Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1134 Valley God Arrow

Chapter 1134 Valley God Arrow

The wheels roll on the road, as long as you have the strength, you can roll as far as you want.

Now Tai Chi is like a wheel, is it not easy to speed up?
Chen Xinghe stood on the spot, speeding up every time he punched, and when he punched the 190th eighth punch, he made a trembling sound of "buzz".

Dai Yuhe frowned slightly, he found that this lunatic was a little different.

"Extreme speed peak?" He suddenly realized, and the sound of clang and zither erupted immediately, preventing Chen Xinghe from continuing to accelerate.

"It's late!" Chen Xinghe focused his eyes and saw a strange scene.

The right hand disappeared, not really disappearing, but a slight difference in the flow of time, which penetrated the wall supported by the five magic zithers.

"Boom..." The fist broke through the speed limit of the transformation stage, followed by the second time, faster than before.

Then, even faster, there was another "boom", and Dai Yuhe retreated with the five magic zithers.

Chen Xinghe floated forward, his arm disappeared in a strange way, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this smile, Dai Yuhe had an ominous feeling.

"Boom..." All the barriers broke through at this moment, and the speed and power of punching reached the extreme.

"Thief, die, expose, abuse, abuse!"

"Five Demons and Five Truths!" Lang Lang's voice produced strange magic power, Chen Xinghe became extremely weak, and his speed and strength all dropped to only [-]% left.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, and his heart was full of horror. The five magic pianos were not at the level of middle-grade spirit treasures, but high-grade spirit treasures. They suppressed him layer by layer. Did this push the other party into a hurry?That's why the real strength was revealed?

The sky split open, and the thunderbolt struck down, just right on Chen Xinghe's body, making him feel extremely comfortable.

"Finally attracted!"

"Crack..." Tianjie pierced through nothingness, although it was extremely fierce, it brought great vitality to Chen Xinghe.

Yes, vitality.

The Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs was like a dead fish before, but now?
Alive, it can be regarded as alive, after the dead fish took this breath, it was completely alive.

In the previous battle, the robbery power was consumed too much, and even the nine-level foundational robbery power between the eyebrows was killed. Now the foundation is replenished in an instant, and it is no longer weak.

Chen Xinghe was a little speechless, the Heavenly Tribulation was raging crazily above his head, but the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Jue was like a bottomless pit, it could absorb as much power as it came, and there was no surplus at present, so he couldn't use it to attack.

Dai Yuhe's eyes froze, and he felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Like Chen Xinghe, he always had the foresight to react one step ahead when there were violent twists and turns in his fate.

"Gushen Arrow, kill!"

Canggu symbolizes vigorously.

Ancient, vicissitudes, primitive, ignorant.

The huge murderous heart converged into an arrow shaped like a wheat ear.

In ancient times, millet was regarded as the length of a hundred valleys, so emperors enshrined it as the god of valleys.

The word "she" in the word "sheji" refers to the god of earth, and the word "ji" refers to the god of valley. The ancient monarchs offered sacrifices to sheji, and later she used sheji to represent the country.

And Dai Yuhe regards the killing intent as his community, in which the evolution of the demonic kingdom, gathered together is the arrow of the original demonic way that is utterly overwhelming.

As soon as this arrow appeared, Chen Xinghe was in a state of death, wishing to add all the defenses, but the Enlightenment Seal had no magic power, and could not instantly support the defense of Tianmen.

Such murderous intent is outrageous, the five strings of the magic qin are twisted into one, and the arrows are fired at lightning speed.

"Pfft..." The body was pierced, and the horror and demonic nature spread, but this body was not Chen Xinghe, but the fellow of the top devil.

At the critical moment, the clone can only be used for defense.

Although this body is expected to control the Tai Chi Dao and walk out of a heaven-reaching Dao, it is really nothing compared to Xiao Ming.

