Chapter 1230

In the first six months, Chen Xinghe relied on Yinmen's powerful intelligence capabilities to collect a batch of immortal food.

In addition to fairy food, there is also an elixir.

Naturally, it is not a complete elixir, the surface of the elixir has been petrified, and there is only a trace of medicine flowing.

This elixir is useless in front of other cultivators, but in front of Chen Xinghe, it immediately wiped away the suffocation of the years, turning decay into magic.

This elixir is said to have the ability to harmonize yin and yang, and to assist the medicinal properties is to improve cultivation.

But don't talk about the monks in the fit stage, even the Mahayana monks who take this elixir may explode and die.

Chen Xinghe originally wanted to decompose the properties of the medicine. He took 100% of the effective medicine powder every year, and he could digest it after taking [-] years.

However, this Daoist Wanxu's minions were too powerful, and he fell to the ground with a single finger.

If it weren't for the attacks of so many strange monsters around, Chen Xinghe would have fallen into the hands of Lei Ren, so he must increase his self-protection ability as soon as possible.

Since this elixir can improve one's cultivation, one must eat it even if one's body explodes.

After all, there are more than 700 small mouths waiting to be fed, how do you know that you can't do it if you don't work hard?

"Cough cough cough..."

"The medicine is really powerful."

"The middle stage of the Nascent Soul..."

Chen Xinghe was shocked, and more than 700 pairs of small hands stood in the acupuncture points to push the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs together.

In order to consolidate the foundation, Jie Li was consumed at a particularly fast rate.

After exhausting all calamity power, Nascent Soul has firmly established its foundation.

The huge potency of the medicine came like a wave, and it began to approach the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

Chen Xinghe got up suddenly and bumped into Lei Ren.

This Lei Ren is full of tribulation power, it is the Nine Tribulations Huangquan Jue Shiquan Dabu Pill.

"What are you doing?" Lei Ren was taken aback, this little guy actually broke his thunder lock?
"Drain you." Chen Xinghe transformed himself into a bottomless pit, while absorbing the power of calamity, while stepping on the Tai Chi diagram, he released 27 flying swords to build a Tai Chi flywheel.

From a distance, Lei Ren and Chen Xinghe seemed to overlap each other, the two figures overlapped.

"Explosive!" Lei Ren didn't want to be restrained by this little guy, so he immediately drew out a splendid river of thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the 27 flying swords were fully stored in the Tai Chi flywheel, and more than 700 Nascent Souls in the body oscillated the medicinal power, and the absorption speed increased a hundred times.

At the same time, under the guidance of the flying sword, Canlan Leihe attacked the surrounding monsters and forcibly blasted a gap.

Chen Xinghe took a step forward and moved Lei Ren along with him.

"It's unreasonable!" Lei Ren was furious, he didn't expect that all the attacks from strange demons would fall on him, and the brat could pass on the damage.

Chen Xinghe used the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art to firmly attract Lei Ren, such crazy actions naturally cannot last long.

In a moment, Lei Ren broke free from the restraints, but his situation took a turn for the worse. The Taiji net under his feet was too annoying, and it always turned him to the dangerous side and used it as a shield for that brat.

"Come again!" The Taiji net was reposted, and the two figures were pasted together for the second time.

Lei Jin exploded outwards, trying to shake Chen Xinghe away, but Tai Chi Dao was passing on the damage all the time, Lei Jin blasted on the strange monster like a cow from a mountain, instead of shaking Chen Xinghe away.

There were strange demon masters suppressing it outside, and thunderous people roaring and resisting inside. Chen Xinghe stood between the two sides, like a grass on the wall, falling with the wind.

Whichever side is stronger, he will cooperate with that side.

Lei Ren was furious, he had used the black lightning lock several times, but it failed on this kid.

Just kidding, how could the same trick be used on Chen Xinghe twice?Even if Lei Ren's level is very high, it's impossible.

That kind of black lock can be saved once, but it is a rare means.

If it weren't for the 720 Nascent Souls in his body to push the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, Chen Xinghe would not be able to absorb this thunderous figure.

