Sheng Fu

Chapter 513 The sky is falling

Chapter 513 The sky is falling
In the northern desert, the wind and sand in summer are not wild, and there are occasional scenes of earthy tornadoes, which do not hinder the sightseeing.

Hengchang's army camped in the desert, everything was in order, but Gao Zhi, Suo Chengguo, Zhang Benchu, and Guo Shenghe were all erratic, if not mad by the wind and sand.

Outside the camp, Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi galloped wildly on their horses, galloping to their heart's content on the yellow sand desert, not with the high spirits of young people, but more with the helplessness and smug ambition of grown-ups.

Wandering to the foot of a Populus euphratica swaying in the wind, the two got off their horses. Guo Shenghe took out a pot of Huadiao, drank a few gulps, wiped his mouth, and handed it to Gao Zhi.

Gao Zhi took the hand and drank it all in one gulp, like killing an enemy for the first time, he cut the enemy in two with one sword.

Guo Shenghe frowned slightly and rubbed his stomach. After entering the battlefield, Guo Shenghe's belly became smaller. He cared more about this than his military achievements. He glanced at Gao Zhi and said, "This flower carving is from my hometown. It is brewed by a secret method, and although it is not comparable to Ban Yue Wine, it is still circulated at the banquets of aristocratic families."

"We can be on the big scene."

It is one thing for the two armies to fight against each other, and it is another thing to mobilize troops modestly to attack and defend the surplus.

Guo Shenghe has always firmly believed that if he leads an army to appear in a large-scale battle, he will not be able to take on the leading role, but Xiao Liang can still take on the shoulders.

This time I retired from the army, and I was not happy.

The wind and sand came blowing towards Gao Zhi's temples, and said: "Oh, the military order is like a mountain, I have to do it."

Guo Shenghe glanced at the yellow sand under his feet, and there was a weed, and said in a deep voice, "I have never tried it, but I want to try."

The state of mind of these two people is also the real military spirit at the moment.

Wu Mi didn't make any unnecessary explanations, and her posture was a bit arrogant. Unfortunately, the combined efforts of several people were no match for Wu Mi, so they could only let that arrogance blow with the wind.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

The sound of horses treading came from a distance, Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi looked up at the same time, Jiang Zheng, the guard of Saibei City, led about two thousand light cavalry, and came along with heavy luggage.

Jiang Zheng naturally also saw Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi under Populus euphratica. Compared with these two people, those two flying yellow horses made Jiang Zheng's heart sway even more.

A man has such a mount, what more can a husband ask for! ?
The two sides soon met unexpectedly.

Jiang Zheng got off his horse, nodded slightly to the two young generals, and said softly, "You two are quite interested. In the past, there were many scholars who liked to ride horses in the desert, and occasionally they would leave a few horses on the yellow sand. A poem."

Guo Shenghe saluted slightly, and said softly: "Senior, I was joking, but I feel a little tired these days, so I rode the horse for a while."

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked behind Jiang Zheng. There were mostly food, oil, meat, wine and tea on the luggage on the road.

"It's really troublesome."

Jiang Zheng laughed jokingly and said, "Don't talk about trouble. You kill the enemy on the battlefield, and I will guard the rear. These things should be done."

"Since we met here, please ask the two generals to lead the way."

Guo Shenghe exchanged light glances with Gao Zhi, then got on his horse and led Jiang Zheng.

Along the way, the three of them didn't have much contact with each other. This is the case with young people. When encountering certain things, their temperament will be disturbed.

Not long after, Jiang Zheng saw the Sifang barracks covering an area of ​​about ten mu, which was square and square.

Outside the camp, Zhang Benchu ​​and Yan Zhao came out to welcome Jiang Zheng in person.

Zhang Benchu ​​stepped forward and made a bow with both hands, and said, "Thank you, General, for coming to express condolences!"

The voice was neither too loud nor too soft, Jiang Zheng could hear the exhaustion in it.

