Fu Song

Chapter 598 Demonstration

Chapter 598 Demonstration
The county seat of Qiao County looks very refreshing, at least that's what Xiao Cheng sees now.

What surprised Xiao Cheng the most was that he had already seen at least two public restrooms along the way, and the word Dong Si on the lintel was quite well written. After asking, it was indeed written by the county magistrate Lu Wan.

"Magistrate Lu, why did you think of building this?" Standing in front of the latrine, Xiao Cheng asked with great interest.

A group of people standing here in well-dressed clothes is naturally something that makes others look very strange. A few people poked their heads at the corner of the street, as if they wanted to go to the toilet, but after a glance, they retracted again, crossing their legs , It seems a little impatient.

"Shoufu, when I first came to this place, the city is really dirty, with defecation everywhere! The smell is really strong!" Lu Wan said: "Not everyone can afford a toilet at home, so messy It has become the norm to fall into the rice field. Firstly, it is very dirty, and the officials can't stand it. Secondly, it is easy to infect diseases because of such filth. So the officials built four Dongsi in the city, and asked the family to have no The people in the toilet must dump the waste into this scenic spot, and if they dump it randomly, if one is caught, they will be fined or given hard labor.”

Xiao Cheng laughed loudly: "No wonder your place is so clean. It's easier to come here to pay respects than fine money and hard labor. Do you have someone to manage it? Otherwise, it wouldn't be so clean. Thank you, Du, let's stand At this door, the smell is not very strong!"

Xie Hong smiled: "Shoufu didn't say anything, but I didn't care about it. I smelled it carefully, and there are still some."

"Someone manages it." Lu Wan said: "Let some people who have no food and clothing and no ability to work to clean it. These people are diligent. And these rice fields can be sold to earn some money. In addition to his salary, there is actually some surplus."

"For composting?" Xiao Cheng asked.

"Yes! Tianli is maintained from time to time, and it will inevitably become barren day by day."

Xiao Cheng gave Lu Wan a thumbs up.

"Xie Du, you have to hurry up and let your Liangjiang officials come here to have a look and learn. After I return to Jiangning, I will formally write and ask all places to send people here to learn. No matter what Whether it is the management of the refugee camps or the public toilets, it is good governance that can be extended.”

"Your official must hurry up and handle it!" Xie Hong said happily.

"The past two years alone are worth promoting two ranks for the county magistrate of Lu!" Xiao Cheng smiled and walked forward, "Magistrate Lu, there will be an official document later, your current title is Wen Linlang, right? The second level is Cheng Delang, I would like to congratulate here first!"

"Thank you, Shoufu, they are all cultivated by Shoufu!" Lu Wan was overjoyed. Wen Linlang was at the seventh rank, while Chengde Lang was at the sixth rank. Officer, there is only one step away.

"It was you who did things well first." Xiao Cheng shook his head and said. "Officials who are willing to do things, can do things, and do good things, we have to let him take on greater responsibilities. Only in this way can more people be willing to take responsibility. Those who want to do things will be in our hands sooner or later." There is no place for them in the system."

The meaning of the murderous rectification of officials revealed in these words is a big article.Whenever someone in power starts to do this in history, it will cause an uproar.

Because rectifying the administration of officials hits those with vested interests and cuts off the wings of those in power. Is it strange if it doesn't cause a backlash?
All have succeeded and some have failed.

At least from Xie Hong's point of view, in the imperial court of Jiangning Mansion and in many areas in the south, there are many prostitutes everywhere.After Xiao Shoufu came to power, the first knife cut was the two sets of team models of the central government, and directly cut off one of the systems that only took money and did nothing. , you must take this responsibility.

It's not difficult.Because the group of idlers who were supported by the imperial court in the past are mostly herding sheep and horses in the Liao Kingdom.

But if you want to mobilize the grassroots and abolish redundant officials, you will have more troubles. If one fails, it will cause local turmoil.

So, so far, the first assistant Xiao Cheng has no intention of moving at all.

From Xie Hong's point of view, Xiao Cheng was ignoring the situation, and if he wanted to rectify the administration of officials, the first thing he had to complete was the rectification of the army.

Once the reorganization of the army is completed and the knife is in hand, it will be much easier to do this thing again.

