Fu Song

Chapter 125 Falling into a Trap

Chapter 125 Falling into a Trap
Lu Chun felt that his feet were about to lose all feeling.

He had been walking all night, and looked at the day, but it was almost half over.

The clothes on his body were torn and torn. This was a new jacket his wife had sewed for him this year, but it was destroyed by two wolves.

To put it bluntly, he blamed himself for being too careless.

He only cared about fleeing back, and when he was hungry, he cut off a piece of meat from the rabbit hanging on his body and ate it raw.

Unexpectedly, the smell of blood attracted two wolves.

Fortunately, there are only two.

Lu Chun's bow and arrow took out the one in front of him, and when the one behind him rushed forward, he could only draw out the dagger at his waist and started a hand-to-hand fight with the hungry wolf.

This wolf also looked like it hadn't eaten for a long time, and it was very weak.The result of the fight was that Lu Chun had two more wolf skins on his body, and now he didn't have the strength to walk with two wolves on his shoulders.

Lu Chun now deeply hates those Song people.

Have a good day, but what kind of battle do you have to fight!
Although my life is not as moist as before, but I have been busy with my wife for a year, and although I don't have much savings, I can still take care of my family.

Once this battle is fought, such a day, I'm afraid I can't even imagine it.

The government is sure to raise taxes.

The government must be conscription.

People like myself must go to war.

Whether he can go back, no one can say for sure.

In the past few years, the war between the Daliao and the Song Dynasty has been divided between four and six. The Daliao won [-]%, but the remaining [-]% was won by the people of the Song Dynasty.

Lu Chun can't guarantee that he is one of the [-]%.So what if it is [-]%?Small soldiers like myself die the most in every battle.

Lu Chun didn't want to die.

He also has a wife and three children.

If he was going to die, his wife would have to belong to someone else, and the baby would probably lose his surname because of this.

Damn Song people, why are you fighting!

Cursing in his heart, Lu Chun trudged through the snow with difficulty.

Suddenly the neighing of war horses came to his ears, and Lu Chun fell down on the spot in the snowdrift, crawling behind a pile of protrusions on the side with hands and feet, trying to cover his figure.

Four or five war horses came galloping all the way, with a distance of about tens of steps between each horse. This is to prevent them from being caught in an ambush. ran away.

Seeing the familiar attire of the knight on the horse, Lu Chun suddenly became excited, jumped out of his hiding place, waved his arms and shouted loudly.

After a stick of incense, Wu Luben met Lu Chun.

After hearing Lu Chun's detailed report, Wu Luben was a little numb.

Obviously, he misjudged the opponent's strategic intentions, which was a fatal mistake.

But he couldn't figure it out, why did the Song people do this?Where did they get the confidence to do this!Do they really want to go to war with Daliao?

He didn't dare to think about what Wu Luben was thinking. There was a very important question in front of him, and the opponent must be plotting against him.And he took the initiative to send it up.

It can be said that it is now extremely passive.

The arrival of Lu Chun will not make his situation any better.

Just as Uruben expected, the sound of a shrill horn suddenly came to mind outside, and it didn't come from one direction.

It was the scout's warning horn.

The sound of horns in the team also sounded in response to the scout's warning. At the same time, there was no need for Uruben to give orders, and the formation of the entire Liao army began to change.

The infantry quickly concentrated in the center, while the cavalry roamed on the wings.

"General, about [-] cavalry from the Song Army were found in the northwest direction."

"General Uruben, Song Army cavalry was found in the northeast, about [-] cavalry."

"General Uruben, the main force of the Song Army has been found in the south, and there are about [-] people on foot and cavalry."

Hearing the scout's report, Uruben was furious: "The Dingwu army currently stationed in Tianmenzhai is only [-] strong. Even if Tao Dayong doesn't pay for nothing, or even raises troops beyond his quota, where did he come from?" How many thousand cavalry?"

The scouts looked at each other.

They are also weird.

But the fact is that this is the case. What they saw was the cavalry team rolling in.

It didn't take long for this doubt to be understood by Uruben and everyone else.

When they saw the shadows of these two Song Army cavalrymen, the other party also stopped. Then, the other party dismounted one after another and formed an army formation at a very fast speed. Large shields, long spears, crossbows, standard The infantry formation of the Song Army slowly pressed towards Uruben.

This is true for both.

What bullshit cavalry are just a group of infantry on horseback.

For the victory of this battle, Cui Ang really paid a lot of money. Without his dispatch and high position oppression, how could Tao Dayong get so many animals.

Of course, there are also armor, divine arm bow, and enemy bow, which are the most powerful weapons of Song Dynasty.

Tao Dayong has never been richer than he is now.

His confidence has never been as high as it is now.

