Fu Song

Chapter 357 Relatives

Chapter 357 Relatives
Zhang Yuan was startled, walked to Xiao Ding's side and sat down, said: "Master, this sounds like Erlang's speaking style."

Xiao Ding laughed boldly: "Mr. is smart. I really can't say this, it's what my second brother said."

"Erlang has sent someone to look for it?" Zhang Yuan asked.

Xiao Ding nodded: "Yes, Monk Huiyuan, you have seen it too. At this time of year, it is probably possible for the monk to pass through the heavy defense lines and avoid the scouts of the Imperial City Division and local and military scouts."

This is not to say how powerful Hui Yuan is, but that there are a lot of people who worship Buddha among the common people. Hui Yuan is a true monk who has spies, and it is very convenient to walk in the world.

Huiyuan is not only a monk, but also a very advanced Buddhist monk. When Xiao Cheng opened up Hengshan, Huiyuan was a great help.Dangxiang people worship Buddha, which is more pious than Song people.Until now, Huiyuan still enjoys great prestige among Hengshan.

Zhang Yuan had also chatted with Huiyuan before, and that monk indeed had real talents and practical learning.

But apart from this monk status, Huiyuan has another identity, he is Xiao Jiaerlang's spy.

Zhang Yuan didn't know why Xiao Cheng could make such a person willingly do such a thing for him, but Zhang Yuan admired him deeply.

You must know that with Huiyuan's cultivation of Buddhism, if he goes to any temple, he is definitely qualified to compete for the seat.

Are Huiyuan's six sense organs impure?Are you greedy for wealth and wealth in the world?

not really.

Such a great monk with profound Buddhist practice and literary attainments comparable to Jinshi's is pursuing a world of great harmony. When Huiyuan and Zhang Yuan were chatting, they talked in a cloud of mist, and Zhang Yuan didn't understand it very well.

But one thing is very clear, Xiao Cheng must have started from this point, moved the great monk, and made the great monk willingly become his minion.

In such a dark, bloody, and shady position as the head of spying, Xiao Erlang actually has the ability to let a well-known eminent monk take the position. Zhang Yuan really admires him.

Zhang Yuan knew exactly how much Xiao Cheng had influenced Xiao Ding.In fact, among the high-ranking officials of the Western Army, including myself, who was not influenced by Xiao Erlang?

The Tuoba family, the Ren family, Xin Jian, Chen Qiao, Zhu Laoyao, Xi Feng, Ye Li and other families were all convinced by Xiao Cheng. Zhang Yuan had no doubt that if Xiao Cheng came to the Northwest now, Xiao Ding would definitely Give up the position of the boss and let Xiao Cheng sit on it, and there will be no dissatisfaction from the bottom.

"Erlang has become popular in the southwest!" Xiao Ding proudly told Zhang Yuan about Xiao Cheng's current situation in the southwest, his words were full of complacency. Throwing it in that corner, he can always create something out of nothing, and turn a barren land into vitality.

Zhang Yuan was also elated when he heard it, and said excitedly: "Boss, with Erlang's help this time, our victory will be more certain."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ding was stunned.

Zhang Yuan is also a little puzzled. A far-sighted person like Xiao Cheng, didn't he make arrangements to contain the Song people and disperse their power, so that Xiao Ding can be more relaxed in the northwest?

Now that Xiao Cheng has such a situation in the southwest, as long as he makes a move, can the court still wholeheartedly fight against the Western Army in the northwest?
With pus on the head and sores on the soles of the feet, Bianliang really had to care about his head and disregard his back.

Hearing what Zhang Yuanyi said, Xiao Ding shook his head again and again.

"The situation that the second brother is facing is completely different from ours." Xiao Ding said: "If he does this over there, I am afraid that people's hearts will be scattered, and the situation that has finally gathered together will be destroyed. Whether it is Sizhou Tian Whether it is Banzhou Yang, or those big merchants and local tyrants, it is impossible for them to reverse the Song Dynasty."

"Success or failure is not important!" Zhang Yuandao: "Erlang should know which is more important and which is less! The situation here is very good now, as long as he plays a restraining role and disperses the power of the Song Dynasty. What is the situation in the southwest of the country if you have broken your heels and divided the world with Song and Liao?"

