Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1217 Difficulty is a bit low!

Chapter 1217 Difficulty is a bit low!

The captain of the Thunder Tiger Brigade is Xin Weiran's right-hand man. His current status in Bingcheng is inseparable from the full support of the Thunder Tiger Brigade Captain Xu Yanwang.

Once King Xu Yan died, his position would be unstable.

Once the position is unstable, without Chen Xinghe coming to the door, he will be very busy.

Fortunately, the back of Chen Xinghe's buttocks is not clean now, first there are fairy begonias, and then there are remnants of Jingbei Immortal Realm. These are all things that are closely watched by the big forces. They are taken by a foreign monk, so it's no wonder they let it go!

"Notify, wait for the opportunity to move." Xin Weiran ordered, but his movement was so clear that he couldn't hide it even more.

Chen Xinghe just watched like this, drinking a little wine every day, strolling around the warehouse, his daughter-in-law went out of the human race bag to be gentle, and by the way helped Master Zhenyu and the other spirits to look after the flowers and plants.

Day by day, looking at the warehouse for two months, Chen Xinghe digested the first fairy food.

"Pfft..." He farted.

That stinks!There was simply no way to stay.

Fortunately, Chen Xinghe moved quickly, and quickly stretched out his hand to grab it. The smell gathered into a point, and the toxicity was extremely terrible.

"It's no wonder that the poisonous substances around the fairy food grow wildly. It turns out that the detoxification ability is so strong." Chen Xinghe sighed: "This fart alone can poison a monk at the beginning of the transformation of the gods. This is only the first one. The following fairy food forced out The toxin should be more poisonous."

His body is much lighter, Chen Xinghe is now waiting for an opportunity to let Xin Weiran take the blame.

Naturally, the more poisonous the pot, the better, so the first fart was given to him, and it was sealed in the golden gourd and shaken vigorously until it mixed with the Five Decays.

"Hey, Lao Xin! Do your best! I don't know how long you can stand in Bingcheng?" Chen Xinghe said this not without reason, because the atmosphere of power competition in Bingcheng has been very strong in the past two months. It is so strong that many black hands cannot hide it and expose it to the sun.

There is no need to use star power to go back in time, just walk around the city, listen to gossip while drinking, and let Lao Nie pay more attention to the rumors.

It is clear at a glance who is the subordinate and who is the enemy!
Chen Xinghe had already locked his target on three people, to be precise, two people.

One is Liao Qingzun, a late-stage cultivator who joined Bingcheng for 1000 years, which is about the same age as Old Ghost Xin.

This person has been stuck in the Nascent Soul Stage for many years. Just a hundred years ago, his cultivation base suddenly increased, he crossed several passes in a row, and has grown into a late-stage cultivator, which is very suspicious!
The other person is named Fu Yuanwei, who is also a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods. He is attached to a certain important person in Bingcheng, and he was the one who made many orders a while ago.

There was another person named Chang Li, who was somewhat suspicious because he had a slightly familiar smokey aura about him, but this person was relatively low-key, and nothing could be seen on the surface.

Tonight, it was windy and rainy, and the city of Bing was full of chills.

The power struggle is coming to an end, who can become a trend-setter, it's all a final fight today.

Chen Xinghe kept his eyes on these two and a half targets, and before noon, a fight broke out in the city due to a little friction.

Those old fellows above seemed to acquiesce in this duel, but it was just Nascent Soul cultivators fighting back and forth, and the cultivators at the Transformation Stage did not end.

It wasn't until Shen Shi in the afternoon that the fighting skills continued to the stage of transforming gods.

For Bingcheng monks, this kind of scene might be enough intense, but for Chen Xinghe, it was like a group of school kids fighting each other. After the beating was severe, someone jumped out to warn him to restrain himself, which was quite boring.

It is no exaggeration to say that the disciples of the Wanmo Sect can kill [-]% of the monks in Bingcheng by setting off a demon, and the foreign monks are also better than these guys.

Of course, powerful characters always appear last, and the real contest begins in Youshi.

North City, Beauty Village.

This is equivalent to a brothel, but it is more elegant than a brothel, and it suddenly becomes chilly at this moment.

The two of them hugged and ate wine today, who would have thought that they were the bosses of the dispute, Liao Qingzun and Fu Yuanwei.

"Brother Liao, we've been watching here for a long time. Those little guys of yours are almost dead. Do you still have a hole card? You might as well show it and let me see."

"Hahaha, want to see my hole cards? You are not qualified yet." As soon as the words finished, someone rushed over, and it was Fu Yuanwei's manpower.

"Palm, it's not good, it's Changli, who suddenly led someone to stab us in the back."

"Impossible, he has fallen for us long ago. Liao killed King Xu Yan of the Thunder Tiger Brigade. They should be at odds."

Liao Qingzun laughed loudly: "Haha, Brother Fu, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and Changli wants to be a fisherman. Indeed, I killed his right-hand man, but for a person who is greedy for profit, even if it is his right-hand man, As long as there are higher benefits that can be used in exchange, a little loss will not be taken to heart!"

"Bastard!" Fu Yuanwei was furious, raising his hand was a rare supernatural power in the world.

At this moment, the Changli they were talking about had just bloodbathed a stronghold when his feet suddenly stopped and his forehead was covered with sweat.

I only heard someone say from behind: "I almost admitted the wrong person, it was a mistake for your master to let you out."

Before Changli could react, someone clamped down on the back of his neck with a "bang", and then saw the light and shadow flickering in front of him, and he had already arrived at the master's residence.

No need to ask, the one who made the move was Chen Xinghe!
When he heard Liao Qingzun say that Changli's snipe and clam competed for the fisherman's profit, he immediately realized that this was the person he was looking for.

The residence was empty, but it didn't bother Chen Xinghe.

A mouthful of star power spewed out, and time went back quickly, even if the opponent used various methods to interfere, it didn't work.

A moment later, Chen Xinghe changed places with Changli in his arms, and came to a bedroom.

This dormitory is not simple, it is listed as a first-level restricted zone in the military city, so there are naturally powerful people stationed there.

"Who are you?" The majestic voice swept across.

"My next Luo Qing, look for the redhead next to you. His name is Xin Weiran, and he is my mortal enemy." Chen Xinghe looked at the evil corpse that Xin Weiran had planted in Bingcheng.

"You're not Luo Qing, you're Chen Xinghe!" The red-haired man looked fierce.

"What Chen Xinghe? I'm Luo Qing, I'll give you my name!" The man smiled and said, "Old Xin, I'm also a Bingcheng cultivator now. There was a lot of fighting outside today, so the two of us should count it out as before." It's billed."

"You are indeed a Bingcheng cultivator, but you are only a superintendent, and you are not qualified to commit crimes below." The majestic voice was like the impact of waves.

Chen Xinghe was not afraid, and said calmly: "Isn't today the time to settle grievances? Besides, the city of soldiers is called a soldier, and everyone is a big soldier! Whoever is stronger will win, I am stronger than him, so naturally I will be the king. "

"Master of War." Xin Weiran realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly called out.

Chen Xinghe said to Xin Weiran: "Old Xin, the difficulty is a bit low! Next time, remember to hide it more tightly, and don't act rashly."

(End of this chapter)

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