Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 529 Fallen Angel 4

Chapter 529 Fallen Angel 4
"May I ask, this plane belongs to you?"

"It belongs to me personally, and all these equipment belong to me. This is the result of my excavation of the lost civilization of the previous era. A super civilization that has come into contact with the interstellar era. So don't be surprised. Whether it is an anti-gravity aircraft, a small nuclear Fusion batteries, or starship main guns are all normal. After all, this is the legacy of an entire civilization."

"Is there such a thing on earth?" Antusen muttered to himself.However, he has very little experience in this area, so it is difficult to judge whether what the little girl said is true or not.

"Facts speak louder than words." The little girl didn't bother to argue, so she replied directly.

If the environment were different, An Tusen wouldn't believe a word, but he couldn't help but believe what he saw and heard.At least this exoskeleton armor, this anti-gravity vehicle cannot be fooled.Facts do speak louder than words.

An Tusen looked around again.Judging from the internal space, this aircraft is about the size of a medium-sized transport aircraft.And apart from these mechanical armors and the little girl, there is no one else.He couldn't help thinking of several options, but gave up anyway.The best option is to negotiate.

Although the other party said to kill him just now, An Tusen was not afraid.After all, behind him is the United States, and he believes that as long as they want, the two sides can always negotiate.Most importantly, he didn't believe that such a little girl was the real master of all this.

Among other things, why did these professional soldiers listen to her?What kind of goods are mercenaries? Even if you don't know the reality, you can still look at history.In addition to these black technology things, she must have another side that is really related to society.And as long as it is within the order of this world, it will definitely have something to do with the United States.As long as there is a relationship, the two sides have a basis for negotiation.As long as there is an exchange of interests, an agreement can be reached.In the past days of An Tusen, he has always believed in this way, and at this moment his belief has not wavered in the slightest.

"Are you... a native of Da Mao?" He asked tentatively.He looked around, and saw a familiar mark on an unknown device next to him... that should be

"I have nothing to do with Da Mao, at most there is only one contract. Although the company is registered in the Rooster Country, I don't think I have any connection with the Rooster Country. I only represent myself. Legally speaking, I am currently A citizen of the United States."

"Are you... a citizen of the United States?" Antusen couldn't believe it.

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" The little girl replied. "My mother and sister are also citizens of the republic."

"Do you know what you did? This armored force is an important force we use to deal with the Great Mao! If you destroy it, you will be completely..."

"General Antusen, it seems that you still don't understand that well." The little girl said slowly. "I'm only legally a citizen of the republic. See what I mean? Only legally."

An Tusen closed his mouth not so reconciled.He originally thought that the other party was young, hadn't been completely polluted by this society, and had some blood that was inappropriate for adults.I didn't expect that the other party didn't like him at all.

"And this time I'm fulfilling a contract with the Damao country's military." The little girl continued. "After all, I am a military contractor. Acting according to the contract is the greatest professional ethics. What does this have to do with nationality? By the way, the person behind you, the one farthest from you, is also a citizen of the United States."

"But I'm temporarily living in Europe." There was an approving answer from over there. "Boss, when shall we go back?"

"It's already on its way back, and it's expected to return to Rooster Country within half an hour." The little girl replied.

"half an hour?"

"Well, didn't I say that? This aircraft is very fast. It can easily fly at speeds above Mach 10 in the atmosphere. If it is in the universe, it will be even faster. But we don't need to be so exaggerated. Use the most stable return at the same speed."

An Tusen gasped. As a soldier, he knew exactly what this number meant.This is a speed that is impossible for all human aircraft in the atmosphere to reach.

Ancient civilizations... have they ever possessed such a powerful level of technology?

"Ma'am, I mean...Miss, don't you ever think that you have too much power in your hands, which is not suitable for your identity?"

"I don't see anything inappropriate about it," replied the little girl. "Are you sexist?"

"I mean... this kind of power is not suitable for one person to hold. It has the power to change the whole world, all mankind..."

"General Antusen," said the little girl. "I'm slowly changing the world. By the way, if I were you, I would now focus on how to keep myself alive. Because as soon as the aircraft lands, I will immediately order you to be killed."

"You won't kill me." Antusen laughed this time. "Otherwise why would you bring me on this aircraft?" You're just trying to intimidate yourself to raise your price.