Seeing Xiao Ding smiling and saying nothing, Zhang Yuan was a little annoyed: "Boss, now that we have a foundation of self-reliance, it is only right for you to become emperor now. Erlang moved in the southwest to contain the power of the Song army. We We will be able to win the big battle we are about to face. As long as we win this battle, the foundation of our country will be stable. At that time, even if the Southwest is wiped out by the Song Dynasty, Erlang will come to the Northwest. What do you want? Erlang is full of talent, as long as he comes to the northwest, someone Zhang is willing to help him. At that time, the manager and Erlang brothers are of the same mind. It is not impossible for the wolves in the north to watch the Liao Kingdom, and the eagles in the south to watch the Song Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yuan stood up, walked up and down among the mountains and rivers under his feet, pointed with his hands one by one, and said in a passionate tone: "Boss, look at this great river and mountain. As long as it is managed properly, you can get together after ten years. Then the Liao and Song Dynasties are fighting for the world, and at that time, the co-lord of the world can be the general manager. Can't someone with Erlang's vision see this?"

Xiao Ding also stood up, walked to Zhang Yuan's side, looked down at the mountains and rivers with him, and said, "Sir, do you want me to be the emperor too?"

"It's not just me, Tuoba Yangwei, Ren Duozhong, Xin Jian, Lei Dejin, Zheng Jihong, Li Yi, who doesn't think so?" Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and said, "Boss, everyone will follow you all the way." Today, who doesn’t have a thought leader? Everyone wants to be named as a marquis, to leave a name in history, and to last forever! I didn’t dare to think about it before, because I didn’t have this condition. Now everyone has this idea, and I don’t want it. Strange!"

"Isn't that strange!" Xiao Ding nodded, "Of course it's easy for me to establish myself as emperor now, and no one can stop me, but what about in the future?"

"In the future?" Zhang Yuan said strangely: "Of course it is to recharge your energy and recharge your batteries, strive to unify the world, and become the co-lord of the world!"

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, the emperor will take turns to sit, and he will come to my house next year!" Xiao Ding laughed: "Sir, in this case, how different is it from the emperor of Song Dynasty and the emperor of Liao Kingdom? It's just a change of soup. It’s just a change of medicine, what’s the benefit in this world?”

Hearing Xiao Ding's words, Zhang Yuan was dumbfounded, and was speechless for a while. His dream all along was to assist one person to achieve the king's hegemony, and then leave his name in history as a generation of virtuous ministers. But now, everything It's all close in front of his eyes, he can see and grasp it, and the people he values ​​and wants to help have no interest in it.

"Boss?" He yelled, "In this world, people have to have what they want. Could it be that the boss is satisfied with the current situation? If the boss is thinking like this, I'm afraid there will be no end of life Right? The Song Dynasty didn’t talk about him anymore, but only talked about Yelujun of the Liao Kingdom. What kind of heart is there for the world? Clean the neck and wait for him to slaughter?"

"Not being the emperor doesn't mean I can do nothing!" Xiao Ding patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Go and see Monk Huiyuan? He might explain it more clearly than me, sir, I think the second brother What you said is very reasonable, if this world cannot be thoroughly cleaned up and major changes are not made, what's the point of going on like this over and over again?"

Watching Xiao Ding walk back with a flick of his sleeves, Zhang Yuan stamped his feet and shouted: "Director!"

Xiao Ding waved his hands without turning his head: "Go and talk to Monk Huiyuan, he will explain your doubts, I have to go home, today the lady's natal family came, I have to go see, otherwise the lady Definitely not happy."

Zhang Yuan sat in the river loop with his buttocks, and the water from the Yellow River splashed out and wet his trousers, but he didn't care.He knew Xiao Ding's temperament, once he made up his mind, even ten bulls would not be able to pull him back.

Xiao Erlang, Xiao Erlang, what kind of ecstasy did you ask Huiyuan to give the manager?

Zhang Yuan straightened up and stood up, then strode out.

The person who tied the bell needs to be untied. As long as the monk Huiyuan can be persuaded, everything can be redeemed.By the way, Tuoba Yangwei happened to be in Xingqing Mansion, so take him along.

When it comes to arguing, Zhang Yuan is not afraid of that monk Huiyuan, and even if Tuoba Yangwei is on the side to help him, he will definitely let monk Huiyuan lose.

He rushed out of the main hall door with water stains all over his body, and the guards guarding the door were dumbfounded. What happened to our long history?The trousers were dripping wet.

Just as Xiao Ding walked into the backyard, his son Xiao Jing rushed out of the house in a flash.

