Fu Song

Chapter 547 Double Victory

Chapter 547 Double Victory
To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the Hanjiang navy built by Liu Zheng, the Linjiang commander, is indeed powerful.

Facing newborn calves like the Wujiang navy, although they were far behind in terms of equipment configuration, they still firmly formed a confrontation with their opponents in the battle.

The Wujiang navy did not take much advantage.

But this confrontation was broken with the confrontation between the two flagships.

This is the first time artillery has appeared in a water battle.

His lethality is actually not too great, but those iron nails, iron skins, and stone seeds sprayed out by the black powder are terrifying to sailors without armor.

And more importantly, it is a fear of unknown weapons.

People are always afraid of the unknown.

When Jiang Xiong held a knife in one hand and pulled the rope on his flagship with the other, and landed on Liu Zheng's flagship from the sky like a flying general, one party cheered thunderously, while the other party lost his soul.

Liu Zheng also has more than a hundred soldiers, who are trying their best to resist the opponent's attack.

But Liu Zheng escaped at this time.

His son Liu Zhu commanded a warship to approach here desperately, while Liu Zheng's two personal guards, seeing that the vicious enemy was only a few steps away from them, grabbed Liu Zheng's arm with one hand, Then he jumped into the Han River and rowed desperately towards Liu Zhi's warship.

On Liu Zhi's warship, more than a dozen people also jumped into the water, hurriedly lifted the drowned Liu Zheng, and rescued him onto the warship.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Zhu immediately commanded the warship, turned around and fled.

At the same time, the sound of the golden gong resounded throughout the river.

Standing on Liu Zheng's flagship, Jiang Xiong laughed loudly.

"The first battalion followed me and beat the dog in the water. The second battalion and the third battalion gathered the warships on the spot and captured the prisoners." Jiang Xiong roared: "Remember, don't kill casually, they are good soldiers, stay here, Useful!"

Battles are sometimes so strange. It is clear that at the last moment, everyone is evenly matched, and no one can take advantage of the other.

But at the next moment, because of a certain turning point, one of them suddenly collapsed,

Crash without warning,

One moment he was as fierce as a wolf, but the next moment, he became as soft as a lamb.

Just like the water battle in front of us, with Liu Zheng's defeat, the entire Han River Navy immediately collapsed.

When a large number of warships found that they had no way to escape, they obediently lowered their sails, dropped their anchors, and stopped quietly in the river.

This is surrender.

And on the surface of the river, there are more individual heads floating with the waves, including those of the Han River Navy and some of the Wu River Navy.

The boats of the Wujiang Navy shuttled back and forth, pulling these people out of the river one by one. Even these people from the Hanjiang Navy, when they boarded the boat, sat in the cabin obediently with their knees hugged , and there is not much meaning of resistance.

Or, these Han army sailors who followed Liu Zheng and surrendered to the Liao Kingdom did not regard themselves as members of the Liao Kingdom from the bottom of their hearts, and even subconsciously believed that they were still a member of the Song Army, so However, it is not a big deal to surrender to the Wujiang Navy, who is also the Song Army.

Regardless of whether it is this kind of mentality or not, the cooperative attitude of these helpless Hanjiang Navy still greatly relieved the generals of the Wujiang Navy.

In Fancheng, Fan Wenshun, who was on the verge of desperation, ushered in a savior.

Because Liu Zheng's navy was no longer visible on the river, Lu Wenhuan immediately dispatched a force to rescue Fan Wenshun.

Lu Wenhuan didn't know the specific situation, but he believed that this was the best chance to rescue the brother troops from Fancheng on the opposite bank back to Xiangyang.

But Fan Wenshun got reinforcements, but he was not willing to retreat like this.

He felt that Fancheng could still be rescued.

After all, the two cities are the horns of each other, so they can play their role to the maximum. Losing Fancheng will also be a big loss to the defense of Xiangyang City.

Therefore, although the defenders of Fancheng approached the pontoon bridge connecting the two sides, they did not retreat immediately, but suddenly launched wave after wave of counterattacks.

These counter-offensives surprised Qu Zhen's troops, who had thought they were all secure. In a short time, the defenders of Fancheng regained many places and stabilized the situation again.

This made Qu Zhen angry.

Organize the troops again and prepare to launch a new round of attack.

It was at this time that warships once again appeared on the surface of the river.

Looking at the flags of the Liao State flying above those warships, Lu Wenhuan couldn't help but burst into bitterness, and complained involuntarily in his heart that Fan Wenshun, this is all right, not only the people in Fancheng on the opposite side could not be rescued, but also himself. Thousands of elites went in.

