Chapter 284
Wang Xiaoli entered the yamen, changed into plain clothes, washed up, and came to the official hall.Handled official duties with Chen Yuyi, Shao Ling, and Niu Gao.Seeing that it was getting late, he said, "I haven't come to Xinye for many days. Tonight, when the moon is shining, invite some generals from the army to come over and let's have a glass of wine."

Chen Yuyi said: "When we aided Shanzhou at the beginning of the year, there was Li Xing, a native of Huaizhou, who led ten thousand people to go south. Now most of the people who went south lived in Tangzhou, and Li Xing went to Xinye and had studied for half a year. According to his qualifications, he should be awarded job."

Wang Xiaolie said: "I still remember him. Since we are in Xinye, we will call him together tonight."

The cool wind blows slowly, bringing a refreshing coolness.In the grass by the roadside, unknown bugs were chirping.A full moon hangs high in the sky.The watery moonlight swayed down, covering everything in the world.

Wang Xiaolie sat down.Said: "These days are really hot! It's rare that there is wind tonight, and it's a good moon!"

Shao Ling said: "I'm busy with official duties, I'm honored to find time to come here."

Wang Xiaolie looked at Niu Gao with a smile on his face: "What can I do? I originally asked Chen Shenshu to come to Xinye to handle some official business. However, the general in the army doesn't know Shenshu very well, and he has strange words, why don't I come?"

Niu Gao hurriedly said: "Observation, I'm a rough person, I say what I hear. A few days ago, I didn't agree to tell the counselors what I heard in the army. It's just that I talk fast, it's not that I look down on the councilors!"

Wang Xiaolie waved his hand: "It's normal to look down on it. Chen Shenshi is a civil servant, and he has never commanded the army before. When he came here suddenly, it is normal for the soldiers to have thoughts. It is right to say what you have to say. If you meet It’s not a good thing if the boss doesn’t dare to speak and keeps everything in his heart. Whether it’s work or life, how can everything be satisfactory? There are always times when you don’t like it.”

Niu Gao said embarrassingly: "Just observe and don't blame."

Wang Xiaolie said: "I'm not trying to comfort you, but I'm telling the truth. Whether you're an official or in the army, the most fearful thing is that your subordinates are like frightened quails, trembling and afraid to speak. And As a subordinate, I am afraid that the boss will look the same in appearance, but will look the same behind his back. I don’t know when I said something wrong, it will be remembered in my heart, and I will suffer later.”

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaolie looked at the crowd and said earnestly: "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't say it, I know what I didn't do well."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Niu Gao and said: "In this world, which one is a rough person? Which one is a thin person? Some people are thoughtful, some are careless, some are tight-lipped, and some are outspoken. It's normal. From now on, don't always say that you are a rough person." People! You are a rough person, which one is thinner than you? When people come to this world, everyone has their own experience. But after joining the army, there are certain requirements for what position in the army. As long as Whoever meets the requirements is a qualified officer. No one is a rough man, and no one is a thin man!"

Niu Gao crossed his hands and said yes.I dare not say any more.

Except for Shao Ling and Niu Gao, most of the people who arrived tonight were former generals of Wang Xiaolie.Many scholars and officials have been appointed recently, and Cao Zhiyan, Xie Linong, Yu Huan and others have all returned to the army.There is also Li Xing, who took the initiative to seek refuge in Shanzhou.

When the wine was served, Wang Xiaolie led him to drink three glasses in a row.Said: "This wine is so cold! Have fun!"

Put down the glass.Wang Xiaolie said: "I'm looking for you tonight, one is to catch up on the past, and the other is to talk about the upcoming military affairs."

After finishing speaking, he said to Li Xing: "Li Tong is in charge of the new army, and we don't have much contact with him. We are very familiar tonight. These generals are all old generals when I was in Ruzhou. It is all thanks to them that we can have today's scale."

Li Xing stood up and crossed his hands: "The last general hasn't made any achievements yet, so I have to observe and give wine, I'm very scared!"

Wang Xiaolie laughed: "There is no such thing as giving wine in our army! We are colleagues and friends, and drinking and gossiping together is a common thing. Don't always think about your superiors and subordinates, or even your future. , then see you outside!"

After speaking, let Li Xing sit down.Said: "This time I come to Xinye, there are two things. One is to see how the army is rectified, and the other is to arrange the reform of the command system. If there is no war this year, these two things must be completed!"

Chen Yuyi said: "I heard the decree from the imperial court to send Shumi Zhang from Shaanxi to attack to attract the Jin army to go west. Last year when the Jin army crossed the river, it really frightened the imperial court. Now Wushu is still stationed in Liuhe, crossing the river at any time, the imperial court feels uneasy. We're in the middle of the two, I don't know if there's going to be a war."

Wang Xiaolie shook his head: "The Jin army's intentions are to destroy the imperial court, and to plunder. We don't rely on both sides, unless the Jin army's brain is out of order, they will attack us. Of course, if they really want to attack , and are not afraid of them!"

At this time, Wang Xiaolie's army was 5, and he was really not afraid of the Jin army.Thirty to fifty thousand people came, and Wang Xiaolie was enough to prevent it.More Jinjun came, and there were no logistics bases around, so they couldn't support it.In the past two years, the Jin army robbed Kaifeng Mansion and Jingxi Road completely. In addition, Wang Xiaolie moved the population, and there was no place within hundreds of miles to support the army.

Hundreds of thousands of troops attacked, but it was not like in the game. Once the troops were selected, they passed away with a bang.The Jin army is not good at logistics. Wang Xiaolie's northwest is Shanzhou, and the road to Dengzhou is all mountain roads, so there is no need to think about it.Kaifeng Mansion in the northeast is in ruins, and Yingzhou and Chenzhou in the west are seriously damaged, and there are mountains everywhere, which are also not suitable for the entire army to station.

Within a few years, the Jin army did not have the ability to mobilize an army of [-] to attack Dengzhou.This is Wang Xiaolie's greatest confidence.During this time, Wang Xiaolie can develop with peace of mind.A few years later, it was a different story.

Looking at a few people, Wang Xiaolie said: "I said some time ago that there will be rectification in the next few months. After the arrangement, I didn't ask any more questions. I don't know how the rectification is going now. Is there any problem?"

Niu Gao said: "Generally speaking, it went well. However, some mid-level and lower-level officers have different views on this, and some people refuse to accept it. In the past few months, more than 30 lower-level officers have escaped from the army. It is said that most of them fled to Chen states, each according to the cottage."

Wang Xiaolie said: "This is a common thing. If there are not many people, there is nothing. Many generals in the army are from the original defeated army. The system in our army is very different from the original forbidden army. Accept it, leave it to them. Is there anything else?"

Niu Gao said: "There is nothing else. However, the observation requires that the generals in the army must be able to read and write, and it is not easy to do it for a while. Moreover, there are not enough instructors to teach them."

Wang Xiaolie thought for a while.Said: "There is no way to do this. Generals who can't read and write must be taught as soon as possible. If they can't learn, we can only find another way out. We can no longer appoint generals like the previous army, but also appoint officials for him .”

Some people can learn to read very quickly, while some people just can't learn it no matter how they are taught.Although there are not many such people, there are always some.Even if Wang Xiaolie lowered the requirements, as long as he can read more than [-] words and can roughly understand official documents, there are still some people who can't do it.

What can I do if I can't do it?Wang Xiaolie didn't intend to appease them, so he could only let them leave the army.In the future army, officers must be able to read and write, and must be able to exchange official documents.Generals are not allowed to be illiterate, and a few officials are assigned below.

(End of this chapter)

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