"I'm afraid you overestimate yourself, General." The little girl said. "I'm just making sure. If you've turned into a corpse, I'll let them bring you up. Not for anything else, just to make sure you're dead. I don't want to make a mistake."

"Why? We have no enmity or grudge..."

"Who said we have no enmity?" The little girl sneered. "This is not something you say unilaterally!"

An Tusen spent a few seconds searching in his memory, but he really couldn't remember any conflict between him and the other party.In fact, he was quite sure that this was the first time the two sides met.Of course, having said that, it’s hard to say if it’s from the parents’ generation.

General Antusson was not a forgetful man, but it was also impossible for him to remember the daughter and granddaughter of every enemy.As for his enemies... there are indeed none, but there must be dozens of them.After all, it is impossible to get to his position without enemies.

Sometimes there is only one position, and if you want to occupy it, you must step on others.In that case, any means should be used.

"Is there any conflict between me and your father?" If it is this aspect, then Antusen is willing to make concessions, admit his mistakes, apologize, make amends, fine him, or even surrender himself and be sentenced to prison.Otherwise, the other party would really kill him.

"I'm afraid you didn't have the chance to meet him. He died long ago." The little girl replied. "Ten years."

"Then... I offended Ling Tang by accident?"

"No way, my mom is just a housewife who volunteers for the church every day, but actually dreams of going to Las Vegas to make money. It would be weird if you knew her. Can't you think of me?"

"But if I'm not mistaken, this should be our first meeting?"

"Ha... haha... that's true, we are meeting for the first time." The little girl laughed, her smile was so cold that it could freeze people into ice sculptures.

"And I've been in this country...I mean the country of the mobs, and I've been there for three years." That's not much time to train a United States-standard army. "During this period, the number of times I returned to China was very small."

"Remember last year, you once called the old subordinates in China?" the little girl said. "It's the one who went to politics and was elected to the state legislature. You asked him to call the police in order to temporarily let the police let something go. Remember? By the way, that congressman last month Just died. The cause of death was sudden death... I believe you may have heard of it."

"At that time, this was entrusted to me by an old friend." Antusen recalled this matter. "I don't know the cause and effect, it's just..."

"Yes, you don't know the cause and effect. Then let me introduce the cause and effect." The little girl said. "It was really simple. I was staying in a second-rate hotel with my friends, and someone wanted to kill me. So he sent a large number of gunmen to attack the hotel. And to prevent the police from disrupting the operation ... they had to Find a way to stop it. And you are a good way they came up with."

An Tusen's face changed instantly, because this was the first time he saw the unmistakable killing intent in the opponent's eyes.

Before, he always thought it was a kind of acting skill, a classic negotiation technique.But now it seems... that's really not the case.

"I'm sorry, but... I really don't know..."

"I enjoyed a good taste of fear that day. You know, when the vicious killer is gradually searching from downstairs room by room, and you are hiding on the top floor and is a life-long feeling. Unforgettable taste. It’s like the god of death is already close to you, his cold bone fingers are on your shoulders, and the edge of his sickle has touched the skin of your throat... You don’t dare to look back at this time. Although You already know who is behind you, and you know you can't hide, but you still don't dare to look back..." She described it vividly, and every word she said made An Tusen's face turn ugly.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know..." Antusen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and moistened his dry throat
"You are lying!"

"But I... I really don't know..."

"You're still lying!" The little girl's eyes were cold. "How could you not know? You do, you just don't care. You know there's a problem, you know someone will get hurt because of what you did, but you don't care. It's all about you anyway. It's a trivial matter. You are in a special circle, and except for the people in the circle, no one outside is human."

An Tusen's face was pale, at this moment he suddenly found that his experience was not completely correct.

"But I'm different. I'm still a child. As we all know, children have the power to be willful. In fact, children can be willful, but they can only be willful within their own abilities... Don't you think so? It's just this comparison Coincidentally, I happen to be the kid with the bigger ability."

The aircraft bumped slightly, as if it encountered some kind of air current.But the impact is not great.

"So you see, General Antusen, if you want to survive, you have to think of a reason to convince me. Otherwise, you will die when the plane lands. By the way, don't expect the airport to give you any chance. As a Security company, I have a training camp of course and I have an airstrip."

"You did all this for revenge?"

