Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1225 Can't Leap Over

Chapter 1225 Can't Leap Over
The eyes can't see, the gods can't know, how to fight?

Chen Xinghe used star power as a guide, and every time he made a move, he planned the trajectory and movements in advance, and then attacked violently according to this set of movements.

Once, twice, three times...

Because of his extremely fast shot speed, the Devil's Claw didn't hit a single hit.

I wanted to make a quick decision, but the result was delayed until now.

Originally, this strange monster was almost finished, but a law was issued, and it was revived on the spot with full blood!

Chen Xinghe is also drunk, it will take a little time to recover after taking the magic elixir!This Strange Demon is good, it recovered perfectly after shouting, and it didn't look damaged at all, so it had to be killed again.

Although he couldn't guarantee that he would get the same injury as before, he never gave up lightly, no matter how difficult it was, he had to kill several times.

"Kill again!"

In the 120th eighth impact, Chen Xinghe vomited blood, and the strange demon finally seized an opportunity to attack viciously.


Never say never, kill the Tao and become the light.

Impact, head-on impact.

Chen Xinghe suppressed the pain, and continued to attack again and again.

"Boom..." When he was hit hard for the second time, his figure flew three hundred miles away, and he managed to stabilize his figure, and the bombardment followed.

This time it was his turn to take the shock, fierce and powerful.

Chen Xinghe hadn't been under such heavy pressure for a long time, and his injuries were spreading rapidly.

If it wasn't for the body protection of the Tai Chi Dao, when the injury was heavy enough to a certain extent, most of it could be transferred out. I'm afraid he would have collapsed by now.

It is true that his body training is not weak, enough to overwhelm any body-fitting monk, but he is facing a monk of the same level, and the strange monster in front of him is one level higher than him, and its power penetration is extraordinary.

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe turned into a spinning top, scrambling left and right to resist for a moment, jumped up and walked towards the sky.

He must distance himself, or he will fall into hell.

The strange demon is not stupid, this kid still wants to distance himself?Take him for a lame?
Die, this slippery boy must be killed.

Chen Xinghe calmed down quickly, and said in his heart: "It's not okay to go on like this, am I only at this level?"

"No, I can become stronger!"

"Because I have survived the five declines of heaven and man!"

"This is the number of catastrophes that only the Transcending Tribulation Period will bear. I have survived ahead of time, enough to bring out some of the characteristics of the Transcending Tribulation Period?"

"The problem is in this blind typing. How can I hit the strange monster quickly and accurately?"

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's fighting spirit was high.

He didn't concentrate on escaping, he had already cultivated to the fit stage, and he was still running around like before, that would be too embarrassing.

"Extreme Speed ​​Dao, Tai Chi Dao, fusion!" Chen Xinghe was extremely fortunate, he had already cultivated Extreme Speed ​​Dao and Tai Chi Dao to an extremely high level, and there was only one opportunity to combine the two avenues.

"Blind battle!" Chen Xinghe actually gave up the guidance of star power, and purely used the Dao as a guide.

It turned out to be too difficult to make changes on the battlefield.

One person and one demon had just fought four or five times, but Chen Xinghe was completely defeated. He fell straight down and smashed into the ground, forming a vast pit.

Fortunately, the injury is not serious, and it will come again soon.

In the end, there was nothing to say, and Chen Xinghe was still defeated.

This situation made Chen Xinghe realize for the first time that his level was too high.

To be taller than him is to be taller than him. People who have lived for so many years are not in vain. Even if he gains a lot of memory, it cannot make up for it.

Fortunately, there is a great opportunity between life and death, and when he was fighting against strange monsters, he had a flash of inspiration, and his understanding of time and space was like opening a floodgate.

"Blindly fast, not strong enough!"

"Maybe it can be slower, the most important thing is the rhythm."

Chen Xinghe took the initiative to slow down, but even if he slowed down, he was still too fast for his consciousness to keep up.

In this state, the most effective way is to move with the enemy's movements, bombard and kill with the enemy's bombardment, continue to fight vigorously, and see who can't hold on first.

The battle between Longmai and Zhou Tianxing was based on confidence and the army of strange demons suffered heavy casualties. Only a few teams were left to suffer, and it seemed that they were not far from extinction.

So if you can't make a quick decision, do the opposite and try to delay the time.

One person and one demon fought for a day and a night, Chen Xinghe fought bloody, not a single part of his body was intact, even two ribs were broken.

It's miserable. Although the strange demon is not as miserable as him, it is no longer as powerful as it was in its heyday.

At this moment, except for them, the battlefield was completely turned off.

Because the last strange monster died.

With the efforts of the monks in Bingcheng this time, the evil trouble was finally suppressed abruptly, but I don't know if there will be a third wave.

Chen Xinghe was exhausted.

Don't look tired, but he is very excited in his heart, because he was not hit hard from time to time at the beginning, and his body fell into the ground.

Here, the more you fight, the more brave you are, the more you fight, the more stubborn the strange demons are, and the two form a sharp contrast.

"Little friend, thank you very much!" Suddenly a voice came into my mind.

At the same time, the strange demon flew away.

"What's the rush? Fellow Daoist, stay here!" Following the voice, three terrifying auras complemented each other, forcing the strange demon into the ground.

Chen Xinghe sighed slightly, the difference in rank was too big, no matter how strong he was, he could only be respected at the same rank, and could not challenge beyond the rank.

In the face of the existence of the Transcending Tribulation Period, it is not easy to be able to support it until now.

"Several seniors are in charge, the junior is seriously injured, so go to recuperate first." Chen Xinghe saluted slightly towards the sky, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the military city.

Even if he did not lose this battle, he did not win.

Before, he was impulsive and had no scruples, thinking that he could kill this strange demon with those first moves, but the fact taught him a lesson.

The conclusion is that, when encountering an existence whose cultivation base is higher than his own, it is not appropriate to fight to the death.

The reason why this battle remained undefeated was because the three warlords were watching from the sky, making the strange demon feel in danger from time to time. Otherwise, how could Chen Xinghe have the opportunity to increase his strength little by little in the battle and polish his combat power?
This will be troublesome, which means that he will stay in his current position for a long time.

"Hey! I seem to be stuck here. Originally, killing an existence in the transcending tribulation period, the book of life and death can almost be promoted from the supreme to the celestial. What a pity! I tried my best and failed to achieve what I wanted. Get a little more solid."

This is talking to himself, who wants to speak with his right hand.

"You are too weak, too bad, you don't need to make excuses for yourself."

"I'm bad?" Chen Xinghe was so angry that his nose was crooked, he has worked very hard, okay?Wandering constantly between life and death, desperately fighting the enemy time and time again.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, you go to the Demon Realm to enlighten the Dao! Only by entering the Demon Realm can you rise as soon as possible, or fall into the Styx River, and find the real Shura to accumulate the merits of killing the Dao."

"Understood." Chen Xinghe's face was serious, and his right hand pointed out like this, indicating that the crisis was getting closer and there was not much time to waste.

Now that his rank is too high, he must become a Mahayana monk as soon as possible, and his right hand probably thinks the same way.

"If you figure it out, choose a pit and jump into it. After half a year, you only have half a year to make a choice." The right hand said firmly.

"Only half a year? I have to hurry up and go to a few places." Chen Xinghe rubbed his chin, thinking about how to go next.

(End of this chapter)

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