Sheng Fu

Chapter 507

Chapter 507
Two days later, the sky was clear and the summer wind was dry and hot.

Yaoyu, the top of the mountains, Jing Peiyao overlooked the distance, her eyes were clear and thoughtless, and she felt that this place was very cool.

To the north of the North Sea is the Chenmang Mountain Range. Undoubtedly, there have been soldiers of the Protoss who have set up a defense line that cannot be passed by. If Yu Wenjun wants to go to the God's Domain, the only way to go is the Holy Spirit Mountain Range.

Inside, Chi Yuan and Yu Wenjun talked hand in hand, both of them were hesitant, just like the current situation.

After a while, Chi Yuan simply abandoned his son, frowned and said: "Nine Nether Birds have assembled an army. According to the tradition of the monster clan, they will attack fiercely on the night of the full moon. At that time, the essence of the moon is rich, which coincides with the power of the monster clan's blood and cultivation skills. .”

"This battle is a battle to the death."

"Jiu Youque is ready to succeed or be benevolent."

"It's unknown what Li Hongshan's plan is. If you leave now, you may miss a lively scene."

Yu Wenjun picked up the teacup casually, curled his lips and said, "Wu Mi will come to the Demon Realm in about two days. At the critical moment, I can take Zhang Benchu ​​and others to withdraw the troops. The Nine Nether Birds are so fierce that they will never attack the city of Saibei."

"If there was a lively scene, it would naturally be the confrontation between Yue Bo and Jiu Youque."

"The imperial capital has undergone a shocking change. I have seen the empress make a move, and I have seen the headmaster Chun Yun's sharpness. I have no expectations for the excitement in the near future."

On the battlefield, it is rare to fight against each other. If there is a fight, it will be famous in history and become a talking point for future generations.

Chi Yuan sighed and said: "Forget it, when Zhang Benchu ​​and others fail to withdraw their troops, I will take action myself, but my dark line is about to be broken like this. The dragon clan has appeared on the frontal battlefield for the first time since modern times, and it will not be successful. It’s difficult to settle down, at least I am like this.”

At that time, the reputation of the Hengchang Sect will also be at a disadvantage, and the prestige of the Dragon Clan will also be tarnished.

However, it has never been Yu Wenjun's nature to be very happy.

Yu Wenjun poured a cup of tea for Chi Yuan himself, smiled softly and said: "The fight has not started yet, maybe the result will be different from what you expected. Secondly, the Hengchang Zong's contribution to the Yuedan review is indispensable. This credit can also make Hengchang Zong will be decent for a while."

"Furthermore, if Yue Bo loses, all sentient beings will only blame Yue Bo, not Zhang Benchu, who is just a young child."

Chi Yuan smiled in relief, but still felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Jing Peiyao entered the room, glanced casually at the mess on the table, and said crisply: "You should continue to suffer from it."

Chi Yuan was startled for a moment, then smiled wryly, and the laughter spread inside, showing a bit of the helplessness of an old pedant.

Yu Wenjun stood up and said, "We should go too."

Chi Yuan waved his sleeves, constructed a field, and sent the young couple to the Holy Spirit Mountains.

The next moment, the sky and the earth turned upside down, and the two arrived at the foot of the mountain range, and felt it carefully. The sound of nature came from the mountain, and there was the sound of a stream not far away.

The two walked side by side, this time, it was just the two of them, without a mount.

Yu Wenjun took a look at the mountains. Although the mountains are winding, they are also ancient and majestic. The mountains are rugged, and there are occasional monsters entrenched in secluded places waiting for their prey.

"If there is no obstacle on this road, we can cross the mountains in about an hour. The past is the west of the God's Domain. The first city-state is called the City of Gongyue. 300,000, and they are all elites, implying that they are infinite powerhouses."

The two walked on the road, there was a rustling sound on the ground, but no footprints were left.

Many people who walk this way will not leave footprints here.

Jing Peiyao stared at the distance, frowned and said: "But I think, there will always be something on the way."

Yu Wenjun asked suspiciously: "A woman's intuition?"

Jing Peiyao rolled her eyes at Yu Wenjun, but did not respond.

Yu Wenjun didn't know why, so he had to continue on his way.

