Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1102 Who is dissatisfied?Who dares to refuse?

Chapter 1102 Who is dissatisfied?Who dares to refuse?
Chen Xinghe has Yin in one hand and Yang in the other, Yin and Yang are under control.

On the top of the head, Boshan Furnace accommodates all rivers and rivers, absorbs all the elixirs, shatters, separates, and sinks.

A large amount of medicine power falls down, and is divided into medicine gas and poison gas under the drive of one hand Yin and the other hand Yang.

At this time, Chen Xinghe held his yang and yin in his arms, gently pushed away the beautiful toxin, and then lightly embraced the pure medicinal power.

The Boshan Furnace slowly falls to devour the power of the medicine, and through ingenious vibrations, it instantly becomes a pill, which is all Yuanying Baodan.

At this time, Banlantoxin charged towards Taoist Lingxuan, invaded the upper and lower nine layers of Taoism of Nidao Huabiao, and fought fiercely with him.

Taking advantage of this effort, Chen Xinghe kept beating the Boshan Furnace, using layer upon layer of skillful vibrations to shatter the Nascent Soul Stage Treasure Pill for secondary decomposition, extraction, and refining.

A wisp of gray air flowed down from the Boshan furnace.

Don't underestimate this strand of gray air, it is the impurities and toxins of all the pills that have been formed in the Nascent Soul Stage, and it is so pure that it is unbelievable.

Chen Xinghe pushed lightly again, and the gray air flow was like a bowstring or a curved blade, pressing towards the opposite side.

Taoist Lingxuan immediately felt the threat, and suddenly mobilized the mirror light to defend, so as to ensure that the rebellious Huabiao was safe.

The turmoil created by the talisman driven by the talisman is weakening. Chen Xinghe knew that he was running out of time, so he slapped the alchemy furnace with a "thump, thud, thump" to make all kinds of medicinal power gather according to the pill formula, turning it into the most powerful treasure in the Nascent Soul Stage Dan.

These treasure pills are already comparable to the god pills of the transformation stage, they are very extraordinary, but Chen Xinghe's real purpose is to synthesize higher-end god pills.

"Refining, refining..." He slapped the furnace wall more vigorously, crushing, decomposing, extracting, and removing impurities again.

The surrounding space trembled "buzzing", and he couldn't bear the impurity and poisonous gas he extracted.

At this time, there was a change in the sky above, and the five-color robbery clouds quickly gathered.

Surprisingly, five colors are seen on top of five colors, and five lights are formed on top of ten colors.

"Colorful? What kind of divine pill was born to cause such a catastrophe?"

"Amazing! With that talisman technique, Chen Xinghe has already stood in the forefront of monks of the same level. It is unexpected that what he really cultivates is the way of alchemy."

"Hahaha, he's looking for death. In order to extract that bit of poison to corrode Fellow Daoist Ling Xuan, and to create such a big scene, the gain outweighs the gain."

"Not necessarily, it's easy for him to muddy the water, and Fellow Daoist Ling Xuan can't perform normally..."

At this point, the sound shook thousands of miles, and the mighty tribulation thunder fell down.

"Boom..." The voice seemed to come from the drums of the ancient Tiangong, as if calling thousands of troops to launch an offensive.

This furnace is about to be tested for the magic elixir. The Boshan furnace was so electrified that it screamed, and the furnace wall was almost torn apart!
However, the level of this pill is very high, and there is still a lot to suffer.

Chen Xinghe laughed out loud, it's enough to touch the alchemy furnace and the elixirs for meaning, they have already undergone the modification of the Qi mechanism, and obtained the good fortune of heaven and earth.

The next Thunder Tribulation is the jealousy of the heavens, because the heavens do not want to break the balance of the heavens and the earth, and want to destroy these magical pills, and cut off the causal variables caused by it.

The miraculous effect of the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Spring Jue appeared at this time.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Jieyun uttered a long cry, like a funnel down the terrifying verdict.

