Kingdom of Heaven and Han

Chapter 189 Social Economy

Chapter 189 Social Economy
On the morning of the second day, Zhang Jun summoned officials from various states in the official hall, one by one.Wang Xiaolie is the envoy of this route and is at the end.

It wasn't until the afternoon when the sun was setting to the west that it was Wang Xiaolie's turn to see him.Zhang Jun came out and ordered Chen Yuyi, the counselor of the Department of System and System, to enter together.

After entering the official hall, Wang Xiaolie and Chen Yuyi stood together at the bottom of the steps after saluting like a ritual.Zhang Jun ordered a seat, and the two sat down.

Looking at Chen Yuyi, Zhang Jun said to Wang Xiaolie: "Chen Qufei was originally a famous minister. He was intelligent since he was a child, and he was able to write poems. No one in his generation could compare with him. When he was an official, he was demoted to stay in prison for wine because of a momentary mistake. Inviting him to participate in the military is really insightful."

Wang Xiaolie hurriedly said that he didn't dare, feeling ashamed in his heart.I used him because I had no one under my command, and Chen Yuyi came to the door by himself.During nearly a year in Xiangyang, Chen Yuyi was cautious in doing things, rarely made mistakes, and was more and more reused.As for the background and reputation of Chen Yuyi, Wang Xiaolie knew nothing about it.In fact, Wang Xiaolie seldom cared about these things.

For this kind of thing, Zhang Jun's point is enough, and he didn't say much.Wang Xiaolieqin raised his army, and although he led troops to occupy several states, he was never recognized by the court.In the eyes of people at this time, Wang Xiaolie is just a military leader who rose from troubled times.People who rely on their status rarely come to Wang Xiaolie.Zhang Jun's choice to come to Xiangyang this time is also a recognition of Wang Xiaolie's identity.

Zhang Jundao: "The army of gold thieves is pressing down on the country. The most important thing at this time is to raise soldiers. The system has been in Xiangyang for nearly a year, and I heard that there are a lot of soldiers. Tell the truth, how many soldiers and horses do you have under your command at this time?"

Wang Xiaolie said: "There are not many soldiers and horses left in the lower cities, and they are all raised in Xinye. Because the territory is not large and the money and food are not much, about 2 people have been recruited in the past year. Now they can enter There are only more than 3000 people in the military formation, and there are more than 3 recruits who are training in the barracks. It is estimated that there will be [-] people in half a year. The money and food in these states can only be Raised so many."

Zhang Jun nodded after hearing this: "Okay, okay, it's rare for you to have such an army everywhere. With the land of five states, you can support [-] troops. How many people in the world can do this? You are appointed by the imperial court. From today onwards, the envoy of the road system will also serve as the appeasement envoy of Southwest Beijing Road. Except for the three prefectures of Jin, Jun, and Fang, the rest of the prefectures on Southwest Jinglu Road will be controlled by you. At this time, the prefects of Sui and Ying are all in Xiangyang. I will let them know."

Wang Xiaolie was overjoyed and thanked him.

Although Jin, Jun, and Fang belong to Jingxi South Road, they are the main roads to Hanzhong and Guanzhong, and they are located in mountainous areas, so they are naturally under the control of Zhang Jun's Xuanfu Division.The rest of the prefectures, except Sui and Ying prefectures, are already under Wang Xiaolie's control.

Wang Xiaolie has always been very restrained.Although he is the envoy of the Southwest Beijing Road System, except for the occupied state army, he has not committed any crimes against the rest of the states.With Zhang Jun's consent, it will naturally be different.Sui and Ying prefectures are located in the east of Xiangyang Prefecture, both of which are fertile land, which can greatly enhance Wang Xiaolie's strength.In addition to occupying Ruzhou, which belongs to Jingxibei Road, Wang Xiaolie almost completely occupied the land of one state.

Of course, Sui and Ying states would not object to the current situation.With Wang Xiaolie, the two states can be said to be impenetrable.

Zhang Jun said again: "The most important thing in raising an army is money and food. I heard that this year's winter wheat harvest is bumper, and you made some money by selling food."

Wang Xiaolie clasped his hands and said: "The sale of grain must rely on waterways. If the waterways are blocked, there is no way. There are only Tang and Deng prefectures and Xiangyang Prefecture under the rule, and the water transportation is convenient, so grain can be sold. Up to now, only more than 130 million stones have been sold. More than [-] coins."

"More than [-] guan, what can be worth it? When Fan Wenzheng was in Shaanxi, he once said that a soldier costs about [-] guan a year. Times have changed. Although it is different now, it will only be more expensive. The money is [-] yuan. Soldiers can't even support them."

Wang Xiaolie said: "What the privy secretary said is true. What the humble official thinks about day and night is how to make money. Fortunately, I defeated Yang Jin, and Jingxi South Road has been peaceful for more than half a year, and I can collect some money. Although there are still difficulties, I can barely support it. .”