"That's right," the little girl raised her head arrogantly. "When I was on the roof that day. I told myself one thing, if I escaped by chance, then I would never give those who wanted to kill me a second chance. But people living in this world cannot always be vigilant and careful After all, I occasionally want to live the carefree life of a girl - even if there is a bodyguard, I hope she is on standby at a certain distance from me...Since this is the case, then my choice is obvious. That is to kill all those Those who attacked me. You and your accomplices are almost dead now."

"Just to kill me, so you... you destroyed an entire armored division?"

"Ah, that's not exactly the case, it's a test. After all, some things can't be judged without actual operation. I've always wanted to see how the most powerful army on the planet will perform against these ultra-technical equipment... …the results were disappointing, but also reasonable.”

"Do you know what kind of revenge you will encounter? Once your secret is revealed..."

"First, why do you think my secret will be leaked? Second, why do you think I have nothing to do with it? Third, why do you think such a ridiculous threat can save your life? General, the world tomorrow The latest report is that the big hairy army beats the miscellaneous hairy army. Without this armored division, which is regarded as the trump card, the big hairy army will sweep the entire battlefield without any obstacles...and this division...they may still have some survivors, but they Can you know what happened? Can they recognize my positron cannon? Don't be funny! They will only think that they have been concentrated fire by the big hair army and wiped out in a short time. As for everyone who saw the exoskeleton armor ... There is no such person. There is a life detection device on this killing weapon."

She turned to look at the four subordinates.

"Destroyer, no one saw you?"

"I'm sure not," Kakki replied. "Unless the dead can speak."

Any armored vehicle unit, even drones, cameras, surveillance, etc... These are the targets of electromagnetic guns.Aim aids will exaggerate these high-value targets.

"The perception ability of this thing is exaggerated," the little girl introduced. "The detailed description is more complicated, but you can think of it as a multi-functional sensor with a large number of detection capabilities such as heat-sensitive, light-sensitive, gas-sensitive, magnetic-sensitive..., plus a radio detection radar and an automatic electronic friend-or-foe identification device. Of course there are also Other auxiliary aiming functions. In fact, if you are one-on-one, even if the opponent is a nimble and cunning fly, you will never be able to escape the automatic aiming of the mecha fire control system. Of course, in the face of complex situations and many targets on the battlefield, the performance will inevitably decline. It’s no good, but as long as you successfully lock it against humans, you will definitely not be able to escape.”

The little girl's cold voice just now became softer. "Now, Antusson, there's not much time left. You'd better come up with something convincing other than threats, or you won't see the sun of tomorrow. By the way, don't expect money to solve the problem, my Money can circle the equator!"

"You are a citizen of the United States, and your family is also a citizen of the United States..."

"If it's patriotism, don't worry about it. I'm already planning to marry the Republic. Even if I want to love in the future, it doesn't have to be the United States." The little girl replied disinterestedly.

How to do?The other party firmly believes that he did it on purpose, rather than just not being aware of it for a while.At the same time, the other party simply ignored the money transactions and threats.For a while, Antusen couldn't think of any good way.But through the cabin window, he noticed the plane was descending.

That said, there isn't much time left now.

But the problem is that he is a soldier, not a diplomat.Thinking of a way to persuade this little girl in a hurry is like a joke.

The threat of death was so real that he felt an indescribable feeling, even an inexplicable strong swelling in his bladder.

" are not sincere at all!"

"I'm very sincere! If you can convince me, you can go back intact." The little girl showed a sweet but deadly smile. "If you can't do it, then you can also feel what I felt at that time. In a word... It's called a great horror between life and death! In the next life, remember that when you call someone for help, you must more or less know who you offended. Who!"

The aircraft came to a slow stop at the airstrip, all very quiet.

One base, two bases, three bases returned to their dormitory.It was originally a training base for recruits.But now the company is no longer recruiting new people.In the past, one base, two bases and three bases felt inappropriate, but after they were exposed to these incredible things, they also understood.The company doesn't really need new recruits anymore.In fact, the fewer people there are, the easier it is to keep secrets.

"By the way, do you still remember what the boss said to us last time? What do you think?"

"Is it the one who will perform more dangerous missions... the one with a subsidy of up to 500 million dollars?"

"I was thinking, with this kind of equipment, what mission is worth... 500 million?"

"Forget it, don't think too much. Go to sleep first... The boss has already gone to sleep." Yiji looked out through the window, and as expected, the aircraft that had been parked on the airport had disappeared at this time, as if Nanke Yimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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