Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 438 Need for Speed

Chapter 438 Need for Speed

"We're all hunting the Nine-Tailed Fox! What about Corpse Kun?"

"Hey, what do you care about the corpse? If you hesitate a little, you may miss the opportunity."

"Go, go immediately!"

"This may be a trap. Do you know what level the Nine-Tailed Fox is at? Don't be killed in reverse."

"It doesn't matter! Each has his destiny, and each has his own means."

Many figures rushed away, but Chen Xinghe didn't move, as stable as Mount Tai.

"Xinghe! Aren't we?" Xiong Dayue was jealous, and did not mention Chi You's reward, the task reward is so rich, even if there are traps in it, it is not impossible.

Chen Xinghe directly vetoed it: "Don't go! Let them go! We will guard the corpse kun with peace of mind. If you are interested, you can organize a gang to try it out! I will take care of the corpse kun."

"Enough!" Xiong Dayue got up and wanted to leave, but Yue Wuque didn't move, he was stunned for a long time and sat down again, sighed and shook his head.

"Old Xiong, why don't you go?" Xuan Ah Qi was gearing up, waiting for someone to take the lead!

"Damn it! My brain is all here. Although I'm not smart, I know how to see how smart people do it. Humph, I'm going to you, don't bother me."

Xiong Dayue could tell that if Chen Xinghe didn't move, no one in the team would be interested.

This side is as stable as before, but what happened next to it, first a dozen people left, and then some people gathered their hands, reducing the number of staff by another thirty or forty.

Ge Tianzhen was very good at counting heads, and reported the number: "Currently, we only have eighty Huangquan monks guarding this corpse kun! Do you think King Chiyou is free, why does he eat the nine-tailed fox at night? "

"Hmph, he doesn't believe us." Xiong Dayue's words were of a high standard.

About a quarter of an hour later, the hills in the distance lit up with white light, and then the thunder rushed, and it seemed that they were fighting fiercely.

Since Shi Kun has been floating in the sky, he can see very far.

Many Huangquan monks hugged the praying mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was thinking about it later, and only now set off for the battlefield.

Suddenly, the nearby breath was wrong.

A large number of bats appeared, and then the mist filled, and a strange figure passed by.

"What? There is a response from the formation, so be alert immediately."

Looking up, I saw faint patterns blocking the mist, and the surroundings were quiet and there was no certain sound.

Shi Kun seemed to be completely isolated, Yue Wuque said in disgust: "I hate the smell of foxes the most."

"You mean there's a nine-tailed fox outside?" Xiong Dayue stood up and took out his hammers excitedly.

"Open the formation and let them in." Chen Xinghe said.

"What? Say it again?"

"There are only so many formation flags, and we need to carry out all-round defense in a big battle, so I suggest opening the large formation and letting the enemies in to destroy them!"

"Hahaha, I like it, quickly open the big formation, don't open all of them, just open a few doors." Xiong Dayue beamed with joy.

Others would go out to hunt the Nine-Tailed Fox, but he had a great deal of money here, and the Nine-Tailed Fox would automatically come to his door. His luck was not so good.

Xuan Ah Qi waved the formation flag, and immediately three formation patterns disappeared, thick fog poured in immediately, and several figures flew past.

Chen Xinghe said calmly: "Come in, close the large formation to increase defense, and cut off the enemy's reinforcements."

"Okay!" Xuan Ah Qi immediately waved the command flag, exerting all his strength in breastfeeding.

The moment the pattern was closed, another figure came in.

Yue Wuque was the first to strike, and the strange vines spread across the ground, growing, spreading, weaving, and expanding at an unimaginable speed.

With a "boom", a charming woman was roughly pulled out by the vines.

Then the green light flashed rapidly, and the vines forced out all the enemies. Under Yue Wuque's magical power, no enemy could hide.

Four nine-tailed foxes landed on the ground, and each nine-tailed fox was riding a young woman on its back. They glanced seductively and said, "You are too rude."

Chen Xinghe didn't even look at the fox demon four riders, but looked at a man and said, "Chitong Yin Jialuo, why are you wandering around my place so leisurely?"

"It's you, this aura can't be wrong, it's you who took away the Shattering Seal."

Chen Xinghe pushed four five six, pretended to be stupid and said, "What am I?"

"Stop talking nonsense! I'm only responsible for finding you out. As for the action, there is another person, his name is Zuo Guangyu." Chitong Yin Jialuo released a golden sword while speaking.

"Crack..." The golden lightning spread out, and when the golden light dissipated, ten monks in blue appeared.

The leader stood in the air with narrow eyes and long shawls, and said in a deep voice: "Clean up the monks in Huangquan, kill them all, and leave no one behind."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a soft "ding", and the leftmost one among the ten men in Tsing Yi fell to the ground, with a bright red spot between his brows.

When everyone blinked and watched, there was another soft "ding", and No. 2 cultivator in Tsing Yi died unexpectedly.

The next thing is coming soon, ding ding ding hits the heartstrings, and the monks in green clothes fall to the ground one after another until all nine are dead. Chen Xinghe said lightly: "Kill them all, leave no one behind, the next one is you, you can block it with confidence." me?"

Everyone gasped, including the pretentious wolf demon Yin Jialuo, thinking, is this a fucking demon?Who saw how this kid made his move?Nine late-stage foundation-building cultivators died in the blink of an eye. Who else can stop this evil star?
"Extremely fast needle magic weapon?" Zuo Guangyu suddenly took a step to the left, his face suddenly burst into a bloody hole, and the body protection magic weapon couldn't react at all.

"Death!" Zuo Guangyu was furious. He came to kill, not to be killed.

It was still Yin Jialuo who had rich experience, and smashed the Tianling Gai, leaving a piece of red wolf skin in place and disappearing.

He had just escaped, and five fox demons died unexpectedly, and the four nine-tailed foxes immediately showed their original shape, which turned out to be four fluffy fox tails.

The four fox tails fell to the ground and tried to escape, but were immediately bound tightly by vines, probably enough to make several fox fur neckers.

Zuo Guangyu was only five steps away from Chen Xinghe, but he didn't dare to move because there were three needle-shaped instruments in the opponent's hand.

That kind of extreme speed piercing is too incomprehensible. I don't know if it is the ability of the needle-shaped magic weapon itself, or the opponent has some kind of speed-like magical power.


Even if Zuo Qian didn't die in the hands of that lord, he would die in the hands of this person. Is it easy to abolish the existence of the Overturning Seal?
At the moment of life and death, Zuo Guangyu let go of all face and said: "There are traitors among you."


"It's him." Zuo Guangyu pointed to Lingjizi.

"Pfft..." Zuo Guangyu's eyes widened. He was conceited that he was a master of knowledge, and he had already submitted his certificate of merit. Why did he want to kill him?
Xin Weiran is extremely fearful at this moment.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that Chen Xinghe had grown to this extent in such a short period of time, it was too unreasonable.

Xiong Dayue stepped forward suddenly, Yue Wuque guarded Suzaku, Sha Zhenzhen and Yuan Mengjue showed their weapons.

"You?" Xin Weiran realized something was wrong.

"Ding..." His vision suddenly became blurred.

Three hundred miles away, Xin Weiran stepped out of the jungle with the sword box on his back, looked into the distance and said, "How did he find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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