Jieli continuously catalyzes the medicinal power of the elixir, causing many Nascent Souls to enter the late Nascent Soul stage, and they are quickly taking root.

Lei Jin is very powerful. If he wasn't so powerful, these strange monsters with strong melee abilities would have come up to fight frantically.

Chen Xinghe continued to be his fool, always ready to welcome Big Brother Lei Ren's big move.

There is no way, the external pressure is getting stronger and stronger, if Lei Ren doesn't make a big move, don't even think about leaving this place today.

Sure enough, the expected big move came.

A beam of white lightning appeared.

It's very white, and it's all white for thirty miles around.

It is so white that the five senses disappear, and it is so white that it cannot be perceived.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Ren escaped into the light, and after a while, he roared angrily.

No wonder Chen Xinghe let Lei Ren leave!His life was hanging by a thread, so he couldn't help but not work hard.

It is true that the grass on the wall falls with the wind, but this tuft of grass can also make a tripping rope.

Obviously, the tripping rope was very successful, and it really caught Lei Ren, and he had to break out of the thunder again to escape from the devil's nest.

Chen Xinghe didn't take it lightly, he moved his body quickly while observing the acupoints in his body.

I saw hundreds of Nascent Souls sitting cross-legged, with Zhou Tian Xing Dou flags and banners stuck behind their backs, and flying swords floating in front of them, which looked strange.

Since Yuanying jointly promoted the Nine Tribulations and Huangquan Jue, the demand for the power of robbery increased wildly.

The elixir is still in the belly, so the consumption has only changed by a small circle.

Lei Yin approached quickly, Chen Xinghe glanced at it from a distance, and quickly left the place.

For an hour, Lei Ren failed to catch up.

After two hours, Lei Ren still hadn't caught up.

For the next three days, the two sides were like playing hide-and-seek, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing.

The more Chen Xinghe fought, the more experienced he became, and the more he ran, the more he felt.

On the fourth day of running, the feet suddenly cracked, and thick clouds of robbery appeared in the sky.

The first Nascent Soul is entering the stage of transforming into a god, giving birth to a little mystery.

"Great, the Yuanshen didn't split, but there was an extra thought, like a small projection, which can increase inspiration and assist in cultivation." Chen Xinghe was ecstatic. It has been turning in the abdomen all the time, and needs Jieli to assist in consuming the violent medicine.

In fact, Lei Ren was powerful at the beginning, after being attacked by so many strange demons, his robbery power has been greatly weakened.

Chen Xinghe stood still.

He was waiting for this moment! More than 700 Nascent Souls have been promoted, and the power is still somewhat expected, enough to have a head-on collision with Lei Ren.

Sure enough, after stopping in place for more than thirty breaths, Big Brother Lei Ren arrived as scheduled.

In the past few days, Chen Xinghe has almost become a long-distance runner. He has never seen such a kid who can run.

Without a word of nonsense, Lei Ren stretched out his hand to tear the sky, and sixteen black thunder locks flashed.

Not only did Chen Xinghe not run this time, but he rushed towards Lei Ren before Lei Suo arrived.

The crash was loud, echoing from the surrounding mountains.

A moment later, Lei Ren was shocked away by the huge Lei Jin, he couldn't believe this scene.

"Papapa..." Chen Xinghe rolled out six palms, the back palms overlapped the front palms, and the palms hit Lei Ren's body.

At this moment, Lei Ren was surprised to find that a huge tribulation force was wreaking havoc in his body, crazily offsetting his power.

In an instant, more than 300 Nascent Souls in Chen Xinghe's body were promoted to Transformation Gods.

"Papapa..." Six palms were pushed out again, Lei Ren thumped back, and was surprised to find that his own strength had dropped a lot.

"Old Lei, you shouldn't have come to the Demon Realm, but since you're here, I will fulfill you." Chen Xinghe followed closely, grabbed Lei Ren's arm and pulled it hard.

Lei Ren was horrified, this little brat was like a bottomless pit, suddenly sucking up a huge amount of lightning.

The strength of the whole body becomes lower, which can only be compared with the late stage of fit.

(End of this chapter)

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