Chapter 1156
A blue light shot into the black copper coin, reflecting a face.

It was the face of a man, and he said angrily: "Bai Shu, what are you doing? You actually let the head office get so corrupted."

The suet-white jade-like woman held her wrist and suppressed her anger and said, "What can I do? The disciples and elders are not up to snuff. I can deal with two beings of the same level by myself. It's pretty good that I can remain undefeated."

"Don't make excuses for me. The Ten Thousand Demon Sect should be as powerful as a rainbow. Since you are in the sect, you have the responsibility to maintain the overall situation! No matter how much you pay for this sect, I will extinguish the signs of Qingtian sect's recovery."

The face disappeared, the woman frowned slightly, took out a scroll, slowly unfolded it and said, "How long will it take for you to come back?"

"Already on the way! We must arrive within two hours."

"Two hours?" There was a hint of anger on the woman's face, and she said sharply: "I will give you one and a half hours to return to the sect from the gate of the demon world. If you can't do it. Hmph, then you don't have to come back."

"Yes!" The voice cut off immediately.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was sitting on the Tianmen, holding the gold ingot in his hand, his heart was surging.

"Golden Immortal Expansion Method?"

"Worthy of the fairy method! Just a pinch of gold powder can promote the conch."

"Okay." He was so happy. Ever since he transferred the metal supernatural power to Guizangjian, the acquired golden spirit root seemed to be useless, and fell from the heaven to the underworld all of a sudden, and the gap was huge.

However, the gold ingot in his hand made him see an extraordinary attainment based on the golden spirit root!It just needs to consume the spirit of the fairy.

After careful calculation, the immortal stones stored in the dragon's veins are only enough, and the huge consumption is the only drawback of this immortal method.

Chen Xinghe pondered for a while, many cultivation techniques have been developed in the direction of conserving spiritual energy in these days, not to mention the more precious fairy energy!If you are extravagant, even if you have a mountain of gold and silver, you will eat up all of it one day, so you have to start improving the fairy method.

How to improve it?
It's simple, add the spirit-gathering circle, first let the aura replace the spirit of the fairy, and then circulate the aura, endlessly.

Of course, it is easy to conceive, but difficult to implement, it depends on the level of comprehension.

The secret star in my mind shines brightly, and the role of Xingjun descends little by little.

In a daze, Chen Xinghe returned to Xingjun's dharma chariot again, holding a wat board in his hand, tinkling and ringing softly, and the beasts neighing in front of the jade chariot, as if he was about to go on a pilgrimage to the Heavenly Palace.

He now understands that this is a miraculous state, and it is a certain period of time in the past that Yisuan Xingjun was recorded by the stars and placed on Xinxing Lord as a time and space imprint.

This is a real fairy tale, which can be encountered but not sought!

In this way, when you get enlightened, you can take advantage of the power of the fortune teller!
"Miao Miao Miao!"

For a moment, layers of comprehension lit up in my heart, only to realize that I had only seen the superficial aspects of the golden ingot immortal method, and there were many bottomless portals, as if opening a whole new world.

However, immortal arts are immortal arts after all, and due to their low cultivation level, there are very few parts that can be used.

It doesn't matter, as long as there is a part that can be used.

After carefully comprehending for a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe tried to improve the immortal technique.

Sure enough, this kind of idea is too difficult to realize.

Fortunately, he has now comprehended the Tai Chi Flywheel, and his ability to control all kinds of power is superb. Coupled with the unique spirit-gathering array inherited from Gu Yangfeng's lineage, the combination of the two immediately turns decay into magic.

Just like that, when Chen Xinghe opened his eyes, the immortal technique seemed to be burned into his soul.

Yuanshen suddenly stagnates, fatigue strikes!
Only then did he realize that turning into a Yisuan Xingjun to comprehend the profound method has exhausted his mind a lot!
So, Chen Xinghe lay down on the ruins of the Tianmen Gate and fell asleep, and passed on a message not to wake him up if there was no big enemy coming.

Everyone still maintains the sword formation, and dare not relax in the slightest!

An hour passed peacefully like this.

Moran piled up at the foot of the Tianmen, but fortunately, it was unable to push forward after burying a quarter of the Tianmen.Because there are fewer monsters, food sources are scarce, and the speed of reproduction slows down.

Tianmen stands here like an eternal pass, most of the monsters can come in, but they are scattered more evenly, with so many monks attacking together, Taoism and Taoism are overwhelming, and the monsters die quickly.

However, the real big problem is the Wanmo Sect.

After all, these monsters are all cannon fodder, they were originally used for consumption, but they were cleaned up before they rushed out of the underground plain.

The Wanmo Sect wants to use these monsters to harm the Qingtian Sect, so as to create a chaotic world and occupy the country. At present, this plan will be aborted.

The Qingtian Sect is obviously superior, first disbanding the sect, and then using the treasure as a guide to attract so many monks, cannon fodder!So do we.

Poor people died for money, and birds died for food. So many monks went astray for their future and sacrificed their lives.

Therefore, the essence of the cultivation world is intrigue and mutual deceit. If you can survive, you will be promoted, and if you can't, you will be on the road.

Chen Xinghe has traveled all the way from the world of the underworld, wandering between life and death countless times, and being able to live up to now is the best proof that he is very suitable for surviving in various harsh environments.

The same is true in front of him. He killed the current disciples of the Wanmo Sect and several elders of the Wanmo Sect. Good luck.

The sky in the distance looked gloomy, and suddenly a black thunderbolt exploded, tearing a gap above the magic cloud.

Hundreds of figures shot out, and the surrounding demonic energy immediately surged and converged towards these figures at an extraordinary speed.

"Boom..." The sound of the bell spread, making one's heart tremble wildly. This was the death knell.

I saw a big gray bell hanging above the hundreds of figures, which instantly split into hundreds of smaller bells, forming a palm-thick wall.

The defense was completed during the flight, and this team was not simple at first glance. They should be active on the battlefield frequently, and they belonged to the kind of very difficult opponents.

The sword formation revolved around Chen Xinghe, and the sword cultivator and Liang Tianshi immediately formed Tai Chi!
"Boom..." The people came after dozens of miles away.

I saw one after another poisonous thorns shooting.

"Ding ding ding..." His eyes were full of sword lights and sword shadows, which were dazzling.

The moment the stinger approached the sword array, its power dropped by [-]%, and every time it advanced ten feet, its power dropped by [-]%.

When the poisonous stinger actually thrusts, the strength is only one-tenth, and it will lose its effect after a few random pulls.

However, this was not the end, under the collision of the sword shadow, the poisonous thorns flew around the sword array.

I saw these poisonous thorns getting faster and stronger, and accompanied by a low sound, they shot at the people who came.

"Tai Chi Sword Formation?" A bell rang from the person who came, and Qi Qi shook the poisonous thorns in the air.

Then each of them retracts the stinger mid-flight, in one movement, with astonishing agility.

Obviously, the visitor is not good!
Just when Thunder Dragon was considering whether to wake up Chen Xinghe, suddenly a flying sword struck him.

"Om..." A sword tilted towards the sky, blocking the enemy group.

At the same time, nearly a thousand people came from both sides, all in Taoist robes of the Qingtian Sect, with black jade pendants hanging around their waists.

Someone in the sword array was pleasantly surprised: "Dark hall? It's me who is pouring into the dark hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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