Sheng Fu

Chapter 503

Chapter 503
The night is long and the day will come.

After dawn, it is impossible to know whether it will be a big sun rising from the east, or a cloudy and drizzle.

At the foot of Henglong Mountain, the monthly review begins as scheduled.

Qiu Qing, Bai Xiaowei, and a group of civil servants appeared impressively.

Only a few people including Ji Jian came from the south, and Xie Yiming did not show up.

In the north, no one came because it was close to the demon realm, but the Guo family sent people to send a lot of blood spirit stones engraved with seals to express their congratulations.

Many things, as long as there are no mutations before, will follow suit.

This time, quite a few poor students made generous speeches. Some deliberately showed off their knowledge, some were sincerely loyal to Lie Yang, and some were just here for opportunistic tricks. The not-so-good frontier poems will end.

There is no suspense in this monthly review.

Qian Sheng took the first place, and Zhong Yan came in second.

Ruoshui only took one scoop for three thousand. This time, Qiuqing discussed with Bai Xiaowei and other civil servants, and took two scoops. A pair of twin stars rose slowly from Henglong Mountain, and no one knew where they would go in the future.

This time, the Northern and Southern Aristocratic Family was shocked.

Qiansheng's poems and songs on Yuedan Ping, good strategies for governing the country, and his literary heart and bones are vividly displayed, and he has broken extreme cultivation skills, and his sword dance is smart, which inadvertently changes the situation.

This was supposed to be the person who participated in the Banquet of Bagu.

Zhong Yan, with a brilliant literary talent, a towering backbone, and a steadfast iron pen, although his skill is a little shallow, everyone can see that Zhong Yan will be an iron minister and a mellow scholar in the future.

When Ji Jian saw Zhong Yan, it was like a boy seeing a green mountain.

Although the household registration was under the rule of Hengchangzong, Ji Jian felt relieved when he thought that Zhong Yan was originally a man.

After this day, Qian Sheng and Zhong Yan became famous all over the world.

That night, the Hengchang Sect held a grand banquet. Because of the great dispute, the Hengchang Sect hadn't held a grand banquet for a long time. This time, the feast was comparable to the wedding banquet between Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao, and it was extravagant and enjoyable.

Less than five hours after the feast, Gemini had already entered the Jinhua Palace to meet His Majesty.

Just like during the Banquet of the Eight Gus, His Majesty saw young people with disheveled hair and scrawled appearance yet chic and heroic.

In the hall, Qiuqing and Bai Xiaowei were on the left and right sides of His Majesty.

Qian Sheng is dressed in brocade clothes and a jade belt, with a long sword hanging from his waist, with a coquettish posture.

Zhong Yan tied up his long hair and was dressed in white, like a beautiful jade.

Call ~
Human Sovereign let out a slightly heavy breathing sound, his eyes were like mountains and seas, he stared at Qian Sheng, and said: "It's not bad, as far as I know, there is Liang Ning among the seven laws, you should be stronger than Liang Ning, Why don't you come to the Banquet of Bagu?"

"Can't you see?"

Qian Sheng didn't deliberately control his breathing, Ziwei's true energy was in front of him, he bowed his head slightly as always, and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have taken a fancy to Liang Ning."

Human Sovereign sat up slightly, with a playful look on his face: "Interesting, you are the only one who can reach the extreme level of flirtatious young people."

"After the Yuedan evaluation, you are famous all over the world, and your reputation is not weak. I wonder how big an official you want to be?"

Qian Sheng's expression was as usual. On the way from the north to the imperial capital to eat the banquet of Ba Gu, Qian Sheng guessed that His Majesty would ask himself this question, and he had already thought about the answer.

"Nanhua Prefecture, the governor of Yaling County."

Qian Sheng in Renhuang's vision is calm and unpretentious.

It should be known that among the three counties in Nanhua Prefecture, only Yaling County is the most prosperous, and it is the head of the three counties. Being in this position will stabilize the governor of Nanhua Prefecture in the future.

