Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1014 The Ancient Well

Chapter 1014 The Ancient Well
Chen Xinghe wants to live!

His eyes glanced around, and suddenly aimed at the darkness on the left.

There is an ancient well in the darkness, and many strange symbols are engraved on the well platform.

This is the only place where the sage's double pupil can't be seen.

Ordinarily, there is no such possibility, because when you look at the right hand, you can see a little of the inside, how come your eyes move to the ancient well and are completely shielded from the outside?Can't see anything strange.

The more this was the case, the more Chen Xinghe felt that this ancient well was the source of life, so he moved towards the rear while fighting.

"Death!" Ji Hongtian burst out suddenly.

Still unable to win the young emperor Qingtianzong, I feel extremely uneasy, so I have to make a quick decision to kill the threat in the bud.

Chen Xinghe secretly thought it was bad luck, this blow was too strong, the six wings and mirror light joined together to collide, resulting in a violent shock, and when all the power erupted, it was really possible to kill him.

"It must be blocked."

At a critical moment, Chen Xinghe raised his right hand to resist.

It is the right hand, not the right arm, there is an essential difference between the two.

The five fingers made a whipping sound of "papapa", as if the whip was shaking rapidly in the air, which sounded very strange.

At this moment, even if Ji Hongtian saw that the opponent's right hand was very strange, but he had to shoot the arrow, he had no choice but to stop.

"Boom..." At the same time as the two sides collided, a seal of enlightenment appeared on the palm of Chen Xinghe's right hand.

This time the Seal of Enlightenment did not release the huge and dilapidated Tianmen, because time did not allow it.However, the right hand used the Broken Star in the three moves of the Qi Refiner, disrupting the order of the Kaiming Seal's spatial accommodation by breaking the surface.

This is amazing, Tianmen is between existence and non-existence in this land boundary, and light and shadow suddenly flicker on a large scale, as if Tianmen has really descended, forcibly blocking Ji Hongtian's full blown attack from the gate.

Even so, it still failed to block the full impact.

Chen Xinghe flew out at the end of a burst of explosions, he felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were mixed together, this guy's fighting power was too high.

In fact, this should be the case when the peak level of Dacheng in the late stage of the Nascent Soul is matched against the early stage of the Nascent Soul. The early stage of the Nascent Soul was beaten so weak that he couldn't even catch the opponent's tricks.

But this kind of situation shouldn't happen to Chen Xinghe, you must know that leapfrog fighting is a common occurrence for him.

It's just that the huge gap between the young emperor of the Qingtian sect and the first disciple of the Shangtian sect returned, which made Chen Xinghe's knowledge go up and down, and he saw the true face of the strong at the same rank.

Chen Xinghe was very miserable at this moment, his seven orifices were bleeding, his scalp was smoking, the little mana he had just recovered was gone, and there was severe pain behind him.

He bumped into the formation barrier, and immediately layers of frost and snow with layers of golden light slammed outward. If it weren't for the solid body, someone else would be crushed on the spot.

Fortunately, the direction was correct, and the ancient well was right behind him. He didn't even think about popping a handful of spirit stones to squeeze out the spirit energy for use by the body formation.

Ji Hongtian arrived the moment the void lines appeared on his feet.

The speed of the first disciple of the Jintian Sect was really fast, and Chen Xinghe was absolutely not allowed to escape.

Indeed, advancing at such a speed, Chen Xinghe would have to die before teleporting out. He is in such a mess right now that he has no mana to defend.

Fortunately, he has been waiting for the other party!There is another trick.

Ji Hongtian's heart skipped a beat, because Chen Shaodi used his right hand every time he fought a move. Obviously, his right hand was much higher than his body's overall body training level, but why did he lift his left hand up at this moment?
The thought was only for a moment, and at the same time as Ji Hongtian blasted out his palm, he found a burst of energy from the opposite side.

"Not good." He knew it was poison.

This kind of toxicity was the only one he had ever seen in his life, and the palm print disappeared without a trace in an instant, even the six wings on his back were affected, and he instinctively resisted the toxin.

Chen Xinghe ate the whole garden of Ganoderma lucidum plus all the nourishing elixirs in the loot, and the erysipelas and poisons produced are by no means easy, whoever suffers will be unlucky.

However, he didn't think that with Ji Hongtian's strength, the toxin could really exert its effect and poison the opponent from head to toe.

So this trick is not only used when the two die together, but also rushes to the last moment of vitality, and releases it coldly to block it.

Sure enough, success is reserved for those who are prepared.

Ji Hongtian braked desperately to move away.

He really can't bear this kind of poison, even if he attacks and kills the opponent successfully, but as long as the young emperor of Qingtianzong supports it for a while, he, the first disciple of Jintianzong, will probably be accompanied by the medicine jar in the future, and even block the way to promotion. The loss outweighs the gain.

Taking advantage of this gap, Chen Xinghe finally completed the teleportation.

He only heard a soft sound of "Bo", and his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the well platform.

It's just that the saint's double pupils were full of death, Chen Xinghe was terrified, as if he saw the Shilin formation pressing down on him with all its strength.

"It's over! This ancient well is the most dangerous place in the cave, and if you stay for a while, you will be killed."

He had no choice but to jump off the well platform, which was better than being wiped out by a large formation in an instant.

"Om..." If the sage Chongtong predicted, the stone forest formation will be operating at full capacity, even if all the formations and restraints in the cave are sacrificed, the safety of the ancient well must be ensured.

Chen Xinghe was really forced to a certain extent, otherwise he wouldn't have closed his eyes and resigned himself to fate.

With a "plop", he shivered and thought, "Is there water at the bottom of the well?"

Is not this nonsensical?Ishii is the place to draw water, how could there be no water?

In his mind, this ancient well is by no means ordinary, maybe it leads to some strange place, or is blocked by powerful demons like the previous cave, and it turns out to be a very simple ancient well?
"Wait, the well water from this ancient well?" Chen Xinghe held up a handful of well water to his eyes, and after using his eyesight to observe, he was so frightened that his whole body became ill.

Why is this so?
Because the well water is extremely dark and mysterious, it is actually the most vicious corpse water in the world, just holding this ball of clear water in both hands does not know how many corpses have been melted away.

Just this handful of corpse water can melt tens of thousands of corpses without melting hundreds of thousands of corpses.

The key underground space is not too small, just like a small lake, which can't be filled with billions or even tens of billions of corpses?

This shocked him even more than the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. The key point is that what is the owner of this place going to do with such a large pile of extremely terrifying corpse-transforming water?
Chen Xinghe suddenly felt that something was wrong, and the well was not safe. There were a lot of shining charms in front, back, left, and right, and he was about to bombard and kill the things that surfaced.

He had no choice but to cover his body with a large net of ash to act as a barrier, and then quickly dived underwater, hoping to gain a short recovery time.

Apart from being dark and mysterious underwater, it seems to be much better, but Chen Xinghe doesn't think so.

There may be something powerful hidden deep in the bottom of the well!Or to suppress something, he must be careful and careful.

(End of this chapter)

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