Kingdom of Heaven and Han

Chapter 227 Guerrilla Zone

Chapter 227 Guerrilla Zone

Jiang Yue took his son and followed behind the soldiers.Pass through a layer of bamboo, and see an open space in front of you.Peach and plum blossoms are in full bloom in the open space.There is a bamboo pavilion next to the flowers, and Wang Xiaolie is sitting in it, reading a volume of books in his hand.

Seeing Jiang Yue and his son coming, Wang Xiaolie put down his book and stood up to meet him.

Jiang Yue hurriedly took his son to salute.Said: "The little one disturbs the officials and the Qingxiu, and I am very frightened."

Wang Xiaolie said with a smile: "What Qingxiu! It's just reading in your free time. This place was originally the property of a wealthy family. The owner escaped somewhere, so I will live here temporarily. —— Sit down."

After speaking, he sat down on the stone bench next to a peach blossom.

Jiang Yue hurriedly saluted: "In front of the officials, wouldn't the young ones lose their lifespan by sitting? It's better for the young ones to stand and talk."

Wang Xiaolie stopped persuading them.Said: "You can think about it, what will Erlang learn in the future?"

Jiang Yuedao: "Yesterday our family discussed all night. After much deliberation, we should let Erlang go to some military academy and become a soldier. Now is the time when the country is ruined and the country is in turmoil. Being a soldier is not only for a future, but also for the country. effective."

Wang Xiaolie nodded, looking at Jiang Erlang at the side.He is still restrained.Holding his trousers tightly with his hands, he looked down at the ground.The feet rubbed lightly on the ground, and a small dimple was unknowingly crushed.

This is a simple peasant boy, without much thought in his heart.Maybe he also yearns for the outside world, wants to soar in the vast world, and wants to leave his colorful stories in this world.But it's clear that when the opportunity presented itself, he was more nervous than excited.There is both longing for the future and a little worry.

Wang Xiaolie said: "Since that's the case, I will write a letter and ask Erlang to go to the military academy. By the way, how old is he now?"

Jiang Yuedao: "Returning to the official, my son will be 15 years old in less than ten days."

Wang Xiaolie said: "You are a little younger, and you are not yet a child. It doesn't matter. I will ask the people in the military academy to take care of it. When he learns well, he will be disciplined as a child. Life in the army is not worrying about food and clothing, but There are many rules, strict management, discipline must be observed, and you must not act willfully."

Jiang Yue hurriedly said: "The officials are at ease. Erlang has been farming with me since he was a child, and he has always listened to me. It was only a few years ago when he sold jujubes that he left his hometown. These years have been wandering and suffering a lot, but he never complain."

Wang Xiaolie said: "This is the best. By the way, did Erlang choose a name?"

Jiang Yuedao: "People in the country call Jiang Erlang, everyone knows that he is my second son, that's enough."

Wang Xiaolie said: "Since I sent him here, let's give him a name."

After finishing speaking, I thought for a while, and couldn't help laughing: "I'm not a scholar either. When my father was around, he often urged me to study, but because I couldn't read it, I was often scolded by my father. Let's start with a simple one. Don’t laugh at me about my name. Master said, “Min is easy to learn, so don’t be ashamed to ask. Erlang learns characters quickly, so he is Min, so let’s call him Jiang Min. By the way, he picked up the characters, and he is easy to learn. He has been able to be sensitive and easy to learn in his life. It’s not easy to learn, and the future will be limitless. Although the meaning is superficial, the truth is good.”

Jiang Yue was overjoyed, and hurriedly took his son to thank him.

Wang Xiaolie said: "I am here to repair a book, let Erlang take it with me. Tomorrow there will be troops going to Dengzhou, and Erlang will go with them. Today you go home and clean up, and don't treat the children harshly."

Jiang Yue hurriedly said: "Officials are virtuous, but it is difficult for a small one to be a bull or a horse!"

Wang Xiaolie waved his hand, saw Jiang Erlang looked up at himself, and hurriedly lowered his head.Can't help but smile.After this, the child doesn't know if he will have anything in the future.To be honest, it's not uncommon to know one or two thousand characters, but my subordinates don't know how many.But in such a village school, memorizing the textbooks backwards in three months is not something ordinary people can do.Talent is there, but I don't know where to go.

After talking a few gossips, Wang Xiaolie asked Jiang Yue to take his son away, and tomorrow he will accompany the troops back to Dengzhou to the military academy.

After leaving Wang Xiaolie's residence, Jiang Yue looked at the sun in the sky and let out a long breath.Said: "How could we have imagined that we could meet noble people here! Yesterday I asked the people in the village, and I found out that the person who lives there is a great official! A few days ago, I led an army to repel the The big gold army! Erlang, you have such a good fortune, you must put your heart into it and try to get a birth!"

Jiang Min nodded, still a little confused.Although after several years of wandering, he always felt that life was ordinary.The hard days are nothing more than often not having enough to eat, suffering some hardships, and being often bullied.Things passed, as if nothing happened.

How about a future?Jiang Min didn't know.What should I learn when I arrive in Dengzhou?Jiang Min didn't know either.But Jiang Min knew that her life would undergo earth-shaking changes.Sometimes he gets excited, but when he gets excited, he feels nothing.

Jiang Yue doesn't care what his son thinks.What can a child think?When he got home, he asked his wife to kill a chicken, and went to a tavern outside the village to buy a jar of wine, and invited people he knew well in the village to celebrate.It was still early, and the guests did not come, so they took their son to the pond outside the village to catch fish.Today must be celebrated.