Zhang Jun nodded.Said: "I heard that you have reduced the rural land tax, and you only receive three buckets of grain per mu, so you don't need to pay money?"

Wang Xiaolie said: "This is a misrepresentation. In addition to three buckets of grain, a husband has fifty days of hard labor. Apart from that, the rest of the exorbitant donations are indeed exempted."

Zhang Jun thought for a while and couldn't help sighing: "It's good for you to think about the people. But you are too young, and you don't think clearly about many things. Apart from farmers, how many other people are there in the world? How much tax do you collect? If you don’t collect money from farmers, how can you support tens of thousands of troops? If you can’t support it, you will collect land taxes later, and you will be looked down upon by the people.”

Wang Xiaolie said: "Except for food, how much money can a farmer make a year? It will be very difficult for a farmer to charge him even a few dollars a year. It is better to increase the grain tax, exempt the money tax, and benefit both the government and the people." It’s convenient. The government has collected the grain, can it still be sold to make money?”

Zhang Jun shook his head: "Now that the world is in turmoil and the people are moving south, you can make some money by selling wheat. This kind of life won't last long, and you will still have to rely on tax collection in the future. Only the industrial and commercial tax in the city is not much."

Wang Xiaolie was silent for a moment.What Zhang Jun said is right, just relying on the collection of industrial and commercial taxes, according to current experience, there is not much money.But Wang Xiaolie didn't follow the method at this time, he had his own ideas.Just how to tell Zhang Jun?

Zhang Jundao: "Perhaps you can support it now. When difficulties arise later, you have to collect the money. This time I went to Sichuan and Shaanxi, and I didn't bring much money. How about this, I will give you five hundred dollars to make up for it." insufficient."

Wang Xiaolie cupped his hands in thanks.In the Song Dynasty, the imperial court was very strict with monks and Taoist monks, and there must be a degree of ultimatum.At the very beginning, I went to Kaifeng Mansion to take the exam, and I was issued only after passing the exam, just like taking a Jinshi exam.Later, in addition to the exams, the government also sold out the titles. In "Water Margin", when Lu Zhishen went to become a monk on Mount Wutai, he was given a degree by a member of the staff.Up to now, ultimatum is the same as money.

However, Wang Xiaolie did not agree with such things as selling degree certificates.Strict management means strict management, selling ultimatums, selling the title of a mage, what kind of thing is this?The imperial court is short of money, so it can't solicit money like this.After all Zhang Jun had good intentions, Wang Xiaolie had no choice but to accept it first.

All orders.Zhang Jun asked: "When I entered Xiangyang City yesterday, I saw that it was prosperous and prosperous. It is extremely rare to have such a prosperous world at this time. It is when you are spending money, tell me how you manage it."

Wang Xiao sorted out his thoughts.Dao: "Tang Taizong once said that the people are water, the court is a boat, water can carry a boat, and change can overturn a boat. But the low-level officials think that it should be said that the people are water, and the government is fish. When the water is good, fish can be raised. If it is successful If there is a pool of stagnant water, it will be difficult for fish to live. To manage a place, we must let the people live happily. As long as they are willing to contribute, the people can live a good life. It is not possible for powerful people to control the place and let the society become a pool of stagnant water. Therefore Focus on rectifying the administration of officials, revising state and county regulations, and severely punishing powerful families who control the localities."

Zhang Jun nodded.Said: "In this way, the people will become a mess. How can the government manage it?"

Wang Xiaolie said: "The privy secretary is right. To get rid of the local snakes and rats, there must be a way to replace them. The way to be humble is to build clubs and let the people organize them. In the countryside, in addition to the common cattle clubs, canal clubs, and mill clubs The society, the red and white society, also focused on building some profitable societies. Under the Ministry of Production and Construction, a supply and marketing cooperative was established to collect rural local products and transport them to the city for sale. Based on the goods collected by the supply and marketing cooperative, corresponding cooperatives were established in the countryside. For example, Xiangyang lacquerware is famous all over the world, and there are seven or eight societies built in and outside the city. There are many ponds nearby, with reeds and willows, where you can weave some utensils, and there are weaving societies in many places. Ducks and geese can be raised in the ponds, and many ducks and geese Societies. All kinds of things. As long as the people can earn money, the government can supervise and supervise them, which can replace the previous powerful families. These clubs have not only enriched the people, but the government has also received taxes."

After hearing this, Zhang Jun was very interested.Said: "I've never heard of this kind of method. Shops in the city have guilds and guilds, and there are lizheng and influential people in places. Otherwise, the government would have no way to do it. It's ingenious for you to use clubs instead."

After cleaning up local forces, the government must manage the localities.If left alone, local forces will re-emerge.Wang Xiaolie's method is to build a large number of club economies and link them with large-scale government-run industries and businesses, so as not to leave any loopholes for local forces.Without social gaps, no matter whether it is black or white forces, it will be difficult to develop.

(End of this chapter)

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