Xiao Cheng works in an orderly manner, with a very clear sequence.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, by the time some people find it hurts, it is already too late.

Those who don't plan for the overall situation can't plan for a region, and those who don't plan for the eternity can't plan for a moment. Judging from Xiao Cheng's past experience, he is definitely the kind of person who makes a plan first, and only when the general situation is established, he suddenly kills. There is nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide.

Follow such a person, just have a future.

If he hadn't seriously studied Xiao Cheng and seen his every move over the years, how could Xie Hong take risks so lonely?
You know, after Xuzhou was captured, if the southern reinforcements could not arrive in time, relying on his and Liu Jun's strength, they would not be able to defend Xuzhou. Once defeated, not only Xuzhou would be lost, but even his old nest They are all going to be cleaned up by Liu Yu, and they are really going to be a bereaved dog.

And Xiao Cheng's performance did not disappoint him.

The Southwest Allied Forces led by Gao Yingxiang used the fastest speed to save him from danger.

It wasn't very warm in the house.

The office where Lu Wan worked did not have a fire dragon, but only a charcoal basin was set up. Naturally, no good silver charcoal could be found for a while, so there was always a layer of smoke floating around in the office, and the firework gas It's quite thick.

Xie Hong blinked his eyes, he was a little uncomfortable, but seeing Xiao Cheng who was sitting across from him looking nonchalant, still holding the tongs to move the charcoal around, he could only endure it.

Of course he didn't know, Xiao Cheng left Hebei in his early years, went to Hengshan, and later went to Qianzhou, what kind of hard life has he never lived?Xiao Cheng has long been accustomed to this kind of fireworks.

"I came to you this time. First, I want to see how the military equipment in the eastern Xingyuan of Xuzhou is. Second, I also want to see the refugee resettlement situation here." Xiao Cheng said.

Xie Hong sat upright and listened carefully.

"Lu Wan's approach has temporarily eased the conflict between the fleeing people and the locals, but the most important thing is the resettlement work. After all, these people have to eat, and it is impossible for the government to support them all the time. The government It can only keep them from starving to death, but if you want to live a good and stable life, you still need a long-term plan." Xiao Cheng continued.

"Shoufu, the Governor's Mansion already has some ideas, and plans to organize these fleeing people into a Xiang army. First, it can maintain the local law and order, and second, it doesn't need to be farmed." Xie Hong said.

Xiao Cheng smiled lightly: "The old way in the past! Once there are refugees, they will be organized into Xiangjun and raised with the money of the court. In the past, the court had this spare money, do we have it now? Even if there is, I want to use it to equip us As for farming, Xie Du, you are a local, how much do you think there is still room for the government to farm?"

Xie Hong couldn't help being silent.

Whether it is Suzhou or Bozhou, they are all relatively affluent places, and the good fields are all owned. Even some poor fields, forests, and river beaches are probably not unowned.

Tuntian, do you go to places where there is no production at all?
No crops can grow in those places, and even if they grow, I’m afraid that the harvest will not have enough seeds to be planted, but there is only one advantage, so that these refugees will not have nothing to do to make trouble.

"Shoufu, are you going to borrow the land?" Xie Hong was shocked.

Xiao Cheng shook his head slowly, although he really wanted to do this in his heart.

In many places in the south of the Yangtze River, land annexation has become quite serious, because all kinds of landless farmers have either become refugees or become abject poverty. No matter what is the reason, it is an unstable factor.

Another reason is that the silk weaving industry in the south of the Yangtze River is well developed, and a lot of cultivated land has been destroyed and used to grow mulberry and silkworms. If it is easy to weave, the silk will be sold outside, especially those who go to sea trade, and the profits are extremely high.

This also made many gentry try to seize land from the common people. Even if these fields are found out, what can they do?Have you cut down mulberry trees to grow food?
This can lead to new social problems.

Not to mention other places, in Jiangning Prefecture alone, there are as many as [-] people engaged in textile-related activities, from planting trees and raising silkworms to reeling and weaving silk and finally selling them. Xiao Cheng was shocked.

Once the silk weaving industry is sluggish, the livelihood of a large number of people will still be threatened.

