I made myself the protagonist

Chapter 12 Determination

Chapter 12 Determination
Zhao Sicheng, who is so beautiful, deserves to be one of my favorite characters!

Ling Yun was listening, and couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed.

In the setting of the novel, this Boss Pang is a villain who is selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death.In the middle of the plot, many innocent players died tragically one after another because of his series of cheating operations.

At this moment, Ling Yun looked at Zhao Sicheng with satisfaction, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.If I had to describe this feeling, it would be like an old father watching his children show off with satisfaction.

After listening to the other party's words, Shen Tinglan also politely rejected the middle-aged man: "It's fine to pay, we are just ordinary people, and it is already very difficult to find a way to protect ourselves."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the middle-aged man, turned his head and said to the companions behind him: "We are going to the first floor soon, everyone, be vigilant and prepare for the attack below. Xiaolong and Fatty, you are responsible for each side. Wei Chongming And Ling Yun, protect the women in the team."

"Okay, okay..."

Unexpectedly, when he heard his name being called by the male lead, Ling Yun was shocked and raised his head.

At this time, Shen Tinglan picked up the shotgun, focused his attention on the front, and assumed a vigilant posture.Looking at the back of the other party, Ling Yun was pleasantly surprised, but also felt an indescribable subtlety in his heart.

But soon, these messy thoughts dissipated instantly with the roar of the zombies outside the door.

Seeing that the elevator was about to reach the first floor, Zhao Sicheng suddenly took a cheap step back, and made a "please" gesture to the middle-aged man and his three subordinates.

"I understand the rules, let the leader go first, right?"

"You... don't know good from bad!"

The young man named Xiao Lin snapped his neck back, and soon fell silent again.

As the elevator door slowly opened, several ragged zombies appeared again in the burning corridor ahead.

These zombies were dressed in the clothes of the hotel staff. Their uniforms were blood-stained and messy, and their pale skin was covered with scratches.

The moment the door was opened, those zombies who had been standing still or stumbling around turned their faces to the elevator.

A zombie dressed as a lobby manager raised his head and let out a deep wail from his throat. At the same time, the zombies wandering around heard the movement and rushed towards the direction of the crowd.


Shen Tinglan pulled the trigger, seeing the opportunity for several zombies to rush forward together, and slammed the trigger.Just hearing a "boom" gunshot, the upper bodies of several rushing zombies were instantly smashed into a sieve, and because of the huge impact, they rolled and fell to the ground one after another.

Different from the continuous shooting of submachine guns, the spray gun in Shen Tinglan's hands at this time is one of the most lethal weapons in the game.

The shotgun has a large firepower and a wide killing area, which can pose a great threat to group zombies and is very suitable for opening the way.However, it has a limited number of bullets, and each shot needs to consume several rounds, and the user needs to manually load the bullets.

Therefore, when Shen Tinglan filled the bullets, other people needed to use submachine guns to suppress firepower and cooperate with each other.

And through the previous battles, everyone has developed a lot of tacit understanding with each other.Zhao Sicheng shot and killed several zombies ten meters ahead. Xiaolong directed the others to evacuate, and said to Shen Tinglan: "The tide of corpses is coming, let's throw a wave of bile."


Shen Tinglan took out the Boomer bile that he had obtained in the warehouse from his waist, and threw it towards the door of a room where a raging fire was burning.

Attracted by the special smell, whether it was the zombies who heard the sound chasing everyone, or the zombies staggering not far away, at this moment, as if the radar locked the direction, they all turned their faces to the place where the bile was.

They muttered their throats, let out a deep wail, and began to gather rapidly in that direction.

"Pass through the front kitchen and turn left! Take them away first, Xiaolong, and I'll come to the rear."

Different from Pang Batian and his group who were timid, after experiencing the previous actual battle, the team headed by Shen Tinglan became more tacit in their cooperation in action.

Shen Tinglan kicked away the fallen shelves by the door, and stood by the door to cover everyone from retreating.Dragging his fat body, Pang Batian quickly got into the kitchen under the escort of three subordinates.

The bald man and the scarred man were pretty good at fighting, probably because of Pang Batian's promise, they didn't forget to shoot and cover him during their escape.

