Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1227 Cross-Boundary Tour

Chapter 1227 Cross-Boundary Tour

"Herod..." The spirit horses kept shaking their heads and snorting, feeling very uncomfortable.

The front is like a huge source of magic, emitting magic energy towards the surroundings.

A voice came from the air: "Fast forward, we won't be able to hold on for long, we finally found this two-world node, and we will destroy this place as soon as you enter."

Everyone's heart sank, and they cursed secretly: "These old things should be damned, this is going to drive everyone to a dead end!"

Chen Xinghe walked forward slowly, and everyone knelt down immediately. They can't count on anyone now, they can only count on this unparalleled military leader.

He is also a fallen person in Tianya. It is said that this acting military master provoked many high-level people outside, so he ran to the military city to hide in peace, but was dug out by the military master and used it as a knife.

Now the threat from the strange demon world is much smaller, so the birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, and the sects behind them start to kill donkeys.

Chen Xinghe glanced around and felt that the team was very bloated. Many monks dragged their families along and even brought the whole family with them. I don't know what the sects behind them were doing to attract so many people.

There are a few old people who are not weak in cultivation, but hesitate to speak!

Chen Xinghe didn't listen to their ink marks, he couldn't help but lose power, he was forced to embark on this dead end, he was afraid that his luck had already been lost.

"Okay, don't resist, I will put you in the half-hole heavenly treasure."

If he brought this bloated team, how could he still act as usual?

So don't put on a dragon's gate, grab your big hands in all directions, put the noisy crowd into the race bag, and leave no one out of the way.

Then, without waiting for the three military masters to say anything, they quickly sank into the nodes of the two realms.

"Hey, I was blinded by a treasure of heaven! I should suggest this kid to keep his belongings." The three military masters are very shameless. They have been very busy recently, so they forgot to take a few treasures so that they can be taken back to their nephews use.

Liao Qingzun and the others were ecstatic, they had already changed places in a flash.

Looking at the scene in front of him, this adult is actually carrying a spiritual planting garden with him, and has already transformed into a trace of heavenly aura.

Hell!These people have a place to live.

The relationship between Chen Xinghe and Bingcheng is a relationship of mutual use, and from the moment he stepped into the world of strange demons, this relationship of karma came to an end.

As soon as he stepped into the world of strange demons, he saw flags and flags unfurling.

It turned out that the previous two waves of strange demons were at most throwing stones to ask for directions, not even the advance army.

The main force of the demon world went to attack Chihuangtian, and the strange demon world was close to Yu Xuantian, and felt that the demon world was becoming more and more unsuitable for survival, so the strange demons from all walks of life were ready to move, trying to find a way out.

Taking a glance from a distance, Chen Xinghe immediately stepped away.

Just kidding, just this one glance almost alarmed the Strange Demon during the Tribulation Period.

There is definitely a period of crossing the catastrophe, and most of them are human demon cultivators, and the smell of the five decays of heaven and man is so strong that it is pungent.

God knows if there are Mahayana demons in the contiguous army, although there are very few such existences, but as long as one comes, you still want to run?
When he came to the safe zone, Chen Xinghe relaxed a little, carefully restrained his breath, and isolated the erosion of the vast sea of ​​devil energy.

Until now, he had no intention to look at the world of strange demons.

The world is dark and the vegetation is sparse.

The magic energy is so strong that it is almost impossible to absorb the spiritual energy, but there should be spiritual energy in a certain place, and Xingli has already explored several spiritual veins.

"This is the world of strange demons, it seems that life is not easy! No wonder these strange demons know that it is difficult to fight, but they want to drill into the Yuxuan sky!" Chen Xinghe shifted shape, found a spiritual vein, and was surprised to find that there were people here.

Yes, there are people, and they are a group of human monks.

"Who are you?" The old man with a gloomy complexion suddenly got up and looked at Chen Xinghe with extreme vigilance.

"My name is Chen Xinghe, a cultivator of Chihuangtian. It's my first time in the Alien Demon Realm. Let me introduce the situation here." The huge aura rushed out like a long dragon, which surprised the cultivators near the spiritual vein.

"Senior, this junior has eyes that don't recognize superiors, please forgive this junior." The old man Yin Yin was very straightforward, and fell to his knees with a plop.

Seeing him like this, Chen Xinghe knew that this place was strict and strict, and all matters were decided by those with higher cultivation bases.

"Get up! I didn't come here to seek spiritual veins. I just entered the world of strange demons. I'm not familiar with the place. Let me introduce you to the general situation."

Hearing this, the old man was obviously relieved, and replied respectfully: "The junior knows everything, and he can talk endlessly. The world of strange demons is extremely barren, especially for us monks, it is even more barren! If possible, who I don't even want to come here..."

Chen Xinghe learned from the old man's introduction that there was a problem with the strange world many years ago, and the space barrier became extremely unstable, often overlapping or overlapping with other worlds.

By chance, some monks fell into the strange demon world, and there were monks from all races, and there were quite a few of them.

Some rifts don't close once they open, and the rifts get bigger and bigger over time.

In this way, monks of various ethnic groups survived in the cracks, and after thousands of years of development, they have been connected into a network.

It can be said that each has its own way, and there are quite a few monks who secretly seek refuge with strange demons to harm their own clan. There are definitely many disputes, and there are many bad things.

"Don't talk about your disputes, get me a detailed map, and a map of the distribution of major forces."

"Yes! This junior will write down everything he knows." The old man didn't dare to hesitate, he was at the stage of transformation, and this one in front of him?
He couldn't see it, he only knew that he was much, much higher than himself.

Chen Xinghe asked directly: "There is an army of strange demons gathering [-] miles to the southeast, how much do you know about this?"

"I know! I know! They have been dispatching troops for more than [-] years, and a total of five different demon families have participated in it. The first family is the Luoshan family of Xianmo, the second family is the Great Demon Temple, and the third family is the Lei family. Of the demon family, the fourth is the mirror demon, and the fifth is the wind demon. Only the first Luoshan family, I heard that there are two Mahayana strange demons, in terms of strength, they are enough to rank among the top three in the strange demon world."

Chen Xinghe's complexion changed slightly: "The two strange monsters?"

"Yes, they are very powerful. It is said that they are going to invade Yu Xuantian. I don't know whether these two powerful monsters will come to the battlefield in person, but even if they cross the border, they will not come at this time."

"Go to inquire about the news and reward the pills of all ranks." Chen Xinghe threw out a batch of pills casually, he didn't care what the old man did, as long as he brought back the news.

"Yes!" The old man saw hope. At his age, he would die if he didn't take a step forward. God stretched out a thigh, how could he miss the opportunity?Hurry up and hug!

Chen Xinghe's cultivation is advanced, and if something leaks from his hand, it is a treasure for low-level monks, and he can use it to show off his might.

Facts have proved that these monks in the strange demon world are experts in drilling operations, and the old man Yin Yin is still running outside, and some monks came to pay homage to him.

"The black market has brought business to the world of strange demons?" Chen Xinghe was a little shocked.

"We have contact with the outside world, but the connection is not close. It is not necessarily the black market. It is mainly an alliance formed by some small families. My lord is in the top ten on the black market list. I got the news a few months ago that my lord is coming. For us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we are willing to serve you.”

Only then did Chen Xinghe realize that it was not a secret that he wanted to enter the world of strange demons. Since the black market had known about it for a long time, those strange demons might have gotten the news as well.

(End of this chapter)

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