Fu Song

Chapter 237 Power

Chapter 237 Power

There is only one color in the vast land.

Boundless white.

From a distance, it looks like a flat plain. Only when you get closer, you will find that it is actually an uneven terrain. If it is in other seasons, it can be easily distinguished, but at this time, it can give people a great illusion.

Snowflakes were slowly flying in the sky, falling on a vast expanse of white land, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

A white fox wandered alone on the snow, with its long nose sniffing around on the snow. After a while, the fox suddenly jumped up high, and hit the snow hard with its head down. Among them, the whole head was buried in the snow, a flurry of snowflakes flew, and when he raised his head, he had a vole in his mouth.

Finally, there is something to gain. Although it is not enough to fill the stomach, but at least it can survive. There seems to be some smiles in the eyes of the fox.Suddenly, it turned its head to look at a place, and there was a strong look of vigilance in its eyes. The next moment, it had spread its hooves and galloped away in another direction.

Almost at the same time as the fox was running wildly, dozens of war horses suddenly appeared in the distance, and dozens of horses lined up in a long row, flying over like the wind.Behind them, the splashed snowflakes were like a snow dragon, and when they were swept by the wind, a snow dragon was formed behind them.

"Fox!" A knight pointed at the fleeing fox and shouted in surprise. While speaking, he was already holding his bow, drawing the string, nodding his arrow, and aiming. Even on the galloping horse, the knight These actions are still completed like a cloud and flowing water.

With a whoosh, the feathered arrow flew out.

No one would think that the knight's arrow would fail, because he was recognized as one of the best arrows in the army.

The running fox seemed to feel a huge crisis. At the moment when the feather arrow was about to hit the body, it made a sudden turn, and its long, fluffy tail swung away, helping him to make such a rapid turn. Still maintains a balance.

With a snorting sound, the feathered arrow was inserted deeply into the snow, its tail trembling tremblingly.

The knights laughed out loud. It was hard to see that when their partners missed, everyone gloated.

Just because the fox escaped the catastrophe, it didn't mean that he was safe, because the team drawn by dozens of knights was too wide, and he was still on the path of the knights.

Another feather arrow flew out.

The fox once again took a sharp turn and escaped from the sky. This time, everyone was a little surprised.

When the third person raised his bow and arrow, the leading officer yelled: "Forget it, a beast can avoid two arrows from us. God wants it to live. Let it live."

The raised bow and arrow were immediately lowered, dozens of cavalry lightly reined in the horses, and the horses began to slow down, but the fox didn't dare to turn his head back. In a blink of an eye, his whole body became one with the snow.

At this time, in the sky behind the knights, colorful flags flashed one after another, and densely packed cavalry were advancing in the wind and snow.

The cavalry in front are just a small detachment of this huge cavalry exploring the way ahead.And there are as many as dozens of small teams that roam around the large army.

This is a huge team of tens of thousands of cavalry.

And each cavalry has at least two horses, which makes this team seem to be boundless.

In the middle and front of the team, there was an extraordinarily taller and larger general flag, which was blown by the wind, and a big Xiao character was so eye-catching, while a row of characters near the flagpole was very eye-catching. Identify the person.

The general manager of the westward march of the Great Song Dynasty.

"Boss, in this weather, are you sure that Mu Zhan will really seek a decisive battle with us?" Tuoba, who was riding beside Xiao Ding, asked arrogantly.

Because the face was covered with a thick cloth, the voice was a little muffled.

This time the war against Muzhan has been fought for two full months.

To be precise, after the first confrontation between the two sides, Mu Zhan has been at large and Xiao Ding has been chasing after.

"Mu Zhan will definitely seek a decisive battle with us, because this is his last chance." Xiao Ding pulled off the mask, and the big beard on his face has another advantage in this season. Covering the wind, snow and frost, like Tuoba Yangwei, his face is now full of chapped holes, Xiao Ding has nothing but a beard. "If we keep chasing him like this, what will be left of him? The tribe following him will be scattered, and his cattle, sheep and horses will also be captured by us. Mu Zhan, who has lost these things, will he have a chance next year? So He can only seek a decisive battle with us while he still has the last strength. As long as he wins, he will still be the king of this land!"