The frightening aspect of the Gushen Arrow was revealed. The moment it penetrated the body, the Eternal Demon Kingdom unfolded in the Demon Peak's body, and the body exploded in an instant. Do you want to resist the injury?There is no possibility.

After working so hard to obtain the avatar, it's over, Chen Xinghe didn't care about his heart, and released a treasure.

This treasure is the Buddhist treasure obtained by Dadong Temple, the canopy with the ability to connect to the future.

"Om mani, the whirling world..." A huge golden light appeared.

Most of the Buddhist objects are good at defense, and the canopy itself is an umbrella. Why did the ancients make umbrellas?It's for rain protection.

The moment the magic arrow pierced the clone, its speed dropped, just giving the canopy time to prop up the treasure building.

The golden light is like a prayer wheel, turning quickly to erect a circle, and the inside is whirling and mysterious.

However, the magic arrow is driven by the power of the five demons, and the surroundings immediately appear huge and ominous, and even the Buddha world will fall and wither.

This arrow is so strong.

A piece of Taiwei Jinshi flew over, just in front of the magic arrow.

"Crack..." Taiwei's gold stone shattered into slag.

This piece of Taiwei Gold Stone was urgently exchanged from Huantian Pavilion by Chen Xinghe after clearing [-]% of his points. It is the hardest item.

Countless years have not been able to obliterate this stone, but it is as fragile as an eggshell in front of this arrow.

The right hand suddenly sent thoughts and cursed: "Gua, you want to use me to meet this kind of way of the country and the country?"

"Didn't you say that you should make good use of your right hand, even if your right hand collapses, you can recover quickly?"

"Hey, dare you not hurt me, it's me who hurts."

"Wait, you're talking about the way of the country and the country? Isn't this Dai Yuhe a monk of the magic way? Could it be that he has cultivated the righteous way?"

"It's the evolution of the original magic way, very ancient and pure, which eye can see the right way? It's the magic way, the big devil."

"Is there any other way to resist it besides throwing my fist up to force a collision?"

"Yes..." the right hand said solemnly: "The Dao contends, if you can integrate the three kinds of Dao rhymes: the Dao of Extreme Speed, the Dao of Taiji, and the Dao of Heavenly Killing, why should you be afraid of it?"

"But I have just embarked on this road, and I know how to use the power of Tai Chi to extend the distance and speed up. How can the three be combined into one?"

"Idiot, is it difficult to combine Tai Chi and extreme speed, plus a killing intent from heaven? The suction of the Nine Tribulations and Huangquan Jue is strong, and the barrier of extreme speed is breaking. The power is almost ready-made. If you can't resist this arrow now, other more irresistible."

The right hand said again: "This demonic kid is really good, but he has practiced thousands of years longer than you, so you are still better than you, so be firm and confident to kill him."

"It's easy to say." Even if Chen Xinghe exhausted his mind and was in a state of meditation, everything was silent, he still saw Gushen's arrow approaching a little bit.

What a Five Magic Qin, what a Ceres Arrow!

As soon as the murderous intention was exposed, the enemy's life was completely cut off.

If there is no way, there will be a way. Chen Xinghe has always been strong when he meets the strong, and he can perform super-level every time he faces the test of life and death, otherwise he would not live to this day.

Facing such a supreme magic arrow, he abandoned all distracting thoughts and concentrated on it, his mind was full of Dao insights.

Taiji, extreme speed, and the way of catastrophe are like three armies, colliding, confronting, and crushing each other...

He is looking for that feeling, the feeling that the three avenues overlap and tend to be consistent.

Just when the canopy was dimmed, Chen Xinghe waved his hand and flew out a sword.

It is obviously a flying sword and sword light, but the air mechanism is turning like a wheel, continuously drawing the thunder and lightning under the wheel, rubbing against the original magic.

"Boom..." A layer of ripples spread.

Chen Xinghe acted like a divine help, he raised his hand to grab the Gushen arrow, focused his eyes and grabbed it with a bang, this kind of scene made Dai Yuhe's hair stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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