Kingdom of Heaven and Han

Chapter 197 Learning War in War

Chapter 197 Learning War in War
This year, the weather in Xiangyang and Dengzhou was good, and both wheat and rice had a bumper harvest.Wang Xiaolie opened a supply and marketing cooperative, and actively contacted grain merchants in other places to ensure the price of grain, and the income of farmers was good.With money in the hands of farmers, business in all walks of life is good.This is a good year, and when the New Year comes, everyone is beaming.

After getting help from Chen Gui, Wang Xiaolie started making gunpowder.In an open space outside Xinye City, a test field was specially built to make artillery.But there is only one door, which is very bulky.The gun testing ground is specially equipped with craftsmen to do various experiments with this gun.Only when the experiment is mature can we really make practical artillery.

With gunpowder, in addition to making guns, you can also make fireworks and firecrackers.

As soon as the twelfth lunar month entered, Wang Xiaolie specially arranged for people to make fireworks for the New Year's festival.Fireworks are not uncommon. Although the Song Dynasty did not experiment with the best formula for artillery, it made fireworks.Firecrackers are unprecedented.

On the day of the New Year's Eve, when it was completely dark, a firework suddenly appeared in the open space in front of Xinye Yamen, blooming in the air like a goddess scattering flowers.The people in the city looked at the sky and were very excited.

As the fireworks exploded, many more fireworks shot into the air.Immediately afterwards, the sound of "cracking" sounded in front of the Yamen.As the breeze blows, the faint smell of gunpowder smoke floats in the air.

The people surrounding the yamen watched and discussed enthusiastically.How can there be such momentum when setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year?When the biggest firecracker went off, many people felt the ground shaking.

Chen Yuyi had a reunion dinner with his family and hurried into the Yamen.When they arrived at Houya, they saluted Wang Xiaolie.

Everyone drank a bowl of wine.Wang Xiaolie said to Zhang Jun: "Tomorrow morning, you will take a thousand cavalry and set off together with Shao Yun. I have said everything that needs to be said. You must be careful. Also, Shanzhou must be very difficult now. When you arrive, you must Do your best to send them food and grass. I wanted you to bring some corn in Guozhou, but I was afraid that Shanzhou didn’t even have firewood. Remember to bring some cooked food and send it to Shanzhou city.”

Zhang Jun crossed his hands and said yes.Said: "Observe, don't worry, the final will not disgrace the mission!"

Wang Xiaolie nodded: "Okay, okay. Going to Shanzhou, you have a great responsibility. Helping Li Jianan to defend Shanzhou will make sense for the army behind. If I arrive, the city of Shanzhou will also be broken. It cannot be explained."

Zhang Jun nodded heavily.

Wang Xiaolie said again: "Also, when you arrive, send some soldiers to transport food into the city, and you take most of the soldiers outside the city. Once you enter the city, you will be sealed up by the Jin army. There are many things you can't do. Others For things, you adapt to the situation!"

After speaking, he looked at the sky.Wang Xiaolie said: "It's getting late, you go back to rest first. I will see you off tomorrow morning!"

Without being wordy, Zhang Jun saluted and bid farewell to everyone.

Looking at the back of Zhang Jun leaving, Wang Xiaolie said: "This battle is something we have never encountered before. It is a real battle. You can't be too careful. Now the big plan has been decided. Today and tomorrow, the generals of the army will participate in the battle." Among the officers and soldiers on the front line, discuss with them. See what difficulties there are in going to Shanzhou, which we have not thought of. See what the officers think, and what is the difference between what we think. Take a look, What preparations do we have yet to make? To be a general, you must be bold and careful, regardless of the strategy and planning. This kind of carefulness depends on how it treats the officers and soldiers!"

Niu Gao said: "Don't worry about observing, I'll definitely do a good job!"

Wang Xiaolie hesitated for a moment, and said: "I don't want to say this, but after thinking about it, it's better to make it clear. No matter how carefully we prepared for the first battle, there will inevitably still be mistakes and omissions. That's good, don't get too entangled. This war is not just about fighting the Jin Army, but also an opportunity for us to learn. What to learn? Learn what kind of army the Jin Army is, what are its strengths and weaknesses, and how to make use of its strengths and avoid its weaknesses in the future .You must learn war in war, and learn how to fight against the Jin army!"

"Learn about war in war?" Chen Yuyi read this sentence silently. "It's strange to observe what you said. Two or thirty years ago, the Jin people were similar to the savages, so how did they know how to fight? It's just that they are brave and unafraid of death, and they are difficult to control for a while. What can we learn from them?"

Wang Xiaolie said: "Is it just that you are brave and not afraid of death? If that's the case, how wronged is the Daliao that has been wiped out by the Jin people for more than ten years! The hundreds of thousands of troops that were destroyed by the Jin people in this dynasty, how can they be defeated?" What an injustice! After losing so many battles, if you still think so, how stupid you are! You must not underestimate your enemy, or you will suffer! In this war, I asked you to choose some scholars. Have you chosen well? ?”

