Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1222 The Benefit of Hidden Door

Chapter 1222 The Benefit of Hidden Door
The area under the jurisdiction of Bingcheng became quiet, and a collective tribulation extinguished the signs of the rise of the Demon Dao.

Of course, this silence is only temporary, and the strange monsters will definitely show up again, but the time is delayed.

Many monks in Bingcheng were promoted, Chen Xinghe applied for property from the sect behind him, and first gave everyone a few sweets.

These monks will come in handy next time when the strange demons show up. Whoever can accumulate enough military exploits will be able to rise to the top.

Facts have proved that magic is indeed rampant.

In less than a month, there was a change in the Jinlei Plain, and huge stone pillars protruded from the ground.

It's another strange demon. I don't know where these disgusting guys recruit troops and invade Yu Xuantian.

I saw one after another distorted figures rushing out of the ground, and when they found the living creatures, they immediately rushed to tear and gnaw, in order to comfort the hungry viscera.

When the news came out, Chen Xinghe gave an order to send troops to Jin Lei immediately.

The military achievements are in front of you. Everyone heard that the acting master has applied for [-] places to enter the three major sects, and there are still [-] places for the head of the war regiment.

Wealth, fame, and the whereabouts of future generations are all given to you, and you can figure it out!
For the sake of military exploits, these monks in Bingcheng have long been jealous. When they heard that there was a demon in the Jinlei Plain, they immediately swung their troops to kill it.

Chen Xinghe just wanted to create such an atmosphere of thirst for battle. Only in this way can he go further and let the city of soldiers roll like a wheel.

The killing started, Lao Nie left Bingcheng, and while all forces were watching the battlefield closely, he began to use the channels outside Bingcheng to form a hidden door.

This link is very important, Chen Xinghe doesn't want to start from scratch.

Kuhaha's creation of the hidden sect is too slow, he needs to use the power of Bingcheng and the sects behind him to quickly build an overall situation.

How many pairs of eyes stared at it before!It’s not easy to get involved, now that the war has officially started, everyone is focusing on the battlefield, and there is no need to guard against evil. It is suitable to graft the hidden door to the big tree of Bingcheng, and then use those quotas to graft the hidden door to the big sects. Door.

The feature of Hidden Door lies in sharing, and you can get a lot of convenience by joining it.

For this, Chen Xinghe contributed all the exercises in his memory.

It is all of them, including Zixiao Foundation-Building Divine Art, Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, Qingtian Sword Field, Xingjun Commanding God Table and so on.

Alchemy, refining, and talisman-making methods are also included.

Others can deposit their skills to obtain contribution points. As long as they stay in the hidden door for a while, they will realize that these skills are too cheap!
Yes, compared with the layers of barriers set up by those sects, these magical skills and secret methods of Yinmen are simply given away for nothing.

In addition, there is a unique setting, that is, after practicing for a period of time, you can earn contribution points by publishing your cultivation insights.

The hidden door promises that as long as you express your insights, you can even earn back the contribution points for purchasing exercises!

Chen Xinghe had no idea how many academic monks he had cultivated by his unintentional actions.

They don't know anything from practice to practice, and they can write insights. They write at least three articles every month. After each writing, they only feel comfortable all over their bodies, and their cultivation seems to have made great progress.

Because the hidden door is harmless, compared with those monks with outstanding military exploits, it is just a group of old men and old ladies who have nothing to do, so the expansion speed is very fast.

How fast?

The front line was still roaring and tsunami, and Lao Nie had developed several 100,000 people.

It was a mess at the beginning, but the hidden door is harmless, just passing a message, selling a cheat book or something, it doesn't matter if it is a little messy.

No one cares about how many such low-level sects are born and destroyed every year.

However, when someone discovers how unique the Zixiao Foundation Establishment Magical Art is, they immediately pay attention to it, and do tasks like chicken blood to get contribution points.

These people had to go deep into the hidden sect if they wanted to obtain the follow-up exercises, and became the first batch of backbone disciples.

So one and a half months later, Chen Xinghe himself forgot about the hidden door, and Lao Nie came back and told the boss that there was a huge gap in funds.

"What? Will there be insufficient funds? I give you the authority to use all the reserves of Bingcheng outside, and you come back and tell me that there are not enough funds?"

Lao Nie looked embarrassed, nodded and said: "The stall is a bit big. We have already captured a quarter of Yuxuantian City, and at the same time we are extending to the surrounding world."

"A quarter of the territory?" Chen Xinghe felt a little dizzy, the speed of development was too fast, dozens of times faster than expected, no wonder the funds were insufficient.

"Okay! I see. You don't have to be suspicious of people, and you don't have to be suspicious. I believe that this situation will only happen if you do a good enough job."

Chen Xinghe pondered for a moment and said: "It does cost a lot of money to build a stall. There are many industries under the name of Bingcheng, and some of the unprofitable industries are separated to realize cash."

"Boss, is this going to happen?" Lao Nie trembled a little, this is filling his own pocket!And not secretly, once things are revealed...

"When the cultivation base is reached, I am qualified to invade the property. This is what I deserve to resist the evil. The development of Bingcheng will be better than before. As long as we can continue to win, all consumption will not be a problem!"

"Hiss! Understood..." Lao Nie suddenly realized that the two were in different positions and had different visions.

Chen Xinghe took out a storage ring and said: "There are a lot of belongings in it, which are the filial piety of those monks in the daily life, and there is also your filial piety in it, use it to strengthen the hidden door! Since the paving can be so fast, then Don't stop, I need a big map to spread the hidden doors all over the place. You remember, when you spread the hidden doors into the Styx and the Demon Realm is considered a success."

"Styx, Demon Realm?" Lao Nie was dizzy, this challenge made him scratch his head.

"Okay, go get busy! You should have realized the benefits of the hidden door!"

"Hey, that's right, it's really convenient to get news, and many people exchange a few exercises for high-level exercises. The exercise alone is very powerful! It's like a snowball rolling." Lao Nie bowed and stepped back. , it is his luck to serve Chen Xinghe.

"The development speed is so fast?" Chen Xinghe retracted his eyes, he knew that the hidden door had started to rise.

Maybe it's because it's grafted on the strong stem of Bingcheng, so low-level existences like Yinmen can spread it wherever they want, and they can anchor any group they want, which is a bit invincible.

After Lao Nie went back, he was very happy, because the boss believed him so much, knowing that the money was gone, not only was he not punished, but he also spent a lot of money to fill in the holes.

The scholar died for his confidant, he fought!

This is a great fight, Lao Nie aimed his eyes at some small sects.

Acquisition, rich and powerful is the good point, you can make a big deal, spend a lot of money, and have no humanity.

Within three months, many small sects suddenly disappeared, but their contacts were still there and began to play a powerful role.

The battlefield is in full swing, Bingcheng has gradually gained the upper hand, and it is about to wipe out the evil for the second time. This is a huge victory.

When Chen Xinghe saw Lao Nie again and got the most detailed and expanded map of the Hidden Gate, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"We have captured all the big cities in Yuxuantian, and we are advancing from big cities to medium-sized cities. I believe that in a few years, even those rural areas will be our people."

"Very good." Chen Xinghe flipped through the map and the expansion results, and soon couldn't help but be surprised. He actually saw eleven kinds of star power cultivation methods, and thousands of ancient alchemy recipes, which were enough to greatly promote him. The benefits can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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