Planeswalker My Plane War

Chapter 581 Meet the Magician Again 5

Chapter 581 Meet the Magician Again 5
"Wait, my lord!" The black wizard knelt on his knees and raised his hands, signaling that he was harmless. "I'm not your enemy, I'm just a messenger."

"What did he say?" the Planeswalker asked the little girl beside him.Without the help of magic, he couldn't understand the other person's words.But the other party's life is not worth it, or he doesn't bother to use magic to understand the other party's language.Since they came to him, the other party had to understand his language.This is the bare minimum.Otherwise that would be a very good reason to kill.And killing was his favorite thing to do.

"He said he was a messenger." The little girl replied immediately.

"A courier?" The planeswalker's voice was unequivocally cruel. "Follow me in a sneaky way, and call yourself a messenger when you are discovered? It's easy to say." He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. "Lucky for you, though, I'm a civilized man, so I'll give you thirty seconds to talk. Connebal!" he yelled to the side.

The indescribable creature understood its master.He took two steps forward, blocking behind the black wizard.On the inverted triangle head, the pair of prismatic eyes revealed clear cruelty and bloodlust.

"My name is Mike..." The black wizard swallowed hard.This situation was worse than he expected.Isn't the legend on the Republic side saying that the two countries will fight each other without killing each other?This posture is obvious, as long as you say something that the other party doesn't like to hear, then this rule will be invalid.Fortunately, he has learned the language of the Republic, so although it is a bit blunt, the dialogue is not hindered. "I am the organizer of this party. Because of this accident, the party had to be rescheduled." He dared not say that this was done deliberately, because he knew very well that the other party would not accept the term "screening".To say it is courting death.And this unknown monster is the executioner.

The little girl was on the spot, staring intently with half of her eyes exposed beyond the blindfold.No matter what myths and legends, there seems to be no similarity to this monster.

It is very large, almost giant, and its streamlined body has an indescribably twisted beauty. Black and white scales are intertwined on its body surface, like the purest chaotic power flowing from the inside out.And its inverted triangular head, horn-like tentacles, and prismatic eyes.It all shows that this creature is not extraordinary.

It wasn't staring at the Dark Wizard all the time, in fact, its eyes, colorful and eerie eyes, were looking at her, seemingly curious.Just by that look, you know it has intelligence.It's not clear what level of intelligence that is, but it doesn't seem to be inferior to humans.

"Oh?" The planeswalker was slightly disappointed.He wanted to kill this person very much, but the other party's reason was indeed sufficient. "Rescheduled?"

"Considering someone sabotaging, we have revised the time and place." The black wizard quickly took out the invitation letter from his pocket and handed it over with both hands.

Connibal took the invitation from him and handed it to the planeswalker.

The little girl noticed that the limbs of this creature were slender, even slightly slender, with terrifying sharp claws at the end.At this moment, it carefully picked up the small invitation letter with its own fingertips instead of sharp claws, and handed it to Planeswalker.

The planeswalker took a brief look.At the same time, he walked to the little girl's side. There was already an extra card in his hand, and he shook it slightly.With the sound of "click", the little girl found that the handcuffs had been released.

She let go of her hand, and immediately took off her blindfold that was in the way.Then she noticed something cold was stuck to her face.

She instinctively reached out to grab it, and the familiar feel made her realize that it was her mobile phone.

Several of her mobile phones, tablets, and laptops...all fell beside her in one go.

This is really a surprise, she thought all these things were buried in the fire.Of course, critical data is backed up.

Then, a card fell in front of her.The little girl picked up the card.She is quite familiar with this kind of "talisman" now, so she immediately recognized the pattern in the middle of the card as nothing but her suitcase.

My own suitcase with all kinds of belongings.The one left in his room... Well, since the mobile phone and tablets are all put away by brother Zhang Cheng, it's normal for this one to be put away.

Although they are all things that can be bought with money at any time, it is always good news that the things are still there.

