Chapter 1016
"What is that sound?"

Chen Xinghe was shocked in his heart. He was now a hundred feet deep in the well, and he heard the screams, and depending on the source, he was forming a large formation outside the well.

"Is it those monsters?"

In an instant, he thought that the monks of Jintianzong were using demon heads to sacrifice the formation, because this method was the most concise and effective. It seemed that Ji Hongtian was very persistent in beheading the young emperor of Qingtianzong.

"Very good. If there are still arrangements in the well, if the formation is disturbed in this way, maybe we can get a glimpse of the opportunity." Chen Xinghe continued to dive, and he is shivering now. If there is no Mahayana magic bone to stop the cold, his soul may have died Being frozen, even if there is no death in such a situation, it is almost the same as death in the true sense.

Another hundred feet downstream, suddenly billions of bubbles appeared in front of his eyes, Chen Xinghe's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

There are clusters of indelible imprints of the Corpse Transformation Water and the power of Xuan Yin. They were extremely powerful when they were alive, like stars in the sky.

The sage's double pupils stared at a ball of white air, just like entering a temple and seeing a towering statue of a god. He was once the god worshiped by all living beings!I don't know when and what month he fell, and his body was swept by the corpse water, and in the end there was only an unyielding mark left, which survived tens of thousands of years against the corpse water and the power of Xuanyin.

The key is that there are a lot of these imprints, and they are spread on the layer of the well, as if they have been obsessed with protecting something for many years after death.

"These imprints are incredible!"

"If it can be collected, it can be used as a talisman-making medium?" Chen Xinghe suddenly thought of the peach talisman made by the cheap teacher Tan Tiantong. The kind of talisman that can summon the ancient door gods is not simple, and must have an extremely powerful source.

These imprints in front of me can be used as a powerful source of "God General Talisman". The difficulty lies in how to collect them and how to store them after collection.

Chen Xinghe tried to mobilize the Ashes Net.

Anything related to Yin-Yang and Five Elements cannot escape the net of this magic weapon, but the bright white marks in front of him seem to jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, passing through the net without catching any energy.


The sage double pupil watched carefully, Chen Xinghe's heart moved, he thought about the gains and losses at an extremely fast speed, and secretly said: "Let's go, let's give up! There is no gain if you don't give up, just use this golden core of mine as your sustenance, and accomplish everything. Let's fight for the stars!"

With a decision in his heart, he hurriedly sat down cross-legged, and spread his thoughts, as if shouting: "The bird is gone, the sky is broken, the years are long, the soul is back! Come back! There is no far, no only. Return! There is no east, no west. , there is no south, no north, only..."

The ancient melody and rhyme spread gradually. As an alchemist, Chen Xinghe had been exposed to many ancient alchemy formulas, and he knew that the ancient prose was different from today's style.

To deal with these ancient imprints, it is natural to use the oldest ancient rhyme, otherwise no consensus can be reached, no matter how hard you try here, it is useless if these imprints do not respond.

It didn't take long for a group of imprints to react, which was a very good phenomenon, but then the waters boiled, and all the imprints burst into the sky, swimming towards Chen Xinghe with the unwillingness of the ages ago.

"Oh my god! Did I think this matter is simple?"

There is no way, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, who told him to move such thoughts?

In a trance, the sage Chongtong saw thousands of soldiers and horses. They died in a thrilling battle. They were afraid of unpredictable changes in their bodies, so they could only use the most powerful corpse water in the world to wipe out their bodies.

Although their bodies have melted away long ago, and their spirits are no longer there, the spirits that once existed between heaven and earth are still immortal, and they are still unparalleled in fighting spirit!
Chen Xinghe summoned with an old-fashioned tune, is that okay?It is tantamount to summoning the army who has been fighting for an unknown number of years to return to the camp.

Among them are the yearning for home, the unwillingness to die, the hope of a dead end, and the traces of remnants that drive the imprint to entrust the golden core, all of which are swift and fierce.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe opened more than [-] acupuncture points all over his body. The feeling of being continuously impacted made him feel like falling into an ice cave, and the combination of the golden core and the imprint caused endless pain. This is the price he must pay for "calling back the soul".


Horns sounded in my ears.

My mind began to settle down, as if I was going through a battle after another, honing my fighting spirit on the battlefield, gradually numb, and gradually became brave.

The power and influence are killed.

Hehe Shenwei is forged from iron, blood and life, and there has never been a shortcut.

When Chen Xinghe regained consciousness in a trance, he found that all the acupuncture points on his body had been filled with imprints.

They revived like ancient gods, but quickly fell silent.

It's so tiring!

These ancient existences need time to rest, and maybe they will never wake up again, but that doesn't matter, Chen Xinghe will use the star power to reshape them according to the imprinted form, so as to pass on the sequence.

There are hundreds of imprints around.

They found that there was no place to stay in the "camp", and they didn't want to separate from their comrades, what should they do?So he retreated to the next best thing and rushed into the sword qi that was being cultivated in the acupuncture points.

Chen Xinghe cultivated the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation with the whole body golden elixir as the foundation, and at the same time cultivated the Sword Formation to raise the Sword Qi and Sword Will.

Unexpectedly, these ancient imprints were not picky at all, and quickly merged into the many sword qi differentiated by the Guizang sword, making these sword qi suddenly full of spirituality and fighting spirit.

This is a surprise!

However, the imprints are only one thousand more than 200, not as many as expected. After occupying more than half of the "Flying Sword", the surroundings suddenly lost their light and gradually dimmed.

At this time, Chen Xinghe saw the specific situation at the bottom of the well as if he could see the sun through the clouds.

There are stretches of palaces and palaces there, but they are all broken walls and ruins, telling the vicissitudes of life to the latecomers.

Such scenes made him astonished, and he immediately knew what the formations were trying to cover up.

"Ancient Heaven Palace?"

"There is actually an ancient Tiangong ruins here."

"It is said that the 33rd floor collapsed and major changes occurred in the fairy world. Is this the proof?"

"Immortal trace! How many monks dream of finding a fairy fate, but there is actually a real fairy palace in this ancient well."

"It's no wonder the saint's double pupils can't wait and see. This is the place where the monks are constantly promoted and want to reach in the end."

"However..." Chen Xinghe was taken aback suddenly, feeling desolate in his heart: "However, the end point is in the human world, so is there an end point now?"

"Who cares! Maybe there is a new group of people in the fairy world! My practice is not to become a fairy, but to settle all kinds of troubles, find my lover, and rise stronger."

Chen Xinghe adjusted his mentality in an instant, and decided to enter the Immortal Palace to bump into "Xianyuan", but he stopped suddenly, and numbers flashed across the sky in his right eye.

This glance made his scalp explode, and he quickly avoided it.

Not long enough, he found a small gap on the ground five miles away from the ruins of Asgard Palace.

Chen Xinghe drilled into the ethnic bag, and then the ethnic bag was wrapped in layers of ash net, and squeezed into the slit with lightning speed to hide carefully.

Next, whether you can avoid the difficulty in front of you depends entirely on luck.

(End of this chapter)

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