Kingdom of Heaven and Han

Chapter 160 Marksmanship

Chapter 160 Marksmanship
After breakfast, the soldiers went back to the barracks for a short rest, and the school grounds were quiet for a while.

Wang Xiaolie said: "After the meal, the soldiers have to rest for a while before training. Don't bother them anymore, let's go to the side barracks."

As soon as he walked to the gate, he saw a tall soldier running over quickly and saluted in front of several people.

Wang Xiaolie saw that this person had a kind face, but he couldn't recognize him for a while.Asked: "Who are you? What's the matter?"

The soldier said: "Little Chi Yuping. On the order of the superior, take the observer to the eastern barracks."

"Chi Yuping?" Wang Xiaolie pondered for a moment, then suddenly remembered. "So it was you! When I first saw you, you were obese and gasped after walking a few steps. I didn't expect to see you these days, and you turned into such a tall man!"

At this time, the fat on Chi Yuping's body has disappeared, and his body is tall and strong. How is it still the same as before?At that time, what Wang Xiaolie thought was only about training people in the army, and don't easily push away those who want to join the army. How did he think that there would be today?Unexpectedly, Chi Yuping was really trained in the army.

Pointing to Chi Yuping, Wang Xiaolie said to Lu Qing and Wang Ruohai: "This man was obese when he first entered the barracks, and he was out of breath after walking two or three steps. He was not in the army at that time, but I happened to meet him, so he stayed. I fell down. After more than a month, I turned into a strong sweat!"

Wang Ruohai and Lu Qing had never seen Chi Yuping's previous appearance, so they just nodded politely.If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe that there is such a miracle in the world.Chi Yuping was sent here because the coach asked him to tell Wang Xiao the training results of the hunting army, but it was obvious.

Led by Chi Yuping, they came to the eastern barracks.Shao Ling and his officers greeted him at Yuanmen early.

After seeing the ceremony, several people entered the barracks.The soldiers on the huge school field were divided into several parts, led by their respective instructors, who were either teaching martial arts, or practicing military formations, and some were working hard.This is a common item in the military camp, Wang Ruohai and Lu Qing are not surprised.

Seeing the group of people in front practicing long spears there, they walked up to it.

In the middle are two instructors, each holding a gun with no tip loaded, gesticulating with each move while explaining the main points to the soldiers.The moves are very simple, I just taught seven or eight moves, and then went back to teach them again.

Lu Qing looked at it for a while, and couldn't help it, and said: "Zhi Zhi, the moves you teach in the army are too simple! We teach guns in the army, and there are more than these kinds of moves! When using a gun, there are piercing, stabbing, Striking, slamming, wrapping, circling, blocking, holding, pouncing, pointing, poking, dancing flowers, each of which has several methods that must be taught. If you are a master, the mercury of dancing will leak out, and the water will not get in!"

Wang Xiaolie said: "What the Taiwei said is true. But for ordinary soldiers, there are more restrictions on the battle formation, and many moves are useless. Here, the instructor and the veterans in the battle will carefully grind, Simplified these moves. As long as they are proficient, they can be used on the battlefield. These soldiers have been in the army for five years, and it is difficult to practice complex moves proficiently, so they are not very useful."

Hearing this, Lu Qing couldn't help shaking his head: "Zhizhi, this matter can't be careless! Only soldiers who have practiced their moves proficiently can go to battle with ease! These moves have been summed up and handed down by everyone in the past. How can it be easily changed!"

Wang Xiaolie was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer Lu Qing's words.

The moves in the Forbidden Army, what Lu Qing said are good, are indeed summed up by everyone in actual combat.But at this time, and even for a long time afterwards, military knowledge was filled with a lot of mystic content.The spear skills of the Forbidden Army are indeed suitable for actual combat, but there are too many flashy things in it.Wang Xiaolie just removed those flashy things and kept the practical ones through actual combat and daily training.As a result, spear techniques are greatly simplified and standardized, making it easy for soldiers to learn.

Compared with other weapons, the gun is relatively simple, and the moves are not complicated.On the whole, one is the thorn of offense, and the other is the block when defending.But how to stab and how to block, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

In the eyes of outsiders, a soldier holding a gun is simply stabbing here and there.Either it is to block, to block the guns stabbing from all directions.Study carefully, where to stab, how to apply force, and how to change quickly.For various attacks, how to block, how to exert strength, and how to quickly switch to attack after blocking.Soldiers must practice proficiently and change their moves freely.