At this time, the fire in the hotel was getting bigger and bigger. With the sound of crackling and cracking, the temperature in the building rose rapidly, and the black smoke filled the surroundings made everyone cough continuously, and their sight was seriously blocked.

Ling Yun's eyes were so smoked that tears flowed, and Shen Tinglan was in charge of covering the team, and the situation he faced was even worse than theirs.

When passing by the back kitchen, Ling Yun picked up a towel, didn't care about being particular about it, wet it with the water plants in the pond, then immediately turned around and handed the towel to Shen Tinglan.

"Thank you." Shen Tinglan nodded to him, covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel with one hand, and pushed Ling Yun with the other, signaling them to leave first.

Silently counting the number of people and making sure they were all there, Shen Tinglan turned back into the house, and used an iron rod to push behind the kitchen door.

On the floor of the corridor, there were many corpses that had been charred by the fire.When the smell of bile wore off, the remaining infected turned around again, staggering towards the kitchen with horrific wailing.

"There is a gate ahead!"

After running out from the back kitchen, Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised to find the exit by relying on the reminder on the wall.

Looking in the direction of his finger, everyone saw a closed iron gate in front of them.And outside the door, there is an empty street!

"Damn it, the fucking broken door is locked!"

After the bald head pulled the door a few times, he kicked it several times.After finding that it was useless, he immediately cursed.


Accompanied by the sound of running footsteps, dozens of zombies broke through the blockade again and rushed towards the crowd.

"Who still has Molotov cocktails?"

At this critical moment, Ling Yun couldn't hold back any longer and shouted loudly.

"I have!"

Hearing this, Tang Yao immediately took out a brown alcohol bottle from her waist and handed it to the other party.She seemed to understand Ling Yun's intentions, and she just said to him in a calm voice to be careful.

"Okay, Wei Chongming, find a way to open the door, this thing should be able to withstand a wave of corpses."

Snatching the submachine gun from the opponent, Ling Yun stuffed the fire ax into Wei Chongming, and then ran out in the opposite direction.

The throwing distance of the Molotov cocktail needs to be mastered, otherwise, once the large fire spreads, it will also implicate your own people.

"Brother Ling, be careful!"

Wang Yu stared at his back in a daze. Just now, he wanted to volunteer to throw a Molotov cocktail to avenge the dead Cheng Hao, but he didn't expect someone to act ahead of him.

However, in fact, in the plot of the original work, Wang Yu did this.

Seeing that Wei Chongming, who should have died, was still alive and well, Ling Yun thought to himself: If the plot can really be changed, then can he save other characters again?
At this time, a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.

According to the plot of the novel, Wang Yu, a hot-blooded and naive high school student, thought that he could throw the bottle as smartly as in the game to prevent the zombies from attacking. Therefore, he volunteered to break the door by himself and let everyone find a way to open the door.

But he never expected that at the corner ahead, a special infected person appeared without warning.

Without any precautions, Wang Yu was hit hard and unfortunately died in the end.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, the other party was a child after all, and Ling Yun really couldn't bear to see him die in such a miserable way.

"This is a plot I wrote. As an author, I can definitely escape."

Ling Yun cheered himself up silently in his heart, after calculating the distance, he lit two Molotov cocktails with the flames on the ground around him, and threw them towards the corridor where the zombies were about to appear.

A large swath of orange sparks rose into the sky, and the rapidly spreading fire instantly engulfed the zombies running in the front.In an instant, the air was filled with the smell of a large amount of burnt flesh. Under the engulfing flames, the exposed skin of the zombie was burnt to pieces, and under the red and black texture of the face, bones could be seen faintly.

But even so, the virus killed the nerve cells of the infected person. These zombies have no sense of pain, cold or heat, and will not be afraid of it.Unless the brain dies, they will stop their progress.

Ling Yun watched in horror as the burning zombies screamed strangely, ignoring the raging fire that was destroying their bodies, and continued walking slowly towards his position.

"Not dead yet?"

Ling Yun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, put his shoulder against the submachine gun, squinted his eyes and aimed at the head of the zombie, and pulled the trigger.

This time, he didn't shoot wildly like before, but watched which zombie ran ahead, and fired a few shots according to the situation.The reason why he did this was because Ling Yun was worried that the continuous gunshots would interfere with his hearing.

Because in the original plot, the special infected who killed Wang Yu will appear soon!

(End of this chapter)

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