It's just that Qingtian Sword Domain rose suddenly, and Chen Xinghe roared: "Kill it!"

Following this roar, the sky was full of colorful lights, unable to restrain their strength, and rushed towards the target point.


"how come?"

"Not good, he is using the power of robbery to assist in the battle."

"Qiang..." Taoist Ling Xuan couldn't believe it, and hurriedly looked back.

The three precious mirrors were all shattered, and his figure returned from the Trinity to the original.

What's even more outrageous is that there are countless sword shadows coming out of the body, one, two, three, endless in an instant.

Chen Xinghe had already retracted his sword, and Fei grabbed the fragment of the magic weapon, and the way to seize the house suddenly opened in his mind.

Taoist Ling Xuan just wanted to burn jade and stone together, but he felt a tingle in his heart, and he had already missed the best time to explode the baby.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." Taoist Ling Xuan was extremely unwilling, but that sword was too invincible, too vast, and even gathered all the thunder and calamity into one sword, which had surpassed the limit of what he could fight.

What frightened him even more was that the Yuanshen of the opponent suddenly invaded with a sword, which was a comprehensive beheading from body to soul.

Qingtianzong, the young emperor who had just grown up, turned out to be so terrifying, beating him up like this is not counted, and he still wants to use extraordinary means to search for his soul?
No, he would rather die than obey.

So Taoist Ling Xuan died on his own, and didn't intend to leave anything for the other party.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand to make a tactic, and saw Ni Dao Huabiao flying away from this place quickly, avoiding the wave of Taoist Ling Xuan's fall.

"Rumble..." At this moment, the sky collapsed and the earth fell, the once famous Taoist Lingxuan fell decisively. He never dreamed that he would fall into such a land.

Just after taking over the house, Chen Xinghe only wanted to show off his beauty.

This pillar is too powerful, if he hadn't had an idea to use all the elixirs in his body to gather the medicinal power to refine the divine elixir, and mobilize the divine elixir to cheer the heavenly tribulation, as long as it takes a little longer, he might be in a mess.

Now, he is not at all worried that the matter of practicing the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue will be exposed.

The Qingtian Sect has been disbanded, so who would they go to for the other major sects if they wanted to incriminate them?
And he has already mastered such magical skills, the overall situation is settled, who can stop him?
Therefore, at the critical moment, a sword is used to stand up, and by the way, the memory is seized to seize the rebellious appearance.

Daoist Ling Xuan is afraid that he will die in peace!You must know that most of his wealth is on this rebellious watch, and the opponent's seizing method is so powerful, he can see the mystery of manipulation in an instant.

When he resolutely went to die, he had the intention of not leaving anything for the other party, and in the end he lost this heavyweight weapon of the sect.

Chen Xinghe flashed to catch up with Nidao Huabiao, and slowly sat on the stone pillar. While comprehending this treasure carefully, he said aloud: "Is there anyone who refuses to accept? Come to fight."

That Master Xuantianzong Longqing snorted coldly, turned around and left.

It's nothing more than Chen's fighting power, but he has also practiced taboo magic skills. Now that the Qingtian Sect has been disbanded, the sect can no longer restrain him. If he really wants to make it public, he will make it public, kill whoever he wants, and torture everyone. monk.

Who is his opponent alone?

What's even more exasperating is that Taoist Ling Xuan didn't live up to his expectations and left behind his rebellious appearance.

Under such circumstances, at least five Ling Xuans with similar combat strength could fight him, otherwise there would be no hope of winning.

At this moment, who dares to refuse?Such a raptor parading around, its momentum is unsurpassed in the river and sea. Although there are many crucian carp crossing the river, how can they fight against the Dragon King?

I don't know which guy shouted first.


With just these two words, it seemed like no one in the same class could subdue Chen Xinghe. The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure was so heavy that all the cultivators of Huashen sect couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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