"What are you trying to do with this party?" the planeswalker asked.

"This... I'm just a messenger. But as long as you participate, you will definitely know the answer." The black wizard replied with as soft a voice as possible.He was afraid that this answer would anger the person in front of him, but luckily the latter did not pursue it.He just waved his hand, and the giant-like weird creature quietly disappeared like a ball of foam.

"Your wife must come to participate." Mike said.

With these words, the little girl suddenly felt that this mysterious guy looked much more pleasing to the eye.

Seeing that the other party was no longer hostile, Mike stood up cautiously and retreated to the shadow behind.The magic power that cleared the magic power just now has disappeared, and he has walked to the edge of the shadow.

"Then since the letter has been delivered, I'll leave first," he said.After saying this, he immediately jumped into the shadows.At the last moment of jumping in, he let out a long breath, and his tense nerves slowly relaxed.

Almost...just almost...he had to congratulate himself for passing.Otherwise, he should not be able to see the sun of tomorrow.

Is it appropriate to invite a guy like this to...Is the boss...

This idea just flashed in his mind, and quickly went out like a spark.These don't matter to him.

Speaking of which, I was really surprised to meet this person dressed as a magician this time.This was an unknown factor, because even at close range he couldn't detect the opponent's spirit base.

The other party is like an ordinary person, without any spiritual foundation at all, let alone other things.But he did perform all sorts of incredible miracles.Whether it was pulling him out of the shadows—in that state, although he was very close to the physical world, he was still in the shadows—or summoning that indescribable creature.Those are unquestionable supernatural powers.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because at this moment he felt the signal he wanted.

So he escaped from the shadow world and appeared before a few panicked people.

In fact, seeing such a group of shadows suddenly change from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, and then into a human shape, normal people will panic.

"Good evening, everyone." There was a hint of malice in his voice, looking at the few people in front of him.

Tonight, there are actually a lot of people who escaped from the burning fire.In other words, the vast majority of people were able to escape safely.This is of course mainly due to the "magician".The second is the credit of the Great Wizard and Zhou Daoren, and the last is the credit of the group in front of him.

They were lucky. They were trapped in a corner of the third floor in the previous fire, and successfully opened the passage from the second floor to the first floor.

Devil Worshipers, or more colloquially, Satanists.Originally, the invitation letter was only mailed to their leader, but for no reason, there were no. 30 people here.

Like Redstone, it is unavoidable (they are guards allocated by the government forcibly). Ordinary people can only bring one or two apprentices and three or five entourages at most. How can there be so many people?This is simply not polite at all!Are you looking down on others?So Mike didn't have a good voice when he came up.

"If I'm not mistaken, your name should be Gil Ramo, Mr. Ramo, or Master Ramo." He remembered the information he had investigated before.Before that, he spent a lot of time investigating various characters all over the world.However, after experiencing the lessons of the Chongxiao Sect, he did not dare to use force casually.So the current situation is that the black wizard recognizes the other party, but the other party does not know the black wizard.

"Who are you?" The leader calmed down slightly.After all, he couldn't lower his profile in front of many subordinates.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters," Mike said. "I'm here to inform you of something. You have already passed the screening, so..." He paused while speaking, because he noticed that the other party was actually calling the spirit base.He wants to sneak attack with magic!

The rough and clumsy technique, combined with that weak spirit base, is indeed a rotten fish with a rotten shrimp!
Mike let out a cold snort in his heart.If these people heard this voice, they would definitely run away in fright.

The black wizard snapped his fingers lightly, and the energy generated by the abundant spirit foundation blocked the weak magic in the void, completely defeating it.The resulting reaction force made the other party pale, and he stroked his chest with his hands, as if his breath was stuck in his chest and he couldn't get it out.Taking this opportunity, he waved his hand in the air.

Although it was far away, two crisp "pops" were clearly audible.It was as if someone had slapped him twice in the face.A few seconds later, two very clear red five-fingerprints appeared on the face of the guy named Lamo.He was indeed slapped twice just now.To wake him up a little bit.

