Fu Song

Chapter 369 Eligibility to Eat at the Same Table

Chapter 369 Eligibility to Eat at the Same Table

"Boss, are you really preparing for a full-scale war with the imperial court by doing this?" Xie Wen held the case with both hands, leaning forward with his upper body, looking a bit hideous.

Xiao Ding didn't even raise his head, he still looked down at the official documents in front of him, and he didn't pay any attention to this guy who broke into the big tent.

Xin Jian on the side glanced at Xiao Ding, took a step forward, and put one hand on Xie Wen's shoulder, but with a little force, Xie Wen let out an ouch, staggered, and almost fell half short. After falling down, Xin Jian picked him up again.

"Thank you Guangou, isn't it an all-out war now?" Xin Jian chuckled.

"Of course not. If we really want to start a full-scale war, I won't come here!" Xie Wen shook his arms, broke free from Xin Jian's claws, and rushed to Xiao Ding again. "This reckless man doesn't understand, but you do, don't you? But you are forcing the court to go to war with you!"

Xiao Ding finally raised his head, flattened his mouth: "Really?"

"Isn't it?" Xie Wen shivered, but still looked at Xiao Ding forcefully. "Boss, don't forget, Yeluxi is attacking your Xingqing Mansion right now, if Scholar Lan desperately sends troops to fight you, let alone win you, just drag you on Shaanxi Road, what will you do? "

Xiao Ding laughed: "Why didn't Scholar Lan do this? Is he afraid of making wedding clothes for the Liao people? In the end, the whole Shaanxi Road was smashed to pieces by me, but the biggest fruit was picked by the Liao people."

"Of course." Xie Wen said fiercely: "Dangxiang people are not reliable at all. If the Xingqing Mansion falls into the hands of the Liao people, there is a great possibility that they will defect to the Liao people. At that time, Shaanxi Road will face the Liao people directly. Human threat. Instead of doing this, I might as well face you!"

Xiao Ding stood up and looked at Xie Wen coldly: "Since Lan Sixin thinks so clearly, why did he fight this battle with me again?"

Xie Wen said dejectedly: "Because we thought we would win. We thought you would go and fight the Liao people first. We thought we could at least get Hengshan. As long as you win Hengshan, you won't be a trouble in the northwest, and you will be defeated by us sooner or later. But Who would have thought that you would let the Liao people drive straight in, and concentrate your strength to attack us? You made the wrong move. Now the bachelor only hopes that you will go back to Xingqing Mansion quickly and defeat the Liao people. In this way, we After suffering a great loss, the Liao people did not please them well. Although they will still be enemies in the future, the bachelor feels that facing you is at least more interesting than talking with the Liao people."

"So Lan Sixin withdrew all his soldiers and horses back to Jingzhao Mansion, and then sent you to express this attitude to me, right?" Xiao Ding let out a sigh of relief: "This person is not as bad as I imagined. , it’s quite a set.”

"But you are almost emptying Shaanxi Road now." Xie Wen said angrily: "You can rob money, it's okay, if you lose, you should pay the price, but you also took people away, you know These people on Shaanxi Road are in Beijing, do they have much hidden power in other places? When they stand up together to persecute the imperial court and Scholar Lan together, what will happen to Scholar Lan?"

"So in order not to be picked up by these people in the future, Bachelor Lan didn't care about whether the Liao people controlled Hengshan or I, Xiao, controlled Hengshan, right?" Xiao Ding said coldly.

Xie Wen held back for a while, and finally nodded: "That's it."

Xiao Ding and Xin Jian glanced at each other, and they both burst out laughing.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't think this is funny." Xie Wen said coldly: "Looking at what you are doing now, you should also be very clear that you cannot occupy these areas on Shaanxi Road for a long time, that's why you are so mad. If you really have to go all out, everyone will have a hard time.”

"Then let the horses come over!" Xin Jian said coldly, "There are probably five or sixty thousand soldiers and horses in the Jingzhao Mansion, and we are not many. Less than [-] people."

Xie Wen looked at him bitterly.

"I heard that Jingzhao Mansion is not as rich as Yan'an Mansion. Manager, if we enter Jingzhao Mansion, we won't have to worry about it for the next few years. All your worries will be resolved!" Xin Jian said. .

"Director Xiao, don't forget the [-] Liao troops who are currently in Xingfu Mansion!" Xie Wen raised his voice and said loudly, "Bachelors are sincere."

