Chapter 320 Night

As for what is in the heart of the tree and the ancient temple, everyone discussed for a long time.

However, due to the limited information at hand and many unknown risks in the forest, everyone did not summarize much useful information.

What's more troublesome is that so far they don't know how many teams have entered the dark forest and whether they know the existence of the tree temple.

As long as it involves the competition for S-level props, there will definitely be battles.At that time, what Ling Yun and the others need to deal with is far more than just the monsters in the forest.

"This is southwest, and the closest to us is the southern tunnel twenty kilometers away. Besides, there are two entrances to the forest in the east and north."

Su Li said indifferently: "Everyone's route is similar. If it's the fastest, we will collide with the team from the south."

"I hope I won't meet people like Zhao Zhengxun and Xiao Yi."

Recalling the experience of the last treasure hunt game, Tang Yao still has lingering fears.There will always be some players who pose far more danger than the ghosts in the mission.

Hearing Xiao Yi's name, Ren Yao unconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Yun, his expression quickly regained his composure: "If you meet him, kill him."

"This kind of person is actually okay. What I'm afraid of is the Japanese girl from last time."

Thinking of Erika Nakama's terrifying ability to kill people invisible, Zhao Sicheng spat: "Pretending to be a white lotus will fool us around, Zhang Wuji's mother is right, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people! But luckily she I was overwhelmed by the unique charm and spirit of Chinese men exuded by our family Ling Yun, and finally stopped and spared our lives..."

"Heh, you said that the Chinese don't lie to the Chinese! I don't know who it was, but they kept saying that I was a dog licking me because of my beauty."

Ling Yun exposed the opponent mercilessly.

"Isn't there still a foreigner here!" Zhao Sicheng pointed at Hubert and said.

Hubert: ...

There was nothing to discuss, and everyone chatted further and further away, chatting casually.In addition to relaxing myself, it also relieved sleepiness by the way.

At first, Shen Tinglan, who was lying on his stomach, could still chat a few words; but after a while, his voice gradually became weaker.Shen Tinglan closed his eyes tiredly, pillowed on Su Li's folded coat, and his breathing became long.

After all, he was seriously injured and had an operation. Everyone knew that Shen Tinglan needed to rest, so they stopped the discussion.

After a day of fighting, everyone is very tired.

Ling Yun originally arranged for Ren Yao and Lin Qing to be in charge of the first shift, but Tang Yao, who always liked to watch the night with her, uncharacteristically said that she couldn't sleep, and volunteered to change shifts with Ren Yao.

Although Ling Yun was surprised, he didn't know that Tang Yao's move was to supervise Lin Qing, so he agreed to Tang Yao's request without thinking too much.

Hubert had an operation overnight, and was already sleepy, leaning against the wall for a while.Xiaolong and Wei Chongming checked the equipment in the bag and made preparations for tomorrow's action.

Su Li brought a basin of hot water, and carefully wiped the sweat off Shen Tinglan's forehead with a towel.Ling Yun cast a look at Zhao Sicheng, the two got up tacitly, and moved to other corners on tiptoe.

Su Li sat beside her knees, staring at Shen Tinglan in a daze.

Probably because of his illness, Shen Tinglan slept extraordinarily deeply, which was very different from him who was always vigilant while sleeping.When encountering any situation, Shen Tinglan always rushes to the forefront, like a brave wolf who is good at fighting.

Now, his brows are stretched, and the thick eyelashes cast a trembling shadow in the deep eye sockets. Shen Tinglan in his sleep is not as sharp as usual, and behaves like a big dog.

Midnight, four o'clock in the morning.The firewood was burning, crackling from time to time.

Beside the warm fire, Shen Tinglan, who was covered with a thick blanket, began to sweat.He licked his dry lips, and his expression was no longer as peaceful as before.

Su Li noticed the movement beside her. She probed Shen Tinglan's forehead and found that the other person's body temperature was a little high.

Su Li couldn't help worrying. If the fever persisted after the operation, and the body temperature tended to rise, he should be alert to the possibility of infection after the operation.It can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated in time.

She found Hubert and asked him to check Shen Tinglan's situation.

"It's fine. Lan's physical fitness is very good. This is just a normal low-grade postoperative fever. Due to the destruction and necrosis of cell tissues during the operation, the human body may have a fever to absorb these necrotic and damaged cell tissues. "Hubert's explanation reassured Su Li.

"Drink some water." Su Li deliberately brought a cup of warm water that was no longer boiling hot, woke him up softly, and handed him antipyretic medicine.

Shen Tinglan was in a drowsy sleep at the moment, the high fever made him almost unable to open his eyes, his whole body felt top-heavy, and his body seemed to be drained of strength.

The warm water slowly flowed down the throat, and the hot body also relieved a lot.

Shen Tinglan muttered thank you indistinctly, put down the cup, and fell asleep with the blanket again.

Seeing that his brows were tightly frowned, there were still many beads of sweat on the tip of his nose, and he seemed to be feeling uncomfortable due to the pain in his back, Su Li suddenly remembered a set of soothing and relaxing techniques that his former students had taught him.

In her sleep, Shen Tinglan suddenly felt a pair of cold hands pressing on her forehead.

Those hands pressed the acupuncture points on the head gently but without losing strength, and gradually, the pain in the head did not seem so uncomfortable.

Looking at the obedient sleeping face of the other party, by accident, Su Li's index finger gradually moved down along the other party's forehead, skipped the high bridge of the nose, and stroked his lips.

Unexpectedly, Shen Tinglan's mouth was soft to the touch, because it was still a little wet after drinking water.

For some reason, Su Li suddenly remembered his first mission with Shen Tinglan.

At that time, Shen Tinglan resolutely gave up the gas mask when his life was at stake, but he almost died from inhaling too much poisonous gas.

Seeing that the other party was dying, she took the antidote without thinking, and fed it to the unconscious Shen Tinglan.

Before entering the space, Su Li was obsessed with the research field. She believed that feelings would affect her career, so she never had in-depth interactions with the opposite sex.Even if I gave my first kiss to a stranger at that time, I didn't have any other thoughts in my mind.

But now... Staring at Shen Tinglan's lips, Su Li's mind kept showing the scene of feeding Shen Tinglan medicine.

What am I doing?
The moment his brain regained his rationality, Su Li suddenly withdrew his hand.

And the fingertips that touched the other party just now still linger on his hot body temperature.She reached out her hand tentatively and touched Shen Tinglan's cheek.

Shen Tinglan felt hot and uncomfortable, although she was still asleep, she subconsciously grabbed the cold hand.Like a well-behaved big dog, he rubbed his hot cheek against the back of Su Li's hand, as if he liked the cool and soft touch very much.

Shen Tinglan subconsciously took Su Li's hand and pillowed it under her neck.Through the back of his hand, Su Li could even clearly feel Shen Tinglan's steady beating pulse.

Su Li's heart started beating wildly.She suddenly realized that this was a novel feeling she had never had for so many years.

It seemed that only when he came into contact with Shen Tinglan did he become so strange.

Although it was strange, to herself who hated contact with people, this feeling was not annoying. On the contrary, it also gave her an inexplicable nostalgia.

"Go to sleep." Su Li tidied up the broken hair on Shen Tinglan's forehead.

She adjusted her posture and lay down next to Shen Tinglan, looking at his sleeping face, but she didn't pull away the hand that was tightly held by him.

Probably because I hadn't gone deep into the forest, the wind and sea were calm in the second half of the night, and no ghosts came to my door.

(End of this chapter)

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