Yan Zhao said: "Everyone, please."

When the army entered the camp, the Huotou army began to work on the banquet. After entering the main tent of the Chinese army, Jiang Zheng was able to see Wu Mi's lineup.

This woman swept away the enemies on the day when the Hengchang Sect was founded, and the news of her spread to the north.

Jiang Zheng bowed his hands, and said very humbly: "It's really a great fortune to see the general's true face."

Jiang Zheng hadn't heard much about Yu Wenjun's renunciation, but the blood spear in his hand had really pierced through several Guiyuan monsters in recent days, and it was effortless.

There was a slight sense of depression in the big tent.

Wu Mi stepped forward with a grin and said, "There is nothing more to say about politeness. I am very pleased that the general is here this time, and Yu Wenjun will also be pleased."

Jiang Zheng was slightly flustered, but he was relieved after a while. This is a female general of the Dragon Clan, so how can she be so particular about her speech skills.

When everyone was seated, Wu Mi took the main seat, while Zhang Benchu ​​and Guo Shenghe took the side seats.

Such a lineup is always somewhat weird.

Wu Mi said: "I know that Yue Bo arranged for you to do this in advance, and it just so happens that you also have this intention, but right now, there is one thing I need to trouble you for."

Jiang Zheng didn't feel that the words were blunt, so he said directly: "Just give the general's orders."

Wu Mi leaned forward slightly, with golden light shining in his eyes, and said: "I just got the information that my dragon clan will be exposed to the north of the Black Mountain. In terms of time, he can't come back, and he will probably face the two Wuji ruthlessly one by one." Stubble."

"Actually, he can come back, but he hasn't fought in a long time, and he wants to exercise his muscles in a hearty bloody battle."

"Jiuyouque is bound to fight Yue Bo, it's a foregone conclusion."

"As for my Hengchang soldiers, I retreated to protect myself, and secondly, to meet Yue Bo after the battle ended. The general direction of this battle is that both sides will suffer, and Yue Bo may suffer."

"Whether the human race sent a strong general to support them secretly, I don't know for the time being, but there is one thing, after this battle, there will be countless casualties."

"The general will rectify the entire Saibei City tonight, so that the wounded can recuperate at that time."

"In addition, in the northern desert, the supply and demand of life have to be stabilized in recent days."

"Although this matter is small, it involves many subtle grievances and prejudices between Hengchang and Temple. You are both a peacemaker and the head of the family."

Jiang Zheng's expression became more solemn, and Guo Shenghe, Gao Zhi and the others were even more flustered.

Chi Yuan wants to [-]v[-]?

Wu Mi spread her hands helplessly and said with a helpless smile: "I also just found out that maybe the wind was mixed with the wind and sand in the desert, so it was slower."

"Everyone, retreat and retreat, there may be a bloody battle at that time."

"Those who have wives and children at home, all generals, big and small, should write their suicide notes in advance."

Jiang Zheng got up immediately and said, "I'm going back to the city to prepare for all matters."

After all, leave here without stopping.

Guo Shenghe, Gao Zhi, Yan Zhao, Zhang Benchu, Suo Chengguo and others looked at each other, not knowing why.

Wu Mi slumped on the chair, smiled wryly and said: "Yes, we have been exposed, Li Hongshan is suspected of being turned into an army, and I haven't said more about infiltrating people."

Zhang Benchu ​​asked in surprise, "What else?"

Wu Mi looked directly at Zhang Benchu, and said loudly: "The people Li Hongshan bought were all killed by the Tianhu clan last night, including the Tianpeng clan who were exterminated."

"And the Hades family is in the north of the Black Mountain, and together with Chi Yuan, they are imprisoned."

"For a long time, the human race was in the light, and the monster race was in the dark. We were caught off guard."

With a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Suo Chengguo's face was like golden paper in an instant.

Wu Mi smiled again and said, "If the sky falls, it won't crush us..."

(End of this chapter)

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