Xiao Ding picked up a document that was spread over his big case, and handed it to Xie Wen.

"Thank you Guangou, take a look at this first, and then talk to me!"

He took the document suspiciously, only glanced at a title, Xie Wen suddenly raised his head, and glanced at Xiao Ding.Xiao Ding smiled and made a gesture, signaling him to read the document first.

This is a victory report document from Xingqing Mansion.

The Western Army defeated the Liao Army at the foot of Xingqingfu City. The [-] Liao Army was almost wiped out.

"This, how is this possible? This is impossible!" Xie Wen's face was pale, and he couldn't believe it was true.No matter how powerful the Western Army is, it is impossible to win against the two great powers of the world on both sides at the same time.

"Nothing is impossible!" Xiao Ding said coldly: "This is war, and anything can happen. Xie Guangou, do you think Bachelor Lan dares to use all the soldiers of Jingzhao Mansion to fight me to the death? As long as he dares to come out, I can guarantee whether he will come or go. I haven’t had a good look at Jingzhao Mansion yet. If he really wants to come out, I will just go and enjoy it.”

Xie Wen's face was ashen, and the document in his hand fell to the ground.

"Thank you Guangou, now we can have a good talk, but I don't think Bachelor Lan can lead this negotiation. I will set out the conditions, and then you can go back with the conditions." Xiao Ding said. "You are right about one thing. I really don't want to fight an all-out war with Song Dynasty, and I have never thought about occupying Shaanxi Road. As you said, I can't eat it. But now they are indeed in my hands, Bianliang If you want to take it back, you have to pay something. In addition, no matter what Bianliang thinks, but one thing, they will have to admit now that I do have the capital to sit at the table with them and negotiate. You don’t send If people come, the Liao people will definitely send people."

"You want to join forces with the Liao people?" Xie Wen snapped.

"We can't talk about joining forces or not!" Xiao Ding smiled and said: "Xie Guangou, now I, Xiao Ding, have a hundred thousand troops and millions of people. I can live a better life! Therefore, Bianliang must do something to make us live a little more comfortably! Xie Guangou is also a smart person, I don’t need to say more, our conditions have already been prepared .”

While talking, Xiao Ding patted the thick volume of documents on the big case.Chang Shi Zhang Yuan was really good at predicting things. He had known for a long time that Lan Sixin, the appeasement envoy of Shaanxi Road, would definitely send someone, so all the negotiating documents were prepared and sent over.

The so-called exorbitant asking price, paying back the money on the spot, the next step is the bargaining between the two sides.

Xie Wen staggered up to Xiao Ding, put his hand on the volume of documents, and asked in a trembling voice: "Director Xiao, do you want the imperial court to confer on you the Northwest King?"

Xiao Ding laughed and said: "Before the Liao people came to call, Yeluxi had sent someone over with the document sealed by the emperor of Daliao, and canonized me as the king of Daxia. Much more generous."

Of course Xiao Ding didn't accept it, otherwise there wouldn't be a big battle in Xingqing Mansion.

Xiao Dingzhen was going to accept the title of Great Xia King, and now the coalition forces of the Western Army and the Liao Army might come out of Hengshan, and now the entire Shaanxi Road would be gone.

Before Xie Wen could breathe a sigh of relief, Xiao Ding said coldly, "Whether it's the King of Great Xia or the King of Northwest, Xiao can be whatever king he wants, and he can take it for himself. No one is needed to seal it."

Xie Wen returned in dismay. Although he still found out Xiao Ding's final strategic goal and brought back the body of Taiwei Zhang Chao, deep down in his heart, he was terrified.

Because he saw Da Song, a behemoth, although he still looks very strong, but the inner weakness is already an indisputable fact.

Or it can be able to bluff outsiders in a short period of time, but as time goes by, this weakness will eventually be revealed in front of everyone.

This time, Xiao Ding has already torn off a piece of his fig leaf, if he is pulled a few more times to reveal a large area of ​​shame, he is afraid that tigers and wolves will rush up.

The only hope is that the Liao people, who were also defeated, should also have an internal strife. In this way, everyone will die, and no one is stronger than the other, but this situation can still be maintained.

