Fu Song

Chapter 324

Chapter 324
(Happy New Year's Day everyone! Happy new year!)
All that filled the ears were miserable howls.

All that filled the field of vision were black shadows with pupils scurrying around and dead bodies lying crookedly on the road, among the grass, and on the ramp under the light of the fire.

Some torches fell on the ground, but they were still burning, and some were thrown into the grass, igniting a pile of withered and yellow weeds.

Accompanied by the sound of rumbling drums, teams of Hengshan party training regiment soldiers stood up from their hiding places, bent their bows and set up arrows and continued to shoot downwards, while pressing down.

Twenty steps away from the road, these people put their bows on their backs, then drew out the scimitars around their waists, and jumped out from the slope shouting. was squeezed to the bottom of the mountain road.Many people did not have a firm foothold, and turned into rolling gourds, rolling all the way to the valley, twisting a few times, and then there was no sound, obviously dead.

The cavalry of the Song army who rushed to the forefront had less than a hundred cavalry left at the moment.

It's not how much worse he is than the other party.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is actually similar.The cavalry on the opposite side were ordinary cavalry of the western army, not iron kites, so naturally it was impossible to have an overwhelming advantage.

The problem is, Xie Dong and his cavalry have already left for half the night.

And it took such a long time to walk in the bitter cold wind.

Be it people or horses, they have all come to a point.

The enemy, stuck at this point, launched an attack on them.

Moreover, the number of opponents is double theirs.

This is fatal.

In fact, this Song army has more than a thousand cavalry with fairly good combat effectiveness, but it is divided into several sections. There are cavalry troops in the front, middle and rear armies, which makes their combat effectiveness drop by a notch.

Li Yi on the opposite side is completely different. The Western Army is reborn from the Hebei Frontier Army, and there are more Dangxiang, Tubo, and Uyghurs in the team. They fight, as long as they can gather cavalry together, they will fight. Will try to do so.

Li Dan was born in Shaanxi, and he was an official all his life in Shaanxi, and he also led troops to fight in Shaanxi, but he didn't have such personal experience.

And this arrangement is fatal to Xie Dong at this moment.

The helmet fell off, a piece of scalp was cut off, and blood flowed down, covering his eyes. He reached out and wiped the blood on his face. When he saw the enemy on the opposite side brandishing a saber and yelling to charge again, he I understand that my last moment is coming.

Unless you turn the horse around and run away like a stray dog.

Xie Dong has his own arrogance.

Holding the horse with both legs, Xie Dong roared and rushed towards the opponent, and the rest of his loose hair was blown up by the wind, and it was raised straight back.

If one more enemy cavalry can be killed at this moment, maybe one more Song army will flee back to Dingbian City next.

In the current battle situation, the Song army will undoubtedly lose.

When everyone thought that the Western Army was still huddled in Shentangbao and waiting for Xiao Ding to return, they had already started.

This can only explain one problem, the Western Army is indeed about to rebel.

The war horses staggered, the clash of weapons and the roar of soldiers mixed together, countless people fell off their horses, the war horses that lost their masters neighed and rushed to the distance, and some war horses fell to the ground with their masters, none of them got up.

Li Yi reined in his horse with a sword, blood dripped down immediately.

"Forward!" he roared.

The remaining seven or eight hundred Western Army cavalry rushed forward, leaving behind them countless corpses lying on the ground.

Cavalry duels are always so fast and brutal.

At the moment when the ambush started, Qiu Zheng hadn't crossed the bridge yet.

In his position, he could only hear the deafening sound of fighting but could not see the actual situation.

But there is no doubt about one thing, that is, the army was ambushed.

And it's in such a terrible place.

The most basic quality of being an excellent general is undoubtedly reflected in Qiu Zheng's body at this moment.

He immediately ordered all the soldiers of the rear army to stop crossing the bridge, and at the same time vacated the bridge so that the army in front could retreat.

The bridge itself acts like an intestinal blockage and generally slows down troops whether advancing or retreating.

Reinforcement forward is the worst option.

Because the terrain ahead determines that reinforcements can only be refueling tactics, pile up little by little, and let the enemy be wiped out little by little?
The opponent has already occupied the most favorable place.

A thousand soldiers quickly used some of the equipment they carried to set up a simple military formation on the other side of the Jiufeng River.

