Chapter 1041

"Woooooo..." Ginseng essence kept crying, because he knew what kind of fate he was about to accept.

Although the barefoot boy is the first soul of Xianshen, he has nothing to do with him as the second soul, but is still a sworn enemy.

This bastard used that gourd to refine him for many years, just to absorb the power of the fairy medicine, and prepare to break through the barrier in one fell swoop and become a stronger monk.

According to the cultivation speed of the first soul, he should not have absorbed the power of the medicine so quickly, which means that the situation outside really pushed him into a hurry.

Chen Xinghe felt the elixir and medicinal energy, and knew that he had to stop this guy from eating ginseng, even if he had to sacrifice for it.

"Jin Suo, I know you have reservations, I will send you an aura and a green carpet, save this ginseng and go for your own future!"

"What are you still doing in a daze? The opportunity is given to you, and freedom is right in front of you. If you don't fight for it, how can you ever set foot on the road of practice?"

Hearing this, Chen Xinghe's body suddenly glowed with a golden light, and then the whistling sound radiated, deflecting countless sword shadows around him.

As the ultimate magic weapon, Jinsuo can only be compared with the three-sided sunglass.

Chen Xinghe had an appointment with him beforehand, and he only needs to kill a few enemies before he can be set free. This saves the sacrifice process and allows him to be driven by him at will.

However, the level shown by Jin Suo is equivalent to the top-grade magic weapon, which is far from the top-grade magic weapon, which shows that he has reservations.

This is normal, the magic weapon has a clear self-awareness, except for the master who has truly concluded the life-and-death covenant, it is impossible for others to show its power to the fullest.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe couldn't move, at most he could send out one thought, seeing that the enemy was about to get powerful help, how could he not be in a hurry?
No matter how good the magic weapon is, it is not as good as one's own life.

In order for Jin Shuo to exert his strongest power, Chen Xinghe directly let him go free, and sent him off with an aura and a green carpet before leaving.

Da Dajinguang stopped Xianshen and shouted: "Don't hesitate, I won't eat you, and there is no need to eat you, I will go to freedom with you."

"Boom..." Xian Shen shook his body, knowing that an enemy's enemy is a friend, and this may be his only chance to escape.

"Bold!" The barefoot boy immediately cast his back hand, and a large number of illusory and real light and shadows spewed out from behind, as if condensing all the secular glitz of the heavens and myriad worlds.

Don't underestimate this layer of light and shadow, it actually blocked the sword power that was attacking by the roaring tsunami, and firmly blocked the golden shuttle and immortal ginseng, preventing them from escaping.

It's hard to imagine that in such a situation, this guy still has a back move, and it's quite extraordinary.

With a loud roar, Chen Xinghe launched Guizang Sword to attack the soul of the barefoot boy.

"You're courting death." The cultivators at the transformation stage have cultivated their minds to be extremely strong, and they are even more in harmony with the Nascent Soul. This level of state is really beyond the reach of the Nascent Soul cultivators.

Chen Xinghe knew that the enemy was powerful, so he only wanted to harass, and he never thought of making meritorious deeds with one blow.

However, the world is unpredictable. If a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth, and the barefoot boy will walk a "back" today.

Just at this moment, Jin Suo broke out his background in an all-round way for freedom.

Facts have proved that the ultimate magic weapon has a way to store mana.

Jin Suo not only erupted with Chen Xinghe's mana, but also erupted with the former owner's mana.

In order to fly freely in the world from now on, he threw all his old money in, and if he fails, he will be benevolent. This is the only time in his life.

"Crack..." The moment the whirling lights and shadows were disturbed, the sword shadows from the sun, moon and stars in the sky suddenly surged.

Before that, he had some doubts about the Jieli of the Sword Dao, he couldn't tell who was the master of the Guizang Sword, the barefoot boy or Chen Xinghe, and who wanted to help the magic weapon overcome the robbery and become a spiritual treasure no matter the cost.

