Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1197 Killing Dao Family

Chapter 1197 Killing Dao Family

At this moment, Chen Xinghe felt it.

He looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "What kind of cultivation level is Wanxu Daoist? He can actually affect the way of heaven! The Heavenly Tribulation completely changed during the fusion period, as if he had been grafted and quickly grew into another thing."

"Long, long! My enemies are many."

The ten ruins are superimposed, and they look like ghosts, and the dilapidated parts can't be seen at a glance.

Such a scene shocked those local masters of the Wolf Fang World to withdraw their gazes, and immediately declared retreat!

Looking for trouble with Chen Xinghe?
They are not stupid, a master who can suppress four body-fit monks, God knows how secretive they are.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Those cultivators in the tribulation period are in the midst of the five declines of heaven and man, and they smell the same kind of breath from this kid.

"Five declines of heaven and man? Is it the fusion period, or the transcendence period?"

"Don't it be a Mahayana reconstruction?"

"It's weird. Few people have practiced the forbidden exercise of Qingtian Sect, but he has practiced it alone. It is even more terrifying than the records in the classics."

"Don't worry about it, it's a hard time for the five evils of heaven and man! That kid is obviously a solid follower, and we're afraid we won't be able to provoke him." Groups of spiritual thoughts exchanged, and then there was no more sound.

The Jieyun swelled sometimes, and sometimes shattered, Chen Xinghe looked on with his hands behind his back like a normal person!

The great net of ashes is not afraid of erosion, because it has been eroded by the right hand again and again, and it has become the best medium for casting spells at this moment.

What's even more exasperating is that someone thought of a poem and recited lightly: "The black clouds turned over the ink and did not cover the mountains, and the white rain jumped into the boats.

"Are you still interested in reciting poems?" A man suddenly appeared and said in a hoarse voice.

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe was surprised for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Long time no see, brother Jingyao, Yang Qianchan didn't come with you?"

"As expected of Qingtianzong's new generation of emperor, don't be surprised by changes." The person who came was Dugu Jingyao who robbed the zombie monk woman.

"Where is the emperor, it's just a little monk who is struggling to survive! The heavens and worlds are so big, just a single foreign country does not know where the world is far away? There are always mysterious places that are not known, not to mention the decline of the Qingtian sect."

Dugu Jingyao said: "You turned into Li Qinyuan and met me. Although you have fought several times, you haven't enjoyed yourself enough."

Chen Xinghe glanced at the other party and said with a smile: "You came all the way to compete with me, right? My cultivation is already higher than yours."

"You can suppress your cultivation and fight with me."

"What are you talking about? It's yours? But I'm a little surprised that you can see that Li Qinyuan is me."

"It's nothing, I saw it the first time you appeared, it's just a matter of cause and effect, are these eyes easy to use?"

"Okay! Brother Jingyao, it's unfathomable! I must have been far inferior to you at the time, did you think it would be interesting to tease this silly boy when you played against me?"

"Hmph, you have a lot of roles in your heart! I benefited a lot from suppressing my cultivation and fighting with you. I knew that I was not an opponent in the same realm. After that, I worked hard and finally achieved some results! There are so many big things happening in Chihuangtian, just pay more attention. Li Qinyuan is you."

"I know I can't hide it, but I didn't expect to see you abroad."

"I was originally a foreign monk, and I was rejected by my family. I jumped up and down and had to flee far away."

"So that's the case. It's a pity that you don't have the intention to kill. If you compete with me, you can confirm each other at most, and you won't get any results."

Hearing this, Dugu Jingyao sighed slightly, he didn't expect the person in front of him to enter the realm so quickly, and he was far behind.

"Okay, come here first for reminiscing about the past, and talk about the purpose of coming here." Chen Xinghe focused his attention on the ruins of the robbery cloud. There was another change in the air, and a trace of blue electric light surged.

Leiyan appeared, just like the previous cataclysms, it seemed to be a sign.

However, the Thunder Eye that appeared this time was extremely real and condensed. It didn't look like it was formed by the gathering of lightning, but rather like a blue eye born of real flesh and blood, impacting its surroundings every moment.

Those cultivators in the transformation stage who were struggling to resist the rust and calamity cloud couldn't take it anymore, and their bodies showed signs of disintegration and disintegration, which was unspeakably miserable.

Seeing this kind of scene, even Dugu Jingyao felt a bone-chilling chill, and asked with lingering fear: "Brother Xinghe, what kind of calamity have you survived?"

"I don't know! The normal catastrophe has passed, but there is a force to graft in and want to take my life. Fortunately, Qingtianzong's skills are special, and the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue is special among special ones, so unlucky It’s definitely not me. Since the black market likes to engage in these black tricks, I’ll show them what it means to be really black.”

"Hahahaha!" Rao even a cold-faced monk like Dugu Jingyao laughed loudly, nodded and said, "Well done! To be honest, one of the above four monks at the fusion stage is the third ancestor of our Dugu family. I feel ashamed to besiege a cultivator at the transformation stage with such a cultivation level, so I came to remind me immediately when I got the news, I didn't expect that I was superficial, and they still have not enough lineup with such a lineup."

"Oh? There are your ancestors. I remember that your family's killing skills are very powerful. Why didn't you see them on the four of them?"

"That's because the third ancestor did not inherit the way of killing, especially the essence of the three poor killing realms. Only a desperate monk like me can comprehend it."

"The Dugu Family? The Killing Dao Family?" Chen Xinghe chuckled: "Okay, very good, you must pay back what you owe me."

"You?" Dugu Jingyao was shocked: "You want to do something to the Dugu family?"

"Isn't it good? They provoked me. If I have too many catastrophes, I need many enemies to solve the disaster. Since your ancestors have no eyes, just die! Then you will be your ancestors, how wonderful!"

"This..." Dugu Jingyao came here this time to remind Chen Xinghe not to step into the trap, but his speed was too slow, and he couldn't make it there. Knowing that the gap with this person is getting bigger and bigger, and they are no longer on the same level.

"In addition to your ancestors, there are three more. Let's destroy them together. You take the big head of things. I support your rise."

"Support me?" Dugu Jingyao still wanted to be tough, saying that I could do it by myself.

"You only have one chance, don't be polite to me, who told me that I am your senior now?" Chen Xinghe laughed loudly, and suddenly said: "Be kinder to your family, although it has nothing to do with me , But my eyes come from Li Qinyuan, the Great Monk is so foolish because of love, he is willing to watch and protect him no matter how much he suffers! I didn't understand before, but now I understand! Love is sad!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xinghe looked at the black-faced Yao and said again: "Of course, you don't understand us and other sentient beings at all. You are born to be unfeeling, but fortunately you are not bad to my friend! Knowing that you have come all the way report."

"Surnamed Chen, wait for me 100 years, 100 years later, I will definitely be able to fight you."

"It's too late, my lifespan is exhausted now, one year is equivalent to 2000 years for me!"

"What?" Dugu Jingyao was shocked, and looked at the indomitable man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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