Fu Song

Chapter 328

Chapter 328
Yelujun's life in Bianliang should not be too happy!
In his own words, it is simply a little bit of reluctance to leave.

The prosperity of Bianliang is far from comparable to that of any other city in Daliao.Or any county in the hinterland of the Song Dynasty is more prosperous than the capital of Daliao!

Of course, because of his special status, his travel is still inconvenient.

In the past, it would have been forbidden for him to go out of Dutingyi to go shopping on the street every day like him, but now the situation is special, in order to get along with the powerful Qishui County King, Bianliang's requirements for him , basically on request.

But this county king likes to go to lively places the most, which makes the head of the imperial city secretary who is responsible for the necessary security protection for him a few times bigger.

After sending Yelujun into the gate of Dutingyi, a Song military officer breathed out a sigh of relief, turned around, and left here impatiently.

These few days it was his turn to be on duty, but he was exhausted. More importantly, he was not physically tired, but mentally tired.

On the way from Nanjing Road all the way to Bianliang, the county king encountered several groups of assassins, including assassins from the Liao people and assassins from the Song Dynasty.

But no matter which group of assassins, if they really got their hands on it, the blame must be borne by Da Song.

This is definitely unbearable.

But Yelujun didn't seem to have such an extremely disgusting self-consciousness, he was still very happy, holding a cricket pot in one hand, and several grasshopper cages in the other, the loud calls of the crickets and grasshoppers kept people from going out of the post house. Some of the Liao officials looked at each other in blank dismay.

Duke Qishui doesn't have such a hobby!
If the king of the county has any hobbies, besides reviewing documents in the study, he probably goes out to shoot and hunt occasionally.

After staying in Bianliang for a period of time, if he gets into the bad habits of Song people, it will be very bad.

You must know that in today's Daliao, it is customary for high officials and nobles to learn from the people of the Song Dynasty. Yelujun has always hated this kind of behavior.

But as soon as he entered the room, Yelujun's laughter gradually slowed down, and he casually threw the cricket pot and grasshopper cage on the table, without seeming to attach any importance to them.

Lin Ping, who was dealing with some letters, raised his head with a smile: "Your Highness has been going out every day for the past few days, can you get anything?"

"Song people are very fond of gambling! You can gamble on anything!" Yelujun laughed.

"That's it?" Lin Ping looked at the cricket pot on the table.

"Do you know how much the cricket here is?" Yelujun asked with a smile.

Lin Ping stretched out his head to have a look: "I'm afraid I won't be able to take it down without fifty pennies!"

"Yo, I can't tell, you've done some research!" Yelujun said in surprise, "I've never seen you do this before!"

"In Shangjing Road, there are not a few people who like this!" Lin Ping chuckled.

Yelujun snorted: "Shangjing Road is getting worse and worse. I want to learn everything from Bianliang, but how can I learn it?"

"Your Highness didn't go to see the cuju in Tokyo! This is the most lively competition in Tokyo!" Lin Ping said.

"Look, it's not interesting, it's limp as if you're playing acrobatics!" Yelujun shook his head and said, "It's not the same thing as Cuju in the Western Army that Xi Zuo mentioned."

Lin Ping put down the pen in his hand, sat down in front of Yelujun, and said: "According to the rules, the cuju in the Western Army is said to have been improved by Xiao Jiaerlang. Xiao Jiaerlang said that the army's cuju would make his blood surge, so After a cuju match in the Western Army, quite a few people were badly injured."

"Xiao Jia Erlang is cultivating a strong spirit in the army!" Yelujun said: "It's really clever to trample it in the game."

"This person is really a talent." Lin Pingdao: "Judging from the summary of various intelligences, the Western Army's scale and atmosphere today are inseparable from this person's planning. Now a considerable part of the Western Army's rules , It was formulated by this person a few years ago, Zhang Yuan is just Xiao Gui and Cao Sui. The strategic planning of the Western Army is basically made by this person."

"How is it compared to you?" Yelujun asked firmly.

Lin Ping said: "Your Highness, I am different from this person. This person is very good at formulating rules, making plans, and then implementing them step by step. This person has an extremely brilliant strategic vision. But what I like most is to find rules loopholes, and then exploit those loopholes for their own purposes.”

"There must be a distinction between high and low, right?"

