Fu Song

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

The sorrow of the weak is that you are completely unable to control your own destiny. All your actions will be tortured by reality, and in many cases, you have to make decisions that go against your heart.

And weak countries are even worse than the weak.

Because when a man is angry, he can still splatter blood for five steps, and he can still fight with trapped animals. At most, he can only lose his life, and he can shout that twenty years later, I will be a good man again.

But a weak country cannot be self-willed, because a wrong policy will not only kill you, but also your subordinates and common people will suffer together.

And if this weak country is caught between two strong ones, it can be called appalling.

Because you prefer this one, and that one wants to mess with you.

That one you throw at, this one will not spare you.

But striking a balance between the two talents and surviving in the cracks requires superb skills, and not everyone can do this.

Especially when one of the two great powers is a bit of a loser.

The king of Zhao and Song was just such a guy who had a high self-esteem but was actually hollow.

Not only did he finish playing with himself, but he also made the western army in danger of being destroyed.

Of course, the Western Army is not as miserable as it is now.

Because there is actually only one country that poses a real threat to him now, and that is the Liao Kingdom.Compared with him, the Song State has already played with itself. Jiangning's Xin Song Dynasty is still busy entangled with guys like Liu Yu Quzhen. It is not known how many years later it will be when it competes with the Liao State.

But the failure of the Song Dynasty, which almost destroyed the country, was not something to be happy about for the Western Army.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Without Song's restraint, the Western Army became the next target of the Liao people.

Even though the Western Army once defeated the Liao Army led by Xiao Siwen in Xuanlei Village, that battle also hurt the Western Army. For this reason, they had to give up a large area of ​​land north of Heishan and several cities.

With such victories, a few more times, the Western Army can be declared dead.

But it was also this battle that allowed the Liao people to once again see the strength of the Western Army.This guy's shell is too hard, and if he bites it down, it is very likely that he will lose a few teeth.

Therefore, if this trouble can be solved without bloodshed, it will naturally be the great fortune of the Liao Kingdom.

That's why Sun Chun's trip to the Northwest came about.

Sun Chun is not only the confidant of the Empress Dowager Chengtian, but also an upstart in the court of the Liao Kingdom. More importantly, his family is also a retainer of the Xiao family. He knows everything that is a secret to the people of the world. .

"I've met the eldest son!" In the back hall of the general manager's mansion, Sun Chun paid a respectful visit, but followed the etiquette of retainers.

"I remember you!" After inviting Sun Chun to sit down, Xiao Ding couldn't help feeling deeply.Now this person is the servant of the Liao State Ministry of Officials, although he is the second assistant, he actually holds great power. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials is a senior and senior Khitan nobleman who doesn't care about things at all.

"Your father brought you back back then, and your father wanted to keep you, but you refused. Now it seems that although you were young, you have already made up your mind. If you stayed in Tokyo, How can there be today's achievements?"

"The eldest son has won the prize. Without the support of the queen mother, how could I be where I am today!" Sun Chun smiled and bowed.

Xiao Ding shook his head: "It's not that easy to get a Jinshi in the Liao Kingdom, it's not much easier than in the Song Dynasty. Without this level of advancement, you are just a staff member. How can you be as distinguished as you are today. I heard that your brother is also By virtue of military merits, he was promoted to the rank of general, and he was in charge of the defense of Zhongjing?"

"Marshal Xiao Siwen is the officer, and his younger brother is the deputy!" Sun Chun said.

"Right now, your family is really blooming like flowers in the Liao land. Finance, military, and government are advancing hand in hand."

"That is to say, the Queen Mother has such a large stomach. In Zhao Song Dynasty, this is absolutely impossible!" Sun Chun said with a smile: "But whether it is wealth, military or government, the Sun family will always be the Queen Mother's family, and they will only be loyal to the Queen Mother. .”

Xiao Ding looked at the other party for a while, then suddenly laughed and said: "Not necessarily."

Seeing what Sun Chun wanted to say, Xiao Ding interrupted him, saying: "I think back then, when I came to Beijing from Hebei to report on my duties, why didn't I want to be loyal to the Song Dynasty! But what happened later? Although the Song Dynasty was not I died at my hands, but I can be regarded as contributing to the flames. The Song Dynasty attacked me twice, and nearly [-] troops were lost at my hands. If it weren't for this, wouldn't it be possible for the Liao Kingdom to win so easily?"

"Mr. Song went against the grain, even without these two failures, the country would have perished!" Sun Chun said.

"Isn't this also the painstaking plan of Yelujun and my third sister?" Xiao Ding snorted softly.

Sun Chun just smiled and said nothing.

