Fu Song

Chapter 253 Change

Chapter 253 Change

In the eyes of many people, Russell Luo Jieshan is a chief assistant who has no personality.He only cares about the officials, and rarely speaks harshly to his subordinates. When there are disputes that cannot be resolved, the most common method is to make peace.Unlike his predecessor, Xia Jie, who had sharp edges and corners, even with the officials, he often argued with them, and Xia Jie often did things like pulling the officials' sleeves to prevent the officials from retreating.

It is precisely because of this that Xia Jie was caught by the emperor fifteen years ago and was reprimanded by a small mistake to leave the capital and went to Daming Prefecture to serve as the magistrate, while Russell was in charge.At that time, Russell was fifty-five, and Xia Jie had just turned fifty.

No one thought that Russell had worked above the position of chief assistant for fifteen years.

No one expected that Xia Jie would turn his life around and return to the East Mansion fifteen years later to become the chief assistant.

But it is undeniable that the fifteen years that Russell served as the chief assistant can be regarded as the most stable fifteen years in the Song Dynasty.Internally, there was no fierce political struggle. Under the leadership of this gentleman, everyone lived a mediocre life.Externally, apart from minor conflicts with the Liao Kingdom, the rest can be regarded as Siyi guest clothes. Whenever the Zhengdan Dynasty is in full swing, there is an endless stream of Fan Kingdoms who come to congratulate them.

That is to say, in the past two years, the government has become restless, but Russell has not changed, so although he is still the chief assistant, he has to step aside.

Da Song's policy became radical.

So there was a big victory for Northwest Maxing.

Of course, there was also Cui Ang's crushing defeat on Hebei Road.

If both sides win, Russell may still be able to work on the position of the first assistant for a year or two, because the government needs a first assistant who is like an answer.

Unfortunately, Hebei Road lost.Moreover, the victory of Ma Xing in the northwest is not enough to make up for the failure on the Hebei Road.

Therefore, Russell can only resign.

The officials cannot bear this blame, and Russell, who is the chief assistant, must bear it on his back.

Russell resigned from the position of chief assistant. The officials thought of his hard work in the past ten years. He was promoted to the title of Zheng Guogong, and his son Luo Huan was recalled to the capital.

For Zhao Suo's cold temper, this is quite rare.

Russell has been in power for many years, and if he really wants to say who he offended, that is, after King Jing came to Beijing in the past two years, he has offended King Jing many times, and then made things difficult for the Xiao family once, and contributed to the incident of Xiao Cheng being brought to Qianzhou. back.

But looking back now, if King Jing had really been resisted by Russell at those times, maybe he wouldn't be in the trouble he is today.The problem is, Russell's offending is the kind of offending that ends at the end.

That in itself is his character.

"Which is right and which is wrong, I have my own historical comment!" Looking back at the majestic Tokyo city, Russell smiled and sat back on the carriage.

"Over the years, the people who have been favored by the boss are not ordinary. Today, the boss left Beijing, but only these few people came to see him off. It is really inhumane." Luo Huan said with some sadness and indignation.

"I chose today, and I didn't want to disturb others!" Russell said lightly: "And I just warned you not to get angry, and you committed it in a blink of an eye. Remember, be your servant of the Ministry of Rites. ask."

"I remember, my lord!" Luo Huan nodded, thinking that his old man had taken Xia Jie away back then, and this time Xia Jie came back, maybe he would make things difficult for himself.Could it be that if he was hiding in the mansion and couldn't come out, he would be let off?

Watching Russell's chariots and horses go away, Luo Huan turned his head. When he saw the majestic Tokyo city, he felt a little panic in his heart. Will he face these right and wrong alone in the future?

"Luo Shilang!" The greeting from one side made Luo Huan slightly startled. When he looked sideways, he saw a middle-aged scholar in a green shirt and scarf bowing his hands towards him at the side of the city gate.

"Mr. Zhao!" Luo Huan looked at him in surprise.

Although the opponent is only white, Luo Huan will not underestimate him, because this person is the number one confidant of the King of Chu, and his father's evaluation of him is quite high. Of course, when his father judged this person, There is another saying, saying that this person is not righteous, and he is arbitrarily eccentric. Such a person is really good at harming people, but if he is used to govern, he will definitely endanger the affairs of the country.

