Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1166 4 Destroy It 3

Chapter 1166
On the long sea road, four figures blocked the front.

The two haggard old women looked from the air, their eyes were cold and solemn.

The other two women are very breathy, and one of them feels like a cold corpse, but she looks very beautiful, really beautiful.

The second one is the mysterious Tenth Elder that Luo Chan'er was talking about. He looks ordinary and has nothing special about him, but meeting her eyes made Chen Xinghe's heart tighten.

This kind of situation is rare. You must know that the Moon Moth Sect is far inferior to the Chihuangtian Sect, and no matter how powerful the monks are, they are half a level lower than the Chihuangtian Sect. There are no simple characters for this step.

Chen Xinghe knows very well that there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky, so don't underestimate any monk, let alone that person who has already reached the fusion stage.

The four of them formed horns, forcing Chen Xinghe and Luo Chan'er to hold back.

"Fellow daoist, stop, Luo Chan'er is a monk of my sect, and she is carrying a treasure, there is absolutely no way for you to take it away."

"Yes!" Chen Xinghe sighed: "You won't let him go, but I will definitely take him away, so we had to fight each other. But you are afraid of offending Han Tianzong, so aren't you afraid of offending me?"

The four of them sneered, and one of the ten elders said, "You don't understand how much I miss the past."

"In the past? Are you from the Cold Sky Sect?" Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback. No wonder he felt vigilant in his heart. It turned out that the other party was a monk from the Cold Sky Sect.

"That's right, I was born here, and I have my homeland in my heart." The ten elders slowly summoned a light blue flying sword, and a slender golden dragon circled and groaned on the hilt.

"Lingbao Flying Sword? Good sword! Really good sword!" Chen Xinghe also owns Lingbao Flying Sword, so his appreciation ability is not bad.

"This flying sword hasn't drunk blood for a long time. Unfortunately, this demon is too smelly and ugly. My flying sword doesn't like his blood." As soon as the words fell, both sides shot at the same time.

The mandarin duck ax spins and flies out.

Fighting is fighting, and death is death.

The battle in front of us is not about fighting skills, but about fighting to the death, the fiercest fighting between masters.

The moment the flying sword and Yuanyang Yue clashed, the two haggard old women came to the left and right, and the cold woman pressed her palm.

The coming is ferocious, and the murderous intent explodes.

How rich is Chen Xinghe's combat experience?The moment the Yuanyang Yue was sacrificed, the first move was set.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding..." The ten elders frowned slightly, their voice was wrong, the flying sword collided with the enemy's weapons too closely, this frequency was too weird.

There were two loud bangs, Yuanyang Yue repelled two haggard old women from left to right, and the cold palm on top of the head was pierced by the flying sword of the ten elders.

These changes were too fast, and the siege of four people was broken in an instant.

The ten elders raised their hands to take Feijian back, a little unbelievable, they looked behind the sword in shock, and looked at Chen Xinghe again.

"This kid used the power of the flying sword to repel the two girls. No wonder he dared to enter the Moon Moth Sect alone."

Full of vigor, the flying sword rises again.

"Ding ding ding ding ding..." Another series of collisions.

The ten elders saw it clearly this time, the Yuanyang Yue was spinning extremely fast, constantly rubbing against the flying sword.

At this time, one mandarin duck flew out, and the other immediately followed and spun and rubbed.

These methods of using strength to strike are incomparably clever, and Yuanyang Yue repelled the old woman again, which is equivalent to repelling the old woman with a flying sword.

Chen Xinghe took the time to stand in place, glanced at the icy female cultivator whose palms were oozing blood, and glanced at the two old women who had been repulsed by the mandarin duck and axe. He had already roughly estimated the strength of the four of them.

The ten elders are in the middle stage of integration, and the other three are in the early stage of integration.

The Lingbao Flying Sword is certainly powerful, but the Yuanyang Yue can be defended against. What really needs to be guarded against are the two haggard old women.

After Yuanyang Yue repelled the two old women again, the ice-cold female cultivator suddenly looked ferocious and let out a scream.

Then he saw cold elites gushing out, Chen Xinghe's heart froze.

Within ten miles, the sky was filled with frost, and everything was frozen. The flying trajectory of the Yuanyang Yue seemed to be frozen, even though the speed was more than ten times slower.

The two old women suddenly stretched out their arms to hug the Yuanyang Yue, at the same time the ten elders' flying sword stirred the frost like a dragon going out to sea.

Just listening to the sound of "bang", the flying sword pierced through the heart of the demon body.

Luo Chan'er was shocked, and wanted to use her kung fu to drive away the chill, but her cultivation was limited, and the two magic weapons on her body were still at work to protect herself.

Since this layer of chill can be used as a trump card, is it a good look and a means?
Chen Xinghe only felt a great chill entering his body, if it wasn't for this body with a trace of chaotic atmosphere, it might have turned into an ice sculpture on the spot.

The wound healed quickly, and the devil had overbearing recovery ability, not to mention that Chen Xinghe controlled this body to practice the devil sect's profound arts, which gave this devil body a strange fortune.

So the moment the chaotic breath suppresses the chill in the body, the action is no longer affected.

He punched the tenth elder's chest, but a phantom slid forward.

It was the woman who was as cold as ice. After she released the chill, she was not damaged, but instead became extremely comfortable.

Chen Xinghe shouted loudly: "Damage!"

As soon as the bad word was uttered, the demon body looked like it was one year younger.

Not only was he one year younger, but his cultivation also fell back to the stage of transforming gods in an instant, and dropped all the way, from the peak of transforming gods to the early stage of transforming gods.

However, Chen Xinghe's right arm suddenly became much thicker, and when there was no time to send it, two magic lights blasted out.

"Boom..." The cold female cultivator flew out, spewing blood mist from her mouth, leaving a faint line of blood in the air.

The tenth elder was not much better, she was clearly controlling the flying sword, standing seventy feet away, but shot it out inexplicably.

The two fell eight miles away, and they pulled out deep marks on the ground. Only then did they stop the castration, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in their chests, and both spurted blood wildly.

Before the two of them recovered, they saw two balls of flames exploding.

"Not good, why did the second woman blew herself up at this time?"

Chen Xinghe looked at his right arm, the two old women were detonated by his punches on the mandarin duck axe, forcibly cutting through their bodies, causing the long wait to turn into resentment and die.

But after these two punches, the right hand and right arm are basically useless, and they won't be able to recover within half a month.

Even so, it is worthwhile to be able to remove the two major factors of instability.

"Go!" The moment the voice entered the minds of the ten elders and the cold nun, they saw the light sweeping towards them at the same time.

Yuanyang Yue exploded with the afterglow of the two elders' self-explosion, and the immortal magic attached to the body of the weapon was splashed, killing the two of them bloody, like broken jade.

"Open!" After all, the tenth elder has a deep cultivation base and possesses a Lingbao flying sword, which blocked the burst attack at a critical moment.

However, that cold female cultivator was not so lucky, her body was already in dilapidated condition, because she was obsessed in the early years and had a fatal problem, so the primordial spirit didn't have time to escape, and she lost her wits in panic.

When the smoke cleared, there was nowhere to be seen the little thief and Luo Chan'er, it was really frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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