Wang Xiaolie didn't think much about Jiang Erlang.After sending their father and son away, they read the book for a while, and then studied the information around Caizhou.

Two days later, Wang Ruohai and Zhang Jun came together.

Let the two sit down, Wang Xiaolie said: "You all know that I want to occupy Caizhou and set up a guerrilla zone outside. I have said many times about the necessity of doing this. Although many people still don't understand, But they all know what's going on."

Zhang Jun crossed his hands: "It's reasonable to do so. To save Shanzhou, I sent people into the city to deliver food, but I was followed by the Jin army, and I sent Wanyan live girl with elite soldiers to chase after me. Ruo It’s either the south or Dong Guan. With his help, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me to return to Shanzhou. This guerrilla zone, I think, is Dong Guan’s territory compared to Shanzhou.”

Wang Xiaolie nodded: "That's right. But it's not all right. Since the Jin army came from the north, compared to Shanzhou, the guerrilla zone should be Jiezhou, Jiangzhou, and Mengzhou. Dong observed the site, As a guerrilla zone, the anti-golden army should come from Henan. The reason why we set up a guerrilla zone is because we are not strong enough to confront the gold army head-on. One more thing, those places are originally owned by the imperial court, and the people's hearts are with me. The most important thing Of course it’s the latter point, people’s support is the most important thing to me.”

Wang Ruohai never understood the idea of ​​setting up a guerrilla zone.If you can occupy these places, of course you will.When the Jin army comes to attack, it is enough to use all the best soldiers to fight the enemy.What kind of guerrilla zone seems to be occupied but not occupied, I don't know what to do.He couldn't help saying: "Zhizhi, now the officials from several states in the east have fled and no one is stationed. We should raise troops to occupy these cities and protect the people. What's the use of setting up guerrilla zones? Wouldn't it be a pity if we could occupy them or not?"

Wang Xiao said: "Tiring, occupying the place, what if the Jin army comes to attack?"

Wang Ruohai said: "The Jin army is coming to attack, we will stick to it. If we can't hold it, we will return to Caizhou."

Wang Xiaolie said: "What if Caizhou can't hold it?"

Wang Ruohai said: "Then return to Dengzhou."

Wang Xiaolie shook his head: "To mention punishment, that's not how wars are fought. Is it easy to retreat from the battlefield? Not to mention the loss of soldiers, if you retreat again and again, there will be no way to retreat! Given the size of the country, where is the place to live?" So? If you can’t fight, you will retreat, like us at this time, it is easy to be uprooted!"

Wang Ruohai listened and didn't say anything more.What Wang Xiaolie said seemed to make sense, but it seemed unreasonable to explain it in detail.

Wang Xiaolie said: "Why do you want to build a guerrilla zone? What is the function of the guerrilla zone? If you don't make it clear, many people still can't figure it out. I have mentioned the reason for building a guerrilla zone many times, because the strength is not as good as people, and there The people's hearts are in the imperial court, and there are conditions for building a guerrilla zone. But the role of the guerrilla zone is not clear enough. Let's put it this way, this year, the Jin army crossed the Yangtze River, and there was no imperial army blocking the way, so why did they retreat in the end?"

Wang Ruohai said: "Jin was born in the north, and he is not used to the heat and humidity in the south. When it comes to summer, it is natural to retreat."

Wang Xiaolie smiled and shook his head: "It's not just that. If Jiankang Mansion is regarded as their base by the Jin people like Youzhou, how can the Jin army retreat? No matter how hot it is, it won't kill people. Mention Xing, when an army goes out, there must be logistics and reinforcements. If there is no one, there is a great risk. The distance supported by logistics and reinforcements can be regarded as the combat distance of the army. Now because the Jin army is too strong and the imperial army is too weak, The Jin army is attacking rich areas, and they can supply supplies on the spot. To some extent, the Jin army can ignore this distance. But this year when the Jin army crossed the river, it can still be seen that the strength of the Jin army is greatly reduced if the distance is far away, which is very dangerous The establishment of a guerrilla zone is to artificially shorten the enemy's attack distance. There is a guerrilla zone, and the Jin army comes to attack us, even if it is a hundred or two miles away, it is like a thousand miles away. The food transport team will be attacked by our army when passing through the guerrilla zone. The army in front cannot fight with peace of mind, the supply of food and grass will not come up, and without reinforcements, the combat power will be greatly reduced.”

Wang Ruohai thought for a while, then couldn't help shaking his head: "Zhizhi, but after much deliberation, I think it's better for us to occupy the place. If the Jin army comes to attack, just withdraw. If the army withdraws, it will still be a guerrilla zone."

Wang Xiaolie said: "Now that the Jin army has occupied Kaifeng Mansion, if they want to occupy those states, they must send a large army. Once the army moves, they can leave wherever they want. This time, we will be punished for aiding Shanzhou. It should be seen that less than [-] troops are going to fight, and the strength of several states must be concentrated."

Wang Ruohai frowned and thought about it.Although there are still many places where I don't understand, I finally understand what Wang Xiaolie meant.

In the final analysis, the guerrilla zone was established because of insufficient strength.His own strength is only enough to occupy the territory behind, and the guerrilla zone has moved forward to the enemy's occupied area.In the event of war, the guerrilla zone can help itself.

(End of this chapter)

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