Sheng Fu

Chapter 524 The so-called top priority

Chapter 524 The so-called top priority

North Sea.

The white tiger and the unicorn were playing on the coast, and on the waterside pavilion, the sea breeze caressed the Hengchang flag, and the flag of the Helian family swayed slightly together.

Perhaps because autumn is coming, the sea breeze has a hint of coldness.

Yu Wenjun, Jing Peiyao, Mr. Guo and Fucheng sat around a table, and Helian Qingyi was the cook, preparing dishes for the four of them. There were no maids and maids. Everything was simple here.

Guo Shenghe was still recuperating in Henglong Mountain, but the old man didn't say anything, but he cared deeply in his heart. No matter how protective he was, he couldn't complain to Yu Wenjun about this matter.

Fu Chengan sat in the south seat, pouring tea and water for the three of them without saying a word.

A long time ago, Fucheng thought that one day he would be able to sit at the same table with a big man to discuss matters. According to his imagination a long time ago, the only person at the table was Mr. Guo who was considered a big man.

Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao are also big men, but because they are similar in age, they can't really feel the unique aura of big men.

The human race in the land of Montenegro came back in a big defeat. Guo Shenghe was not considered the champion of the three armies on the battlefield. He could only say that he was not cowardly. title.

But it doesn't matter, Guo Shenghe is still very young, and he still has the opportunity to make great achievements in the future.

Yu Wenjun stared at the worried look on the old man's face, and said softly: "In the land of Beihai, the Guo family can completely withdraw and focus on the rear affairs, but the dividends that should be paid will be credited to the account every year."

Mr. Guo lowered his head slightly, and suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, looked at the young man in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care about money. Now that the vitality of the human race is seriously injured, I am a big boss in the north. , Naturally, there will be a boss to take the responsibility, but there is something unjust in my heart."

"I would also like to ask you to answer some questions."

Yu Wenjun was slightly taken aback, rubbed the teacup with his fingers, and said, "It's okay to say, old man."

Mr. Guo stared into Yu Wenjun's eyes, and said slowly; "Could it be that you think my Guo family can only be like that womanly family, and can only do some trivial things."

"You let my Guo family withdraw from the land of Beihai. I have no complaints. It is reasonable and reasonable for my Guo family to worry about logistics, but this seems too reasonable."

Fu Cheng lowered his head slightly, and glanced at the tea in the teacups of the three of them, it was still relatively full, so there was no need to add more tea.

Jing Peiyao didn't know if she was holding her own, or she was calm, or she was thinking of that little guy, but she didn't look like a female politician.

After Yu Wenjun heard about it, he held his chin with one hand and said with a smile that was not a smile: "The martyrs are full of ambition in their old age. I deeply admire it. It's just that many current matters need to be reasonable and in line with the wishes of the people."

"Naturally, I know that the Guo family is full of talents. Some uncles who are young and powerful are superior to Guo Shenghe in thesis. Such people can naturally stand on the stage and even make great achievements on the battlefield."

"I have the ambition of Kunpeng, and I want to swallow thousands of miles, but I also have the desire to eat, and I am also stretched."

"The matter of logistics, it seems that it is not decent, but it is not eye-catching, but it is necessary. It must be implemented by extremely reliable people. This kind of thing is the most cumbersome. Every detail, big and small, has to be carefully considered. Consider."

"Except for you, old man, I really have no one to rely on right now."

"Yan Beiyou, Murong Qiushui, and even Zhong Yi are in charge of the trade between Hengchang and the Spirit Race. Generally speaking, the Spirit Race has opened the door for me, but there are still many things that need someone to do. They I really can't get away, and it's time for this eventful season, some things that don't need to be done by myself, I have to go on stage to decide the world."

"As long as the Guo family can stabilize the rear, it is equivalent to beheading five Wutai generals."

"I hope the old man will learn from it."

The foundation is the most important thing, and it has always been the case.

Hearing Yu Wenjun's sharp words, the old man laughed silently, took a small sip from his teacup, and said: "This flattery is not bad, it has reached the level of perfection, it is in line with reality, and it can reach people's hearts. That little darling grandson really doesn't know when he will be in such a state."

Yu Wenjun also took a sip of tea, and said calmly: "When Guo Shenghe becomes the helm of the Guo family, he will naturally reach this level."

"It's not that I don't understand a lot of truths, it's just that I don't have the opportunity to understand."

"The old man is a bit like the parents of the poor family teaching their children. They know the limits of their children's abilities, but they like to complain that their children are worthless."

Mr. Guo had a strange expression on his face, he hesitated to speak.

Fucheng from the south seat saw the needle and quickly added tea for the two of them.

The old man held back for a long time before he said in a strange tone: "Good boy, you dare to tell me, Beihai will be safe and sound with you."

Generally speaking, Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao are in charge of fighting, Fucheng is in charge of espionage, and there are many smart and practical people in the Helian family in internal affairs, so it is naturally worry-free.

As for whether the future will be exactly the same as the current situation, that is another matter.

The power of the gods is strong enough to frighten the hearts of all living beings.

Thanks to the extremely spiritual jade python and the Qingming giant crocodile recharging their energy in the deep sea, otherwise I really don't know how scattered people's hearts are.

Only then did the old man ask: "How did my boy behave on the battlefield?"

"I want to tell the truth. If I don't tell the truth today, I will be in trouble with you."

When the elders in the clan look at the successor, they will not rely on what they see, and the words of others are also very important.

He thinks that the current leader of Ba Gu is still an honest person, but occasionally he is not sincere.

Yu Wenjun didn't expect that the old man still had such thoughts at this moment.