Tuoba Yangwei laughed loudly, "I'm not afraid of him hitting, I'm afraid of him running away, ouch!" Probably because the laughter touched many frostbitten wounds on his face, after a few laughs, Tuoba Yangwei hissed in pain again It hurts. "Boss, this battle is a battle for survival for Mu Zhan. We will definitely try our best. We must be very careful. The weather is too cold, and our soldiers are also very tired. .”

"Naturally!" Xiao Ding nodded: "Fortunately, we are quite well prepared, and we have fully estimated the difficulty of this battle, and prepared for the worst. Compared with Mu Zhan, we are definitely a big The one with the advantage. We are all like this, and Mu Zhan will only get worse."

"I believe it!" Tuoba nodded vigorously and said: "Speaking of which, the plans made by the marching soldiers before we set off really amazed me. At first I thought it was too much, but now I realize that without these plans, only I'm afraid we'll be heading home a few days ago."

"These methods are left by Chongwen." Xiao Ding said with a smile: "When we first came to Hengshan, tens of thousands of people fought for thousands of miles in the cold winter and lunar month, and no one was left behind or died along the way, old and weak Women and children, we all brought them to Hengshan, and Chongwen was responsible for the overall planning. It was also that time that he trained a large number of such talents for our Guangrui Army. It is Chongwen himself who leads the army to join the army. out. And he gave them a very interesting name."

"What name did Brother Chongwen give these people?"

"Advisor!" Xiao Ding laughed loudly: "What kind of official position is this? In the end, I changed it to joining the army. Now these marching and joining the army not only formulate these plans, but also formulate combat plans, and their role is getting bigger and bigger."

"The talent of Chongwen is really amazing!" Tuoba said proudly: "Sometimes I really don't understand how he is so knowledgeable and talented at such a young age. Do you know, sir? Our party members Now that the writing has been completed, the one who has contributed the most is Chongwen, although he did not personally participate in it, but before he left, he made the norms for us, which saved us the most trouble!"

"He has been smart since he was a child, and he has read so many strange books!" Xiao Ding laughed.

"I heard that he was sent to the southwest by the government!" Tuoba shook his head and said, "This is really an overkill, obviously a talent for managing the world, but he was sent to a barren land as a small official! "

"Chongwen also needs to experience more." Xiao Ding said: "Think about those famous ministers in the Song Dynasty since ancient times, who didn't come up step by step from the grassroots. If you don't experience these low-level positions, there will inevitably be obstacles in the future. He is young, so it is nothing to suffer a little, these hardships are his future qualifications, and the southwest region is just a good place for him to show his strengths, he is very good at dealing with barbarian people of all ethnic groups."

Tuoba smiled majestically: "That's right. Brother Chongwen never meant to look down on us when we got along with us, and his attitude came from the heart, unlike some people who pretended to be. This is exactly what I do. The reason for my admiration for him is that the first time he entered my Tuoba City, I discovered that he was different!"

"My brother has been different since he was a child." Xiao Ding said with a smile.

"However, manager, I'm afraid Brother Chongwen's trip to the Southwest this time may have something to do with you!" Tuoba Yangwei continued: "I heard that Ma Xing wanted to bring Brother Chongwen to Shaanxi, but the officials didn't give him face. It’s rare to see things rebutted all the way to appease the envoy’s face!”

Xiao Ding said indifferently: "Now that I have tens of thousands of soldiers, the officials should be vigilant."

"If the imperial court recruits the chief executive back to Bianliang at this time, what will the general manager do?" Tuoba asked tentatively.

Xiao Ding glanced at the other party, and Tuoba Yangwei felt a slight chill in his heart. Speaking of which, Xiao Ding now is very different from Xiao Ding when he first came to Hengshan.Specifically, Xiao Ding led more and more troops, and his power was getting bigger and bigger, and the aura of not being angry and self-aggrandizing was also getting stronger unconsciously. Maybe he didn't realize it. , but the people around him felt it more and more clearly.

