Sheng Fu

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Desert, barracks.

The whole army was gloomy, and the originally clear sky became inexplicably gloomy.

Outside the big tent, Wu Mi, Zhang Benchu ​​and others paced back and forth, wanting to find peace of mind, but they didn't know where to start, they could find peace of mind in catching and fighting each other, and charging into battle, no one could feel at ease.

Unless you have the ambition to die, although Hengchang soldiers have experienced bloody battles, their experience is still shallow.

Therefore, most of the generals under Yue Bo also looked down on the so-called Hengchang army from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, there are also some jealous thoughts, Feihuang and Yinlang are the mounts, which can be called the king lineup.

The sky was billowing with clouds, Wu Mi raised his head to look at the high place, the next moment the void channel opened, and Chi Yuan led the Hades snake clan to come.

Zhang Benchu, Guo Shenghe, when they saw Chi Yuan coming, they didn't feel at ease, instead they felt more and more heavy.

In an instant, everyone gathered together, and Yan Zhao and Suo Chengguo hurriedly settled down to settle down the members of the Hades family. The originally dreary camp was filled with a bit of freshness.

Chi Yuan lightly landed in front of everyone in Wu Mi, breathing and breathing, he felt that the atmosphere of the three armies was not right, and he could even faintly hear someone writing a suicide note.

Wu Mi said, "Are you injured? I was surprised. How will the opponent end?"

On Chi Yuan's right arm, there were many blood grooves, and bone stubble could be seen faintly, and the blood in his body was shaking unstable. That palm caused Chi Yuan to suffer from the injury of vitality, and he would not be able to ignite his blood in the near future.

Reluctantly said: "One died, died by Ying Long's hand, mine, the fate is worse than mine, but people can't die."

"Now that you stay here, do you want to fight?"

Wu Mi paused, and said: "It was a wise move to retreat before, but it chilled the soldiers' hearts. Now I want to make a comeback, but the soldiers' minds are not stable, and so is my heart."

"I was counting on you to open the way, but it seems that I can't count on it."

Zhang Benchu ​​and Guo Shenghe looked at each other, each with different thoughts.

Before the real life-and-death battle, they suddenly realized that they and many soldiers were actually young people.

Chi Yuan glanced at Zhang Benchu, and said softly, "Where is the wasteland?"

Zhang Benchu ​​hastily opened the magic weapon of space, revealed Pohuang, and said: "If Pohuang is danced in the hands of seniors, its power will surely shine through the world."

Chi Yuan stretched out his hand to fetch something from the air, grasped the broken waste, took a closer look at the cutting edge of the broken waste, and said with emotion: "It is worthy of being a sacred weapon, and I feel a little wronged in your hands. I will accept it for now, Jiuyouque This time, it is necessary to seize the wasteland."


A thunderbolt exploded from the distant sky, sending out a large number of bright electric sparks, destroying everywhere it went, and shocking people's hearts.

The fierce battle has begun.

This time, Chi Yuan didn't regard Wu Mi as the coach, but looked directly at Zhang Benchu, and said honestly: "Yu Wenjun regards you as the future unparalleled general, and he has put a lot of effort into you."

"It's up to you to fight or not to fight this battle."

Wu Mi also looked at Zhang Benchu. She likes the battlefield, but she just likes it. She doesn't intend to make great achievements on the battlefield. Zhang Benchu ​​is the real general.

Any young person will always have to make a major decision at a certain time. After making this decision, he will be considered an adult, or he will never have the opportunity to be a human being again.

Guo Shenghe fell into silence, took a step back slightly, and made room for Zhang Benchu. There are some things that Guo Shenghe has always known in his heart. If he makes this decision today, he doesn't know how to make a decision.

In this battle, there is a high probability that the entire Hengchang army will be wiped out.

In the nearby camp, the sobbing of young soldiers can be heard faintly as they write their suicide notes.

Zhang Benchu ​​suppressed his thoughts, held his breath and said in concentration: "Fight!"

Chi Yuan smiled and said, "Today I will personally beat the drums to cheer you on!"

In an instant, a heroic spirit permeated the desert.

Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi's true energy was pushed to the peak in an instant, and their blood was surging to the extreme.

When a decision is made, the stone in my heart will fall, and after that, I will feel relaxed, and my limbs will be filled with infinite strength.

Wu Mi laughed loudly and said, "After half a stick of incense, the army will move out."

Chi Yuan returned Pohuang to Zhang Benchu, and said in a deep voice, "This time, you are still the enemy of ten thousand people."

Zhang Benchu ​​took Pohuang with a deep bow, and said firmly, "I will live up to my trust!"



Montenegro Battlefield.

Dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, and occasionally there were vast thunderstorms.

On the ground, the Shura field has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Jiuyouque went out in person, leading a large number of black sparrows, Benlei beasts, green ghost bats, and a small number of Jinri apes, and many other races, forming a black sea-like wave of beasts, rushing to kill wantonly.

A fierce battle is taking place in a place hundreds of miles in size.

The sword swayed, refracting the cold light, the sword qi shot out, and the qi rushed into the bullfight!

Boom boom boom!
The crazed monster roared like thunder, stirring the years, forming an extremely strong oppression, crushing the human army in momentum.

Xiao Chu and Xu Huanshan appeared on the flanking battlefield, leading the soldiers under their command, they were engaged in a bloody fight with the Benlei Beast clan. Xu Huanshan's sword aura was not perfect, but each sword revealed the power to kill with one blow.

One sword after another was handed out, and the Ben Lei Beast that was close was either cut in half, or pierced by the sword Qi through the throat, spraying blood lines like a crossbow!
"Brothers hold on!" Xu Huanshan shouted after beheading a Thunder Swallowing Beast in the Big Yellow Court realm with one sword.

Looking back, many soldiers were soaked in blood, forming an array to forcefully attack the Thunder Swallowing Beast.

It can also be seen that many robes were directly torn in half by the Thunder Swallowing Beast, and a large amount of blood burst out.

And Xu Huanshan himself was also covered in blood.

Xiao Chu in the distance was holding a long spear in his hand. His marksmanship was as sharp as a string of arrows, and his spear was extremely sharp. However, he couldn't stand up to the Thunder Swallowing Beast's successive attacks, and soon retreated steadily.


In the rear, the sound of war drums roared.

Weiyuan General Xiao Nan led [-] elite heavy cavalry to attack like a mighty river bursting its embankment.

"Son, don't be afraid, I'm here!" Xiao Nan growled ferociously.

Taking advantage of the situation, he raised his palm, and the huge vajra palm print carried a mighty force to suppress the Benlei beast in front of Xiao Chu.

When the palm print arrives, the sky is shocked, the dust is flying everywhere, and there is a long line of cigarettes!

With one blow, Xiao Chu's vision was opened.

After Xiao Nan arrived, Xu Huanshan and Xiao Chu didn't dare to let go, they rushed into the chaotic army, as young generals, this is a great opportunity for them to make contributions!

Death to the cowardly!

And such a bloody and stalemate battlefield filled the entire land of Montenegro.

On the main battlefield, the screams of killing were even more shocking. The soldiers of the human race and the army of the monster race were all rushing to kill with blood, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

In mid-air, Yue Bo controlled the black tiger and stood in the air.

Opposite him, Jiuyouque showed his Shura spear, dressed in black gold armor, danced wildly with long hair, and his eyes were pitch black with a bloody glow...

(End of this chapter)

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