Chapter 1153
The white-haired sword demon took a step back.

This step is crucial, which means that his momentum and his sword are starting to go downhill!
Is Chen Xinghe spending such a big price for nothing?
It’s good to go downhill, to go all out, to decline again, to be exhausted three times, this is to decline again!

"Damn it!" Everyone was full of fighting spirit.

No matter how strong a person is, there is always a limit. Now I can more or less see some clues. This white-haired sword demon is definitely not above the fusion stage, not even the late fusion stage.

The reason why he is so powerful is because this old guy slaughtered so many monks when he appeared on the stage, absorbing the essence and blood to boost his sword power.

However, his luck was very bad, and he met a junior monk who was willing to spend his money.

Of course, I would also like to thank Lao Mo Yan, if there was no black market invitation, Chen Xinghe would have died under the flames of the Demon Sword.

Now I can see clearly that the magic way is the magic way, it's just a bluff, and I was almost bluffed by his earth-shattering appearance.

"Junior, look at my Eighteen Swords of Yan Mo!" The white-haired sword demon suddenly raised a figure, like King Yama sitting behind him, raising his hands to demote all the juniors to the eighteenth level of hell.

Every layer of hell is nothing but swords.

The Sword of Evil, the Sword of Slaughter, the Sword of Cruelty, the Sword of Withering, the Sword of Desolation...

The eighteen kinds of sword intents are like a kaleidoscope, strangling in circles.

This is terrible. If you don't die after going through the eighteen layers of hell, you have to go through it again until all vitality is wiped out.

The sword array became precarious again, everyone had to get closer, and used Taiji Liangyi to dissolve the intertwined sword energy. Some people were affected by the dense sword intent and cried on the spot. They couldn't stop at all, and their minds were on the verge of collapse.

Some people are confused, some people are tired, and some people are confused.

Suddenly, a clear voice spread: "Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of all qi. Cultivate extensively for billions of kalpas, and prove my supernatural power!"

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they muttered to themselves: "Heaven and Earth Xuanzong? Is there an artistic conception in it?"

"Hmph, why are you in a daze? Follow me to realize the Tao, and the dragon energy will be fully released!"

Chen Xinghe felt a little heartbroken. Once the dragon energy is fully released, the accumulated energy from the past will be squandered, and the recovery of mana will be at least [-]% slower in the future.

Every help is crucial in the master duel, but the arrow has to be used. If these monks survive this battle, they will make progress. I hope they will not live up to today's efforts.

Thinking of this, he continued to read: "Inside and outside the Three Realms, only the Tao is supreme. There is a golden light shining on my body."

Everyone reacted, is this the Golden Light Curse?

What does this mean, my lord?Why do you have to chant such an ordinary golden light spell during the battle?
Some monks were trembling at this time, as if they had opened the whole body, and tremblingly said: "This is the supreme method of the Qingtian Sword Field, there are also some of the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs, and the Dao of Yuli, don't stop, comprehend while fighting!" .”

Chen Xinghe spent his money and recited loudly: "Seeing is not seeing, hearing is not hearing. Encompassing the world and nurturing all beings."

"Recite it ten thousand times, and the body will have light. The guards of the three realms, and the five emperors will welcome you."

"All the gods pay homage, and use thunder. Ghosts and demons are frightened, and ghosts die."

"There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible. The wisdom of the hole is clear, and the five qi are exuberant."

"The golden light appears quickly, covering the real person... The golden light appears quickly, covering the real person..."

"Boom..." Some monks felt as if their minds had exploded, and innumerable strands of understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth and Dao of Sword and Tribulation poured in.

It turned out that it was a collective empowerment through the golden light mantra, and all the insights were imparted without guarantee.

The white-haired sword demon suddenly stopped his sword momentum, looked at the sword formation with some doubts, and his pupils kept shrinking to lock on Chen Xinghe.

Just now, he felt as if his heart had been stabbed. Although it was very light, very light, it made him panic.

Immediately afterwards, the panic was out of control.

He suddenly opened his mouth and asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing?"

This voice is full of sword intent, directly destroying the soul.

Chen Xinghe glanced contemptuously, and said without hesitation: "As you can see, I am watering the seedlings of the Qingtian Sect, using both dragon energy and sentiment to help them become enlightened."

"You're counterproductive!" The white-haired sword demon frowned. For some reason, he always felt that he was witnessing history.

But the Qingtian Sect has no vitality, and it is impossible to have a history.

"Hahaha, you Wanmo sect cherish your brooms. In fact, the cultivation world has always been like this. Who will share with others what you have learned through hard work? But I realized it today, why can't I share it with others? I The strength of a single person is far behind those of the senior masters! But with this sword array, many old demons have been wiped out, which shows that fighting alone is far worse than fighting together! Since you want to go this way, then let Let me start, I am willing to be a stepping stone, but also a cornerstone for everyone."

"You!" The sword demon said angrily, "You are too arrogant. These people easily acquire those advanced sword theory and sword intent without training, and they will inevitably develop arrogance in the future and embark on a road of self-destruction."

"Hahaha!" Chen Xinghe laughed so hard that he pointed to the opposite side and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so concerned about the future of the monks of my sect? Is it because of the induction of heaven and man that you feel some kind of vitality? Induction Until the weather changes dramatically."

"You?" A look of panic appeared in the white-haired sword demon's eyes, and he screamed in his heart: "Monster, this is a monster, no wonder the sect wants to issue a lore order to him, and he even felt it in the stage of becoming a god. No, some kind of The opportunity is being reversed, and it is connected to something in the dark."

"Boom..." A figure stood up behind Chen Xinghe. He looked like King Yama in the same attire, but he was fat and white, and his eyes were particularly agile. He looked around and opened his mouth to speak.

"Xinghe, the first phase of the underworld reconstruction project is coming to an end, where did you connect to such a strong dead energy?" The person who spoke was Suzaku.

Chen Xinghe pointed to the opposite side and said: "This old guy is as dead as a sea, killing people like hemp, and he actually uses Yan Luo Wang as his dharma figure! The book of life and death was opened accidentally, so I also condensed a Yan Luo dharma figure behind me."

"What? You have the great karma of the underworld?" The white-haired sword demon was taken aback, not daring to delay, took a sudden step, and his boots were broken.

This step turned the stars, shook the earth, and invaded the sword formation with ghosts crying and gods howling.

Unexpectedly, someone in the sword formation suddenly recited the Golden Light Mantra.

"Seeing is not seeing, listening is not hearing. Covering the world and nurturing all living beings."

"Recite it ten thousand times, and the body will have light. The guards of the three realms, and the five emperors will welcome you."

Every word is like a sharp sword, shining brightly.

More people recited the sword formula in vain and said: "All the gods pay homage, and use thunder. Ghosts and demons are frightened, and ghosts die."

"There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible. The wisdom of the hole is clear, and the five qi are exuberant."

Sword shadows appeared faintly around their bodies, one, two, three, until 27.

Chen Xinghe smiled and said: "I don't know if it's right or wrong to do this, but with the existence of Wanmo Sect and the four major sects, there is no shortage of sword sharpening stones, even if they get a little help, they still have to forge ahead. Pull the seedlings to encourage growth."

Suzaku held Yama's crown on his head and said suddenly: "I'm ready here, grandma, stripping this old guy naked is really a satisfying sacrifice."

"Okay! Fight with me."

(End of this chapter)

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