"Father, father, uncle is here, several uncles!" Xiao Jing shouted.

Xiao Ding grabbed Xiao Jing's area and threw it, Xiao Jing soared into the air, opened his arms, and hugged his son in his arms.

Gao Qi walked to the door, looked at Xiao Jing, frowned and said, "Jing'er, come down, didn't Mister teach you etiquette? I forgot all about it in a blink of an eye, what's the point?"

When his mother yelled, Xiao Jing immediately grimaced and wanted to struggle down, but Xiao Ding hugged him a little tighter, so he could move there.

"Don't listen to your mother, there are so many etiquettes between father and son, we are relatives, relatives, just a word of "pro" is the best!" Xiao Ding stepped into the threshold with a smile.

Gao Qi said angrily: "Mr. has worked so hard to teach you for countless days, and you can get back to the original shape in a few words. If you know, you will be so angry that you vomit blood!"

Xiao Ding laughed, and in a blink of an eye, he looked at a group of people standing in a somewhat restrained manner in the room, then put Xiao Jing on the ground, and looked at the first three familiar faces.

"Huaiyong, Huaiyi, Huaide!" Pointing at the three of them, he hesitated. In fact, he was not very familiar with these three people in the past, but he had only met them a few times, and he had been at the border all the time.

As Zhang Yuan said earlier, the Gao family still sent some concubines to find a way out on their side.

Raising the flag to rebel by himself, Gao Yu, the Duke of the Baoguo, was not involved much, but his father-in-law was a little miserable. Not to mention his official robes were stripped, and his writing was deprived since his birth, completely turning him into a commoner.And this is not over yet, Bao Guogong Gao Yu even expelled his younger brother from the Gao family, and Gao Qi's lineage was completely finished in Song Dynasty.

However, it was only Gao Qi's father and brother's political future that ended, and they didn't suffer too much financial loss. After all, Gao Qi was a married daughter.

And the virtue of the big family not putting all their eggs in one basket is also fully displayed at this moment.

It is impossible for Gao Qi's elder brother and younger brother to come to the northwest, because it is impossible for the Song Dynasty to let them come, but the Gao family and common people in Yuanzhi don't have these scruples.

Gao Huaiyong, Gao Huaiyi, and Gao Huaide are all offshoots of Gao's concubines. Didn't they just flee with their families?

"I've seen the manager!" The three of them clasped their fists and bowed somewhat restrainedly.

I saw this man in the Gao family before, but he was only a commanding general. After a few years, the other party has become the overlord of one side. Judging from the rumors outside, I am afraid that this man is even more powerful. It's about being lonely.

Even relatives, seeing Xiao Ding at this moment, still tremble in their hearts.

This relative defeated the Song army not long ago, beheaded Li Dan, Li Du and other border generals, and even defeated Yeluhuan, the Governor of Xijing Road in the Liao Kingdom. None of these people is famous all over the world characters.

"Family, where are there so many etiquettes?" Looking at the men, women, and many children who were kneeling closely with the three of them, Xiao Ding repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Sit, everyone sit!"

Sit down in order, under Gao Qi's introduction, Xiao Ding finally figured out the ins and outs of these people in front of him.Speaking of which, the three of them are Gao Qi's distant cousins.

"Because of me, my brothers can't stay in their hometown anymore, and their careers are even hopeless. They can only stay away from their hometown and come to the northwest to find a way out. Dalang, look..." Gao Qi looked at these people apologetically. cousins.

Xiao Ding is the biggest rebel leader in Song Dynasty now, isn't he the wife of the rebel leader?

"I remember that Huai Yi and Huaide were both successful in juren!" Xiao Ding was a little lost in his memory.

"The winners are Huai Yi and Huai Yong!" Gao Qi said with some reproach: "Huai De is like you, he has been good at wielding guns since he was a child, and he is quite courageous."

"Wrong memory, wrong memory!" Xiao Ding laughed loudly: "Now our Western Army has tens of thousands of miles of land under its jurisdiction and millions of people. It happens that there is a shortage of knowledgeable and experienced officials. The three cousins ​​are not far away. Xiao Ding is very grateful for coming to help me, I don’t know what the cousins ​​have in mind? Just say it out, both civil and military affairs can be arranged, and the custody will not disappoint the cousins.”

A few words immediately made the three Gao family brothers happy.

(End of this chapter)

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