As soon as the light and shadow barrier came out, it immediately locked onto the target.

That's why Lingbao Jie didn't show its fangs until now, showing its true horror.

Cracks appeared under the attack of the whirling light and shadow from inside and outside, Jin Suo was so excited that he didn't know what to say, he controlled the golden light to pick up the fairy ginseng and left.

"Hey! Don't go." The barefoot boy didn't expect this kind of trouble to happen. It's really not as good as the sky. Could it be that the young emperor of the Qingtian sect is his nemesis?

To be honest, Chen Xinghe was the nemesis of many people, and he would be the nemesis wherever he went.

Fatty Suzaku calculated that Xinghe was a person with double fates. He died once when he was young, and he struggled desperately to survive, so he got two sets of horoscopes and two fates.

The first set of horoscopes comes from his birthday, and the second set of horoscopes comes from the moment when he got the turtle stone and was struck by lightning, and then came back to life.

It's no wonder that Chen Xinghe's adaptability is so high, its root lies in this.

Don't digress, let's talk about the situation in front of us, it's really one step to heaven, one step to hell, and the situation is changing rapidly.

The barefoot boy opened his eyes to chase after the immortal ginseng, and led the key part of the sword power to the guard tower of the Jingyi sect.

Jin Shuo's penetrating power is no small matter, he has already pierced through the three major formations, and the sword shadow behind him chased after him, colliding with the formations immediately.

Or how bad luck!The formation built by the Clean Clothes faction is definitely not weak, and they began to desperately intercept the passers-by, and a surge of strength was inevitable.

These are nothing at all, the key is that Chen Xinghe is attacking the soul through the Duoshe channel!With such an opportunity in front of him, how could he let it go easily?
Therefore, the barefoot boy suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and immediately realized that his soul was injured.

Although he is a cultivator at the transformation stage, he is not an indestructible body, especially if his soul is hurt, it is very troublesome, and he does not know how many years it will take to adjust.

The barefoot boy was furious and raised his hand to summon the lyre, only to realize that the lyre was not by his side.

Because he was chasing Jin Suo, he was so concentrated that he left Lyre in place.

Chen Xinghe is still standing there, his right hand is trying to devour the power and matter he is interested in, as for some leftovers, throw them to the host to play with!

After being slightly taken aback, the barefoot boy felt his whole body go stiff, and his spirit suffered a second injury. He was so angry that he closed his eyes and tried his best to deal with the damned brat.

However, he came up short.

After Chen Xinghe killed two swords, he made a lot of achievements. He clearly knew that the opponent was extremely powerful, so why would he want to fight and not leave?

The barefoot boy was so angry that he opened his eyes, yelled and chased after the fairy ginseng again.

At this time, someone's rogue attributes are undoubtedly revealed!
Chen Xinghe saw that this guy was chasing and killing Jin Shuo again, so he reconnected with the Duoshe channel, and swayed over again with the Guizang sword.

It’s impossible not to do this!After all, the sword shadows all over the sky came rushing towards the Guizang sword, so he couldn't bear such a strong power.


Under multiple factors and blows, the barefoot boy was hit hard for the third time.

However, his foundation is really solid, he took out a golden elixir and swallowed it into his stomach, and then his mana and aura increased wildly, making him even more difficult to deal with than the real demon and Ji Hongtian.

"You and I have the same roots, where can you go?" The barefoot boy suddenly slashed at his left foot, and Xianshen let out a scream.

Next, I saw the blood rushing wildly, forming a chain, tightly entwining the immortal ginseng.

Chen Xinghe felt something in his heart and said: "I have Gui Zang Sword, I hold it to slay Wan Xiong, today I will step up the ladder, and the sword will come out when I move!"

"Hey..." Surprisingly, one to twenty percent of the sword shadows from the heavens uttered sounds and obeyed orders.

Thousands of swords and thousands of swords gathered into one sword in an instant, and swung down towards the bloody chain...

(End of this chapter)

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