The other people around were scared and backed away, and none of the group of cowards dared to step forward.Of course, it was useless even if they stepped forward.

If it wasn't his duty, just based on his actions just now, Mike could kill this guy immediately.This is just a fool who knows a little bit of superficial tricks!

"How dare you!" Lamo was furious, and instinctively mobilized his spirit base in anger.

"Interesting, let me teach you what real magic is." The black wizard sneered.Really used his own spells.Just now he was just a basic use of the spirit foundation, and it couldn't even be called magic.But this time is different.

Lamo's body froze suddenly because he found he couldn't breathe.An invisible cord strangled his neck, and no matter how hard he tried to breathe, air couldn't get into his lungs.He struggled with suffocating panic, but all struggles were pointless because it wasn't matter that was tightening his neck.His hands scratched his neck in vain, he fell to his knees in painful suffocation, and finally rolled on the ground instinctively.At this time, the restraint on him was released.He breathed heavily, and the feeling of the air filling his lungs brought tears to his eyes, making him realize how blessed it was to be able to breathe.But before he could get up, a leather boot stepped on his forehead.

He didn't have time to feel the humiliation, let alone get angry because of the humiliation, the rope that was loosened just now was tightened again.He couldn't breathe again.The other people around all backed away. Seeing this scene of the magic battle, no one dared to intervene.They all regarded Lamo as someone like a prophet or a sage, so he was knocked down so easily that people immediately lost the courage to fight against the dark wizard.

Of course, in this regard, it doesn't matter much whether you have courage, and whether you have strength is more important.Speaking of which, dark wizards never hesitate to kill for half a second when they need to.

The invisible rope was tightened again and again, and loosened again and again.After doing this three or five times, all sense of resistance was wiped out.Lamo didn't dare to move and resist, and let that foot step on his well-groomed hair.

The foot was actually not heavy, but it was full of humiliation.The dirty soles rubbed slowly and slowly on his hair, leaving dust and dirt in the hairline, just like people use a rag.It took a long time before the shoes were taken away.

"Now you should be a little clearer," said the black wizard.His hand trembled, and an envelope fell to the ground, right in front of Lamo's nose. "Go to the appointment at that time, know the consequences!"

He left this threat, then walked into a shadow on the side again, and jumped in.His mission is not yet complete!
As for how this man named Lamo will restore his authority and image, that is none of his business.

On the roof of the apartment building, the planeswalker looked around again.

"Want to go back with me?" the planeswalker asked coldly. "Back to the Republic."

"Wait, brother Zhang Cheng, I still have some things to clean up here." The little girl said.Her voice trembled slightly.She had to hurry to take a shower, change her underwear, and a few other things.Don't look at her having mustered up all the courage to take the initiative before, but now that time has passed, she no longer has enough courage to face Zhang Cheng.Moreover, it's not clear what's going on, but the current Zhang Cheng makes her a little scared.

Fear, mixed with excitement, but if Zhang Cheng refuses her and takes her away by force... that seems pretty good too.

"Is it okay to go back from here?"

"No problem." Through the mobile phone, the little girl had already figured out where she was.In the modern information society, with maps and positioning systems, it is difficult to get lost.

"Then I'm leaving," the planeswalker replied.He opened a dimensional rift and disappeared from the rooftop.He knew that the little girl had more than one safe house in the city.Zhang Cheng was curious about this gathering of magicians, but he didn't care too much.The little girl was very vigilant and cared, and made a lot of necessary and unnecessary preparations for the party, such as multiple safe houses.But Zhang Cheng didn't stop the little girl.

The little girl looked at Zhang Cheng's back disappearing into the unknown space crack as if she was lost.She couldn't help but sighed slightly, but immediately picked up her mobile phone excitedly and dialed a familiar number.

"Hello, Heidi?" The little girl's voice was full of irrepressible excitement. "Have you watched the news?"

(End of this chapter)

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