Zhao Yuan walked over with a smile, and the servants of the Luo family saw that their master recognized this person, so they naturally moved away from both sides.

"Why is Mr. Zhao here?" Luo Huan asked, bowing his hands and saluting.

"It's not just me, but the king of Chu is here too!" Zhao Yuan smiled and pointed to the second floor of a restaurant in front of him. The window was open, and one person showed half of his face.

"What's the matter, my lord?"

"Of course it is to send off Zheng Guogong!" Zhao Yuan said in a low voice, "It's just that His Royal Highness the King of Chu has a special status and it's not easy to show up, so he can only send Zheng Guogong a farewell to thank Zheng Guogong for their hard work! Speaking of which, Your Highness is also very sad."

One sentence almost brought Luo Huan to tears.

"If you have nothing to do, Minister, you might as well move over to have a drink with His Highness!" Zhao Yuan said, "Today the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty went to the East City to greet the newcomers, but Your Highness just wants to have a few drinks with the old ones."

"Do you dare to disobey?" Luo Huan glanced gratefully at the second floor of the restaurant: "Please ask Mr. Zhao to lead the way."

Zhao Jing, king of Chu, really valued Luo Su so much, did he really treat Luo Huan like a friend?

Naturally not.

If it wasn't for Zhao Yuan, Zhao Jing probably wouldn't even look at Luo Huan seriously.

Over the years, he has made great efforts to win over Russell Luo Jieshan, but he has never received a positive response. The cunning Luo Jieshan is indifferent, slippery, and has never really supported Zhao Jing once.

This slippery resignation, Zhao Jing just felt happy, no one would feel happy working with Russell.

But Zhao Yuan's persuasion made Zhao Jing change his mind.

"If Luo Huan has the ability of Luo Jieshan, then I will never persuade Your Highness to make friends with this person, because it is destined that there will be no rewards, but precisely because this person is just a middle-aged man, we will try our best to win him over."

"Once Luo Jieshan is gone, what's the use of recruiting Luo Huan?" Zhao Jing was puzzled.Regardless of Luo Huan being the minister of the Ministry of Rites, the political affairs of the Song Dynasty were all run under the structure of the two governments and three departments.

"Your Highness, Luo Huan is the son of Luo Jieshan. Once Luo Jieshan is gone, a large part of what he left behind will fall on Luo Huan."

Zhao Jing was a little puzzled: "In these years, Luo Jieshan has not seen many actions to install his confidantes and promote private individuals? And this is also the reason why this person has been able to be the chief assistant for fifteen years."

"Your Highness, this is wrong. It's not that Luo Jieshan has not been promoted, but the people he promoted and placed are not showing any signs of success." Zhao Yuan smiled and said, "This person has been in the Political Affairs Hall for more than [-] years. For fifteen years, it is true that he has not placed any cronies in important positions in the court, but Your Highness, this person has held power for so many years, does he really have no one of his own?"

"Then where is his manpower?" Zhao Jing was puzzled.

Zhao Yuan pointed down.

"Above the place. Luo Jieshan is really a smart man. He knows that placing people in the court will definitely attract attention, especially as he is the chief assistant, so his people are all placed in the place. When he is in power These people, no matter their qualifications or merits, are not enough to take on great responsibilities, but as time goes by, there must be outstanding ones among them who will stand out, and even if they stay in the local area, they will become the backbone of the local area. "

Having said this, Zhao Jing suddenly realized.

"This is Luo Jieshan's cleverness. Even if he is gone in the future, these people will still protect the Luo family after receiving his benefits, accepting his love, and receiving his kindness." Zhao Yuan smiled and said: "So , Your Highness has made friends with Luo Huan, and he has made friends with these people. Luo Jieshan is slippery, but Luo Huan is sure to catch one. At a certain point, when Luo Huan is caught in it and cannot extricate himself, Luo Jieshan can sit idly by ?"

Zhao Jingxi said earnestly: "At that time, these people will become lonely people!"

It was precisely because of this conversation that Zhao Jing appeared in Xicheng today. Just as Zhao Yuan expected, Luo Huan, who was feeling sad and panicked, was suddenly moved. Ding Nian also immediately threw the clawed frog abroad, and climbed up to the second floor of the restaurant gratefully.

Xia Jie returns to Bianliang.