So not only can't it be banned, but we have to find ways to help expand production and improve efficiency, so that the same people can produce more income, so that the court can receive more taxes.

"First, start from your two rivers, and check the abandoned fields!" Xiao Cheng said: "It is a waste to own land but not cultivate it. Let the refugees use it to farm the fields. Second, many people hook up with the north and step on two boats with one foot. There is no need to tolerate such people. They will vigorously investigate. Once verified, they will be arrested and their property will be confiscated! Third , still need to open up wasteland, encourage these refugees to open up wasteland, the government provides livestock, tools, etc., no matter how many fields can be opened, anyway, no matter how small the legs of mosquitoes are, they are still meat, right?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Cheng couldn't help but miss his days in the southwest.

The land over there is really fertile!As soon as the fire went down, those trees and weeds were burned away. The soil below was turned up by pearshares, and it was all dark and fertile land. After some management, the output per mu is enough to make experienced farmers in the north dumbfounded.

The biggest cost is just land reclamation.

And the further north you go, the higher the degree of development, and the fewer places that can be used.

In fact, there are still not many people on Guizhou Road, but if you want to mobilize these refugees to go to those places, they will definitely refuse.Because here, you can always feel closer to your hometown, and more in line with the local customs and customs here. Once you go to the far southwest, in the eyes of northerners, it is a wild and smoky place!

If you really force them to go somewhere, I'm afraid it will cause some troubles.

After sighing for a while, I still wanted to return to the predicament in front of me.

"Government-run workshops should hire as many people as possible! Of course, conditions must be created so that they can start their own businesses!" Speaking of this, Xiao Cheng couldn't help but think of the peasant woman who made fish sauce: "Like that A fish sauce farmer can help him, he can support himself by opening a fish sauce shop, and if it grows bigger, he needs to hire people to help him catch fish, pick the wild vegetables he needs, etc. "

"It's simple!" Xie Hong said with a smile: "Go back and find a store with him in the city, and then make his fish sauce a regular dish for the local garrison, and he will become bigger and stronger immediately."

"Look, isn't this the solution?" Xiao Cheng smiled and said, "It not only solves the employment problem and the refugee problem, but also adds some meat dishes and delicacies to the army's dishes. It's the best of all three!"

"It's still the chief assistant who has a strong chest and can easily figure out a solution. I can't do it anymore. I don't know how many beards I have cut off when I received reports from my subordinates these days!"

Xiao Cheng laughed loudly: "There are many problems, but I have always believed that there are always more solutions than difficulties. As long as we are willing to think and dare to do it. In fact, many things, in the final analysis, are just a question of money. Recently, the United Bank is preparing to issue another batch of Northern Expedition bonds, hoping to raise some money."

"It's better to apportion it!" Xie Hong said: "Everyone is responsible for the Northern Expedition to restore the homeland. Those who are above the middle class must buy a certain amount of bonds, and the richer they need to buy more."

Xiao Cheng shook his head: "Things need to be done one by one. Our top priority now is to complete the military reform. Other things have to be put in the back row and apportioned, which will only cause conflicts. Your method will divide the middle peasants and the rich, All of them were offended. Southerners already lack interest in the Northern Expedition, so wouldn't they hate the court even more?"

"It's because the lower officials are not thinking carefully." Xie Hong looked ashamed. "Shoufu, regarding the matter of military reform, Liangjiang must take the lead and complete this matter in the shortest possible time. He thinks it is the best in the world, and this is also Xie's repayment of the kindness and kindness of the first assistant!"

"Xie Du is determined. Once the military and official reforms in the southern regions are fully completed, I am confident that within three years, I will build a tiger and cardinal army. Within five years, I will defeat Liu Yu, Liu Quanyi, and Qu Zhen. Traitor, within ten years, you will be able to compete with the Liao people in the world. At that time, you will be the minister of ZTE in this majestic New Song Dynasty. You will be famous all over the world, and your name will go down in history, and you will surely create a reputation that surpasses your ancestors. "

Xie Hong got up and bowed deeply to the ground: "Your Majesty is willing to attach the head and the tail, no matter how bumpy and difficult the road is, you will go forward bravely and never look back. You have accomplished this great feat. It is also for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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