"Speaking of it, I still admire this person very much. After all, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build!" Lin Ping spread his hands. He thinks highly of himself. Although he admits in his heart that he is not as good as Xiao Jiaerlang, he still refuses to say it himself. come out.

"Can you recruit this person?" Yelujun asked: "I heard that he was wanted by the Song people in the southwest and disappeared. If such a person can be recruited, when I ascend the throne, I will give him a prince." How about giving him a big fief? In Daliao, what we need most now is land."

"Missing?" Lin Pingchi said with a smile: "This is just their way of fooling the emperor. This Xiao Erlang's tricks are so powerful, it can be seen. The current Qianzhou must still be under the control of this person and can Let Song Guo, Luzhou and others have no choice but to go to the southwest, the king of the county, there must be a purpose for this person, if you want him to join you, I'm afraid it's impossible. No matter how high your reputation is, I'm afraid you won't be able to let them in."

"He took Northwest into his Xiao family's hands, and now this Xiao Erlang is plotting against Southwest again?" Yelujun shook his head and said, "This guy, I really can't figure out what he wants to do?"

"How this person did it, I haven't figured it out yet." Lin Pingdao: "But the power in this person's hands is definitely beyond our imagination."

Yelujun walked around the room a few times, and suddenly asked: "In this game of chess between me and Da Song, I only considered Xiao Dalang, an important piece, but now it seems that Xiao Erlang can't be ignored. Pingzhi, what do you think?" Xiao Dalang has already gained momentum in the northwest, so what if Xiao Erlang also gains momentum in the southwest?"

"Difficult!" Lin Pingdao: "Xiao Dalang borrowed the power of the Great Song Dynasty, which is a typical example of borrowing chickens to lay eggs. Today's Xiao Erlang can't take advantage of this shareholder wind, so he can only watch and talk. But he is in the southwest. Our influence is also weak."

"That's true!" Yelu Jun said: "Now we have the upper hand in the negotiation with Song State. If Xiao Dalang hits Li Du hard in Yanzhou this time, Song State will probably panic."

"Your Highness is really thinking about going to Xiongzhou?" Lin Ping said with a smile: "If Xiao Dalang defeats Li Du and robs Siwu Pass, maybe the Song Dynasty will really agree! But when the time comes, we will definitely be required to send troops immediately to attack and destroy them." Xiao Ding."

"Finger attack is naturally possible. But extermination is unnecessary." Yelujun said thoughtfully: "An overly strong Xiao Ding is neither in the interest of the Song Dynasty nor in our interest. But Xiao Ding is really gone. , what good is it for us? There is no benefit at all, it will only be good for the state of Song."

"An enemy with moderate strength can make the Song Kingdom feel like a pinch, and it will take countless energy and wealth to deal with it. This is of course a great benefit for us in our struggle for world hegemony with the Song Kingdom!" Lin Ping said with a smile: "We can accept it." Xiao Ding, even if he proclaims himself emperor, it doesn't matter, but Song Kingdom will definitely not accept this, so we may coexist peacefully with Xiao Ding in the future, but Song Kingdom will definitely not be able to do this."

"How can you allow someone else to sleep soundly beside the couch? What's more, this person is still a former courtier?" Yelujun said jokingly.

"Let's wait and see, let's talk about other things after the battle in Yanzhou!"

With a crackling sound, I felt a chill on my face, Turtledove woke up with a jerk, and the opened eyes recovered from dullness to sharpness in an instant, and the eyeballs rolled around.

The whole person did not move, still lying in the grass, but his eyes looked around roughly, and the hand that was holding the handle of the knife was slowly released.

everything is normal.

It's just that it's raining.

The horse that was nibbling on the grass stalk heard the movement, and stuck its head out and licked the turtledove's face with its huge tongue. When it wanted to lick again, the turtledove grabbed the horse's head and reached out to take out a piece of meat from its bosom. Feed the beans into the horse's mouth.The horse rolled its tongue, rolled the beans into its mouth one by one, and happily chewed the beans, letting go of the turtledove's face.

It's the third day out.

In three days, the team of ten people was completely broken up in the confrontation with the enemy scouts.

In the last confrontation, there were still three of them, but the enemy had ten people.They came across a full force of enemy scouts.

Of course you can only run away.

Since then, Turtledove has been separated from the other two, and it is not known whether they are still alive.

Their mission is to cover up their own information on the entire battlefield.To put it bluntly, it is to kill all the enemy's scouts, so as not to let the information about the number and position of one's own army be spread.

