Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1100 Zhan Lingxuan

Chapter 1100 Zhan Lingxuan

With one sword strike, the earth is torn apart.

The crack was bottomless, and whether it was a void demon or a domesticated mount, [-]% to [-]% of them died.

It has been a long time since people in the world have felt the glory of the Qingtian Sword Field, because the Qingtian Sword Field was born for the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld, and it can cause secondary damage under the influence of the power of the robbery.

The surviving demons suddenly realized that something was wrong, a force burst out from the wound, and then their bodies burst open, suffering unspeakably.

The next moment, thunder and lightning poured down, and the thunder dragon made up with inertia.

With Chen Xinghe leading the battle, this kind of make-up should not be too easy, and his ranking has fallen below [-].

"Let's go!" Jianyuan is [-]% and has killed for a hundred years. It is unlikely to see monsters around. This is the dominance of the Qingtian Sword Domain.

Of course, when the Qingtian Sword Domain is really powerful, it draws down the power of Mantian Tribulation. This deflagration strike is still a practice, not the real power.

Even so, someone who saw this scene from a distance would be stupefied. They only felt chills running down their spines, knowing that they were no match for this kid.

You have to know how many years Chen Xinghe has been a Chihuang genius, and his cultivation speed is so fast, it may be a record in the cultivation world, what kind of treasure does this kid have to be so outstanding?
The monks were so curious, could it be that all the residual luck of the Qingtian Sect was concentrated on him alone, that's why it was so outrageous?

If the promotion can be so fast, what is everyone doing after so many years of faltering?Real people are more popular than people, but now it's too late to be greedy, Chen Shaodi has become Chen Dijun, and the climate has become.

In the Qingtian Sect, after the young emperor entered the Nascent Soul stage, he would call him Dijun in order to be nice to others, because since ancient times, the young emperor must inevitably enter the Transformation God stage, which is the inevitable result of the superior sect's selection of the best.

However, the self-proclaimed emperor must enter the Huashen stage, and as long as he reaches the late stage of Huashen, he will be the heir of this huge sect, so it is very honorable!
However, the sect has been disbanded, and this kind of glory can only be won by oneself.

If Chen Xinghe can reunite his popularity and form a sect, it will be the beginning of revival, his way to the sky, and he is more qualified to be called Qingtian Emperor.

But no one is unconvinced when they see Qingtian's sword!

When the level is reached, it is there, and slander and slander are completely useless.

Chen Xinghe opened his mouth and spewed out a beam of starlight, and found that there was another stronghold thousands of miles away, so it was no nonsense, he asked Lei Long to rush over to get the points as soon as possible.

He sat on the dragon's head in an even and stable manner, practicing all the time.

Naturally, the combat power did not drop, that's what the mount was for, to assist in cultivation and maintain combat power, otherwise he would fly away much faster than this.

The belongings of those cultivators in the stage of transforming gods were unearthed, among which there were as many as [-] light ingots and nearly a thousand immortal stones. The benefits to the dragon veins are self-evident.

Although the cultivation of the dragon veins is still 81 times stronger, the dragon energy is constantly gushing out, and the recovery efficiency has reached the extreme, making controlling the Lingbao flying sword as easy as drinking water and eating.

The huge body of cultivation ensures that Chen Xinghe, a mid-stage cultivator of transformation, has the combat power of late stage transformation, so when the masters of various sects surrounded him in the middle of the sky, he was not panicked at all, but a little excited.

He even wondered if he was a belligerent person. The idea instilled in him since he was a child is to be harmonious and make money. However, he has been fighting and killing for many years, and he seems to have gotten used to this kind of life. He even felt unfulfilled after returning from the Styx. In the end, there was no vigor. It's a pity to fight with Blood Shura!
Although the top few on the leaderboard have all arrived, the pressure is not small, but there is no sense of limit, and the excitement has dropped a bit.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "Have I become a physical abuser? I feel uncomfortable when the monks in the fusion period don't come? I have to walk on the edge of life and death every now and then. I think this is exciting! Damn, isn't this sick?" ? Obviously not normal."