Sighing, my family is really a mess now.

A few days ago, Jiangning envoy Luo Xin came, and he brought greetings from the second brother. Before Luo Xin left, Sun Chun came here with the mission of the third sister.

"Tell me, how is the Empress Dowager Chengtian going to deal with me this time?" Xiao Ding felt a little heartbroken.

As the eldest of the family, he should lead his brothers and sisters to love each other, but now, the three families are going to fight each other. The key is that he, the eldest, is the weakest one no matter how you look at it.

"The eldest son is serious. The queen mother has always respected the eldest son, so why talk about dealing with it!" Sun Chun was still smiling.

"Sun Chun, I'm a general, don't talk to me!" Xiao Ding finally became a little annoyed: "The third sister is now the Empress Dowager of the Liao Kingdom, and I'm the commander of the Western Army. I don't talk about personal affairs, only business affairs. How on earth are we going to deal with our Western Army? Do you want to say it in front of our Western Army? That's okay, they just happen to be in Xingqing Mansion."

"Don't be annoyed, Eldest Prince, it's actually the same!" Sun Chun saw Xiao Ding really lost his temper, and hurriedly said: "The Empress Dowager said that if the Eldest Prince surrenders to the Liao Kingdom as he wishes, King Zhenxi will do his part!"

"Haha, what a big official hat!" Xiao Ding sneered. "If I don't accept it, will the Liao army come?"

Sun Chun nodded, and said: "That's right. The Western Army has sharp soldiers. Over the years, it has always been a great threat to our Daliao flank. The Queen Mother wants to dominate the world and defeat the Southern Song Dynasty. There are two major enemies that need to be resolved in advance. One Internally, whether it is the Yeluxi rebellion, the Wugu Dilietong or the stubborn old school forces, they have been cleaned up in the past half a year, and it will take a year and a half at most. The forces opposing the Queen Mother in Liao Kingdom will definitely be eliminated Uprooting. The second enemy is the Western Army occupying the northwest. The Western Army is sharp and has repeatedly inflicted heavy damage on our army. If this worry is not resolved, the Empress Dowager will not be able to concentrate on the southern expedition."

"Since I know that my soldiers are sharp, I dare to stroke the tiger's beard!" Xiao Ding said: "When the soldiers come to block, the water comes and the soil floods, I am afraid that you will not succeed?"

"My lord, now the second son of Jiangning Xinsong is busy with internal integration, and Liu Yu Quzhen and others are constantly attacking them. These two are more active than our Daliao in wanting to strangle the Xinsong regime, so the second son is also now It is in a hurry, and it is impossible to allocate strength to rescue the Western Army. Besides, the Western Army must not be the Song Army. In order to stabilize the Northwest, you have recruited a large number of barbarians such as Dangxiang, Tubo, and Uyghur. If you don’t want to vote for Liao, they may not be willing. Everyone knows that Liao is strong and Song is weak. Eldest Young Master, if you don’t accept the title of Zhenxi King, then the two families will become enemies, and we will naturally do everything we can.”

"You guys can give it a try, and I want to see who will betray me and who will be loyal to me! You are a touchstone, just use it!" Xiao Ding laughed.

Sun Chun nodded, "My lord, I understand. If that's the case, I will prepare a good palace in Zhongjing for you, my wife, and my lord, and I will invite you to stay there."

"Go back and tell Third Sister that one day elder brother will bring a horse and carry a gun and kill him outside Chengtian Gate, she won't blame elder brother for being cruel!" Xiao Ding said coldly.

"Yes!" Sun Chun stood up, bowed and said, "Then the officer will retire now."

"Sun Chun!" Xiao Ding stood up and looked at him.

"What else do you want, sir?"

"You and the third sister, although you fell into the Hu land for various reasons, and you have to be a barbarian with your hair on the left, but in the end, you are all dressed in Chinese clothes. You really want to be a minion for the tiger, help the Hu people enter the Central Plains, and make the Huaxia land sink. , isn't Shenzhou here?" Xiao Ding's tone was a little sad.

Sun Chun shook his clothes with a smile, then pointed to the Confucian scholar's crown on his finger: "Look at it, my lord. If Di Yi enters China, it will be China. China is orthodox, is it Liao or Song? Years later, there is still no result! And now that the Queen Mother is in power, and the whole process of changing customs is being implemented, after another hundred years, everyone may be a family."

Xiao Ding waved his hand, not wanting to argue with Sun Chun anymore.

Sun Chun probably thought so, but Sanmei definitely didn't think so.

All she wanted was a personal victory for her.

