Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1140 What to look at, come here!

Chapter 1140 What to look at, come here!

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, the secret path was too scary!

This is by no means a calamity that humans should overcome, nor is it a calamity that demons should overcome. God knows what calamity should be overcome.

Really grand?A moment ago, the thirteenth-generation Patriarch of the Wanmo Sect had been blown to pieces, and soon there was no debris left.

"Hold on! Elder Yan." Shouting in his heart, Kaiming Seal released a corner of the heavenly gate, which indeed played an intercepting role, but Jielei bombarded the whole range, and could only defend one side.

It is not easy to resist the catastrophe!The main force is still Yan Laomo and the master of the jade hand.

These two are tall men. There is a saying that the sky falls and the tall man carries it.

Master!This is what I do, and it will pass if I carry it. If you can't carry it, please leave your belongings to help the younger generation.

The practice of Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue is really bad and really tricky. It uses the killing power of heaven to drive the enemy crazy. As for how crazy it is, it depends on how good the sky is.

Unfortunately, Heavenly Tribulation is powerful on the right hand!
At this time, the master of the jade hand was angry.

"It's just a catastrophe, destroy it for me!"

The string of bracelets rattled, cracks appeared in the air, and each crack was connected to the demon world.

A tall man is so tall, Chen Xinghe almost applauded.

I don't know how many monsters in the demon world will die because of these thunderstorms. I hope to kill some big guys, so that the killing luck may be counted on him.

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe had a discovery, the other party seemed to be unable to see the huge god's eye, because the gap perfectly missed it.

"Can't you see it? Only I can see it? It's so mysterious!"

"Oh! It's useless."

Darkness reigns over the earth. It turns out that Void Explosion is just a starting move, and the truly awesome magic technique is behind.

A magic kingdom appeared on the earth.

This magic country is too real, every detail is perfect, and all the buildings are huge, just like entering the kingdom of giants.

Jie Lei continued to be violent and washed away, but it seemed nothing in this demonic country.

Suddenly, the magic crazily suppressed Jie Lei.

Don't tell me, this woman is ridiculously strong, Jie Lei gradually dimmed down.

Thirty breaths later, Tian Jie was suppressed abruptly by her, leaving only a faint light.

The thunder and lightning seemed to have changed from a dragon to a vegetable snake, and the difference between before and after was too great.

"It's all right now?" Chen Xinghe looked at the huge god's eyes, and slandered in his heart: "Is it okay? Don't you still have the last shiver every time? You shiver a little! Suppress these two guys, I'm so good on the soles of my feet!" Grease and run."

"Boy, you're going to die!" Elder Yan was in a state of embarrassment, trembling and raising his finger, Lei Jin was still wreaking havoc on him, his movements were continuous and incoherent.

"Elder, why are you still on your way? This junior will help you." Chen Xinghe put away the Enlightenment Seal, and waved away a few magic thunders.These magic thunders were naturally presented by Mo Qingqing before his demise.

"Little thief!" Angrily scolded, Chen Xinghe's heart trembled heavily.

"I'm a mother! This female devil's head has fallen for me!" Chen Xinghe only felt a surge of magical power, and the indescribable aura immediately restrained him, a little monk, in place.

Chen Xinghe was not afraid, because he felt a tribulation force rising.

This strange catastrophe is not over yet, at least there should be a dragon wagging its tail, it cannot end so easily.

Sure enough, a slight wave rose up.

But this woman is too powerful, Chen Xinghe felt that a dragon wagging at the end of the catastrophe was not enough!

"Isn't this woman an existence above the fusion period? Why is there no relevant information in the memory of the devil's peak?"

"No, I have to give her some trouble."

Chen Xinghe fixed his eyes on the giant god's eyes, conveying arrogance and challenge.

"What are you, you have the ability to cross the border!"

"What are you looking at? Do you hear me? Come here!"

Good guy!Such arrogance is really heading for death.

Huge look!In fact, it can't see other people, and can only judge through Lei Jin that someone is helping the target resist the killing of heaven.

Is this worth it?When did the heresy change his mind?He even gathered a group of monks to fight against the Taoist monarch.

As the sentinel closest to the beacon, even if he loses a lot of skill, he still has to complete the task, so he broke out with all his strength to push Tianjie to the limit.

"Look at you..." God's eyes were angry, how dare this evildoer yell at him, thinking that reincarnation can avoid tracking?

Shenmu reincarnated Chen Xinghe as his right hand.

No matter what, the anger value was full, and traces of blue-purple lightning appeared.

How magnificent were those tribulation thunders before?Now it has become so slender, completely out of proportion.

However, as soon as the blue-purple lightning came out, cracks appeared in this huge demon kingdom.

"What?" The woman couldn't believe it.

If it wasn't for the resurgence of the power of robbery, she would have strangled the little thief of the Qingtian sect long ago if she had suppressed it with all her might.

This alone is nothing, the real problem lies in the traces of blue-purple lightning.

It's so difficult, how did it come about?Really hateful.

Chen Xinghe's sense of crisis increased rapidly, and while the pressure had weakened by half, he rushed towards Lao Mo Yan at the fastest speed.

A sword shadow appeared, this was Gui Zang Jian's real body.

Nine Regiment Taiji flywheels pulled urgently, and the moment when the blue-purple electric light caressed towards Chen Xinghe, it deflected slightly.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was almost a feast for the old devil.

If this is not the case, it will be difficult to leverage such murderous intentions.

"Pfft..." The blue-purple lightning entered the body.

Lao Mo Yan was already in a panic, but now he was slightly taken aback, and wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, none of his cultivation bases would be gone, and his soul would disappear.

Without a sound, it fell.

It is a big event that the monks in the fusion stage have fallen!
The Ten Thousand Demon Sect shook.

The trial of disciples in the transformation stage has spread to the fusion stage!Moreover, the cultivators of Qingtianzong's Transformation Stage relied on the Heavenly Tribulation to kill Elder Yan abruptly after that shot, which made him feel ashamed and humiliated.

The damned Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue, why are there monks who are so difficult to practice?
The Qingtian Sect no longer exists in name, but there is such a disciple born, is it luck?Or is it a flashback?

"Om..." Heavenly Tribulation counterattacked in an all-round way.

With a strong grasp of Bai Yu's palm, the Demon Kingdom instantly shrank into the Demon Kingdom in the palm, which looked like a big seal.

The magic energy is like flowing water, flowing down from this big seal.

The thunder and lightning in the sky were like a bonfire encountering a heavy rain, not to mention that most of them were extinguished, and they rushed towards Chen Xinghe aggressively, blocking all escape routes.

"It's because I'm afraid I'll run away!" Chen Xinghe put away the relics of Elder Yan, and 27 flying swords appeared beside him again.

These flying swords are all imaginary, but each time they shatter, they need to pour a lot of spiritual energy to activate them.

Seeing the huge eyes become illusory, and the traces of blue-purple lightning reappeared, Chen Xinghe knew that this terrifying tribulation force had not been extinguished.

"Still staring at me? You have the guts to come here!"

The huge eyes seemed to be roaring, and the calamity cloud that was about to dissipate gathered again, and the blue-purple electric light flooded all of a sudden.

Chen Xinghe defended with all his strength, and a Tai Chi flywheel appeared on top of the 27 flying swords instantly, one cluster, two clusters, three clusters...

But three breaths, already a slam.

At this critical moment, the flying swords all flew towards the master of the jade hand.

(End of this chapter)

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