The two walked slowly, and with each step they moved, they moved tens of feet, gradually disappearing into the mist in the mountains.

Soon after, we reached the top of the mountain.

A narrow aisle, a two-foot-tall piercing stone, the surface of the stone is as radiant as uncut jade, without moss, but there is a beautiful woman sitting on the high stone, slightly swinging her beautiful legs, looking at Yu Wenjun and Jing Pei with a smile on her face Yao.

Guangli smiled lightly and said, "It's a surprise to meet me here."

Yu Wenjun was really surprised, the woman's intuition was really accurate.

Jing Peiyao looked calmly, looked at Guangli, the strong Ling Xiao, and said softly: "It is not surprising that the deduction has calculated our track, and it is also certain that we will go straight."

After the fierce battle in Montenegro, Yu Wenjun withdrew and entered the realm of the gods. This woman, Guangli, was really a roundworm in Yu Wenjun's stomach, but she did not expect that Yuwen Jun would not go forward alone this time.

Guangli said: "Don't worry, you can go ahead. You won't meet anyone on this journey. The monster clan has no contact with God's Realm recently. It's just that after arriving at the city of Gongyue, just pay a little attention to check."

Two tokens came out of Guangli's palm and threw them at the couple.

Yu Wenjun held it in his hand and looked at it. The token was very small, inlaid with gold and jade, and inside was blessed with a heart-attacking jade unique to the gods.

Jing Peiyao pursed her lips and said with a smile, "So, what is the price?"

Guangli took a closer look at Jing Peiyao, she was really beautiful in the world, her smile was so elegant that even she was ashamed, and she was the descendant of the empress, after thinking about it, she felt that her fate was unfair.

"There is no price, just a favor." Guangli said.

Yu Wenjun didn't believe it, but he didn't bother to ask more.

The husband and wife went straight across the rock and embarked on a journey down the mountain.

The rugged mountain road is not unusual for the two of them, Jing Peiyao said: "For the Yaozu, the word Gongyue City is no different from a sharp knife with good killing power, so it has no price."

Yu Wenjun pondered: "When will Madam's word-solving skills reach this level?"

Jing Peiyao's eyes hooked like a moon, she pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Are you underestimating me, or women?"

The monster clan believes in the moon, and uses the moon as a bow. Although it is only the front of words, the momentum slightly touches the backbone of the monster clan.

Yu Wenjun was speechless for a while, he was a little confused about this matter, he stepped back slightly for the first time, and followed behind Jing Peiyao, people who didn't know would think that he was a good-looking son-in-law.

Seeing this, Jing Peiyao's expression was cold, there was no joy or sadness in her heart, the wind blew up on the way down the mountain, the cool summer breeze was always precious, but Jing Peiyao just found it boring, the mountain wind was just like that.

There was no waves or waves along the way, and before they knew it, the husband and wife saw the world below the mountain, a big river, a double wooden bridge, the surroundings were cold and dead, and the desolation of the border land could be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, Jing Peiyao and Yu Wenjun's expression turned serious at the same time.

A man rushed out from the opposite side. The man was wearing a tight light armor and held a sword in his hand. He was a middle-aged man in his thirties. The stubble on his chin was curly and slightly stabbed forward.

Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao didn't care who this person was.

The important thing is that behind him, a little girl is chasing and killing him with a broken dagger.

The girl is about six or seven years old, with bare feet, and her body is not so much clothes, it is more like a piece of coarse cloth wrapped around her body. Upon closer inspection, the girl's eyes are as firm as iron, like a wounded beast, a lone wolf alone .

Her posture for holding the dagger was not tight enough, her five fingers and wrist were not fully exerted, and even her steps were in a hurry.

Yuwen Jundao: "She has no real energy in her body, and she has a good seedling, but her heart is very vicious."

Jing Peiyao remained silent. At this moment, she curiously looked at the soldier who fled in a hurry. The soldier had injuries to his legs and forearm. He guessed that he was in the late stage of hanging light. , I met such a little girl here.

In an instant, Jing Peiyao's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she noticed that there was a slight wound on the soldier's ankle, and the cut was a bit messy, presumably it was a good thing done by the little girl behind her.

puff!When the soldiers approached the Shuangmu Bridge, their footing was not stable, and they fell to the ground and fell hard...

(End of this chapter)

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