After thinking for a while, he knocked slightly on the tea table, and said slowly: "Rushing battles can be called first-class, frontal decisive battles are middle-class, overall situation is middle-class, but they are a little impetuous, and their cultivation is not deep. It is a piece of rough jade. But you have to meet a good craftsman."

After the old man heard this, his expression was subtle. After hearing this, he didn't know whether he should be happy or scold his mother.

He continued to ask: "From your point of view, who is that craftsman? Chi Yuan from your family, or yourself, or some people with high morals, respect and strength?"

Yu Wenjun looked surprised, and asked back: "According to my dragon eyes, the blood in the old man's body is strong, and his energy is refined and Duan Yi. Why do you ask about the descendants of the family like this?"

Mr. Guo immediately looked displeased. He patted the tea table with his rough old hands, and the tea in the cup splashed more than three feet. He said slightly sharply: "Just asking casually, can't you?"

Yu Wenjun quickly apologized with a smile and said in relief: "Calm down your anger, Chi Yuan can be used as Guo Shenghe's whetstone, but it's overkill, Guo Shenghe can't stand it, and it's not good to claim that Guo Gong is a little weaker."

"Some things can only be crossed by oneself."

"Afterwards, I can ask people to teach Guo Shenghe the mental method of "Jishu", which may make a difference."

The old man said with a look of disdain: "Just that way of raising children?"

Yu Wenjun smiled triumphantly and said: "The old man's words are wrong. This exercise came from Gu Yong's hands. It is the essence of the Dao. The higher the understanding, the more benefits will be obtained. Guo Shenghe is only unstable, but the understanding It is enough."

Only then did the old man smile in relief, there is no doubt about Gu Yong's handwriting.

But just after a few laughs, his expression became concentrated again, and he said: "When you founded the sect, Gu Yong had already gone west by crane, and later got this "Jishu" to teach immature students. When you were at White Deer Academy, you were considered a mature talent, so Gu Yong would never teach you "Jishu", is there some hidden secret in it?"

Jing Peiyao on the side blinked and almost sighed, why is there a knot in her heart that can't be solved.

Yu Wenjun deeply felt that he was careless, and the matter had come to this point, so he could only nod silently.

When the old man saw this, the veins on the back of his hand bulged, and the real energy inside surged violently, almost oozing out gusts of wind.

"Sure enough, I knew that person would not leave easily." The old man said.

Yu Wenjun said truthfully: "Master Gu Yong has gone to the Demon Realm for me, and he may have cultivated himself at the feet of the Demon Lord. The old man has a broad mind, and he would never hold grudges against the past."

After Mr. Guo heard about it, he felt sad and relieved, yes, although that madman is not likable, his potential is still there.

When Gu Yong was alive, no one in the human race dared to challenge him head-on. After Gu Yong died, everyone wanted to kill Gu Yong.

"Wang Changsheng was always killed by you, right?" Mr. Guo asked abruptly.

Yu Wenjun rubbed his nose, wondering if this old man didn't trust him, or he wanted to know more about the bottom line at a critical moment, maybe both.

Jing Peiyao on the side said silently, "I'm an accomplice."

Mr. Guo chuckled and said: "Forget it, I have to know something, so I can't accidentally make a strategic mistake in the future, and make a big taboo of sophistication."

Wang Changsheng is dead, and a king with a different surname cannot be hereditary. As the saying goes, centipedes are dead but not stiff.

Mr. Guo had to avoid this taboo, and Hengchangzong had to avoid it, and many people had to avoid it.

Helian Qingyi began to serve dishes, mainly seafood, blood red lobster, golden crab the size of a human head, and seafood soup. Although the quantity is small, the taste and quality are considered to be excellent.

Living in Beihai, seafood is enough.

Mr. Guo may have said something, but today he also had a big appetite, and he started to munch on big lobsters, without the dignity and elegance of his elders.

Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao looked at each other, and in order to cooperate with the old man, they also ate their food regardless of their appearance. As for Fucheng, seeing this posture, they naturally knew how to control their appearance.


After drinking a few cups of leisure tea after dinner, the old man led the crowd away.

So far, Fucheng has almost completely mastered the entire Beihai government affairs.

Naturally, Yu Wenjun and Jing Peiyao would not intervene too much in government affairs. The Helian family has become the most powerful existence in Beihai.

"Are there any rumors recently?" Yu Wenjun asked softly standing by the railing.

Fu Cheng replied: "Occasionally there is a tsunami on that side, maybe it's deliberate, but we didn't scare it too much, the fishing boats went out to hunt as usual."

"Occasionally there are twists and turns, and there will be sea monsters to solve problems, and the girl from Mingyue Mountain will occasionally lend a helping hand."

"There is one thing that makes me suspicious today."

Yu Wenjun frowned slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

Fucheng said truthfully: "It's just that nothing bad happened, which makes me doubt it."

"I don't care about pure intimidation, but the timing is very sensitive."

"In addition, the fishing boats going out to sea are already mixed with people, and there are also many dark lines on the North Sea, and no old horse can know the way."

"Investigating this matter is extremely mentally draining and potentially thankless."

Yu Wenjun thought for a while, and said: "Everything is as usual here, I will implement this matter."

Fu Cheng was surprised and said: "As soon as you came, I guess the suspicion on the other side will also increase."

Yu Wenjun smiled calmly and said: "It's okay, the Guo family led the crowd to leave, and the outside world will mistakenly think that the temporary regime in Beihai is scattered and godless. This is also an opportunity for me."

Fu Cheng let out a deep breath and said, "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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