"Light up the fire, beat the army drum, and tell the retreating army to come to me!" Qiu Zheng ordered loudly.

In the dark night, the defeated army will panic, but giving them a guide can make them feel at ease.

There is also a rescue force here!
This is a reassurance.

The soldiers of the Song Army who fled down the valley first soon found that they were facing new difficulties.

When crossing the bridge, because the river is wide enough, the place with water is in the middle of the river, but in this place, the water flow is close to the foot of the mountain.

There was still ice on the surface of the river, but the thickness of the ice was not enough to support so many people walking across the river at the same time. With the sound of crackling, the ice cracked, and many people fell into the water with a bang.

In some places, the water is not deep, and it doesn’t matter if you fall into it except for the cold, but in some places, there are deep pools one after another, and the top will disappear in an instant after you fall.

The point is that these people are still wearing armor.

Those who called for help, those who wanted to save others, followed closely behind, and the valley was still in chaos.

As more and more people fled into the valley, the ice that had condensed on the surface of the valley was broken one by one, and the silt below was rolled up under the trample of countless people. The silt was not deep enough to trap a person's calf. But that was enough to make it difficult.

And at the very front of the notch, behind the big rocks, ghostly figures appeared one by one, with the bows of the divine arms already stretched in their hands aimed at these panicked soldiers.

Accompanied by an order to shoot, the rain of arrows poured mercilessly at the soldiers of the Song army inside.

Thousands of Song soldiers were surrounded in this sunken valley.

Nearly a hundred personal guards had gathered around Li Dan.

Although he was in a panic at the moment, his body was covered with muddy water, and there were many bloodstains on his face, but he had already calmed down.

Failure is unquestionable.

All the reactions of Shentangbao in front now seem to be nothing more than a huge and incomparable trap to lure them here.

And they stepped in happily.

Li Dan felt humiliated inexplicably after losing to a little-known general who was a personal soldier beside Xiao Ding.As a family of generals in Shaanxi, this defeat really made him feel unacceptable.

"Light the torches and raise my flag!" He stood up from behind the big rock.

"General, this will make us a target!" The soldiers were shocked.

"We will become targets, but we will also make all the soldiers work hard to get closer to me. If we don't concentrate our troops and twist them into one rope, we will all die here today!" Li Dan roared: "Light the fire, raise the flag, shout .”

Several torches were lit, and Li Dan's flag, which had been stored away, was hoisted on the tip of the gun again, and a hundred guards shouted loudly.

"Li Dan is here, come closer to me!"

"Li Dan is here, come closer to me!"

As expected by the soldiers, when they revealed their identities, they immediately ushered in a dense rain of arrows. In the light of the fire, they could clearly see that the enemy's formation had changed, and more people moved towards them Slowly press here.

Of course, Li Dan's move also made Song Jun, who had fled down the river valley, try to move closer to him.

The general is the courage of the army. Seeing Li Dan's banner gave these people support in despair.

"Follow me, fight out!" Seeing the soldiers gathered around him and the defeated soldiers who were still trying to get closer to him, Li Dan yelled and took a step forward with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other.

When the sky was bright, Li Dan, who was covered in blood, saw Qiu Zheng on the other side of the river.

And the anxious Qiu Zheng also saw Li Dan's banner at this time.

Overjoyed, Qiu Zheng led more than a thousand soldiers under his command, suppressed the river valley for the first time, and approached Li Dan.

"Let them go!" On the mountain road, Li Yi wiped the bloody saber off a dead body on the ground, put the saber back into its sheath with a thud, and said with a sneer, "It's not worth fighting with them here. "

The horn sounded, and the western army slowed down. They watched Qiu Zheng meet Li Dan ashore, and then retreated all the way towards Dingbian City.

"The cavalry pursues, the infantry sweeps the battlefield!"

Li Yi looked at the remnants of the Song Army who escaped at most in the early [-]s, with a satisfied smile on his face, but he allowed you to live a few more days, that is, a few days.Li Dan, your dog's head, I'm going to fix it.

Li Dan fled back to Dingbian City in embarrassment, six thousand soldiers went out at the third watch, and when he escaped back, it was only after noon, when he saw more than [-] remnants returning with their helmets and armor removed, Hao Yue who stayed behind in Dingbian City was stunned.

