Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1193 Strange Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 1193 Strange Heavenly Tribulation

"Here we come! That guy is finally here!"

"Hmph, what's the rush? We can't get away with anything we should get!"

"I heard that the kid is quite extraordinary, and he is very good at Chihuangtian."

"It's a period of becoming a god to grow others' prestige and destroy one's own vigor. I heard that his sect has long since ended, and the elders of the sect who can make decisions for him will die or scatter. If it wasn't for his good luck, he just met How could it be possible for a Mahayana monk to collect immortal corpses to trade with the black market?"

"It's better to be more cautious. He wiped out a few teams and is very powerful."

"Hehe, eyeliner, so what if there are too many of those minions?"

Some people didn't care, and some people were vigilant, ambush near the Wolf Fang World, and a huge encirclement circle was forming.

Suddenly, a dazzling light spot appeared, and then a scream resounded through the soul.

"what happened?"

"It's not good, seniors, enemy attack, we have encountered enemy attack!"

"Where is it? Could it be that kid surnamed Chen discovered us in advance?"

"Go and see what's going on."

As soon as the words fell, another dazzling light spot appeared, and the expert knew at a glance that the enemy was very fast and was frantically bombarding and killing the wolf-tooth monk.

"The movement speed is very fast! But it has not exceeded the scope of the transformation stage, even if you can barely compete with me, it will be unsustainable after a long time." The four monks in the fusion stage glanced at each other, and the cultivation level was the worst among them. The guest in green shirt nodded and said: "The Taoist brothers rest here for now, the younger brother will come back as soon as he goes."

"Hahaha, go! Let this overconfident brat see how powerful you are, Nie Yaozun."

"Yes! After killing him, you must have one of the immortal artifacts."

"Thank you three Taoist brothers for your care." The green-clothed guest smiled slightly, his long and narrow eyes suddenly enlarged, getting bigger and brighter.

With a roar, the void seemed to be broken.

A moment later, Chen Xinghe saw a man in a blue shirt approaching, with broad shoulders and a slender waist, holding a green bamboo flute in his hand.

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

The bamboo flute played a soul-breaking song, which had a very strong impact on the mind.

However, Chen Xinghe didn't care, and his figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, he happened to be standing behind a cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, a golden light flashed across, and only two or three kinds of light flashed.

Each kind of light represents a broken magic weapon, isn't it just a dazzling light spot from a distance?
"You?" The green-clothed man was furious, this boy dared to ignore him, and beheaded the monk at will in front of him.

How unreasonable!This cannot be tolerated.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and flew out the talisman, sticking it to the head and body.

This Langfang Great World Transformation Stage cultivator is decapitated, but this kind of injury is nothing, as long as he is willing to put in the effort, he will recover soon.

Suppressed with a talisman, these people can't turn the tide in a short time, and the soul has been locked.

For the next quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe wandered around trying to catch whoever was in trouble.

"Boy, set it up for me."

The man in the green shirt became furious and became more and more angry.

He came over to kill this kid, but he kept jumping around in front of his eyes, completely ignoring the pursuit and killing of the monks at the fusion stage.

"Anyway, with his cultivation base here, why isn't he afraid of me?" Qingshan Ke was vigilant, and suddenly found that the immobilization method had failed.

The strands of soft silver thread did not fixate on the other party, not only did not fixate, but because he was absent-minded just now, he did not notice a golden light flashing across his neck.

"Roar! Be bold!" The man in the blue shirt shone with light, and the ten protective magic weapons were broken.

Chen Xinghe showed his body, and asked in surprise: "You are in the fusion period, why did you get so many magic weapons to protect yourself?"

"I am willing." The man in the green shirt attacked violently.

I saw a pair of big silver hands swipe towards me. No matter the speed or strength, they broke through the limit of the monks in the early stage of fusion, which is very impressive.

"So strong?" Chen Xinghe saw that he had been hit by the attack, his body trembled violently, and the big silver hand pierced through his body, causing heavy damage.

The moment he was hit hard, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The foreign monks are really powerful, and their combat power must be at the forefront of the same level of Chihuangtian monks."

"Huh?" The man in green shirt realized that this kid in front of him was not right, and immediately saw the boy burning golden light all over his body, revealing the golden-winged roc's monster body.

In the blink of an eye, the whole body of the golden-winged roc turned into ashes, and the green-clothed man couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, thinking: "Could it be that this demon master broke the spell of this kid? So I want to destroy this double?"

Soon he knew that was not the case at all.

The boy burned up the demon body, leaving only a streak of blue feathers on the tail of the golden-winged roc, which was shot through at a very high speed under the launch of the Tai Chi cyclone.

This is the perfect combination of Tai Chi Avenue and Extreme Speed ​​Avenue.

"Puff puff..." more than 30 blue feathers entered his body, and his mind lost control.

Just at such an important moment, a purple brilliance struck from behind.

"Ton..." The purple light invaded his mind, causing the green shirt guest to turn pale with shock.

"I see, you focused on cultivating those big silver hands and gave up defense, so you have to use so many magic weapons to protect your body! It's just that no matter how many magic weapons you have, you can't stop the death blow of the late stage demon."

The man in the green shirt shouted: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)!"

In an instant, the silver light spun out and strangled Chen Xinghe with supreme divine power.

The bloody light flew, and the figure of the poisonous insect released just now was completely wiped out, but this is still a substitute, and the person who cast the spell will not be hurt at all.

Suddenly, a voice came: "Brother Nie is doing well, we have locked the real body of this kid."

At the edge of the Wolf Fang World, Chen Xinghe looked shocked, seeing the enemy getting closer and closer to him, he dodged and fled.

"Hahaha, do you still want to run?" The three huge auras responded to each other, like a net covering them.

Chen Xinghe had no choice but to make an emergency landing on the Langya World.

Seeing this scene, the man in blue felt relieved, and hurriedly sat cross-legged to expel the poison and heal his wounds.

However, after thirty breaths, he became panicked, as if something was rushing towards this place.

"This is?"

Before he could react, he saw a cloud of rusty clouds passing by.

"Jieyun? Who is passing through the robbery? Why is it so weird? I have never heard of this kind of robbery cloud in the world, but the breath is undoubtedly the robbery cloud."

While guessing, the void is like a magic trick, and countless rusty clouds suddenly appear, the scale of which is beyond imagination.

Chen Xinghe stood in the place where bandit cultivators gathered in the Langya World, and he was a little startled when he looked at the sky.

"Right hand, why is this catastrophe so weird?"

He hadn't hoped to get an answer, and he never wanted to get a response to a casual question.

"You are experiencing the five declines of heaven and man, and there have been a lot of looting recently, and because of me, the heavens have a sense of rust and corrosion."

"If it weren't for the protection of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, it would be difficult for you to survive this round!"


"Be careful when you get there, Taoist Wanxu is getting closer! That is our common enemy!"

"Wanxu, very strong!"

"After so many years, maybe it has become stronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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