Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 386 Inward Sales

Chapter 386 Inward Sales
The five ground fires were fully mobilized by Chen Xinghe, and the spiritual energy could barely be supplied, and the 22 strands of Booming Pill divine power continued to ferment.

The Boshan furnace has been suspended in the air to breed the golden millet and yellow bud pill, and within two hours before and after, it will emit dense medicinal gas, which means that the pill is about to take shape.

The last string of roars vibrates the medicinal gas, causing the medicinal gas to forcibly converge back. Doing so can increase the potency of the medicine by three points.

The time is not long, and the Boshan furnace is slowly falling.

Chen Xinghe hurriedly turned on the furnace, and saw clusters of golden light flying out.

Fortunately, Ashes Net and Liangyi Mote Formation were together, and they played a role at this moment, sweeping away all the pills in one go, and received them in the master's hands in an instant.

Chen Xinghe released his consciousness and was extremely shocked: "10,000 pieces of medicinal materials can only be refined at most [-] pieces of golden millet yellow bud pills, how can more than [-] pieces be produced out of thin air?"

Counting it again, there are indeed as many as [-]. After careful consideration, I slowly think of the reason.

"One is that the elixir is of a lower level, and it only corresponds to monks in the Qi refining stage and the early stage of foundation establishment. The second is that the Booming Pill is good for quenching impurities and preserving the potency of the medicine."

"Therefore, there are only 100 pieces of medicinal materials. After being processed by the Boshan furnace, it is equivalent to [-] more than [-] pieces of medicinal materials. Ya Dan is twenty times faster, this is simply an alchemist's dream alchemy furnace."

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, and quickly sealed the golden millet yellow bud pill into the storage talisman, wrote another letter, and raised his hand to call Ling Mo to give the storage talisman and letter paper to Shen Wuji.

He doesn't have time to seal the elixir, the five little ones have grown up a lot these days, let Shen Wuji take the children to seal it!Then send it to the store for sale.

According to the letter, sales are internal and not external.

What is internal and external?
These elixirs were only sold to the monks under Bai Feng and Gu Wei, as well as the monks' families.

As for the price, it is absolutely affordable!
Those Danfang Dan Pavilions sell golden millet and yellow bud pills, but they also cost ten middle-grade spirit stones!
Chen Xinghe only accepts six middle-grade spirit stones here.In addition, you can get a huge discount when you use top-grade spirit stones to buy. One top-grade spirit stone can buy two bottles of Golden Supplement Yellow Bud Pill, and three of them will be given as samples.

That is to say, one high-grade spirit stone can buy 27 golden corn and yellow bud pills.

In those alchemy rooms outside, you can buy so many middle-grade spirit stones for 270 yuan. Even if you buy it at the internal price, you still have to spend 160 or two middle-grade spirit stones to buy it. Does it matter how to choose?
While Chen Xinghe was refining the second batch of elixir, many monks in the guard ran madly towards the three grocery stores.

The three grocery stores are still being renovated, but there are people waiting at the counters.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, there is a limit of four bottles per person, it doesn't matter if you don't get it, there will be opportunities in the future. This is a gift from the adults to the brothers. In the future, the three grocery stores will only be open to our own people and will not accept outside customers. Alas, my lord is so capricious, I don't want you to sing praises, just don't be white-eyed wolves."

"How can we? We are born as adults, and die as ghosts of adults." The monks in the guard hurriedly paid for it.

As soon as the sample is obtained, everyone knows that this is the best yellow bud pill.

Excellent!Not to mention how much money there is in it, leaving it for myself and my family to use will surely strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan, and one pill is enough for several days of hard work.

In less than an hour, 6000 more than [-] golden corn and yellow bud pills were looted, and [-] top-grade spirit stones were recovered.

Among them, 2000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones was capital, and Chen Xinghe only earned 200 yuan, but he didn't think it was too little at all.

The first furnace is just a small test, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of Boshan furnace, and the second furnace is called a big deal.

In the middle stage of foundation establishment, he refined 190,000 pills in one go. If there were only so many medicinal materials, he really wanted to challenge the upper limit.

After finishing the second furnace, Chen Xinghe rested for a while and started refining the third furnace.

The number of this third batch of pills is much smaller, no more than [-] pills, and it is the Xiaobutian Pill.

The Little Butian Pill is called the holy medicine in the mid-stage of foundation establishment, and it is also effective for monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. It replenishes spiritual energy, heals injuries, increases mental strength, and can save life at critical moments...

The next day, at dawn, there were long queues at the three shops of Shenjia.

"Ah! Sister, are you here?"

"Isn't that right! Sister-in-law Six's family notified my family overnight, saying that I got up early to receive benefits today. I came early enough, but the road was blocked to death."

"Hehe, we are diligent. Dongzi's daughter-in-law has to dress up every day when she goes out. I wonder if we can catch up?"

"It's better not to catch up, anyway, she doesn't care about these three melons and two dates."

At this moment, a figure came out of the alley, out of breath, and hurriedly greeted acquaintances: "Sister-in-law Ma and sister Quan are here? It's okay, I'm not late."

"Dongzi's family, why do you get up so early?"

"Tch! Are you afraid of waking up early if you have money? I heard that this morning's wave of welfare is selling foundation-building mid-stage Huiyuan Pills. The purchase limit has increased from four bottles yesterday to eight bottles, and each bottle is priced at six high-grade spirit stones. It also comes with a Huiyuan Pill as a sample. Tsk tsk, it’s a 40 yuan high-grade spirit stone, not to mention getting up early, even if you don’t sleep, it’s worth it!”

"You're so smart! Dongzi's family."

As soon as Maoshi arrived, three shops opened to sell pills.

This kind of spectacle attracted many residents to stop and watch. After inquiring, they felt very strange. Will the new guard of the guard give benefits?When did the guard become so rich?
Some people wanted to enter the store, but they were stopped outside the door, and they could only enter with a guard number plate, and outsiders were not accepted in their internal store.

Well!What kind of nonsense is this?

I have to say that this kind of differential treatment is very useful. Just look at the young daughters-in-law and the old sister-in-law who puffed up their chests, and they have regained their balance in their usual disinterestedness, and they even gave birth to a little sense of pride.

This time, the amount of Huiyuan Pills is very large, but Bai Feng and Gu Wei have 800 more people, and each family pays 48 high-grade spirit stones. As long as they can survive, they can scrape together the money.

At the moment of time, the Huiyuan Dan was sold out.

Chen Xinghe took back 90,000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, of which 60,000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones was cost, and 30,000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones was profit.

Of course, it would be difficult to think about such a large-scale alchemy. It would take half a year just to accumulate medicinal materials.

Therefore, Chen Xinghe is not only doing pill business, he is also doing cross-border business.

There is a backlog of a lot of odds and ends in the world of Huangquan, such as residual charms, broken jade, tree roots, flags, jade slips, etc., and they are taken to the grocery store to wait for someone who is destined.

Don't underestimate these items, they come from different worlds, maybe a certain shining point is seen by people, and they can immediately rise to prominence.

Grocery store!They sell everything, even small pills, but only a dozen pills are released every day, which is cheaper than outside.

Dongzi's daughter-in-law loves beauty, and she bought a sapphire hairpin at a very low price. Who wants to fall down after returning home, and wake up with a scripture in her mind.

So far, Dongzi's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and the young couple have achieved fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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