Chapter 1136
Dai Yuhe's anger soared, he was actually injured, and the injury was serious, in the past 1000 years, he had never been in such a state of embarrassment.

Chen Xinghe recalled Feijian, and said in his heart: "It consumes so much? It's hard to draw out a little tribulation power. Hey! I thought of it, it will inevitably result!"

"Brother!" Mo Qingqing exclaimed.

"I'm fine." Dai Yuhe instantly suppressed the injury, his aura rose instead of falling, his eyes fixed on Chen Xinghe, layers of magical power were exaggerated.

"Monster!" Chen Xinghe yelled, punching with all his might.

"Bang bang..." The madness between the two exploded, Dai Yuhe only took three steps back, while Chen Xinghe fell straight to the ground from the air, causing the ground to sink.

Seeing this scene, Mo Qingqing put a heart in her stomach, raised the corner of her mouth slightly and looked at the ground, and sneered proudly: "The result is already doomed, there is no doubt about death."

Unexpectedly, Dai Yuhe spurted a mouthful of blood, and also fell straight from the sky.

"What's going on?" Mo Qingqing was dumbfounded.

Chen Xinghe walked out of the pit step by step, looked at his scarred arm, and smiled wryly: "It's really scary! Is your right hand okay?"

The right hand did not move.

"Shouldn't you be able to die? Didn't you say that you can recover from collapse? It's just a fucking pain!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Dai Yuhe kept coughing up blood, pulled himself up suddenly, and rose into the air again.

Chen Xinghe also pulled himself up, returned to the air, looked around and said, "Moran has been weakened by you, so I have the guts to do it again."

"Are you ready to die?" Dai Yuhe was still arrogant, but his eyes were extremely serious.

"Hahaha! Just now you said to send me on my way, now you are going to take the next best thing and die with me?" Chen Xinghe laughed: "Your cultivation is indeed extremely high, and the chance is also strong. If I practice for more than ten years, I will definitely Don't be afraid of anything. However, it's been more than ten years, hehe."

"Ten years?" Dai Yuhe could feel that this guy was not talking big.

Chen Xinghe sighed: "Go all the way!"

"Okay!" Dai Yuhe broke all the strings with a "clank", and two fingers were broken as a result, and the five real devil energy mechanisms exploded to the limit.

This is a high-grade spirit treasure-level magic treasure, Chen Xinghe was reluctant to explode his Tibetan sword, but Dai Yuhe did not hesitate, it can be seen that he is a pure and ruthless person.

Just at this moment, a streak of purple lightning struck down from the air.

"Heavenly Tribulation? You can still trigger Heavenly Tribulation?" Dai Yuhe was a little surprised and found it incredible.

"Hold on, at least hold on to the first wave, don't let me down!" Chen Xinghe was very sincere and solemn, facing the strongest disciple of the Wanmo Sect, he really had nothing to rely on.

Since this tribulation thunder appeared, it means that the right hand is not optimistic about him, and it directly triggered the catastrophe that even the late-stage monks could not undertake.

Just this one tribulation thunder made the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue seem to bring the dead back to life, and frantically accumulated the tribulation power.

Nine slender dharma rings appear on the forehead, ringing one another.

The second tribulation thunder came down immediately, Chen Xinghe only felt comfortable and pleasant, all the nine rings on his forehead lit up, and his eyes also lit up.

"Boom..." The third tribulation thunder appeared, raising a level.

There was a buzzing sound from Chen Xinghe's body, the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art had already been fully charged.

What does this mean?It means that the bottle is only this big, Chen Xinghe can only withstand three thunderstorms with his skills, and if there are more thunderstorms, it is already beyond the scope of coping, and can only be borne by others.

Of course, what is different from the past is that he comprehended the Tai Chi Flywheel.

These flywheels are three in one, and they are also powerful devourers, but just take it easy at the beginning, and maybe you will really rush to the Demon Taming Garden of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect to settle accounts with the old guy who slapped him before.

The color of the sky changed, and the way of heaven also changed, turning dark purple.

Dai Yuhe took a deep breath, scolding his mother in his heart.

He spent a huge amount of magic power to change the atmosphere of heaven and earth, so he could suppress even the most serious injuries, but what happened to the scene in front of him?Why can't the primitive demon world resist the catastrophe caused by mere monks in the middle stage of transforming gods?
"No! This kind of scene? This kind of scene is the catastrophe of Ziji funeral, the catastrophe of destroying the world." Dai Yuhe was in a bad mood at this moment. It is said that some small worlds do not think about virtue. Things, turning themselves into demons, the way of heaven has a sense, rain down purple thunder, and destroy them with all their strength!
That is the transformation of a small thousand world into a demon, and it is also said to become a god. In short, this kind of thing is the biggest monster in the heavens and myriad worlds.Once it appears, it will be wiped out with Ziji Thunderbolt to ensure that there will be no future troubles.

How could this Chen Xinghe He De cause such a catastrophe, or was he wrong?Isn't this kind of extreme doom that is rare in the world?
"Crack..." Facts proved that he was right. After a dull thunder sound, all the nine-story plains were dyed purple, and most of the monsters became incontinent on the spot, knelt down and shivered.

Ziji Funeral God Tribulation!That is the catastrophe for destroying the small thousand world. No matter how small the small thousand world is, the total volume is far higher than that of the monks in the transformation stage, and it is also a huge test for the fusion stage.

Under the coercion of such a catastrophe, no matter how much magic energy is injected into the Nine-Layer Plain, it will not be able to change the breath of heaven here, and even the Scarlet Emperor Tiandao will also give up its position.

It's as if a high-ranking official crushes someone to death. I'm the boss of the inspection team. Don't you ordinary people kneel down to greet you?Let me perform my duties and kill evildoers?

Nine flying swords rose up beside Chen Xinghe, and each flying sword was superimposed with nine Tai Chi flywheels, and the blades instantly turned purple.

"Fellow daoist, be careful!" He reminded loudly, he could no longer control the nine flying swords, and saw the sword light running towards Dai Yuhe like a wild horse.


Shadowy and indistinct, demon kingdoms evolved one after another, bearing the mighty beheading of the nine flying swords.

There were loud rumbling noises one after another.

Dai Yuhe was surprised to find that the opponent did not target his attack on him, but on the primordial demon world that evolved out of it.

This is certain that he will die without a doubt, there is no reason to use a file to file instead of a sharp knife, which is unreasonable.

There are even more unreasonable things!

Chen Xinghe's Sound Transmission Sword Formation, when the vast purple thunderbolt blasted down like a sea of ​​smoke with all its strength, the measuring ruler and flying sword rose into the air together, and amidst the enchanting lightning, the group of stubborn monks screamed and turned into fly ash.

Mo Qingqing was also not much better, screaming and using all her strength to resist.

The disciples of the Wan Mo Sect are really good, needless to say Mo Qingqing, her background is unusually strong, and finally blocked the impact of the sword formation.

Three other disciples revealed their real bodies and came to Mo Qingqing's side as quickly as possible, hugging each other to keep warm.

The sword array gathered and separated with a "shua", and the position changed rapidly, appearing extremely meticulous.

Just at this time, Dai Yuhe showed his power, and the primordial demon world was full of demonic energy, and he blocked the nine Ziji flying swords.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand to generate a huge force, grabbed Mo Qingqing and the others and threw them at Chen Xinghe, grinning grinningly: "If you don't attack with all your strength, you will all die."

(End of this chapter)

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