She regards the world as a chessboard, and the chess player sitting opposite her is her second brother, and she is at best a variable. Now, in order to play chess safely, she must first clear herself of this variable.

"Xiao Chongwen, what a good sister you taught!" Xiao Ding was extremely annoyed.

Xiao Cheng became today's Empress Dowager Xiao, and Xiao Cheng could hardly shirk the blame. Without Xiao Cheng's precepts and deeds back then, how could Xiao Qi become the Empress Dowager Chengtian even if she entered the Liao Dynasty, became the confidant of the Song Dynasty, and now even became the Huaxia Queen Mother? It's a heartache!

In the past, she was the third lady of the Xiao family and the third sister of her own family, but now she has become the public enemy of China.

"Boss, Sun Chun is right. I don't want to join Liao, but my subordinates also don't want to join Liao?" Zhang Yuan was also very worried after hearing the conditions offered by the Liao people.

"I will not accept the title of Zhenxi King from the Liao people, but I must also give hope to everyone under my command. Everyone wants to be promoted and make a fortune. Well, I will satisfy them first. Although I don't want to be an emperor, I can be called an emperor. Wang, Chang Shi, what do you think?"


"King Xia! King Xixia." Xiao Ding said. "Don't everyone want to be promoted, well, if I am promoted, everyone will be promoted together!"

"Since that's the case, I'm afraid we will have to prepare our troops for a few good battles with the Liao Kingdom!"

"Don't look at Sun Chun's clamor. In fact, the Liao Kingdom has been fighting every year for these years. The country is also extremely poor. The people want to stop the war and the soldiers want to return to their hometown. There are not many who can continue to fight. There is a high probability that only Yelumin belonged to the Shan army, and the rest of the tribes might not be willing to make great efforts. Even if they were forced to, they would probably work without effort. How could the political system of the Liao Kingdom be completely changed just by changing the name? But the person in charge cannot be changed immediately, in a short period of time, the soup will not be changed." Xiao Ding said: "So, as long as we can hit Yelumin head-on, the Liao Kingdom will think about fighting us, Is it worth it?"

"The manager is right. And now we and the Southern Song Dynasty are at a dead end. We are really doomed, and they are no longer the opponents of the Liao Kingdom, so they will definitely try to help us. Xiao Erlang thought carefully, so Luo Xin’s trip to the northwest. Moreover, the king of Xixia, if he wants to come to Jiangning, is also acceptable. We neither accept the King Zhenxi of the Liao Kingdom, nor the privy envoy who signed the same contract with Jiangning. We still maintain a neutral position. , as long as they can really hurt the Liao Kingdom this time, they might change course. Even if the Empress Dowager Chengtian doesn't want to, the civil and military officials below will not agree. What people mean." Zhang Yuan said.

"I will go to Gaochang, Xizhou in person immediately. If the battle with the Liao people must be fought, it will definitely be here. In other places, whether it is Xuanlei Village or Heishan, we have a complete defense system, only Xizhou Because of the rebellion of the Uighurs, we are passive in terms of strategy." Xiao Ding clenched his fists: "Over the years, Yelujun has a very fierce reputation, so let me go and see how this guy has improved compared to before. How many."

"I prepare money and food for the chief! Although our life has been a bit miserable in the past two years, the ministers have accumulated some money and food there, and we can still support one or two big battles. Luo Xin also brought special staff from the United Bank. Talent, I communicated with them, and they believe that issuing bonds is the best way to solve the urgent task at present."

"You can do these things freely!" Xiao Ding said. "To put it bluntly, it's the general manager's mansion that borrows money from individuals! It really can't be done, in my own name, from everyone, officials, gentry, businessmen, tribes, I will pay IOUs!"

"So, Yuan has nothing to worry about!" Zhang Yuan laughed.

Others can't, Xiao Ding can really borrow money.In the northwest, even ordinary peasants and soldiers, if they heard that Xiao Ding wanted to borrow money, they would take out some from their small savings.

This is prestige.

This is also popular.

Others want to learn it, but they can't learn it.

Sun Chun left Xingqing Mansion disappointed.

He didn't take away Xiao Ding's surrender, but only a large volume of pictures of Xiao Ding's family's daily life.

Xiao Ding had someone draw two copies, one for Xiao Erlang and the other for the third wife of the Xiao family.

Luo Xin also left.

Although Xiao Ding did not accept the position of the co-signed privy envoy, and even wanted to call himself the King of Xixia, at least he confirmed that the Western Army would not surrender to the Liao people, and Xiao Ding was still the same Xiao Ding.In the future when the Great Song Dynasty made the Northern Expedition, the Western Army could still become an ally.

(End of this chapter)

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