As soon as Liu Zheng's navy came back, the river was once again under the control of the opponent. Although the two cities could see each other, they were still two isolated cities.

The Liao Army was excited,

Song Jun was downcast.

But this kind of atmosphere is only maintained for half a stick of incense.

Because as the warships in the distance were getting closer, everyone suddenly discovered that the warships in front were fleeing, while the warships behind were actually flying the flag of the Song Dynasty, and the drums were rumbling, and the sound of killing was loud.

The warship behind was actually chasing and killing the warship in front.

For a moment, Lu Wenhuan thought that he was delusional.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, but unexpectedly, the more they rubbed, the more blurred they became, and he couldn't see clearly.

But this did not prevent him from hearing the earth-shattering cheers from Xiangyang City.

Fighting against the Liao army for more than a month, the Xiangyang defenders, struggling in a difficult situation, finally saw reinforcements for the first time.

On the river, dozens of warships were beating drums and their sails were bulging, while more than a dozen Liao army warships in front were running away like bereaved dogs.

The dozens of warships that were chasing stopped on the surface of the river. Obviously, they had lost interest in beating the dogs in the water.They slowly approached Xiangyang City.

Next, countless people shouted in unison from all the ships:

"The Wujiang navy was ordered by Xiao Futai, the pacifier of Guizhou Road, to come to support the defenders in Xiangfan. Brothers in Xiangfan, you have worked hard!"

"You have worked hard!"

The roars of hundreds of thousands of people were so orderly, obviously there had been some rehearsals beforehand, but this hard-working sound made all the Song soldiers in Xiangyang City and Fancheng burst into tears.

An unnecessary hard fight, sacrifice, despair, and struggle, at this moment, I suddenly feel that everything is worth it.

We are not alone in our struggle,
We also have like-minded people.

Many people even burst into tears.

The Wujiang Navy is actually the Wujiang Navy!

At the previous moment, he had never heard of the Wujiang Navy.

He just knows that Wujiang River is a big river on Guizhou Road.

Xiangyang was in danger, and the rescuers were not the Jinghu Road Navy, which was stripped of water, but the Wujiang Navy, who was thousands of miles away and came to the Han River after a lot of hard work.

Xiao Cheng, Xiao Chongwen, Xiao Erlang, Xiao Futai!

Based on this, I, Lu Wenhuan, will recognize you from now on.

"Come on, gather troops, and go to help Fancheng!" The surface of the river is his own, and Lu Wenhuan no longer hesitates: "Send a signal to the brother troops on the water, ask them for support, take our troops across the river, counterattack, counterattack!"

For a large-scale counterattack, it is naturally too slow to rely on a pontoon bridge to deliver troops. The pontoon bridge and the warships work at the same time to relieve the current crisis in Fancheng.

There were thunderous cheers on the river, and Qu Zhen's troops who were besieging Fancheng naturally also discovered such a change.

The morale that was still high just now fell to the bottom in an instant.

Judging the situation, Qu Zhen bitterly gave the order to withdraw the troops, and he had to give up the piece of fat that was already in his mouth.

"Thank you, General Lu Wenhuan, for coming to help from thousands of miles away. I don't know the name of General Gao?" Inside the water gate of Xiangyang, Lu Wenhuan bowed to Jiang Xiong, who had stepped off the boat and said, "The tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xiangfan share the high righteousness."

"General Lu is too modest!" Jiang Xiong respectfully returned the salute: "The general guarded Xiangyang alone, and guarded the gate for us in the Song Dynasty. If Xiangyang is lost and Jianghan is not protected, how can the whole south survive? Xiao Futai asked me to represent him. You pay respects."

"Unexpectedly, the first person to come to help is Xiao Futai on Guizhou Road?" Lu Wenhuan sighed.

"Xiao Futai has now arrived at Jiangling Mansion on Jinghu Road." Jiang Xiong said: "This time, it is not only our navy with more than a hundred warships and thousands of soldiers who came to aid Xiangyang, but also the Tianwu Army and the Heavenly Wolf Army. , At this moment, they should have fought with the Liao people! Both land and water are coming to help at the same time. General Lu, please rest assured that this is just the first batch. In the future, more and more reinforcements will arrive here! "

"Of course it's good!" Hearing this, Lu Wenhuan felt relieved, "Have you asked General Gao's name yet?"

"Jiang Xiong! The Wujiang Navy is under control!"