Recognize Xiao Ding's ruling power over the vast area north of Hengshan, and fully open the trade between the two sides without setting up any obstacles... The thick negotiation conditions cover almost all aspects. It is obvious that this is not a hastily made document. Before the start of the war, Xiao Ding's think tank had already listed these terms. After reading these terms, Lan Sixin fell silent.

"Bachelor, do you think the court will agree?" Xie Wen asked.

"It's hard to say!" Lan Sixin said.

"Is it because of the one million year old coins?"

Lan Sixin shook his head: "No. Xiao Ding is very smart, he puts himself very lowly, the one million year old coin was rewarded to him by Da Song in name, and he only wants to benefit. But Xiao Ning wants to open up completely Caravans, I'm afraid the imperial court will not allow them, especially those strategic materials, the imperial court may not allow it."

"But Xiao Ding promised to exchange it with war horses!" Xie Wen said: "We lack war horses, but they have countless war horses."

"You see the problem is one-sided." Lan Sixin said: "We need war horses, but we don't need a lot of war horses, because cavalry cannot be trained in a short period of time, and cavalry tactics are not trained in a short period of time. If we form a large-scale cavalry and spend a lot of money on the cavalry, if we really want to fight at that time, I am afraid that we will suffer a big loss. Because compared with the cavalry, we are not as good as the Liao people, and we are not as good as the Western Army. We have lost our old profession, the infantry. The Song Dynasty has always been dominated by infantry formations. Although the offense is not good, the defense can be as stable as a rock."

"Unexpectedly, bachelors are so good at military affairs!" Xie Wen was a little surprised.

Lan Sixin sighed: "When did I understand these things, these things were all said by Zhang Chao and Zhang Taiwei when they were chatting with me when they were alive. Xiao Ding has evil intentions, this exchange condition seems to be right. Both parties benefit, but if it is really implemented, it must be him who will benefit in the end, and we will be weakened invisibly. It is a pity that the good words are still in our ears, but the person is no longer there."

"Bachelor, the Taiwei's body will be transported back to the capital!" Xie Wen reminded.

"Let's go, let's go to worship!" Lan Sixin said.

"Many people in the imperial court are still clamoring to hold Taiwei Zhang accountable for his defeat!" Xie Wen said.

"The sour man's intention is not to drink!" Lan Sixin sneered: "Such a defeat, the Taiwei, as the commander-in-chief of the six-sided military, is naturally guilty, but all military plans are approved by officials, political affairs halls, and the Privy Council Yes. This matter was fundamentally wrong. Taiwei Zhang did not need to die, but he apologized with death. The mourning after death will not be too bad. These people are clamoring, but they are only aiming at people like me, or the ministers of the Privy Council. They all know that the dead cannot be held accountable, and the living must be held accountable, so If the quarrel gets louder, if one of us comes down, a whole bunch of people will benefit from the promotion!"

"I'm still thinking about these things at this moment!" Xie Wen sighed.

"It's a normal thing!" Lan Sixin chuckled: "If I were in the court and not the person involved, I would do the same thing."

Xie Wen couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"This matter is no longer up to us." Lan Sixin said: "Go back to Bianliang and send back Xiao Ding's negotiation conditions. Your Majesty will definitely ask you face to face. Your one chance."


The general situation of the world, at this moment, no matter whether it is the Liao Kingdom or the Song Kingdom, is undoubtedly in a state of panic.Only Xiao Ding, after winning these two big battles in a row, is much calmer.Although his current situation is not very good.

Xingqing Mansion, the core of his rule, was almost completely abolished except for the city.

The Liao people fought all the way from the Shangjing Road, and almost no grass grew in the places they passed, and it was tantamount to utter waste.

Although the abundant supplies from the Great Song Army were snatched from the Yan'an Mansion, compared to what Xiao Ning wanted to do, it was undoubtedly far from enough.

Everyone now has to stop and lick their wounds and recuperate.

This battle was fought, whether it was a winner or a loser, it was actually uncomfortable.

But the money that has been fought in this battle, whether it is Liao or Song, has to admit that in this world, Song and Liao are no longer fighting against each other. The Western Army, Xiao Ding already has the qualifications to sit at the same table with them. up.

Xiao Ding led his troops back to Yan'an Mansion, which was their sincerity in negotiating with Bianliang.If Bianliang can agree to these conditions, they will retreat again in great strides until they return to the actual line of control between the two sides before the war.

(End of this chapter)

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