Taking a breath, Wang Xiaolie said to the instructor over there: "Come here, let Taiwei Lu teach you a few tricks. I started as a soldier of the king, and I haven't gone through many serious battles. There are indeed many things I don't know. Wei Lai, just in time to teach."

The coach made a promise.Stepping forward, he crossed his hands at Lu Qing: "He is Xiatian Bing, he is the instructor of the army. Please enlighten me, Taiwei."

Lu Qing took off his outer official robe, asked another instructor for a spear, and said to Tian Bing, "Come on, come on, you and I will have a good fight! There are ever-changing marksmanship in the army, how can you teach like this! Teaching people like this is not a good idea. Human education is broken!"

How could Tian Bing dare to attack Lu Qing?Hold the spear there, step on the lunge, and put on a flag.

Lu Qing was no longer polite, and stretched out the spear in his hand, looking for a snake in the grass, and swept the spear straight at Tian Bing's ankle.

Tian Bing waved the spear in his hand, and parried Lu Qing's spear away.Then quickly return to the original position, still the original move.

The spear in Lu Qing's hand was like a snake, and he drew a semicircle in the air, and smashed it down on Tian Bing's head.

Tian Bing saw it clearly, swung the spear in his hand again, and struck Lu Qing's spear again.

Lu Qing is a veteran general in the army, and he has long been proficient in dancing with a long spear.The moves change, like mercury leaking out, penetrating into every hole.Tian Bing is as calm as a mountain, just a simple block.No matter how Luqing's spear came, he would always strike at the most suitable place and swing Lucheng's spear away.

In a blink of an eye, there were only a dozen rounds, and the two sides were tied.

Wang Ruohai whispered to Wang Xiaolie: "It seems that the coach in your army is very skilled, and Taiwei Lu has nothing to do with him. Moreover, the coach just blocks. If he attacks, I'm afraid Taiwei Lu will lose."

Wang Xiaolie shook his head: "Supervisor, Taiwei Lu is a veteran general in the army, how could he not be as good as a coach? Coach Tian kept his guard calmly, without any flaws, because Taiwei Lu's moves are too fancy. The moves are beautiful, In most cases, the power will be weak. Let me tell you, although Tian Jiaotou is unable to attack in this way, he can defend. If Taiwei Lu gave up many moves and just blindly attacked, he might have won already. "

As soon as the words fell, Lu Qing suddenly put away the spear, and looked at Tian Bing in front of him with a pair of tiger eyes.Tian Bing was still holding his spear straight, as before.

Lu Qing let out a hush, the spear did not change, and stabbed directly at Tian Bing.Tian Bing squared off, and took Lu Qing's long spear away.I don't want Lu Qing to follow the spear at his feet, turn around quickly, and the spear in his hand is still stabbing straight.

With just two or three moves, Lu Qing turned half a circle, Tian Bing couldn't catch up with his change, and was stabbed by a spear.

Wang Xiaolie on one side applauded: "Lv Taiwei's senior general, Instructor Tian can withstand these times, which is rare."

Lu Qing put away the spear and looked at Coach Tian.After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Your moves are calm and calm, and you are already a rare talent. However, your moves are too simple and rigid, and you will lose in the end."

Tian Bing crossed his hands and said, "I'm just an instructor in the army, how can I compare with the Taiwei?"

Wang Xiaolie asked Tian Bing to go back.He said to Lu Qing: "Taiwei, do you understand what I mean? What the instructor teaches is the really useful marksmanship in the formation of soldiers. If two people fight against each other, there are naturally many moves, but it is difficult to use them in the army formation. .”

Lu Qing's face darkened.After a while, he nodded heavily.What is the use of winning Tian Bing's moves in the army?Is there any place in the army to circle around the enemy?Can move half a step to teach difficulties.For soldiers, it is simply a straight forward thrust.Only how to stab straight, what angle to choose, where to use force, and how to block are really useful.

From the beginning of leading troops, Wang Xiaolie has devoted himself to simplifying the moves in military training and getting rid of all cumbersome tricks. This is the reason.For the soldiers in the army, the confrontation between large armies is actually very simple.Whether it is with a knife or a gun, it is actually a few simple actions.It is really meaningful to decompose these simple movements, use the most scientific method to exert force, and practice proficiently.

Of course, for generals, the simple moves of these soldiers are not enough.But the moves will not increase a lot, and more importantly, the generals must adapt to the situation.To some extent, generals cannot be limited to moves.

(End of this chapter)

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