"Shentang Fort has been prepared for a long time. An ambush was set up on Jiufeng Mountain. We lost a lot!" Li Dan had no time to deal with the multiple injuries on his body, and immediately began to deploy defenses: "There are definitely more than [-] people under Li Yi's command. I saw Tuo Pulling the flag, Tuoba Fenwu should have arrived at Shentangbao, and they will definitely follow, prepare to defend the city! Immediately send a messenger to Zhang Taiwei to ask for reinforcements."

Li Yi and Tuoba Fenwu did not hurry to Dingbian City, instead they split into two groups and began to sweep the surrounding Song Army fortresses.Tuoba Fenwu even took the cavalry and circled far to the rear of Dingbian City.

Most of the soldiers in the surrounding fortresses have basically been transferred to Dingbian City. With this big defeat, they are seriously attrition. How can there be enough troops to guard the fortress?When they saw the flag of the Western Army, the only thing the soldiers of these fortresses could do was to run away immediately.

Five days later, Li Yi finally arrived at Dingbian City.

At this time, within fifty miles around Dingbian City, there was no place that could provide reinforcements for Li Dan.

Five thousand people, all the soldiers and horses brought by Li Yi, plus the young and strong civilian husbands, are only five thousand people.

At this time, the Song Army under Li Dan who was guarding Dingbian City still had [-] people.Moreover, Dingbian City has sufficient food and grass, and complete equipment.

No one thought that Li Yi could capture Dingbian City.

Even Zhang Chao doesn't think so.

The attack on Shentang Fort failed, and the opportunity was lost, but it also proved that the Western Army was already preparing for war, which made Zhang Chao give up all his previous fantasies. Next, it would only be an upright confrontation between the two armies.

He needs to have enough troops to challenge Xiao Dingxian from the front.

Zheng Xiong and Zhang Cheng led the [-] forbidden troops from Jingji Road to Shaanxi Road. Although the troops from East Road were slower, they still had ten days at most to arrive.At this time, the Dingnan Army led by Li Du had already approached the Western Army from Xiazhou and other places.

In a month at most, Zhang Chao could gather more than [-] troops, divide them into three groups, and launch a huge offensive against Xiao Ding.Among them, Qinfeng Road soldiers and horses attacked Weizhou, and the Tubo army stationed there was suspicious of Xiao Ding's desperate thoughts.Li Du has a deep hatred for Xiao Ding, and he spares no effort to attack Xiao Ding, which will inevitably involve part of Xiao Ding's strength.In the middle, Zhang Chao personally led an army of more than [-], and he had already gained a huge advantage in terms of military strength.

The current Zhang Chao is not afraid that Xiao Ding will come out to fight him, on the contrary, he is worried that Xiao Ding will not go out to fight against him. something happened.Shaanxi Road is not as rich as Hebei Road, and the food and grass for this war will need to be mobilized from outside.

Just when everyone thought that Dingbian City must be safe and sound, bad news came from Dingbian City.

On a dark and windy night, the largest material warehouse in Dingbian City ignited a huge fire with a bang, and the wind assisted the fire, quickly sweeping across the entire city.

Dingbian City itself is not too big. After Xiao Ding took control, he only used it as a commercial exchange center. With countless merchants entering, shops and warehouses were built in the city, making the military city full. This time, it was under the special arrangement of someone with a heart, and the fire was once again out of control.

It was at this time that Li Yi led his army to attack the city.

After a night of fierce fighting, the city was broken.

Li Dan, who was attacked by the Western Army and the fire from both sides, was defeated and lost.

When Li Dan failed to withdraw from Dingbian City in time after his defeat, his fate was already doomed today.

The entire Shaanxi Road was in an uproar.

He hadn't met Xiao Ding yet, but just fought against a former soldier beside Xiao Ding, and the court soldiers were defeated.

Li Dan, a general in command of the Shaanxi Road, was beheaded by the opponent.

Hao Yue died in battle!

Qiu Zheng died in battle!

Xie Dong died in battle!

Under the First World War, the few famous generals on the Shaanxi Road were all lost.

Nearly [-] soldiers were killed and captured, and more than a dozen military fortresses were wiped out by Li Yi and Tuoba Fenwu.

The moment Xiao Ding returned to Xingqing Mansion and stepped into the General Manager's Mansion, the messenger of Li Yi's victory also arrived at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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