"Jiang Tongzhi?" Lu Wenhuan couldn't help dragging the surname Jiang a little bit.

Jiang Xiong laughed and said: "General Lu doesn't need to guess, Jiang Xiong is indeed from the Jinghu Road Jiang family, but he should have broken up the family a long time ago. The current Jinghu Road Jiang family is despised. This time, under the persecution of my family's Futai, they dispatched dozens of horse boats to transport infantry and food for us. It was still far away from Xiangyang, so they unloaded our people and turned around and ran away. Improper son of man!"

Jiang Xiong could scold the Jiang family by himself, but Lu Wenhuan couldn't follow suit, but smiled and said, "At this time, it's pretty good to be here. Commander Jiang, please, Lu has already had someone prepare a meal, so let's treat him to a place far away. Brothers who are here. I just don’t know when the General Wang Zhu and General Fan Yifei you mentioned will come?”

"It should be soon!" Jiang Xiong said with a smile.

At the Lushan Gate, Sun Pu gritted his teeth and looked at the servants who came back.

This is all right now, even if he kills him, he can't stop this wave of retreat.

He was fighting with Wang Zhu's Sirius Army in full swing.

It wasn't until the official battle with the Sirius Army that Sun Pu understood why those servants lost so quickly. Even the Shan army under his personal command was barely a tie with the opponent.

But he still has an army of minions.

Under his order, the servant army regrouped and detoured to attack the waist and ribs of the Sirius army.

With the main energy of dragging the Sirius army, no matter how bad the servant army is, such a bargain should be easy to pick up, right?
But Sun Pu didn't expect that there would be an enemy whose combat effectiveness was not inferior to the Sirius Army, watching ten miles away.

The target of the Tianwu Army's attack was still this hapless servant army.

Then, the former Great Song Forbidden Army who surrendered to the Liao people was defeated for the second time within one day.

Unlike the first time, this time no one was covering for them to give them a chance to breathe.

The Tianwu army beat the dogs in the water, and systematically drove them to the battlefield where the Tianwo army and the Shan army fought.

The old-fashioned tactic, rolling the bead curtain upside down.

But the simpler the tactics, the more effective they are at this time.

Sun Pu's subordinate Shan army finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Their own position was first charged by the servant army, then charged again by the Tianwu army, and finally reversed by the Sirius army. After persisting for a stick of incense, they finally collapsed.

After Li was reorganized, the Shan army, which had never suffered a defeat, experienced for the first time what it was like to be kicked and beaten.

Fortunately, the enemy stopped after chasing for more than ten miles, which made Sun Pu finally take a breath, and reassembled his army in shame and annoyance.

He didn't even bother to find out how many casualties the servants had suffered. He just felt sorry for his subordinates, who lost more than a thousand people in this battle, and the missing ones included a battalion-level general.

Going back all at once, I'm afraid I'm going to be scolded bloody by the commander in chief.

Looking back in the direction of Lushan Gate, Sun Pu's heart was cast with a shadow.

Will future wars be as smooth as before?

Will this failure have any impact on the Empress's plan?

On the battlefield of Lushanmen, a soldier carried a bucket of water and poured it on Wang Zhu who was sitting on the ground. With a splash, the water flowing down the armor was bright red. After pouring several buckets in a row, it became clear. a little.

Picking up a piece of skin carelessly, he wiped his face indiscriminately. Till this time, his exhaustion hit him like a roaring tsunami, making him want to lie down on the ground and have a good sleep.

But as a general, he can't sleep like an ordinary soldier, snoring loudly, regardless of everything, he still has countless aftermath to deal with!

After walking a few steps, he saw several captured generals of the Liao Army staggering towards them being pushed and shoved by the soldiers.

When passing by him, a prisoner raised his head and saw Wang Zhu, but he cried out in astonishment, "Wang dare?"

Of course Wang Zhu is not Wang Gan, he just looks like Wang Gan.

Wang Gan was his elder brother, who died in battle on the Hebei border.

Taking a step forward, he grabbed the captive. Judging by the armor on his body, he was still a battalion general.

"Who are you?"

The man looked at Wang Zhu, but reacted: "Wang Gan died a long time ago, but you really look like him."

"Wang Gan is my brother!"

"I used to be your brother's comrade-in-arms!"

"Fart!" Kicked the man to the ground with one kick: "You son of a bitch, don't tarnish my brother's reputation."

The man fell to the ground, but he smiled wryly and said: "I am really your brother's comrade in arms back then, but in that battle, your brother died in battle, but I was captured."

(End of this chapter)

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