Young people are not small-minded, a little arrogant.

But if a young man's heart is small, he is not a young man.

The corners of His Majesty's mouth raised, and he said in a deep voice: "In the past, Xu Huanshan never uttered such arrogant words in front of me. Why are you so arrogant? I originally intended to send you to the south. Start as a parent in a barren land. It is expected that you will become an official in one year. Gradually promoted, I never thought that you would be able to reach the position in one step."

"Are you going to replace the two lovers beside me tomorrow?"

After the voice fell, the purple air in the hall surged, and the thunder rumbled up and down, as if the power of the sky was unpredictable.

Qian Sheng still did not bow his head, and calmly said: "Your Majesty asked, and I will answer, this is what I say from the bottom of my heart!"

Human Sovereign was slightly startled, then raised his head and laughed, staring at Qian Sheng with his eyes, and praised: "You are so brave, compared to Yu Wenjun, you are more refreshing."

Ren Huang glanced at Qiu Qing, and said calmly: "I heard that the governor of Yaling County is old?"

Qiu Qing bowed his hands and responded humbly: "I'm old, and my quarrels are not easy, so I have to retire and return to my hometown, but he has a loyal heart in governing, so he can be named Yi'an Gong."

The Emperor nodded and said: "Sure."

Qian Sheng smiled subtly and moved slightly, he wanted to know how the scholar next to him would face His Majesty.

Dedicated to the emperor's family by learning literary and martial arts, this is roughly what Zhong Yan pursued all his life.

Human Sovereign's eyes were turbulent, staring at Zhong Yan, whose shoulders trembled slightly, the bones of a scholar are always a little weak, and the people in Bailu Academy were also so weak when they were young, but their appearance was not as good as Zhong Yan's.

Zhong Yan's eyes are bright, like the rising sun, like a lonely moon in a foreign land.

Human Sovereign sighed softly: "Your looks make it possible to marry a daughter of a noble family."

Zhong Yan made a serious look, bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Xiaosheng only has spring and autumn in his heart."

Nan Ren's voice is very soft, like a girl's family, Zhong Yan's voice is a little crisp, like a glacier shining in the sun.

"Would you like to go to Dangyang County, Bazhou in the north?"

Zhong Yan didn't ask whether it was the sheriff or the servant, but he replied sonorously, "I would like to go."

The Emperor waved slightly, Zhong Yan and Qian Sheng bowed slightly, and slowly retreated from Jinhua Palace.

"When they take office, give the two Jinxiu mansions at the foot of the imperial capital where their household registrations have been changed. As for that Zhong Yan, the two of you can arrange a marriage for him at your discretion."

"Qiansheng already wants to belong to him, and he can't force it, but he has to be registered in the imperial capital. As a native of the imperial capital, how respectable he is!" Renhuang smiled mellowly and slightly drunk.

Qiu Qing laughed softly: "Your Majesty is happy to see Lie Xin, do you have any experience?"

Human Sovereign glanced at Qiu Qing, and said angrily: "Did I show you too much tolerance, so that you don't know the heights of heaven and earth?"

Qiu Qing responded truthfully: "I am gentle and mellow, I hope your Majesty will learn from you."



People from the north went to the south, and people from the south went to the north. It really is bounded by the north and the south.

After Jing Peiyao found out about this, she was also surprised. She expected that His Majesty would not be so generous. As for the change of household registration, Jing Peiyao went along with it and did not complain.

Under the eaves, Jing Peiyao looked out from the railing, feeling no emotion in her heart. After the incident ended, she inevitably felt empty in her heart. Suddenly, there was the sound of soft footsteps behind her.

When Jing Hanqing arrived, he bowed slightly and said, "I've seen Madam."

Jing Peiyao smiled knowingly, "Come here and talk."

The two daughters haven't seen each other for a long time, and they have something to say about themselves, as well as political affairs...

(End of this chapter)

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