Even if the power held by the opponent Uruben seems to be not much different from him, everyone has a strength of less than [-] in the early [-]s.

But in terms of equipment, it is far behind.

Wu Ruben misjudged the Song Army's intentions. He just wanted to lead the team into the Song Dynasty to retaliate wantonly, burn, kill and loot for a while to vent his anger.It never occurred to the Song people that such a big battle was brewing.

Not to mention him, I'm afraid Yeluzhen, Yelujun and other great figures are also unexpected.

Uluben travels lightly, but the Song people are equipped with all kinds of heavy weapons. When facing such a head-to-head confrontation, the huge gap in equipment will determine the direction of the battle.

This is not based on human will. No matter how courageous a person is, no matter how densely he is shot by the divine arm bow, he will still be shot into a sieve.

Tao Dayong stood under the banner, looking excitedly at the prey that had fallen into his net.

No matter how things develop in the future, I will definitely win this battle.

Of course Comforter Cui is using him, but isn't a person like himself being used?If you can get a little benefit after being used by these big shots, it will be worth the money.

I am not someone like Xiao Ding, and I have the capital to refuse.

With a choking sound, he pulled out the saber at his waist and pressed down hard.


Attacking is the infantry phalanx.

Pressing towards Uruben's team from three directions.

If the infantry phalanx of the Song people claimed to be the second in this world, no one would dare to call themselves the number one.

During the march, the formation was not chaotic at all, and even the large shields lined up seemed to be moving as a whole.

Take ten steps and pause for a while.

Then move forward another ten steps.

From the very beginning, it was a decisive battle!

Tao Daneng didn't leave Uruben any time to think.

As soon as he started, the main infantry on three sides pressed to the middle, while the cavalry stared at Uruben's cavalry from outside.

"Attack!" Uruben shouted, drawing his knife, there was nothing to consider, the one who can meet on a narrow road wins, what else can he do except fight to the death?

In Daming Mansion, Xia Jie and Xia Zhiyan are holding a plum appreciating meeting, inviting literati from all walks of life in Daming Mansion, well-known gentry, and many famous prostitutes who are famous all over Hebei.

Xia Jie's face is naturally sold to anyone.

Those who can not give Xia Jie face, in the Daming Mansion, there are only a few Liao Liao people, and among these Liao Liao people, except Cui Ang, no one will do such meaningless things without nothing.

Cui Ang and Xia Jie did not fight each other, it was not news on Hebei Road.

So Cui Ang didn't appear in such a grand event, and everyone didn't care.

I heard that the Cui appeasement envoy went to inspect the border.

This is very interesting.

How conscientious it is to patrol this area in such snowy weather!It's not that he won't come, but that he wants to put state affairs first. Such romantic matters should naturally be put aside first.

But maybe in a few days, Comforter Cui will come back and hold a conference of one kind or another, will your Master Xia go or not?
This will test Xia Jie's heart.

Xia Jie didn't seem to think about this at all, holding a wine glass in one hand and a pen in the other, he wrote comments or marked red on the poems presented by the people below.

All the poems and proses appreciated by Xia Jie will eventually be compiled and published in the world. For many of them, Budi is an opportunity to become famous.

Therefore, in such a grand event, no matter whether there are famous stickers or not, many people will come in with their heads sharpened, trying to gain a chance to become famous with their poems.

"Fu Zun!" Xu Hong walked in from the outside and stood beside Xia Jie.

"Is there any news?" Xia Jie just smiled and approved the words ten orifices and nine orifices on a poem, when he saw Xu Hong coming in, he turned his head and asked.

"Yes, news came from the flying horse from Tianmen Village. Three days ago, Tao Dayong defeated Uruben and defeated the main force of Uruben. Uruben escaped with only a hundred cavalry. Tao Dayong took advantage of the situation and marched. Guiyi City." Xu Hong said: "Next, I am afraid Cui Anshi will ask you to mobilize more civilians to transfer more supplies, food and grass to Guiyi City."

"Give it to him, give it to him! Whatever he wants, we will give it to him, so that when something happens in the future, he will blame us!"

"Fu Zun, if he defends Guiyi City, it will be a great achievement!" Xu Hong said.

Xia Jie said with a smile: "Do you think Cui Ang will feel able to defend? He just has other plans, but no matter what plans he has, we don't need to take the blame for them."

"With this kind of weather, the civil servants will be forced to work again?"

"This is the order of the appeasement envoy, what does it have to do with my Xia Jie?" Xia Jie said with a smile: "These are trivial matters, we will deal with them later, let's just wait for the appeasement envoy's happy news and official documents, come on, come on, Changsheng, sit down and read these poems for me. I think they are good, but when I think about them carefully, I feel that they are almost meaningless, but I can’t tell where they are wrong. Come and read them for me.”

(End of this chapter)

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