Even a high-ranking general like Tuoba Yangwei became more and more respectful in front of Xiao Ding.

"Li Xu is still on the run, Mu Zhan is still provoking my Great Song repeatedly, and Blind Yao is even more unpredictable. At this time, why would the imperial court call me back?" Xiao Ding said lightly: "If the imperial court really has such a proposal, I will I will fight for it.”

Hearing what Xiao Ding said, Tuoba immediately felt relieved.

Xiao Ding's words have been made very clear.

He will not go back.

In fact, with Xiao Ding's current strength, it is impossible for the imperial court to forcibly summon him back.If he really wanted to, he would only send someone to discuss with Xiao Ding first, and it would be possible to obtain Xiao Ding's consent. If he really wanted to summon him by force, once Xiao Ding refused to obey the edict, it would be the court that would make trouble.

To be honest, Xiao Ding's current strength is only stronger than Li Xu's, who the court wanted to attack back then.

Even if Xiao Ding didn't occupy that much space.

Even under Xiao Ding's command now, there is still a unit like the Zhenrong Army stationed in Xingqing.

There were [-] troops, including [-] cavalry, and with the full help of the party members, the entire Hengshan was under control. This was something Li Xu had dreamed of doing at the beginning.

The official documents between Ma Xing and Xiao Ding can also see the attitude of the court, because as a comfort envoy along the way, he is Xiao Ding's immediate boss, but Ma Xing's official documents are more of a discussion tone than an order , and this can only be based on strength.

Ma Xing knew very well that the current Xiao Ding was no longer an ordinary general who he could call around.

Seeing the several knights galloping forward, Tuoba smiled majestically: "Yu Zang Huama is more anxious than us, does he really think that we are going on an expedition to let him go back to be king? "

"It's okay for him to want to be king, it's just a matter of asking for an imperial decree, but even if he becomes king, he must be under my account. Next year, we will go west!" Xiao Ding He smiled and said: "The land of Qingtang has no tribes with absolute strength, and it has become a fragmented land to achieve our strategic goal. Next, when I turn to the west, I will also pick the Liao Kingdom at the right time." Xijing Road."

"Xijing Road? Yeluhuan?" Tuoba Yangwei was taken aback: "Although this guy is old, his strength is not weak! And he fought against the Liao Kingdom without authorization, will Bianliang agree? Especially now this guy when?"

Xiao Ding chuckled: "Yeluhuan has been making plans for Montenegro. Unfortunately, that is also my favorite place, so next year, there, we will definitely meet one another. Think about it, it really makes Yeluhuan Expanding our strength to Montenegro, is it putting a knife on our waist?"

"After winning this battle, we have to put some of our strength somewhere to hold it!" Tuoba Yangwei was a little worried.

"It's time to move Ye Li and other departments there. They have been loyal for the past two years, and now it's time for me to repay their merits. The water and grass there are lush and the land is fertile. It's a really good place."

"Then our Tuoba Department and the Rendo Department?" Tuoba asked with a smile: "Where is the manager planning to assign us?"

"Tuoba Department, Ren Duo Department, I rely on them as my heart!" Xiao Ding said: "There will be a place for you around Xingqing Mansion. Zhang Yuan is already doing these things. Brother Tuoba, are you satisfied?"

"Of course!" Tuoba nodded in satisfaction.

The Tuoba tribe and the Renduo tribe are now the two most powerful tribes under Xiao Ding's command. Naturally, Xiao Ding will not worry about letting them go too far, but it is still a bit out of reach for Tuoba to be assigned to the surrounding areas of Xingqing Mansion. It is an accident to raise one's prestige, one must know that it is not only the most affluent place, but it will definitely become the center of power centered on Xiao Ding, the general of the army.

The closer you are to the center of power, the more benefits you will get. This is a simple truth that cannot be simpler.

"Boss, Commander!" Yu Zang Huama ran up to the two of them, clasped his fists and bowed to them: "Just now I received a piece of information, which was sent by my people at Muzhan."

(End of this chapter)

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