full of exotic customs, you will think that this thing is really cool.

This is Guicheng, the first city built by Laiyi on land.

Ma Dan, you want to say that the construction of this city did not have the intervention of traversers... Zhang Cheng is the first to not believe it!
 To celebrate a certain reader becoming a father, add more.

(End of this chapter)

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