He also knew that there was a problem with his mentality, but he couldn't control it!
At first, a person with a cloud over his head, stepped on Xuanhuang and said coldly: "The people under the sect went to besiege you, and I felt that the victory was invincible, so I didn't participate. I didn't expect that you would be a good way to kill them in a blink of an eye! Chen Xinghe, you deliberately hid your cultivation just for this moment, didn't you?"

Chen Xinghe glanced at the other party and said: "Why so much nonsense? If you want to make a move, you can do it! But you must think carefully before you make a move. Once you, Taoist Lingxuan, are defeated and dying, and you lose face, as long as I, Chen Xinghe, live for a day, I will go to the Heavenly Sect!" My luck will be suppressed by me for a day."

"Arrogance!" On the surface, the Taoist who stepped on Xuanhuang was not angry on the surface, but the anger was burning extremely strong in his heart.

This kind of character has long been cultivated to the point where he can't show his emotions or anger, but someone really offended Jin Tianzong, and has formed an irresolvable feud. Only by killing Chen Xinghe can he comfort the ancestors of the sect.

I saw the crutch with the head of the dragon pointed towards the air, and it immediately turned into a brilliant mirror light. The Taoist Lingxuan was not vague at all, and he summoned the projection of the heavenly mirror to spread the aura.

Lingyun and Dao have the same origin, but it is a kind of embodied Dao rule, which can ensure that the control of certain powers is increased by ten times or even dozens of times. How about the power of Lingbao?

When Chen Xinghe saw the weather, he immediately paid attention to it.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the time has gone back a thousand years. This Taoist Lingxuan can be said to be a pillar of the Jintian Sect, and he has a lot of credit for the decline of the Qingtian Sect.

How can he not be angry today?
Such a large sect is actually being humiliated by a junior. This is trampling on the efforts of all the monks of their generation, which is unforgivable!
The power of the Lingbao collided, and everything around it was broken, messed up, and died.

Thunder Dragon drifted back slowly, hehe sneered.

The first collision was not Chen Xinghe's disadvantage, but Taoist Ling Xuan's body trembled, the two magic weapons for protection wailed, and he stepped heavily on the Xuanhuang Qi, and his height dropped three or four feet.

On the other hand, on Chen Xinghe's side, even though Thunder Dragon was drifting back, it didn't lower its altitude. This was the biggest difference.

"Okay, this flying sword is really good." Daoist Ling Xuan hadn't encountered such a difficult enemy for many years, and he was not discouraged, but moved his hands up with his hands on his back.

"Boom..." The projection of the heavenly mirror above his head was divided into three parts, and turned into three dazzling mirrors!
What happened next was that under the reflection of the three precious mirrors, Taoist Ling Xuan was also divided into three, and even the saint with double pupils couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

The combat power is directly increased by three times. If the three Lingxuan Taoists are good at cooperating, it will not be as simple as three times.

Chen Xinghe fought alone against the three of them, instead of being afraid, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, this is interesting. Daoists dare to fight fiercely with me all the way? Wherever you fight, how about it?"

"Hmph, I'm afraid you'll be defeated in a short while." Taoist Ling Xuan is very arrogant, he still has powerful means that he hasn't used yet. It is expected that the mere juniors are still young in cultivation, how many means can they have?
Chen Xinghe put away the Thunder Dragon, flexed his muscles and said, "Come on! Let me see what you can do?"

"Kill!" The three Lingxuan Taoists swayed to Chen Xinghe's side.

It is said that two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a good man cannot hold back against many people, but Chen Xinghe is too fast, and his speed has increased to three times that of Taoist Ling Xuan.

In this way, the combat strength of the two sides was equal, and they moved forward amidst the roaring sound. Wherever they went, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and there was no intact place.

(End of this chapter)

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