His staff, Xu Hong and Xu Changsheng, were appointed to the job under his recommendation.This is a very powerful position, and it is the emperor's will. If it feels inappropriate during the matter, it can be dismissed.

Xia Jie strongly recommended Xu Hong to take up this position, and the meaning of doing a big job in Bianliang has been clearly expressed.

As for Xu Hong, the first job he received from the new Chief Assistant Xia Jie was Jingcha.

An assessment that terrified all Beijing officials.

Of course, it is also an absolute good opportunity to attack dissidents and plant confidantes.

There is a small inspection every year, and a big inspection every three years. This year, it just happens to be a big inspection.

In the past, when Russell served as the chief assistant, no matter whether it was a small inspector or a senior inspector, he would go through the motions symbolically, pick out a few who were really outrageous and send them out, and everyone was at ease.But this year, all the officials below the fifth rank were trembling, and no one knew whether Jingcha's big stick would hit them.

Even the officials above the third rank were apprehensive this time.

Cui Ang's attitude of wanting to build a big prison is right there!
Xia Jie's intention to change is also clearly expressed!
Who will be the unlucky one this time?

I hope it's not me.

The officials tremblingly waited for the sword of the trial to fall, but for the lowest officials and soldiers, this was a very distant thing.For them, more importantly, survival.

This is especially true for those who come to Beijing from other places.

For example, the Dingwu Army who was ordered to enter Beijing.

In the end, only one army of the Dingwu Army arrived in Bianliang for the frontier army that was scheduled to enter Beijing for rotation. They were defeated, and then the remaining mid-level and senior generals in these armies were wiped out by Cui Ang. Some were killed by Cui Ang, and others died inexplicably on the way to Beijing.

The matter of rotation was stillborn.

This made the Dingwu army who had already entered Beijing particularly embarrassing.

This heroic army who raided Guiyi City on a snowy night and defended it for several months, and killed the corpses of the Liao army, arrived in the capital. Instead of winning much respect, they gained countless suspicions and distrust.

Who let the Guangxin Army and other troops be involved in the case all of a sudden?
The Dingwu Army, who used to be the backbone of the frontier army together with the Guangxin Army, was naturally also the object of suspicion.

It's fine to be suspicious, after all, you can still deceive yourself with a mentality that the clear is the clear and the turbid is the turbid, but these people want to live and eat, this is the most realistic problem.

Yes, the survival of the Dingwu Army is now a problem.

The Dingwu Army does not only refer to the more than [-] officers and soldiers who are being compiled, but behind these officers and soldiers, each has a family!

The soldiers of the Fourth Army guarding Bianliang were all soldiers recruited from Bianliang and the surrounding area of ​​Bianliang.

This also ensures the loyalty of these armies, because their homes are small and their roots are here.

But in rotation with the frontier army, when the frontier army entered Beijing, their family members were out of town. This was naturally not conducive to the imperial court's control over them, especially some brave and skilled troops like this.

Speaking of which, Xiao Ding's choice of ten out of one hundred shocked the court officials too much.

So when the Dingwu army entered Beijing, the family members of these people were also required to enter Beijing with them.

At that time, most of these family members were unwilling, because after all, it was difficult to leave their homeland.

But last year's big defeat made these people feel very lucky. Fortunately, they had already left Hebei Road. There are no more than one of the villages above.

So an army at this time includes not only the army itself, but also the families of the soldiers.

Just like when Xiao Ding moved to the northwest of the town, there were only [-] soldiers, but more than [-] family members.

When the Dingwu army first entered Beijing, although it was also made things difficult for many times, after all, King Jing was still in power, so life was still able to survive. It got sadder every day.

All tasks have been suspended.

They were supposed to be on duty in the imperial city, the inner city and other places, but now they have nothing to do.

If there is nothing to do, there will be no extra incentive income. How can you support your family with salary alone?
What's more, now even the salary is gradually in short supply.

When it is booming, there are many people who add icing on the cake.

When we are in decline, there are very few people who give charcoal in the snow, but there are many people who make trouble.

Moreover, in a place like Bianliang City, which is used to stepping on the low and flattering the high, the Dingwu army is even more embarrassed.

So what if you are brave and good at fighting?

This is Bianliang City, do you still dare to raise a knife to make trouble?Do you still dare to be brave and ruthless?

Here, bravery is useless, and power is what can really kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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