A team like the Turtledove came out with a total of more than a dozen teams, and wandered around this area with a radius of hundreds of miles for ten days.

There is a leather bag next to the horse, and there are seven pairs of ears in it.That was the result of the turtledove's battles these days.Among them, Duoshuang was obtained two days ago, that is, the time they escaped, and there were a total of Duoshuang chasing the turtledove.

The last guy died last night.

Gather ten pairs of ears, and you can raise the bet.

Turtledove felt that it was very possible for him to accomplish this goal in this mission.

After being promoted to the betting position, after fighting this battle, you can go home and marry your beloved wife.

Originally, if she married a girl from her own clan, as soon as a warrior like Turtle Dove proposed, the girl's family would happily agree, but the problem was that Turtle Dove fell in love with a Han girl.

In the Western Army, although it is not stated explicitly, the unspoken rules are there!Han girls are the most precious, followed by Dangxiang, then Tubo, and finally other races.

This is exactly the same as the position of the leaders in the Western Army.

If you marry a Han girl, you will be promoted faster in the army, and it will be easier to make money even if you are in business. This is something that everyone knows but does not say.

If Turtle Dove wanted to marry this girl, he had to have enough bride price and enough status.

Banjiu has competitors, and they are on the same team. Turtledove calls him Wild Boar, because this guy is rampant in everything he does.Both of them lived in the same village as the Han girl.

In the past, everyone lived together according to ethnic groups. Later, for some reason, the higher-ups re-divided the settlements. A village is full of miscellaneous people. There are many conflicts. Fighting is commonplace, but as long as you don’t kill them People, the top is too lazy to bother.

Turtle Dove is from Dangxiang, and Wild Boar is from Tubo.

But getting three more pairs of ears is really not an easy task, and the opponents are not good at it, and those who can be sent to carry out this kind of mission are all the best in the army.One-on-one, Turtledove has the confidence to compete with anyone, and one-on-two is hanging.There was an element of luck in being able to kill those two guys two days ago.

I touched my scalp, I didn't feel the pain anymore, a thick layer of blood scab formed, and I was stabbed on the waist, thanks to the big men in the weapon workshop, although they are all hung up very often, their eyes grow on their foreheads However, the forged ones are obsessed, the knife cut a big gap in the armor, but only hurt the turtledove's layer of oily skin, and the guy was cut off by the turtledove with just such a dazed effort .

The war horse that was chewing beans suddenly raised its head, and the turtledove became alert all of a sudden, stood up with a whoosh, only glanced at it, and immediately pressed the saddle, and the war horse also sat down in the grass with satisfaction, one person and one horse , Hiding in the grass taller than a person.

The sound of hooves came immediately.

The one in front is running away, and the three in the back are chasing.

The ones in the front are my own family, and the ones in the back are the Dingnan Army.

The turtledove took off the divine arm bow beside the saddle, stepped on the bow arm with one foot, loaded the crossbow arrows with strength, and then straddled the horse's back, holding the bow in one hand, and gently stroking the war horse with the other. , soothe the horse's emotions.

I hope that the fleeing partner can lure the enemy here, so that I can kill them by surprise, so that I can take advantage of it.

Although he only glanced at it, Turtle Dove could see clearly that the brother in front of him was obviously injured, one arm was swinging back and forth unnaturally, probably a bone was broken.

If it is clear that there are only one and a half people on my side, I am afraid that I will not be able to win against the three people on the opposite side.

I'm coming!
It seemed that there was a tacit understanding, and the fleeing person ran straight towards this piece of wild grass.

Turtledove saw clearly the face of the man in front.

Damn, it's a wild boar!
With a sound of swish, the wild boar flew past at a distance of more than ten steps.

The enemy who rode first followed closely behind.

Then came the second ride.

The third rider had just arrived, and there was already a ringing sound from the bow in the hands of the turtledove in the grass.

The distance was so close that the third enemy seemed to be hit face-to-face with a heavy hammer, and the whole person fell back flat and fell off the horse.

The turtledove clamped its legs, and the war horse stood up from the grass with all its strength and rushed forward. The scimitar at the turtledove's waist was already raised high.

What happened later caused the second rider to rein in his horse and turn his head in astonishment.

At this moment, the turtledove has already galloped past.

What a treat!
The turtledove's scimitar easily cut the man's throat.

(End of this chapter)

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