Chen Yuyi said: "I have already chosen, I wonder if there is any order for observation?"

Wang Xiaolie said: "The problem of scholars is that they don't know a thing, but they pretend to know it and point fingers at it. The master said, knowing what you know is knowing, and what you don't know is knowing. This sentence happens to be true. It’s just that the scholars don’t understand! This time, you bring the scholars and go to Shanzhou with me to participate in the war! You don’t need to make suggestions, as long as you write down what you saw and experienced, and record the course of the war clearly. Your actions on the battlefield Records are the materials for later generations to learn. Don’t be like some ministers, who know nothing about war, but tell the world in court. What’s the use of their so-called strategies? It just makes people laugh!”

Seeing Wang Xiaolie's serious demeanor, Chen Yuyi didn't dare to say any more, but just bowed his hands and said yes.

Looking at Chen Yuyi, Wang Xiaolie said sincerely, "What time is it now? Foreign enemies have oppressed the country, and seven or eight out of ten people in the world have been poisoned by them. Obviously everyone knows that everyone needs to stand up and fight the Jin army to the end. But no one can explain how to stand up, how to organize, and how to fight against the Jin army. I learned war in the war because I didn’t know it before. For example, how is the Jin army organized? Just like our command, or Later generals, what did the Jin army correspond to? How many people were there? How did the generals be selected? When going to the battlefield, how many auxiliary soldiers should a soldier bring? , How is the Golden Army organized? How is it commanded? How do they use infantry and how do they use cavalry? Is there more infantry or more cavalry? All kinds of things, who can explain clearly? "

Chen Yuyi was stunned for a moment.Wang Xiaolie did not mention this knowledge, even if someone wanted to pay attention to it at this time, they would not be so detailed and systematic.But if you think about it carefully, without knowing this, war will appear blind.

Wang Xiaolie looked at the generals and said: "Learning war from war includes many things. Not only does it include understanding the enemy's army, its strengths and weaknesses, what we should avoid, and what we can learn. It also includes learning about ourselves. The army understands which trainings are effective against the enemy, which ones are useless, and which ones are wrong. We also need to learn how to use our strengths, how to use the enemy's weaknesses, and use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. On the battlefield In every aspect, you have to learn it on the battlefield!"

For a while, no one spoke.Compared with others, Wang Xiaolie pays special attention to education and learning.Start with leading troops and learn from other armies whenever you get the chance.After arriving in Ruzhou, when it gradually stabilized, various schools were established.This spirit of learning gradually began to infect the subordinates.It's just that few people want to understand the meaning of this.

As a militia, lack of military knowledge, lack of systematic training, how to quickly adapt to the battlefield?The best way is to learn.And it's not just the militia, the real army also needs to be like this.Once you can't learn, this army will be in danger.

Before the anti-Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty was indeed very primitive, and to some extent it was still in a primitive society.However, this does not show that the military thinking of the Jin Army is backward.In many respects, the military thinking of the Jin army was more advanced than that of the Liao Dynasty and even more advanced than that of the Song Dynasty.Just relying on their bravery and their strict military discipline, they were able to defeat two big countries in a row in a few decades. I'm afraid I'm not joking!
Since the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries and the Han Dynasty was established, for more than a thousand years, the unified Chinese military thought has not been developing all the time.After the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the chances of the Central Plains facing the surrounding nomadic regimes were not high. Not only did the nomadic regimes develop, but the Central Plains also fell behind.This backwardness is an all-round retreat from military thinking, to military systems, to combat thinking, to the quality of soldiers.

Some people always think that history develops forward, and the later ones are always more advanced.In terms of ideology, China pays special attention to the progressive significance of the historical stage.Feudal society was stronger than slave society in every aspect, so it replaced slave society.Capitalism is stronger than feudal society in every aspect, so capitalism replaced feudal society.Actually, history is not that simple.

Ideology is somewhat similar to religious belief at certain times.It doesn't matter how it actually is, I think it matters how it is.The interpretation of history is often in the service of ideology and does not pay attention to the truth of history.

From the perspective of military theory, simply analyzing the army at this time in terms of organization, command, and combat, the Jin army is actually much better than the Song army at this time.Rather than what some people think, the reason why the Song army failed was because the generals were weak, the court had no determination to fight, many ministers wanted to make peace, and even traitors.If the army has the upper hand and the front line wins consecutive battles, the voice for peace will naturally disappear quickly.

It is from this perspective that we can realize how great Yue Fei was in history.Yue Fei was not only a famous general, but also directly changed the organization and command of the Song Army, gaining a positive advantage over the Jin Army.

If you want to defeat the Jin army, you have to rest on your laurels.It is necessary to learn wars in wars and form new military knowledge.Revolutionize your army with new military knowledge.Only a reborn army can gain a military advantage over the Jin army.

(End of this chapter)

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